
Chapter 861


It had been a few days since we had given the samples to Rawlynne. We were waiting for them not so patiently as we hopped from country to country. We were looking for more clues while we tried to stop these assholes from killing more people. There had been three more murders that had been reported last night as well. There was one in Hokkaido Japan, one just outside of Soro Denmark, and another that was in Wales. These killers really did like targeting the western part of Europe. The bulk of the murders had happened there.

We went first to Hokkaido since we were closer to that time zone when the call came in. Moving from Nepal to Hokkaido and working with the locals there to investigate a murder that rocked the area. They were taken completely by surprise when they found the body.

That sort of pissed me off. The local Alphas and other Clan leaders were not telling their people about the string of murders. They were not preparing their people even though I had told them all to be on the lookout for these things. I guess I needed to send out a mass notice to all of them. They all needed to tell their residents to be careful and to ignore anything that seemed to be ‘calling them outside’. That was something that all the souls Talia and Lucifer had talked to said happened to them. It was like something was calling out to them and making them want to take a late night stroll. Well, I would put an end to that here and now.

I sent the message to all the leaders in my entire kingdom. I knew that I was waking some of them up while they slept, but that was their problem and not mine. I had sent notice once and they had not warned their people. At least, not all of them had. There were no responses to the orders that I sent them, but I knew that they would comply this time. I had actually made it a command and they wouldn’t be able to ignore it this time.


Now, we were back at Cadwal’s home in Wales. The most recent murder in the country had once again been in his pack. Telyn was spending some time with her father. He wanted to make sure that she was doing OK while traveling with us. I knew that he just wanted to ask her if the royal family was treating her properly. From what I could tell, she was having a wonderful time traveling with us.

It was a little after eleven in the evening here in Wales when my phone rang. I was annoyed for a moment, but then I remembered that the time difference back home was not always an easy thing to manage for us.

The call was from Rawlynne though, and that almost made me scream in relief. We had been waiting for her to call for a couple of days now.

“Rawlynne?” I called out in excitement when I answered the phone. “Please tell me that you have good news for me.”

“Well, I have news. I don’t know how great it is though.” She sounded like she was uncertain about things.

“Just give me what you got. Anything is better than nothing.” That had to be the truth right now. Since we basically had nothing going for us right now.

“Well, the blood gave us nothing on the suspect. There is no record of the DNA in the system at all. We even ran an ancestor check to see if anyone in the perp’s family had been booked into a system with DNA. That didn’t give us anything conclusive. There are a few possible relatives out there, but nothing that is about a forty percent chance. With blood that diluted, the chances of them knowing the perp are next to nothing. However, the genetics of the blood say that they have almost pure German ancestry. There are some other nationalities in there as well, but nothing like the seventy-five percent German.”

“That is something to go off of. Perhaps we should head over to Germany. Oddly enough, there have been no reports of murders in Germany. Though, some of the vampires that died in other countries lived in Germany and were just on vacation.” Thinking back to some of what I had read and heard over the course of this investigation, Germany was looking like a good place to go from here.

“It definitely looks like it might be a good place to check some things out.”

“What else do you have for me? Was there anything unique about that water? Anything magical or otherwise?” This was something that we needed to check on as well. That water, whether it was holy water or not, was dangerous to us all.

“Well, regular tests found nothing but regular water. One of them showed river water while the other might have come from a well. Those seemed to be the only difference. And you have to consider it a miracle that they were able to test it for that in the first place.” She was throwing her support for the forensics team with that. I didn’t blame her. It wasn’t easy to test things like what I sent them.

“Of course. I am very proud of them.”

“I will let them know.” I could hear a smile in her voice. She was happy for the men and women that had done their job so well. And they would like to know that their queen was proud of them as well. “Anyway, I did have it tested magically. There wasn’t much that they were able to figure out about it. It wasn’t enchanted or anything. They do think that it was just altered with runes. And they also experienced the effects of the burns that you mentioned. They said it was in the pursuit of science and needed to know what would happen. They don’t know what runes it was or how they managed to infuse the water with said runes, but it wasn’t changed magically. One of the samples did have a slight amount of saliva mixed in with it. The one from the bark. It was like they had taken a drink from the water and their spit dropped in.”

