
Chapter 1041 - 1041 Chapter 26- Trinity – Our Meeting with the President Part 2 (VOLUME 6)


I really was worried about President Maddock though. She was extremely pale and that didn’t bode well for us. What if she started to scream about monsters? What if she was too scared to help us now? What if we had just blown our one and only shot here?

“Madam President?” I called out to her softly, trying to be as non threatening as possible. “Are you alright?”

“H..h..h..he just turned into a werewolf.” Some color was returning to her face, slowly but it was there. “He just turned into a real w..w..werewolf.”

“Yes, Madam President, he did. As we said, we are not humans. However, we are people just like you. And we need your help.” Finally, the president took her eyes off of Reece and looked at me. I saw that she wasn’t actually scared. Instead, she looked like she was more excited and intrigued. Was she OK with the idea of there being someone that wasn’t human in her office? Was she going to help us out here? Man, I really hoped so. I didn’t want to have all of this happening for nothing.

“You need my help?” She looked surprised as she settled her eyes on me. “What is it that you need me for? If you’re the queen of all these people, and you can do magic like I have already seen, what do you need from me?”

“Well, Madam President, we are in a little bit of trouble. Do you remember those serial murders from over the summer?”


“Yes, of course I do. So many people died around the world, and even a few of them here in the US.”

“Yes, well, those people were all part of my kingdom. There was a family that had been manipulated by former god-like beings into killing us. They resented us and targeted my people. I wanted to help them, to save as many as I could, so my husband and I joined in the investigation. That wasn’t an issue at the time, but after the fact people started to investigate us. They wanted to know what was going on with us. And they started to wonder about how we haven’t aged.”

“Aged? How old are you? Twenty-five at most right”

“I am almost forty, Madam President. And Reece is seven years older than I am. He is forty-six now.” I explained to her how old we really were and that was when her face fell.

“How is that possible? You do not look that old at all.”

“We are immortal. Though we never used to be. That happened when the gods that I told you about entered my body. That is what made my people immortal. Some people in our community, including my grandfather, got younger. And that raised some suspicions as well. Now the NSA is investigating us, and they truly believe that we’re not human. Which, as you know, we’re not. I could do something to make them stop investigating us, but that will only make them know that they were right. And these people are going to expose us to the humans when they have the information that they need. We need to be ahead of them. We want to reveal ourselves first.”

“That’s all well and good, Mrs. Gray, but what does that have to do with me?” The president was actually listening to what I had to say. That was good. I was starting to think that this might actually work.

“Well, there are no laws that protect people that are not human. We are just like you normal people, except for ancient magic that altered us a long time ago. Our ancestors, for the shifters anyway, used to be human. They were the humans that followed the various gods that gave them their power. The vampires used to be humans as well. And do not worry, they do not kill people. Anyone that does is a criminal in our community and we will deal with them swiftly. The witches and warlocks were born directly from the gods in the beginning, but they have long since married and bred with the humans, so they are just as human as you are. The Fae have no human blood, but they are still people. They still love the same, bleed the same, and feel the same. We are people just like you, and we want to protect ourselves. I want to put laws into effect, here and all over the world, that will protect the nonhuman people when we reveal ourselves. Please, Madam President, help us.” I could hear the desperation in my own voice as I pleaded with the woman. I needed her to understand just how urgent this was and why it was that we could not delay at all.

“I..I understand what it is that you want, but I don’t know how much I will be able to help you. I can’t push through laws on my own. They have to go through the house and senate. My hands are tied.” She truly looked apologetic there. And I could understand why she felt that way. She didn’t know how many people we had working for us.

“Madam President.” Senator Stevens was speaking now, her voice steady and firm. “Our people, the nonhumans among us, make up almost half of the house and the senate. We only need to persuade a handful of the people to get the bills to pass through to you. We can convene emergency sessions here very soon, and we will get this pushed through. We are not going to back down. We just need you to approve it when it reaches you.”

“Alright. I can do that. But that only helps you here. You said that your people are all over the world.” The president sounded worried about us just then. And I knew, then and there, that this was a woman that we could count on. I don’t know why, but I had a feeling that her being a woman helped. Women usually took the revelation about us a lot easier than men did. I guess that we were just a lot more open to the possibilities than men were, because we were used to things that were unexplainable.

