
Chapter 855


After watching Alexio carry Talia away to her room, I started to feel tired. I wanted to go to sleep as well. It had felt like so long since I had last slept, even though it had only been one day since I had actually slept. This day had just been so busy that I felt like it had lasted a lot longer than it did.

“Come on Reece. Let’s go to our room.” I stood up and swayed a little. Maybe I was letting Talia’s exhaustion affect me. That or I was just mentally tired. That was definitely a possibility. I had been thinking through a lot and there was so much more that I needed to do.

“Come on now, Little Bunny. You’re going to end up falling asleep where you’re standing, just like Talia did.” Reece wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me along beside him.

“Talia was sitting, I am standing, those are different things.” I argued just for the sake of it.


“And both would have ended up in a knock to the noggin if someone hadn’t been there for the two of you. I swear you two are so much alike it’s scary sometimes.” Reece was holding me in place next to him. He was always there for me. He always has been, even before I knew it.

“Well come on then, let’s get going.” I urged him to leave the room with me.

“We don’t even know where our room is.” Reece pointed this out to me and I sighed. He was right. We didn’t know where we were sleeping in this Alpha house. That would pose a problem.

“I can show you. I was with Telyn earlier, so I know which room is which.” Rudy stood and smiled. He had sat down with the rest of us, but he had been so quiet while we ate that I forgot that he was here.

“Oh, Rudy. Yeah, you would know, wouldn’t you.” Reece nodded at him as he held me against his side. “Can you show us then, so I can get this thing here off of her feet.”

“Since when did I become a thing? That was rude. I am your wife, you butthead.” I snapped at him weakly. I was too tired to do more than that.

“And when you’re this tired, you’re not even able to put much effort into fighting with me. My evidence here is the fact that you called me a butthead. That was very weak, Trinity, very weak.”

“Whatever Reece, I am too tired right now. Take me to bed.” I turned toward him and literally started to climb him like he was a jungle gym. Only, I didn’t want to play with him. I wanted him to carry me to our room and put me to bed.

“You’re such a handful.” He chuckled as he positioned me in his arms. He was carrying me like a princess, cradled in his arms against his chest. It was very soothing and comforting.

“Follow me, King Reece.” There was laughter in Rudy’s voice as he walked away.

It only took a few minutes to guide us to our room. Rudy was showing Reece where we were sleeping while I was trying not to sleep before we got there. Then again, even if I did fall asleep before we got there, he could undress me and lay me down in the bed.

The room that Rudy led us to was small and very quaint. It was way different than what I had been used to for the last twenty years now. Still, it was a room with a comfortable looking bed so that was all that mattered to me.

“Have a good rest, Queen Trinity.” Rudy spoke softly as he slowly shut the door behind himself.

“Are you ready to sleep now?” Reece’s voice rumbled out from his chest and vibrated the side of my head. I loved the way that it felt when he was like this with me.

“Mmhmm.” I hummed out my agreement.

“Alright then, come on.” He carried me over to the bed and laid me down gently on the bed.

Reece, no matter the situation, was always a perfect gentleman with me. Well, most of the time he was. He laid my head on the pillow, gently setting me down as if I was something fragile and ready to break.

“Your body is still the same as the day that I met you.” His fingers traced along my hips as he gently released me.

“As is yours. Nothing about you has changed Reece, aside from the way that you treat me.” I grinned as I looked at him, his eyes still so close to mine.

“Yeah, well, I seem to remember that a certain someone wasn’t that nice to me in the beginning as well. Someone was always yelling at me and calling me a dog. That was very rude.” He chuckled as he leaned in toward me.

Our faces were already close, but he still got closer. His mouth came to rest right next to my ear and the breath as he spoke next tickled, causing me to shiver.

“We were both mean in the beginning.”

“Because we were too stubborn to realize that we loved each other before we even met.” I slowly slid my hands up his back as I said that. “And since then, my love for you has only gotten stronger.”

“What a coincidence. I was just about to say that.” He pressed his lips to my ear for just a moment, a quick kiss that tickled me and made me want to squirm. I stayed put, but it was so hard.

