
Chapter 1077 - 1077 Chapter 62- Trinity – Personal Reporter (VOLUME 6)


I was sitting at my desk when there was a knock on the door. I heard Lara’s voice from the hall as she spoke to Gabriel.

“She was still in the throne room when we left. Why would you think that she is in the office already? Aren’t we here before her?” With a grin, I called out to the two of them.

“Come in.”

“Huh?” She was shaken for a moment before I heard the sound of flesh on flesh. I had a mental image of her slapping her forehead in realization. “She used another magical door.”

“Yes, she did.” Gabriel spoke calmly as he opened the door. There was absolutely no shock on the woman’s face when she entered my office and saw me, Reece, and my entourage of guards. We had gotten here long before she had and were now sitting comfortably.

“Why did I have to walk here if you were all taking a door?” She didn’t look upset at all, actually, she was grinning like this was all very fun to think about.


“I didn’t want the others to wonder why you were traveling somewhere else with me. I wanted them to think that it was Gabriel that needed to talk to you.”

“So, I take it that this is a private conversation then. Well, as private as it can get for a queen with an entourage.”

“Yes.” I nodded and pointed toward a chair. “Please, have a seat here. I wish to discuss something with you.”


She wasn’t nervous. She wasn’t scared. She had no reservations whatsoever. In fact, it seemed that Lara was having the time of her life right now. Was this what it was like when a reporter was excited about something? I had a feeling that it was.

“Now, Lara, when you were talking earlier, telling me how you will never spread lies about me, I actually had someone check to see if you were being honest with me. Not that I doubted you, that wasn’t it at all. It’s just that, as you might understand, a queen needs to know for certain, especially in times like these.”

“I understand.” She nodded as she crossed one leg over the other and leaned forward in curiosity. “How did you have them check to see if I was telling the truth though? It’s not like I took a lie detector test.”

“Well, you can consider it to be like that.” Vincent spoke up as Gabriel took his place opposite him. They were standing behind me as the right and left hand men that assisted me.

“Come again?” Lara was confused.

“Gabriel and I are somewhat like lie detectors. We can tell if someone is lying to Queen Trinity. And we are able to detect if someone will betray her as well. We are very essential to her, especially when working with people that are new.”

“Wow. That is amazing. I am going to guess that is something that you want to keep a secret from the rest of the world. If that were the case, then you lose the advantage.”

“Precisely.” I agreed. She was smart, that was going to make this easier. “Now, since I know that you will not betray us and you are only interested in publishing the truth, I would like to offer a partnership with you. I might add another of your colleagues sometime in the future, but you will be the first among them all.”

“A partnership?” She raised a brow, but not in confusion. I think this was more intrigue than anything.

“Yes. You see, we need to get our story out there and in the best possible light. While I know that manipulating the press is wrong, there is nothing wrong with having someone that has an exclusive inside track for information. I am offering this first to you, Lara. I want you to help us get the general populace on our side.”

“So, I will get exclusive interviews, but what else? Will you tell me news as it is happening so that I can be the first to release it? Will I get bonus information that perhaps the others won’t get?”

“Yes and yes. We will do all that we need to do so that we can make sure that my people are safe. There is going to be some tense moments in the future, that were made clear today at the stadium, but I want to make sure that the rest of the world knows who to blame when these events happen. My people have not caused issues like this. My people are innocent in this scenario, and I am going to rely on you to help us prove that.” I paused for a moment as I thought about how today would have gone had I not been able to save them all in time. “What do you say?” I asked her, needing to get this plan set into motion as soon as I could.

“I say that I am excited to be working with you.” Lara rose to her feet. “I want the truth revealed as well, and getting exclusive interviews will help me as much as you. I will be the go to gal for this issue, and that will boost my career as well. Mind you, I think that I would do this no matter what, even if it wasn’t that much of a boon to me personally.”

“Really?” That was a little shocking to hear.

“And why is that?” I asked her, not really sure why a reporter would say that they would follow through with this even if they thought that it would destroy their career.