“You don’t need to worry, Madam President.” I smiled at her. “We are working with other world leaders as well. Some of them are members of my community, the others are just a little high in the political ladder, but we have people that can help. And you can help there as well. If we refer them to you, to double check on these laws that we want, you can tell them that you are approving it as well.”

“I will do what I can.” She tilted her head for a moment and looked at me. “Mrs. Gray, or I guess Queen Trinity, how many people are in your kingdom? How many nonhumans are there in the world?”

“Well, Madam President-.” I started, but she interrupted me.

“Jamie, please.” She smiled and asked me to be more informal with her.

“Well, Jamie.” I smiled as I looked at her knowingly. “If I am being honest with you, my people, and those of the other kingdoms, make up more than half of the world’s population.”

“More than half?” She looked surprised by that. “So, if you people weren’t here, then the population would be cut in half, more than half actually?”

“That is correct.” I nodded at her. “There are a lot of us, and I truly want to protect them all.”

I watched as the president sat there and just stared at me. She was trying to process what all of this meant. She was trying to figure out what type of world there would be if we weren’t here. I could see it all in her eyes. And the moment that she had a revelation, she seemed to blink and come back to herself.

“So, I am president because of your people. If the country that we live in is more nonhumans than humans, it means that a good majority of your people voted for me than not. And you have been here for a long time. I am guessing since the creation of humans, or rather the evolution of them. No matter when it happened, you have been here at least as long as us, maybe even longer. And if you have been here all along, and we are still here and living, then it means that you are not dangerous people. I know that for a fact. If you were dangerous, you would have just threatened me to get my help. Instead, you begged for it.”

“I don’t often beg, Jamie, so I hope that I didn’t come off too strong.” That made her laugh.

“Ha ha ha. Yeah, I would guess that a queen doesn’t usually beg. Anyway, I will do all that I can to help pass the bills that you need. And as I understand it, we don’t have a lot of time to wait on this.” She looked serious now.

“No, we don’t.” I shook my head. “We need to hurry, and that means that we will be busy for a long time. Having you as an ally, though, will be a big boon for us.”

“Ha ha ha.” She laughed again, like I was being funny or something. “Queen Trinity, I think that it will be me that benefits from this in the long run. I will have more allies than I ever knew.” She looked cunning now. “If there is ever another dispute like the one that happened in the twenty twenties, the one with Ukraine, I know that I can call on some people to help me. Since I am sure that many of your people were affected by that as well.”

“That they were. Unfortunately, there was a lot that was happening here as well. I regret that I wasn’t able to help until the end. Ukraine came out on top though. And now the president of that country is a vampire that doesn’t want to see any of his people, the nonhuman or those in his country, get hurt again. He is a good man, and a good ally.”

“Oh my word!” I saw her face fall in shock. “Petrenko is a Vampire? I never would have suspected that at all.”

“You would be surprised by a lot of the people that aren’t human, Jamie. A lot of the actors in Hollywood for one thing. Honestly, Keanu is almost done with his hiatus before he comes back to the big screen. He had way too many rumors about him being immortal long ago, he had to fake his death and will come back as his son once more.” I laughed. “That has happened a few times now, since the immortality thing started to be more prevalent in my people.” She just laughed and shook her head.

“He was one of my favorites. I cried when he died. And now I learn that he isn’t dead. That is just amazing. I can’t wait to see his ‘son’ start acting again.” She was laughing and crying now. “So much for me to process. So much for me to figure out. I think that I need some sleep though. My mind is thoroughly blown now. She shook her head. “Can we meet again, Queen Trinity?”

“You can just call me Trinity, it’s a lot easier. And yes, Jamie, I think that we will need to meet a lot over the next several days. There is a lot to work out with all of this.”

“Yes, this is a very complicated situation, and there is still so much to figure out.”

We talked for a few more moments, mostly just thanking each other and saying our goodbyes. I thanked the others for their help with all that they had done, even if it was just being the gateway between the president and myself. It was still very much appreciated.

After the farewells, I opened a door back home, Jamie was very excited about it as she watched us walk through it. Then, finally, we were back home and able to relax for the time being.

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