
Chapter 1133 - 1133 Chapter 118- Special Agent Dayton Long – Addressing the Problem (VOLUME 6)


The moment that Queen Trinity had called me, I bolted out of my bed and prepared for whatever it was that needed my attention. Queen Trinity was not the type to just call me for anything random. In fact, she had never called me before. And even though I had not been sleeping at the time of the call, I still felt like there was a fog in my brain when I saw the number and name on the caller id.

“Hello?” I could hear the skepticism and disbelief in my own voice as I gave the greeting to the mysterious caller. It couldn’t really be her. Could it?

“Hello Dayton, it’s Trinity Gray.” At that moment, my heart started to race so fast that it was probably making a noise very much like that of a humming bird’s wings. This had to be bad, that was the only excuse that my brain could come up with. “We have a problem, and we need your help.” I knew it. Something had happened. Something was going on in our world, and that of the humans, that was not good at all.

“Wh..what is it, Queen Trinity? How can I help? I am at your disposal.” As I spoke quaveringly, I hurried to gather my thoughts and get somewhere that would be a little more conducive to note taking. I was sure that I would end up with a list of things to do.

“We received some disturbing news today, something that was far worse than the attack on the stadium.” I had known about the attack on the stadium. I had been told about it in advance, but there was little I could do about it without revealing what I was. And if I did that, then I would cause people to wonder which side I was working for. I couldn’t have that, not with people that were clearly against the nonhumans in my very own office.

“Worse? What could possibly be worse?” Different scenarios danced in my mind, but they were all woefully inadequate. I knew that for a fact.


“Well, for one thing, the leader of the DOE is going on an extremist site and claiming that we murdered one of his members, that was clearly killed in that room that he had the video filmed in. And secondly, that leader of the DOE is none other than Harrison Orson.”

There was a ringing in my ear at that. Orson? The Harrison Orson? The man that had spearheaded the investigation into my people and tried to act like Queen Trinity and King Reece were criminals? That Orson? I couldn’t believe it.

“Orson?” My voice squeaked a little high on that word. “How do you know that it is him? It’s not that I do not believe you, but if I am going to go to my superiors with this, I need to be able to site the source of the information.” I was making notes already, but they weren’t what I had expected when I had grabbed the pad from my desk.

I listened to Queen Trinity tell me about a video that they had been sent. She explained that the site was protected but they had gotten access to it through the sender of the email. However, she told me that the video was blurred out and their voice was altered. That would mean that there was no proof, something that I pointed out to her immediately. I just couldn’t believe that Orson would, could, be the leader of the DOE.

“Then there is no proof.” I had interrupted her in my haste and almost instantly regretted it. I heard the annoyance on her end of the line. It was almost as if I was already able to see my end staring me in the face.

“The thing is, though,” she continued after just a quick annoyed huff. From there she went on to explain more in detail, all the while I was taking notes on the video that she had seen.

“I will do what I can in the morning. There isn’t anyone there right now. And Orson has been away on assignment for a while, or supposedly on assignment. I don’t know really, because no one knows anything about the work that he has been doing.” I sounded like I was rambling. Hell, I was rambling. There was so much that needed to be done, but it all seemed so surreal.

“No, we need this started tonight, Dayton.” She snapped at me almost angrily. “He is not going to let this go. He is losing his mind. He sees us as personal enemies of his. And not only that, Dayton, but he is amassing an army. And we are sure that he is using contacts to acquire weapons like bombs and tanks. We already know that he had been building a shit ton of bombs. We can’t let this be. He is dangerous, Dayton. It needs to be dealt with tonight.” An army? He wanted an army? But why?

“Alright. I will head in now. I will call my superiors and have them meet me there. They need to know about this. Email me that link you have, so they can see the video as well. We will stop him, Queen Trinity, I promise.” My heart had gone from moving so fast that it was humming to barely beating at all. I felt almost dead on the inside after hearing all that she had to say.

“Thank you, Dayton. I will wait up for you to call me back with an update. Let me know as soon as you know what is going to happen.

“I will, Queen Trinity. Just wait a little while longer. This won’t take too much longer.” I tried to sound reassuring, not just for her benefit but for mine as well. I needed the fortitude that it would give me.

On my way out of the door, before I was even in my car, I called my superior at home. They were used to late night calls like this with our line of work, but that didn’t mean that they were happy about it.

“What is it, Long?” Director Glick asked me in an angry tone of voice.

“Sir, there is a problem that warrants our attention.” I know that my voice was tight and that I sounded angry to him. I hoped that he didn’t hold that against me.

“That is for me to decide, Long. Now, what is it?”

“Sir, I have reason to believe that Agent Orson has been engaging in illegal activity.”

“Orson?” He sounded much more interested and alert at the mention of one of the more senior agents in our office.

“Yes Sir, I have reason to believe that Agent Orson is in fact the leader of the DOE.”

“The Destroyers of Evil? Are you serious?” I could hear him moving in the background. “What makes you think that Orson is at all associated with those terrorists?”

“Well Sir, aside from the fact that Orson himself was running the case against the nonhumans, and that he was furious when you forced him to stop his investigation into them, I was tipped off recently. I am on my way to the office to review video evidence that will incriminate him.”

“You’re serious?” He asked me in a tone that said that he hadn’t fully believed me at first. “You really think that Orson is the leader of the DOE.”

