
Chapter 949


“Oh, it’s you.” Claud was glaring at me with a satisfied smile on his face. He was still wrapped in the vines that I had put around him, but the guards had managed to put him in the chair regardless. It was just a little awkward for him.

“Comfortable?” I asked him as I walked closer to the table in the middle of the room. The table was attached to the floor, and so were both of the chairs. They could not be moved or adjusted at all, but that was for the best. It was so that the prisoners couldn’t pick them up and throw them anywhere.

“Not at all.” He gave me a look that said that he was not happy in the least.

“Good. Good. I am glad that we have this opportunity to talk. You are Claud, correct?” I asked him as I recalled the information that was on his file from the orphanage that Dietrich and Shawn brought back from Germany. “You look different from the picture from when you were a child. I am guessing that they never took pictures as you got older because they wanted to maintain anonymity. So that when we found the files that they kept so meticulously, as we of course did, we wouldn’t immediately know which of you was which. You though, you are Claud Georg Jaegan. You were born on September the seventeenth twenty years ago. That is you, is it not?”


I was watching Claud’s face as I spoke. I hadn’t sat down yet though, I was hoping that with me standing and him in that vulnerable state, unable to do anything, that he would be more willing to speak to me. I could tell that he was visibly shaken by the fact that I had so much information on him. And unfortunately, he didn’t feel much like talking to me when he heard what I had to say.

“Oh, come on Claud, let’s chat.” I started to walk around the table. There was something that I needed to check on. Not to mention that I thought it would intimidate him more.

“What are you doing?” I heard his panicked voice, the octave going up a little as he wondered what I was going to do to him.

“I am just walking. I enjoy a little light exercise from time to time.” I looked to the side then, seeing two of the guards that had brought him into this room. “Isn’t it nice to walk a little from time to time?” I addressed my question to them.

“Yes, Queen Trinity.”

“Most definitely, Queen Trinity.” They both nodded as they spoke, the nerves in them running high as well. What did they have to be so scared of?

“See. Walking is nice, Claud. You should try it sometime.” I slowly paced around him until I was standing directly behind his chair.

“I walk plenty.” He snapped at me. “Now what are you doing?”

“I’m just looking for something.” I put on a finger on the back of his head and pushed. I only used a little bit of pressure, just enough to make him tilt his head down. I needed to see if he had that same rune that Angus had.

“What are you looking for? I don’t have any weapons.” He was playing innocent.

“Don’t lie to me, Claud. I know that you have the knife that you were going to use to kill those girls with. I know that you would have used it on them without another thought, just like you would have used it on me if you got the chance. You probably always carry that knife with you at all times. And if not that knife, then one like it. You would never be stupid enough to go somewhere unarmed. Not in this world that you claim is filled with monsters.” I needed to take a few breaths to calm down after that. I didn’t want to let my emotions get the better of me. I needed to act like an authority figure, not the mother of teenagers that were potential victims for this man. I needed to keep my cool. “Besides.” I finally managed to continue talking in a calm enough voice. “I am not looking for weapons, Claud. I am looking for a rune. A specific one at that. Your little friend Angus activated it in Crescent City. And I don’t want to risk you doing the same when we untie you. I don’t want to leave you bound like that forever, you know. That would just be inhumane and cruel.”

“You’re not human, so you don’t need to worry about being inhumane. You’re a monstrous animal that kills everything and everyone that isn’t like you.” His words were still filled with panic, but he was starting to get an edge of anger. This was different from the cocky way that he was talking earlier.

“Now, if that were true Claud, would I be trying to save your life? I am not a monster. I may not be human, but I am still a kind and gentle person.”

“Pfft.” I heard Claud’s snorted laugh. It was filled with derision and disbelief. He truly did believe these things about me. I guess that there was nothing that I could do to change his mind. It didn’t matter anyway. He was the monster here, he was the one that had attacked and killed people for no reason.

Yes, it is true that I have killed people before, but they were evil warlocks bent on world domination. Or the Evil Fae that had come from the dark realm. And there were the mindless monsters that my father had created. Still, I never once killed an innocent person. If I had, I would have had a harder time when I was in the underworld. These people, though, this family, they were killing innocent people.

“You can think what you want about me, Claud, but I know that I am a good person. If I wasn’t, then I wouldn’t have been blessed by multiple Gods. I wouldn’t have been the one that saved the world multiple times over. I wouldn’t have been the one that won against an evil Goddess in the underworld. If I was an evil person, Claud, I wouldn’t have made it out of the underworld.”

“You should have stayed there. That’s where you and all of your kind belong.” He snapped at me, spittle flying from his lips as he spoke angrily.

“And where do you think that you belong, Claud? Do you think that the rulers of the underworld are going to let your crimes slide? Do you think that Hades, Satan, Lucifer, and all the others are going to just forget that you murdered innocent people?”

“I’ve done a lot more than just kill them.” He snapped.

“Yes, I know.” I let go of his head and took a step away from him. “Just so you know, Claud. I saw that mark on your neck. I know that you could kill yourself if I untie you. I know that you would do that to stop yourself from telling me all the secrets about your family.”

“Yeah, so what?!” He turned then, his eyes red with fury and nearly glowing in the light of the room. “I will never tell you anything.”

“You’ve already earned yourself life in prison.” I walked around the room. “You admitted to being involved. And I have your DNA on that table, thanks for that by the way. I am sure that we can compare that to what we’ve found at the other crime scenes. I am sure that you will match at least one of them.”

“Fuck you!” He was petulant and pissed now. Clearly, I struck one of his nerves. Oops.

“No thanks, Claud. I am happily married, though I will tell my husband that you offered.” There was a chuckle from the back of the room. I knew that the guards were finding it funny because Reece would be pissed if he thought that Claud really wanted to fuck me. “Now, I am going to tell all of my friends how to get rid of those marks. Because yes, Claud, I can get rid of it. And then none of you will be able to end this interrogation. And none of you will be able to take your little escape route.” I was slowly walking back to my side of the table as I spoke to Claud. I could see the panic in him getting worse. He wasn’t just mad now, he was shaking in fear. “Don’t you think that it would be so much easier for us to talk if you didn’t have that pesky little rune on your neck?” My voice was filled with a condescending sort of sweetness. It was like I was telling him that I was only being nice because I wanted to, and that I really, really, really wanted to hurt him, but I was too sweet for that. Alright, that might not be the exact translation of the tone, but it was close enough. “Now, Claud, let’s get to work on that rune, shall we?” I am going to hazard a guess here and say that my face was not as calm and pleasant as I thought that it would be. I swear there were tears in Claud’s eyes and he was about to scream, or pass out, one or the other. He truly was scared about me destroying the rune on the back of his neck. I guess it was like a lifeline to him or something. He wasn’t able to be as confident without it or something.


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