
Chapter 858


My first week as an official adult was off to a rocky start. I got asked out on a date. My sister disappeared in the middle of the night and ended up being all the way across the world with my parents. And that, of course, made me and Reagan call to reprimand our mom, and check up on Talia. Class was going just fine for now. The girls and I were sharing all of our classes while my brother was only in one of mine.

Oh, and Clovio was in those classes with us along with most of their group of German students. It was nice having people that we were friendly with but still getting to know. It was helping with a lot of the ice breaking with the other kids too. The German students were popular with everyone, but they seemed to gravitate toward me and my friends. I guess they thought that we were interesting and cool.

I like the fact that I was suddenly so popular. Not that I wasn’t popular in my other school growing up. Now though, these people that never knew me or my family growing up suddenly liked me. This made me feel like I was somehow being validated. If that makes any sense at all. I liked the fact that I suddenly had so many new friends.

These friends just felt different than all the ones that I had growing up. I loved my friends dearly, but they were like family to me. We had all literally been friends since before we were born. They would always be there for me, and I knew that. Just like they knew that I was going to be there for them forever. That’s what it meant to be family in my mind. Now though, I had friends that were new, people that hadn’t known me through my potty training and awkward phases. I got to get to know them. I got to experience new things with them. And, to me, that was what it meant to be in college. It was also where my mom met her best friend. College was meant for making new connections in life, education, and career.


Tonight though, I was going out with Clovio on a double date with Lyssa and Warrick. We were going to be going to the park and then eating at a few different street vendors around the city. We were going to a movie after we ate, and then we were planning on going to the mall. It was going to be a full night of stuff for us to do, and I was looking forward to it so much.

I was taking a long time getting ready, with Lyssa right by my side. Alexa was a little jealous that she was not going on a date as well, so she was avoiding my house and not wanting to help her sister get ready for her first date with her new mate.

“She is being a total brat.” Lyssa was looking at the two options of outfits that she had before her. She originally had twelve, but she narrowed it down to just these two over the last hour. “She said that she was born first so she should have found her mate first. She said that I was lying and that he isn’t my mate.”

“She’s just feeling a little sad and left out, Lys, don’t let her get to you. Her time will come. And I know that she will come around soon. I love you both and I hate it when you fight.” I truly did hate it. I felt like I was caught in the middle. Each of them were pulling me in the opposite directions.

“I know.” Lyssa sat on the edge of my bed and looked at the floor. “Should I have turned Warrick down? Should I have waited to see if he really is my mate or something? What should I do, Rika?” She was at a loss here. Her dads weren’t here right now, they were gone with my parents, so she couldn’t ask their advice. And her brothers and sister were not much help. Mostly since they were all jealous at the moment.

“I think that you should follow your heart, Lys. If he is your mate, then you should go on this date with him. You would know if he wasn’t the one for you just by smelling him. And you got a good nose, just like me, so I know you can tell what this is.” I was doing my best to encourage her. “So, come on, let’s pick out your outfit.” I was still working on my outfit too. It was so hard narrowing it down.

“Yeah, I know. We only have an hour left until we need to meet the guys in town.” She got back up and started eyeing the clothes again. She was trying to choose between a black skirt and a pink lacy top and a pair of shorts and a graphic tee. She was the type to dress more comfortably, so I knew that she wanted to wear the shorts.

“I think I will wear this.” I grinned as I picked up a pair of really dark blue shorts and a powder blue tank top. I was planning on wearing a pink button up shirt over the tank top, unbuttoned of course. This style of clothes was something that my mom said was popular a long time ago, but I was a teen now and these things were making a comeback.

Seeing that I picked comfortable clothes as well, Lyssa went for the clothes that she truly wanted. We were also wearing sneakers with the outfits we chose. I was adding some more ‘girly’ essence by adding bracelets, necklaces and earrings.

“Won’t your mom get mad if you wear that out?” Lyssa asked as I grabbed the diamond necklace that I was given for graduation. It was expensive, very expensive, and was meant for special occasions.

“It’ll be fine. Nothing is going to happen to it, and this is a special necklace for a special night. It’s my first official date. When else am I going to wear it?” I was grinning as I looked at the necklace.

“Yeah, but won’t Clovio know that you’re like, filthy rich now?” Lyssa was grinning as she looked at it. She had necklaces like this too, but hadn’t thought to bring them with her.

“Well, you’re one to talk. My dad is the richest in the world, but whose dad is the second richest?” I gave her a knowing look as she laughed.

“Mine.” Her rolled eyes and the way that she shook her head told me that she was not going to object anymore.

“I rest my case. Besides, they probably won’t know that this is worth fifty grand. If they do, oh well.”

I started to work on my hair and makeup. I wanted it to be fun and carefree, but to also show that I cared about my appearance. It took me a lot longer than I expected to accomplish it. Once we were ready though, it was time for us to go.

“Oh my Goddess, we’re going to be late if we don’t leave, like, right now.” I grabbed my blue Gucci purse and ran out the door. Lyssa, as ready as I was, grabbed her pink Prada purse and followed behind me.

It was a race to the garage and into the car so that we could get to where we needed to be. The drive to the park wasn’t long since it was just in the city, but it took long enough that we were barely there on time.

“Ahh! We made it.” I sighed as we stopped in front of the fountain.

“Rika!” I heard Clovio’s voice with his thick accent call out to me. “You made it. I am so happy to see you.” He was running toward me, Warrick walking behind him while he stared at Lyssa.

“Yeah, we’re here. Sorry we were running just a little bit late.”

“No, no it is fine. We are just glad that you’re here.” At that, Clovio had reached where we were standing. I thought that he would stop, but he didn’t. Instead, he threw his arms around me and hugged me tightly. I wasn’t expecting it so when his arms circled around me, I sort of just stood there awkwardly for a moment. After a little bit though, I lightly embraced him, hugging him back nervously. It was the first time that someone that I hadn’t grown up with had hugged me. And well, it was scary and exciting at the same time.

Finally, long after I thought that he was going to let go, Clovio pulled away from me and smiled. His hands were still on my shoulders though, so he was still very close to me.

“I am sorry if I surprised you. I am just excited to see you.” I was still nervous, so I was looking around before I answered him. I saw that Lyssa and Warrick were also hugging gently. They were both smiling so broadly that I wanted to say ‘aww’. I didn’t, though. I didn’t want to embarrass them.

“N..no, it’s fine. I just wasn’t expecting it at first. I am totally fine with it though.” I really was. He was a good guy so why wouldn’t I want to hug him like that?

“Good. Are you ready? There is so much that we want to do.” Clovio looked so excited for the date. How could I possibly make him wait?

“Yeah. I think so. Let’s go.”


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