
Chapter 1136 - 1136 Chapter 121- Various – Surprise Part 1 (VOLUME 6)

Wesley Whitton

The sound of the alarm trilling woke me with a start. I wasn’t prepared for it though, it felt too early for the sound to be blaring into the dark room.

“Why is the alarm even on?” I grumbled as I reached for the clock on the bedside table. I was very old school, and my youngest daughter is always pointing that out to me. I still used an actual alarm clock. Although, it was quite a bit more advanced than the ones that they used to have.

“Answer that.” Eve told me as I pressed the snooze button repeatedly.

“The alarm isn’t snoozing.” I told her, still half asleep and groggy.

“It’s not the alarm, you dolt. It’s your phone.”

“Huh?” I woke a little more at the sound of her words. “What time is it anyway?” I looked at the clock that I was trying to snooze and saw that it was a quarter to five in the morning. “Who is calling us this early?” I reached for the phone even as I spoke, Eve sitting up in the bed as I did so.


“Answer it quickly, Wes. It might be from Trinity, about all that stuff that has been happening.” She suddenly looked very scared. I didn’t blame her. There was a lot that had happened recently, and it was all falling on the shoulders of our Trinity. I was worried about her too.

I looked at the phone screen, processing the name on the caller id even as I swiped my finger across the screen and answered the call. The caller was Reece. And that meant that something had happened. Something big.

“Hello?” I asked him in a tone that gave away my fears already.

“Wesley, you and Eve need to come here right away.” He sounded hyped up, not angry or upset, but just excited about something. What was happening? This had to be about those bombing and that DOE group.

“To Trinity’s office?” I asked him as I was already getting out of bed. Eve, having heard what Reece had said, was already ahead of me. She was pulling clothes from the closet for the both of us.

“No, to the tower. Bring Olivia too, this is important.”

“Bring Olivia?” I was worried now. Were the DOE breaching the compound? Were we not safe here? What was happening?

“I have more calls to make, I need to go. I will see you soon.”

“Reece?” I called his name even as the call ended. This wasn’t good. It wasn’t good at all.



I was used to being woken in the middle of the night. With all the issues that I have helped Reece and my sister with throughout the years, it was something that I had grown accustomed to. So, when my phone rang just a little before five in the morning, I was awake and alert in an instant. I had even answered the call before my beautiful Nikki had been roused from her slumber by the phone.

“Hello?” I asked in a whisper. I had seen that it was Reece, exactly who I would have expected to be calling me this early in the morning.

“Noah, I need you to come to the tower as soon as possible. Bring Nikki with you as well.”

“Nikki?” This was not what I was expecting. “What has happened, Reece? Is there a problem?”

“I need to make another call, just hurry, please.” He said as the call disconnected almost immediately.

“What is going on?” I looked at the phone in disbelief. If he wanted me to bring Nikki, then there had to be a problem. Maybe there was an impending attack. But if I was bringing Nikki, shouldn’t I bring the kids as well? I mean, Elias was old enough to protect himself, but I still had Nina and Grayson to worry about. “Nikki, sweetheart.” I shook her shoulder, resigning myself to the fact that I needed to take her and probably the kids as well, with me to the castle. “Nikki, you need to wake up.”



“Hmm. Hello?” I groaned into the phone as it woke me up from a sound sleep.

“Emmalee.” It was Carter, his voice instantly waking me up and driving away all of the sleepiness from my mind and eyes.

“Carter? Baby is that really you? I thought that you wouldn’t be able to call for a while.”

“I’m back in Colorado Springs now. I need you and the kids to get ready to come to the castle. Can you get them up and ready soon? Trinity will open a door for you in a few minutes.”

“Right now?” I felt the panic start to spread through me at the words that he had just told me. He wanted us to get up and leave right now. What could possibly have happened? What did we need to do to protect ourselves and the children?

“Yes, sweetheart, right now. I will see you when you get here, OK?” I looked at the clock and saw that it was a quarter to five in the morning. It was so early. Something truly bad had to be happening right now. I just knew it.

“We will be ready soon. I will get the kids awake and tell them to get dressed. You know that Leah will take a while though.”

“Tell her that she doesn’t have that much time to get ready, and that I said to hurry. Trinity needs to see us all together soon.”

“I understand. I will get them ready to go. Can you have the door ready in ten minutes?”

“Sure thing. See you soon, sweetheart. I’ve missed you, and I can’t wait to see you.”

“Even if it means making Leah yell at us again.” I laughed despite the tense situation.

“Yes, even if it makes her yell at us again, I need to feel your lips as I kiss you, sweetheart. I missed you so much.”

“I missed you too, Carter.” I felt the swelling in my heart. He was the true love of my life. And he always would be.



