
Chapter 916


I felt the waves of fear, sorrow, and other negative things pushing into me like they were waves of magic. The cold that I was already feeling got even worse. I started to shiver uncontrollably as my parents glared off into the distance. They were trying to think of what to say next, what they wanted me to do or something.

“U..u..uhm, M..M..Mom, D..D..Dad, c..c..can you pl..pl..please l..l..let me g..g..go?” I tried to pull away from them. “Y..y..your e..emotions are m..making m..m..me s..s..s..so cold.”

I couldn’t see my reflection, but I had a feeling that my lips would be blue. This wasn’t something that I had ever experienced before. I had never felt the emotions of others that were around me. Not like this anyway.

“What?” Mom seemed to look down at me with wide shocked eyes. “Oh my Goddess, Talia, I am so sorry.” She let go of me and took a step away. Dad, seeing whatever it was that Mom had seen, dropped my hand and rose to his feet, backing away a few steps as well.


“I am sorry, Talia. I didn’t know that we were affecting you like this.”

“I..i..it’s OK.” I wrapped my arms around myself and tried to get warmer. “I..I..I have n..n..never had th..th..this hap..hap..happened to me b..b..before.” I was shivering so bad that I felt like I was about to bite my tongue in two.

“Here, Talia.” Lex took off his large leather jacket that he was wearing and draped it over my shoulders. “Is that a little better?” He felt cool, not cold like my parents. I guess it was because he was trying to keep his emotions in check.

“Y..y..yes, i..i..it is. Th..th..thank you.”

It really was better. He was usually so warm, and his jacket was no exception. I had a feeling that he was still physically warm, it was just his emotions that were cool. The jacket though, large enough to drape over me like an extra large blanket, was doing the job of warming me up from the inside out. And it smelled like Lex too. His scent that I had come to know so well. It was comforting to me now. It smelled like safety and home to me.

“I am feeling much better now.” I said as I snuggled into the jacket as best as I could. “Thank you, Lex.”

“You are very welcome, Talia.” He stepped away then, letting my parents see me more clearly now.

“Talia, tell me what happened in your vision. What was it that you saw?” Mom was the first to return to her normal self after hearing that I had another vision and that it was about my friends.

“Well, I found myself at Acacia Park. I was near the fountain and heard something from the middle of the park.”

I went on to tell them what happened. That there were five girls from my school, two of which were my friends. That these five men were with them and that they used some long thin tube that was meant to put the women into a trance. After that, I detailed the process of the ritualistic murder that took place in front of me. I even told them about the message that they left behind and how it was a warning for us all.

“Was there anything else that happened?” Dad asked as he knelt in front of me again. I could feel his emotions again, but they weren’t so cold this time. In fact, they felt hot. Almost like they were burning me. I was still a little chilly though, so I welcomed the heat for a little while.

“W..w..well, th..there was something.” I looked away from them.

“What was it, Talia?” Mom asked as the worry filled her voice again.

“Th..th..the leader of the group, h..he was the same man that killed Andrea.” I looked up and they understood it right away. They knew that he was the rapist that left behind his DNA in that girl.

“What else, Talia?” Dad prompted me to speak more.

“W..well, uhm, h..h..he turned to me and spoke to me. He said he knew that I was there this time and last time. He asked me if I enjoyed the show.” I shuddered as I left off there. They weren’t satisfied though. They knew that there was more to it than that.

“What else did he say, Talia? What else did he do?” Lex was the one to ask me this time. He seemed to know that this was the worst part of that waking nightmare. He knew that it was going to be hard on me, but he needed to know.

“H..he said something else, something horrible.” I took a deep breath to steady myself. “H..he said: I see you are back, little visitor. Did you enjoy the show? I can’t see your face, but I know that you are there. Go ahead and tell people what is happening. They can’t stop us. And the next time that I take someone, life and body, it will be yours. Of that I promise you. And I bet that someone like you, so powerful, powerful enough to visit me during both of my kills, I am betting that your body will be so tender and juicy. I will enjoy taking it.” I sobbed a little after telling them that, it was painful for me to remember this part. “But that wasn’t all.” I looked up at them with swimming eyes. “He grabbed me. He was actually touching me in my vision. And that is what scared me the most.”

All three of them, Mom, Dad, and Lex, were looking at me with angry eyes. The temperature in the room was suddenly boiling hot. I felt like there was literally a fire blazing inches in front of me. It wasn’t physically burning me though, probably since they weren’t touching me right now. That, or I was starting to control this new ability of mine already. I knew what this heat meant though. It was anger. A burning hot rage that was directed at that man that threatened me and touched me in the dream.

“Talia, can you describe those men? Can you tell us what they looked like? And any names?” Dad was getting back to work mode first. He knew that I would never forget those men, they were burned into my memories forever.

“I can draw them.” I nodded at him. “That will be even better. And I only got one name.” I told him with sadness in my voice. “Only one was called by name, and it could have been a fake name.”

“What was his name?” Dad asked, still wanting to know.

“Fritz. That was the only name that I heard. But I will draw what they look like and what their tools looked like.” I started to get up again, but then I remembered that I couldn’t move. “Oh.” I felt defeated.

“You need to get your strength back.” Lex knelt in front of me. “You need to eat something. Isn’t that what your teacher said. After visions you need to eat something with lots of sugar in it.”

“Her teacher?” Mom sounded confused.

“I will explain in a moment.” He was heading toward the door. “Let me tell Abigail to get her some food first.” He was out of the room before my mom and dad could say anymore.

“Talia, what happened with your teacher? Dad asked. The rage was subsiding now and his emotions were like a cool breeze now. Calm and gentle.

“I was in my third class of the day, Ancient European Studies lecture when I had the vision. When I woke up, Mr. Amadeus was there, trying to calm me down. I was in a bit of a hysterical mood. He soothed me with his magic and even carried me to the office when I couldn’t walk.”

“Amadeus?” Mom thought about him for a moment, her hand on her chin and her eyes closed. “He is a warlock, correct? He must have known people before that have had visions. If he knows how to deal with the effects after the fact.”

“Yes, that is him.” I nodded at her. “He was very helpful and kind when I was having the vision. He dismissed the class and made them leave so that they wouldn’t be gawking at me the entire time. And that is what brought the principal into the classroom. The other kids were roaming the halls when they should have been learning.”

“Well, I am glad that he was there to help you.” Mom took my hand as she seemed to relax a little. “I guess it’s a good thing you were in his class rather than that of a shifter. They wouldn’t have known what was happening to you.”

“Yes, I agree. I am lucky that he was there with me. And Ada too. She was trying to stop my arms that were flailing around my head as I tried to fight off the man that was grabbing me in the vision.” I shivered then, but it had nothing to do with being cold. In fact, I wasn’t cold anymore at all. I was, however, scared when I remembered the way that man’s hand felt against my wrist. It was like that of a normal hand, nothing actually off about it physically, but I could feel the sexual desire and murderous rage in him at the same time. I could feel all that was wrong with him with just the way that he was grabbing my arm, and it terrified me more than I had ever been in my entire life.


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