“I didn’t at first, Sir, but the tipster made some very valid arguments. I know that it is late and that you would prefer to be home with your family, but we cannot ignore this. I ask that you please meet me at the office. We can figure this out together.”

“Yes, I understand. I will be there in five minutes. You are lucky that I am close enough to the office to make sure that I do not need to commute.” He groaned unhappily. “This better be worth my time, Long”

“It will, Sir, I promise you.” I assured him just before he ended the call.

A little over five minutes later, Director Glick and I were pulling into the parking garage at the same time. He saw me and motioned me to park closer to him, not in my usual space that was assigned to me.

“I will tell them that I gave you permission.” He said as we hurried into the building and into the elevator. “Now, tell me everything.” His eyes were hard as ice when he looked at me, the frosty blue color actually felt like needles that were piercing me. His steel gray hair should have made him look old, but there were no lines on his face that made him look old. He had aged very well for a human.

“Well, Sir,” I took a steadying breath and looked back into his icy stare, “I am not human.” That was the first time that I had told him that, but he didn’t look phased. He was the director for a reason. I went on to explain to him about the call from Queen Trinity and what had happened.

“Did you tip the Grays off to the investigation that Orson was doing into their life?” He spoke so calmly and evenly that I didn’t know if he was angry with me or not.

“I did.” Honesty was the only way here. He would know that I was lying if I denied it. “She is my Queen, and they are not bad people. I had to warn them, but I gave them no other information. Just that they were being investigated. Orson contacted them as well, so he had made them aware of it.”

“I see.” He nodded as we entered the office. “I can see why you felt compelled to tell them, and as long as you didn’t share classified information, then you technically did nothing wrong. I know that Orson tried to use psychological tactics against them, so he told them that he was investigating them. It was in his reports after all.” He opened the door to his office and motioned me to follow him. “Moving on, show me this proof that you had.” I was glad that the email was waiting for me in my inbox. It was sent from Queen Trinity, or someone in her immediate staff.

Director Glick and I watched the video that was posted on that extremist site. The man was blurred, as Queen Trinity had said he would be, but the voice changer couldn’t always keep up with him. His true voice made it through frequently.

“That does sound very much like Orson, doesn’t it?” Director Glick was shaking his head. “I cannot believe that he is doing this. That man that is laying on the ground there was obviously killed there in that room.” He pointed at the screen. “And, look, his gun is still sitting on the table. He clearly killed him and is trying to pull strings in our agency to charge someone else with the man’s murder.”

Both Director Glick and I were in a state of disbelief. The level of insanity that was evident in those unhinged ramblings showed me just what type of person that Orson truly was. He was a monster, and a murderer. And if he truly was the leader of the DOE, as it was now almost definitely true that he was, then he was a terrorist as well. He was bombing these places like the school and the stadium. He was trying to cause chaos and ruin.

Lost in thought about what it was that had been happening, I remembered the case that Orson was supposed to be on. He had left not long after the reveal and had barely been back since.

“Sir?” I turned to look at Director Glick with worry thickening my voice. “Where is Orson? Where has he been for the last two months? He has barely been in the office lately, and he has at least half a dozen other agents with him. What are they doing?”

“They were supposed to be investigating the DOE.” Director Glick sighed in defeat. “He had asked to head up an investigation for us and there had been no reason for me to say no. He is a top notch agent. Or he used to be. Now, I am not sure what to call him.” There was worry and concern in the Director’s eyes when he spoke. “He has been trying to infiltrate the group since the beginning of January. That was what he was supposed to be doing anyway. Now I see that he was just using this as a way of running things from the shadows. And he took my other agents with him.” A dark and steely glint filled his eyes. “If they’re all a part of this, then I will have all of their asses in a vice for this. They will not get away with this.”

“We will make sure that all guilty parties pay, Sir. We need to protect the people of-.” I stopped in mid sentence when my phone started to ring. This was the second time tonight that I saw this name and number appear on my screen, and it was still hard to believe.

“Queen Trinity?” I answered in a little bit of a panic after only half a ring. This must be urgent if she was calling me again. And I was not worried about Director Glick hearing me address her formally. He knew who she was to me.

“Dayton, I heard from one of the undercovers that we have in the DOE. Orson is on his way into the office right now. He is going to try and move things along as quickly as he can.” There was a buzzing sound in my ear, but I knew that it was coming from my head directly. Orson was on his way here right now. He was going to try and do something right away.

“He is on his way here right now?” My voice shook a little as I asked that. I knew that things were about to go from bad to worse. “I am here already, and my superior is here with me. We will stop him, Queen Trinity, I promise. He won’t make it out of here.” At that moment I looked up into the pit beyond the office windows. The pit was where we all had our desks, and there was someone coming in from the elevator. “I need to go, Queen Trinity. I am sorry. I will call with an update later.” I was pretty sure I knew who it was that had just gotten here, and without a doubt, Director Glick knew it as well.

There was a thickening in the tension in the air. An atmosphere of apprehension and dread that was heightened by the understanding that this was actually beneficial. We could take Orson into custody. We could stop him here and now. This would all be over and then we would just need to find the rest of his men, and the missing agents.

Well, that was assuming that Orson was alone. If the others were with him, and supported his crazy mission, then we might be outnumbered. They might get away, or better yet, they might capture us instead. There was a lot to think about here, but I was sure of one thing, the rest of the NSA was soon going to know exactly what Orson was up to.

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