
Chapter 934


I followed after Talia the moment that she left Reece’s office. I didn’t want to let her be alone and in pain like that. She was mine to protect, and that went for her emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing. I was her guard. I was the one that was responsible for her. And I meant to be the one to make sure that she was OK.

The problem was, when I left the room to follow her, she opened a magical door and walked through it before I was able to catch her. And she also shut that door before I was able to follow her through it.

It was fine. I knew where she was. This wasn’t that hard to figure out for me. I knew Talia. I probably knew her better than just about anyone. I was the one that was there with her every day. Even more than Rudy. He had a wife and a son. I had no one. And that was fine with me. I was going to live for eternity, I didn’t need to have a mate and a family right now. All that I cared about was taking care of my future queen. As long as she was safe and happy, then I was content.

The problem was that, right now, she wasn’t safe, and she wasn’t happy. And that meant that there was nothing right with my life. Talia was my life, and I wouldn’t be able to feel calm or sane until she was feeling better. But how was I going to make that happen.


There were these murders to deal with. There were visions to figure out. And there were her emotions that were delicate at the moment. She had seen and heard things over the last few weeks that a girl like her never should have had to experience. And I don’t just mean that she is a girl and shouldn’t be involved in it. She is strong and was more than capable. The problem was that she was never going to forget this. And she was so kind and gentle that she should never have been exposed to this level of cruelty.

“My poor Talia.” I shook my head at the closed door before I started to run up the stairs to her room. I knew that she would be in there. That was where she always went to be alone. It wasn’t original, but at least it was easy for me.

I didn’t stop running until I ran up all the stairs to her room. Yeah, I could have taken the elevator to get to her, but that wouldn’t have helped me at all. I had needed to burn off some of the anger that was bubbling up inside of me. And it wasn’t even anger that was directed at anyone in particular. I was just upset that she was upset. I guess this is what it means to devote your life to protecting someone. You feel upset for them in the most irrational of ways possible.

Finally though, I had run all the way up the stairs and was standing outside of Talia’s room. I was here and I could help her now.

“Talia?” I called out loudly as I knocked on her door. “Talia, let me in.”

“Go away.” She sobbed from inside of her room.

“I am not leaving, Talia. Open this door, please.”

“No!” She snapped at me louder than before.

“Talia. ,open the door. Do not make me break it down. You know that I can.” I was doing my best to sound firm but not angry.

“Fine.” She snapped the words at me as the door opened up. “Come in.”

“You and I both know that the barrier is still up.” This was not the first time that I have had to deal with this situation. “Take the barrier down so that I don’t have to blast it with my magic. I don’t want to do that to you.” I hated seeing her this upset. I knew that she needed me. I knew that she shouldn’t be alone at all. I just wanted to do my best to make her feel better. “Please, Talia.”

“Hahh. Fine.” She sighed and then agreed to let me come in. I couldn’t see the barrier, but I had felt it, and at that moment, the magic that was surrounding her room seemed to disappear. “Come in, Lex.” She agreed to let me into her room, where I was supposed to be protecting her.

“Thank you, Talia.” I stepped into the room and shut the door behind me.

“Why did you have to follow me?” She looked up at me with her red and swollen eyes. “Wh..why do you have to be here?” She was still crying. She hated to cry. Or at least, she hated when people watched her cry.

“I am here to help you, Talia. You know that.” I walked to where she was on the bed and knelt down in front of her. “I am your guard, Talia, and I protect you from as much as I can. And when I can’t protect you from something, I am here to help you feel better. That is what I am meant to do.” I reached toward her then, gently wiping the tears from her cheeks and stroking her soft brown hair.

“Sometimes Lex, I think that you do too much for me. I don’t deserve this. I don’t deserve you being so nice to me.”

“You deserve it, Talia. You are amazing. And you do so much for other people as well. Let me be the one to help you. I will support you, Talia. I will always be here to support you.”

She was feeling particularly vulnerable at that moment. I could tell because she leaned forward and pressed her face into my shoulder as she hugged me tightly, her arms wrapped around me next and her sobs filling my ear.

“I am sorry, Lex. I really am.”

“You have nothing to be sorry for. You were upset. You weren’t sure how to handle the situation that you were in. I know that seeing those boys after your vision, knowing where they are from, that had to hurt you. You’re worried about your friends, and that is understandable. But I won’t let them get hurt, Talia. I won’t let your friends get hurt because I know that it would hurt you if they were.” I wrapped my arms around her as well, holding her gently as I patted her on the back. “You don’t ever have to worry about the way that you act around me, Talia. I will always be here to support you.”

“Thank you, Lex. I don’t know what I would do without you.” She was still sobbing as she spoke, but at least she was feeling a little better now. I knew that she was going to cry for a little while longer, but she wasn’t as embarrassed about it now. She was willing to be vulnerable and weak in front of me. That was good though. The one person that she could be that way with was her guard. Someone who was willing and determined to keep her safe at all costs.

I stayed on my knees, holding Talia in my arms for a long time. I wouldn’t let her go until she was ready for me to. And there was nothing else that we needed to do for the time being. However, before I knew it, I noticed that Talia was fast asleep.

She must have drifted off to sleep when the tears had run their course. I wasn’t ready to let her go just yet. I knew that she still needed me to sooth her and calm her down, even while she was sleeping. However, it was getting uncomfortable with the way that I was kneeling on the floor. That was easily fixed though. I just pulled Talia closer against my chest and lifted her off the bed.

Now that I was holding my sleeping charge, I carried her over to the couch and sat there with her in my arms. She was sitting on my lap and sleeping soundly. I didn’t mind this. She was obviously comfortable, so why would I move her. And it wasn’t like I had anywhere else to be.

I don’t know how long we sat like that together. And there was no telling how long I would have sat there like that. However, Talia was woken up by the sound of yells coming from Rika’s room down the hall.

It wasn’t when Rika and Alyssa were arguing that she woke up. No, it was when Rika had screamed at her guard, Westin. That was the sound that woke her up. She was conscious for the end of it, when Rika said that she never wanted to see Westin again. That was rough, and being a guard myself, I know what he must be feeling after hearing that.

“That was mean of her.” Talia said as she looked up into my eyes. “I could never say that to you, Lex.” She must have taken that personal as well.

“That is good to know, Talia.” I smiled at her. “Are you ready to go downstairs? I think it would be best if you got something to drink. And you need some ice for your eyes. They are swollen.”

“Yeah, that would be best.” She disentangled herself from me and stood on her own. I instantly felt cold without her sitting with me. I guess I had grown accustomed to her sitting on me. “Come on.” She held her hand out to me. “Let’s go.” Taking her hand, I followed her out of the room. As I said, she was my charge, my life revolved around her. And there was nowhere else that I would rather be.


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