“Well, think about it Mrs. Gray, the best journalists are the ones that take risks. And those that are remembered throughout history will be the ones that risked it all for the truth. Not just for the story itself, but for the truth. I might be a reporter, but I am a big supporter of the truth and helping people.”

“You know what, Lara?” I grinned at her as I felt an unexpected feeling rush through me. “I think that we are going to get along really well.”

“I agree.” She nodded at me.

“Also, Lara, call me Trinity. If we are going to be working together, I think that you deserve that little familiarity.”

“I appreciate that, Trinity.”

I spoke with Lara and the others for a little while longer. We needed to get this all settled before she left. She was going to have the numbers to all of my guards, in the event of an emergency that might come up. She will need to call them, and there were times that they might need to call her. She would be the first one invited to all future press conferences and even some meetings that were going to take place among me and my people. As long as it wasn’t a private issue, she would be able to give an inside view into the life of a supernatural being.

I have to admit that having a personal reporter that would always be working to promote your best image was a good idea. And I was happy that I had thought of it. The more people that we had like her, promoting nothing but acceptance and understanding of our people the better it would get with each passing day.

All that I was talking with Lara about was political and kingdom related issues, but she brought up something else that I hadn’t thought much about. She wanted to know if she should do a series of pieces that had to do with the everyday lives of nonhumans and how we were the same as the humans when it came down to the parts that mattered the most.

In truth, I thought that this was an excellent idea. If we were able to show them that we were just as normal as they were, then maybe we would be able to convince some of the people that would be on the fence to side with us rather than against us. The fewer misunderstandings that they had about us, the better life would be in the long run.

We agreed that the first thing that we would show the world was Christmas with our family. As the years had passed, there was a lot that Reece and I had done with the kids and the community. I initially thought that this would be inappropriate to showcase. Not because I didn’t want Lara to show my holiday to the world, but because I didn’t want to take her away from her family.

“Don’t worry about that.” She grinned and waved a hand at me. “I have no family. I wasn’t an orphan growing up or anything, but it was just my mom and I. She died when I was in college though, so now it is just me. There is nothing to take me away from.”

“Friend?” I asked her with a hopeful tone.

“I work too much.” She shook her head.

“Alright then.” I nodded at her. I was already planning on including her in the celebrations so that she would be able to experience a true Gray Family Christmas.

We made arrangements for Lara to be here at seven in the morning on Christmas, which was only a few days away. She would have a camera and other recording equipment, but she would be alone. She didn’t want to ruin things by bringing other people. Not to mention that most of the people that would be a part of her crew had families and therefore obligations for the holiday.

With all the discussions over, it was time to call it a day. Or at the very least it was time to take a break. I honestly felt like the day had lasted a week, but I also knew that there was a lot more that we needed to do. Some lunch would be good though. A little bit of resting and relaxing while we ate a meal with the gathered group. The kids still weren’t here though, and wouldn’t be coming back tonight either. They would be back in a few days, when we were sure that things would be safe for them. I didn’t want to put our family in danger.

The guards, Reagan, Rika, Athair mòr, Daciana, Trevor, Aunt Glory, and several other members of our close knit group joined us for the meal, as did the ambassadors from around the world. We knew that they had all had a hard day as well, and they needed to rest and relax just as much as we did.

The food, prepared by Abigail, was delicious as always. And the company was pleasant. It was just the thought of returning to work when this was all done that put me on edge and made the remainder of the afternoon a little less than pleasant. We had made progress in the reveal and getting the public on our side. We had had a setback when that group of people decided to riot and attack the building. There was just no knowing what else was happening at the moment though. We had a lot that we still needed to do, and so little time to get it done.

Fast and efficient, that was going to be our motto for right now. Work fast. Get the news out there. Show the world that we are not evil. That was the focus. That was what we were all working towards.

I was sure that the others were as tired and exhausted as I felt right now, but we would manage to get it all done. We had never failed, not yet. And I wouldn’t let this be the task that took me out. I would do this. I would protect my people. No matter what it was, I would make sure that my people had nothing to fear in this world. Nothing at all.

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