
Chapter 1033 - 1033 Chapter 18- Trinity – Explanations (VOLUME 6)


As the afternoon wound down, I allowed everyone to leave for the time being. They would be back for the meeting tonight, but they had other things to be attending to for the time being. The only ones that weren’t leaving just then were Reggie and Darrol. They were still setting up the computer system that they would be using to hack into the NSA.

If this hacking job was going to be successful, then Darrol needed to be completely prepared for it. Thankfully though, he was one of the best hackers in the country, and I wasn’t all that worried about him. In fact, when I told him that he was hacking into the NSA, his bright yellow eyes flared with excitement and I could see that he was practically buzzing with excitement.

Now that I was taking a break from work, not that I had done much other than supervise, it was time for us to go to dinner with the kids. We needed to talk to them and tell them what we were going to be doing. They needed to know that things were going to get tense very soon. I didn’t want them to be taken off guard.

The food was ready and being placed on the table when Reece and I walked into the room. It smelled so good that it reminded me of how long it had been since I had eaten. And how that last meal, the one Reece brought home for lunch, had been so tasteless and unsatisfying after we had learned what was happening.

“Mommy?” Zaley’s head shot up when she saw me standing in the doorway. “I thought you and Daddy had to work. Isn’t there something important that you need to take care of?” I saw her look at Roisin, who had probably been the one to tell them that Mommy was busy. And, indeed, Reece and I did tell the kids that we still had a lot of work to do when they came to visit us.

“I do have work to do, sweetheart. I know that I was supposed to be taking time off, but something came up. Daddy and I need to take care of it before I can go back to resting once again.”


“Something else is happening?” I saw the worry in Talia’s eyes.

“What is going on, Mom?” Reagan asked in his serious tone of voice.

“I plan to tell you all, but let’s eat first. I am hungry and I want to enjoy our meal together. Tell us about your day.”

As Reece and I took our seats and looked at the kids, I saw that they were all a little apprehensive. They didn’t know what to think about the impending news, and that was making them all hesitant.

“I promise you, nothing is going to take us away like before. We might need to be gone for a few hours at a time. At most a day. But we will not be gone for weeks at a time like we were before. I promise you. There is nothing to worry about.” That did a little to ease their tension, but I knew that they weren’t going to settle down until they knew what was going on.

Sighing, I looked up at them and resigned myself. I was going to have to tell them before we ate. Or while we were eating. They just weren’t going to be able to get through this without knowing what was happening right now.

“Alright. I will tell you now.” They didn’t change the looks on their faces. All seven of them just continued to look at Reece and I as intensely as they had been before. It was easy to tell that they were siblings, even with the differences in the way that they looked. They all had similarities in their personalities.

“It’s OK, Trinity.” Reece patted my hand before I was about to start. His touch and words gave me the confidence that I needed to face the kids like this.

“I know.” I nodded at him and then looked back at the kids. “Alright. Something happened, but it wasn’t like before. No one got hurt, and no one is going to get hurt. The problem this time is more of a dilemma than anything.” I explained to them.

“A dilemma?” Zachary tilted his head in confusion, not quite certain of what I was saying.

“OK, well, technically speaking, a dilemma is just a problem, but it also means a predicament. It means that there is trouble, but there is no imminent danger this time. We have something that is happening that we need to solve, but it’s not going to result in someone getting hurt.” I explained to him.

“I am glad that no one is going to get hurt, but why do I feel like there is more to it than that?” Zayden asked in his all too knowing tone of voice. Even his eyes told me that he knew that there was more to it all. “If there is no danger, then why is it so important right now? Why do you need to hurry?”

“Well, Zayden, just because no one is going to be hurt right now, doesn’t mean that they might not get hurt in the future.” Reece explained to him as I prepared my next statement. That was when Rika spoke up.

“Mom, I know that there is more than just a little problem right now. What is really going on?” She was serious and worried. They all had been. And they would stay that way until I explained it all thoroughly.

“Someone is trying to prove that we aren’t human. Right now, they are focused on us, and our family. The problem is, when they prove that about us, they will out a lot more than just your dad and I. They will out the world.”

Zachary, Zander, Zayden and Zaley didn’t really look like they thought that this was a problem, but Reagan, Rika and Talia all looked scared when they heard this.