“Reece.” I breathed his name with a sense of need filling me.

“Trinity.” He whispered my name into my ear before he started to kiss along my jaw and toward my mouth. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” I managed to express my feelings just a moment before Reece sealed my lips with his.

The kiss was deep, passionate, and felt like it had the power to make my entire world better again. It was filled with love, desire and need. He couldn’t stop the kiss anymore than I could. He wanted it and so did I.

And just as he was about to slide his hand under my shirt, the tips of his fingers tickling just below my belly button, that was when my phone rang.

“Gah!” I cried out in frustration as Reece pulled away from me.

“My sentiments exactly.” He growled as he propped himself up on his elbows above me. He wasn’t pulling away from me completely, but he was giving me room to answer the room.

I didn’t look at the caller ID before I picked up the call, I just swiped it and answered the call immediately.

“Hello?” My voice was a little breathless when I spoke.

“WHY THE HELL DIDN’T YOU CALL US?!” I heard Rika yell at me from the other end of the call. “DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED WE WERE ABOUT TALIA?!”

“THAT WAS REALLY MEAN MOM! WE WAITED FOR YOU TO CALL US!” Reagan followed up his sister’s initial yell.

“Rika? Reagan?” Reece, having heard them when they yelled, pulled away from me and sat on the bed next to me as he helped me to sit up.

“What is the matter with you two?” I asked them, not following why they were so mad.

“You didn’t let us know about Talia. You took her in the middle of the night and didn’t tell anyone. And then when you called home, you had Nona tell us that she was OK. That was just mean, Mom. Don’t you get that?” Reagan sounded so upset. Just hearing it was enough to break my heart.

“I am sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I was in the middle of something, so I had Nona call you. I was planning on calling you when I could. We just finished lunch and were about to take a nap. We’ve been working nonstop.” I was making excuses. It didn’t matter that it was all true, it was still an excuse. “I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

“Yeah, well, be glad we already called Talia. If we hadn’t, we would probably be a lot more mad at you.” Rika sounded like she was about to pout. I honestly did intend to call them, I just hadn’t gotten around to it.

“Please don’t do things like that again, Mom. Please. We’re the oldest siblings, we’re supposed to protect the younger ones. And when you wake up to find that your sister is missing, it really is scary. And it hurts.” Reagan was the protector type. I could just imagine how he felt when he thought someone had done something to his sister.

“Yes. I promise that I will make sure that nothing like this ever happens again. I truly did intend to send her right back, but other things happened. I can’t explain things now, but I will soon, OK. Please, be patient with us.” I wanted to smooth this over. I wanted everyone to feel better. There was nothing else about it.

“Yeah. We forgive you.” Rika agreed instantly.

“We were just worried.” Reagan added.

“Your mom and I are trying our best here. We will get this done as soon as we can and come home before too much longer.” Reece called out to them.

“Alright, Dad. We will see you soon. Love you guys.” Reagan sounded a little better now.

“Love you, Dad. Love you, Mom. See you soon.” Rika had calmed down the most, and that was a good thing. I didn’t need them to lose control of their magic or anything because they were upset about something.

“Love you. See you soon.” Reece replied.

“I love you guys. We will be home soon. Give the others hugs and kisses for me.”

“Yeah, yeah, we will.” Rika sounded a lot more cheerful before she hung up.

“Phew, that was intense.” Reece laughed. “I think we should just go to bed now.”

“Yeah, that was a lot more exhausting than what we were planning.” I laughed. “Let’s get some sleep Reece, we need it.”

“Yeah, but I intend to collect on my intimacy soon. I know that there is a lot going on, but that doesn’t mean that we have to stop being affectionate with each other.” He almost sounded like he was pouting. He was so cute sometimes.

“I know Reece, I know. And I want you too. Just not right this minute, I am too tired.

He curled around me without another word and held me against his chest. Cradled in his arms, I drifted off to sleep immediately, my phone still in my hand. And it was still there when I woke up three hours later.


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