“That sounds like good news, but it’s also disgusting.” I laughed at it.

“Yeah, well, the DNA was about seventy-five percent German and a sixty percent match for a cousin of the other perp. So, even though they were not the same person, they were related. And more so than any other person in the system.”

Rawlynne’s words gave me a lot to think about. These killers, at least two of them, were related. Were they all related? Were they just one big murderous family? Were they just going after people because it was something that they had been taught to do when they were growing up? What was it that was going on with these people? Who was their leader? Who was ordering them to do this?

There was just too much for me to think about right now. I needed to talk to Dietrich, and we needed to head to Germany. Those were the only things that I knew for certain. I truly believed that we would find some sort of answers if we just went to Germany. Though I didn’t know where in Germany we needed to go. It wasn’t like it was a tiny country or anything. It was about the size of a large state back in the US, but that would work against me here. It meant that I didn’t know where to start. And it would take too long to check the entire country.

So, I had some answers, but nowhere near enough to help me decide on what to do next. That was good and bad. Like I said, something was better than nothing. And I would always rather have more information than less information.

“Alright, alright. Let’s move on a little bit. How is everyone doing? Mom and Lila always try to sugarcoat everything, so I don’t really know if I can trust what they are telling me. Not to mention Dad and Grandfather would hide the bad stuff until I got back because they wouldn’t want me to rush back unnecessarily. I need you to give me the details on the stuff that is going on around the house.”

“I know you just want to know how your kids are doing.” Rawlynne grinned at me. “Zachary, Zander, Zayden and Zaley are doing well. Their first week at school went pretty smoothly. And Zaley even seems to be making more friends for once. We’re all happy about that. Reagan and Rika are doing good. They’re getting to their classes and learning to be independent. It’s nice to see, but also bittersweet. These kids are growing too fast.” She laughed for a moment, and I could hear the heartache of a mother in it. “Oh, and Rika had her first date. She’s out with him right now actually.”

“WHAT?!” Reece, having heard those words from the call on speakerphone, bellowed from across the room.

“What’s the matter, Reece? She is an adult now.” Rawlynne didn’t see an issue with an eighteen year old girl going on a date. Neither did I, really. I just wish that I was there to see her before she left. Or that I knew that she was going in the first place.


“Stop being an idiot, Reece.” I laughed at him.

“She is my baby.” He was literally pouting now. “She can’t go on dates. She is my baby girl. Rika, Talia and Zaley are not allowed to date. I told them that. They just can’t. They’re daddy’s little girls. Why would they need to go on dates? First that boy hits on Talia the other day and now Rika is out on a date. They’re trying to steal my babies from me.” I swear he looked so heartbroken at that moment that I could physically feel his pain.

“I am sad too, Reece. They’re growing up and getting older by the minute. And I would like to have seen Rika off on her first official date, but I am not going to be mad. She is getting older. And she is the same age as when I met you. Almost to the day. She might have met her mate for all we know.” I was smiling as I thought about the possibilities.

“NO! She can’t. Then the boy will try to.. he will try to.. he will want to do things to her. I will kill him. I will kill any boy that does anything like that to my little girl.” He was so sad. I guess daddies were the worst when it came to their kids growing up.

“Calm down, Fido. Things will be fine.” I laughed at him. “Thanks for the update, Rawlynne. We will talk to you later.”

“Yeah, talk to you later. Call me if you find more evidence.” With that the call ended and I needed to calm down the big baby that was Reece.

I was sad too. It was to be expected when your kids grow up and start to live their independent lives. But I was also happy for my daughter. She was living her own life. She was growing up and becoming a woman in her own right. That was what we wanted as parents, right? We wanted them to be happy, healthy, productive members of society that could take care of themselves and help others. I knew that my daughter was more than capable of doing just that. My husband, though, as the overgrown puppy that he was, just couldn’t seem to let go of the fact that she wasn’t a baby anymore. He probably still saw a toddler when he looked at her. Poor Reece. He was in for a rude awakening before long.


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