“Mom, this can’t be happening.” Talia’s eyes were wide as she stared at me.

“If they find out about us, if the humans know about us, won’t they be scared of us?” Reagan’s tone was deep and dark as he spoke. He sounded so much like Reece that it was weird.

“That is a possibility. However, I want to stop that from happening.”

“How?” Rika’s question was immediate and intense. “How will you stop them from turning against us?”

“Well, Rika, we are working on that as we speak. We have a meeting tonight after dinner. Mostly, we want to reveal ourselves first. I mean, think about it, which would be better. Being revealed as monsters by other humans, or showing the humans that we’ve been here all along and that we won’t hurt them. I mean, they need to know that half of the people that they have known their entire lives are not human. There are a lot of us out there, and if we work together, I am sure that we will come out on top in the end.” I explained to her as much as I could. And it looked like it was working, at least for the time being. They were nodding and wondering about it on their own.

“Mom?” Zander asked me with his voice a little raised in curiosity. “Does this mean that my human friend can know what I really am? I don’t have a lot, but it hurts that they don’t know about us and that I can’t hang out with them more.”

“If things work out the way that I hope they will, then maybe. I don’t expect that things will get better right away, but I hope that after some time, we will be able to live peacefully without needing to hide anymore. The secrets will be a thing of the past.”

“Well, there are some things that might help our cause a little.” Reagan smirked as he looked up at me. He had been thinking for the last couple of minutes.

“And what is that?”

“We have some amazing healers in our group. And they haven’t been able to treat the humans because of the secrecy thing. People that need to be cured will do some flocking to the magical healers. And Aunt Juniper, she should be the most renowned psychologist in the world. But she is afraid to treat the humans because they might ask questions. Aside from the kids that she helped after the kidnappings, she has only treated a handful of human children. She is amazing, and not just with her ability, she is an amazingly good psychologist. She deserves the recognition.”

“You are right about that.” I nodded at him.

“Yeah, just think about how much support we will have when people are cured and no longer in pain or dying. There is so much that we can do for the world, and revealing ourselves will allow that to happen. I say that we use those skills and abilities to our advantage.”

“Thank you, Reagan.” I nodded at him. “I will relay that to the others.”

“I can help, you know.” He seemed to slide a little closer, like he was on the edge of his seat now. “I can help you with this reveal. I can be there with you through it all. I need to learn these things, don’t I?”

“I appreciate that, Reagan, but I need you to finish school as well.” I told him. “We will be here everyday though, so you will still be able to help us. Just not on the front end of it all, OK. I want you and your siblings to be safe.”

“I am not a kid, Mom.” Reagan looked worried.

“I know you’re not.”

“Then don’t treat me like one.” He looked angry.”

“You are not a kid, Reagan, but you’re still in university.” I explained to him.

“When you were in your first year of university Mom, you mated with Dad, became the Luna, the Queen, and the Goddess Incarnate. I don’t want to be treated like a kid that can’t do anything. I-.”

“And I don’t want you to miss out on the youth that I never got to have. Don’t get me wrong, Reagan, I wouldn’t change anything that happened to me over the last twenty years, but I would have liked to have had a normal life for at least a part of it. I am sorry that you’re upset, Reagan, but striving to have a life as hectic as mine is was not a goal. You need to think more realistically.” I saw the shock on his face and the moment that he realized that he had been wrong.

“I am sorry.” He hung his head in shame. “I didn’t mean that.”

“I know you didn’t, Reagan. You just got caught up in the moment. But don’t forget that there is a downside to all that excitement. It all worked out for me, but that doesn’t mean that it wasn’t dangerous and difficult. I want you to be safe and to have a normal life. There is plenty of time for you to have adventures, this doesn’t have to be one of them, OK?”

“Yeah, you’re right.” He nodded. “I will help, but not be on the front lines. And I won’t push the subject again.”

“Thank you, Reagan.” I knew that, as the son of an Alpha, he would always be chomping at the bit for power and control, but he needed to tread carefully as well.

For the remainder of the meal, we talked about many of the different things that we needed to do to finish the tasks at hand. Reagan, Rika and Talia were all trying to figure out ways to make this reveal work in our favor. And I knew that they just wanted to prove that they were capable and that they truly cared. They were good kids, they all were.

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