I knew that Carter was out in the hall waiting for the others to get here. I also knew that he and Reece hadn’t told the others why they were coming here. It was a bit of a trick, I knew this, but I wanted the baby to be a surprise. She had surprised Reece and I after all, so she should be a surprise to the others as well.

While I waited, I held Reeselynn in my arms. I could hardly take my eyes off of her face. She was so beautiful. All of my babies were beautiful though, each and every one of them. It’s just that Reeselynn was the first baby in such a long time, so it had been a while since I got to just sit there and stare at my baby’s face.

I started to hear a commotion in the hall. I had opened the door for Emmalee to get here, but everyone else was already local, so they could get here on their own. I was still a little weak from the delivery, so I didn’t want to open too many doors at the moment. It was tiring when you were not fully rested. If it was a normal situation, I could have opened a thousand doors and it wouldn’t have been a problem, but not right now. I was still weak and tired.

“Carter, what is going on?” I heard Noah’s voice. He was probably upset that his younger brother was here before him.

“Yes, Carter, what is going on?” That was Grandfather, he had been called by Reece earlier as well. He and Lila would be there together, and they would probably have Ivy with them as well. Ivy was little Reeselynn’s Aunt. Even though Grandfather was her father, and that technically made her my aunt, we opted to forgo that part of the family dynamic and just view Ivy as my sister in-law. That was a little less confusing to everyone involved.

“I am worried about Trinity, what has happened?” This was Mom, her worried voice both softer and louder than the others. That was just how she was though. “Did something happen to Trinity? What about the baby?”

“Everyone is almost here, then we will go in.” Carter’s voice was calm, but he was putting on an air of worry and unease. That little sneak. The others were going to be so mad at him for this.

“Who else is coming?” Dad asked with a tense voice.

“Just them.” Carter said. I am guessing that the last ones got there, it would have been Emmalee coming through the door with the kids. I could feel the slight shift in my magic as they all passed through that metaphysical space.

“Carter!” Emmalee’s voice was filled with worry.

“DAD!” Bryson called out to him. They were likely hugging him.

“Ugh! Too much sappiness for me.” Leah, my overly dramatic niece, sounded like she was annoyed at them.

“We’re all here now, can we know what is happening?” Lila asked with a strained voice.

“I will take you inside now.” I heard Carter say to the others. I lifted my eyes for a moment and looked at Reece. He was grinning. Knowing that this was a bit of a dirty trick, but we had a busy day, and most of these people needed to be here for all of the meetings anyway. So, this was just an expedient thing to do. Hmm. I would need to open doors for Aunt Glory, Trevor, and Athair mòr as well. They needed to be here later, and to see the baby.

The door to the living room opened quickly. The others were probably trying to rush past Carter to see what was going on. The group surged into and looked around the room to find me. I saw that my mom was the one in the lead. She was always the type to worry about me, so I wasn’t surprised about this, not in the least.

“Trinity, what is wrong? What hap-.” She stopped in midsentence, seeing the baby that was resting in my arms. She hesitated for less than half of a second before she continued. “EEEEEEEEEEEE!” She squealed in one long and high-pitched tone. The sound made the baby sleeping in my arms begin to stir, but she didn’t cry yet. She was just getting close to it.

“Shh.” I grinned and shushed her with a laugh. “You will wake her up.”

“Trinity Faith Whitton Gray! Why are you here and not in the hospital?!” My mom reprimanded me.

“Because she was born here.” I told her calmly. “She didn’t even want to wait for Griffin to get here.”

“So, Griffin didn’t deliver her?” Noah asked, looking at the baby in my arms with a tender smile. He was a true family man. He loved all of his kids and his nieces and nephews.

“No, Griffin wasn’t here yet.” Reece told him calmly. “I delivered her for Trinity.”

“HAHAHAHA!” Several of our family members laughed when they heard Reece’s words.

“What the hell?” Reece glared specifically at Noah as he laughed at him.

“Come on, Reece. You expect us to believe that you, the man that tried to leave the room repeatedly when Reagan and Rika were born, and the man that almost passed out when the quads were born, delivered a baby? That is just not plausible. Someone else had to have done it.”

“Trinity, please clear this up for me.” Reece crossed his arms over his chest and glared at one of his best friends and beta.

“He is telling the truth.” I told them all with a smile on my face. “Reece and I had been getting ready for bed, I wanted to take a lukewarm bath to help me relax, but I started to feel odd. As soon as I got out of the tub, my water broke. Things progressed very quickly from there. Reeselynn truly didn’t want to wait. She was ready to make her debut, and the only other person there was Reece. He called Griffin, who was on his way, but Reece was the one that had to deliver the baby. He did a good job too. He stayed calm and took care of everything that he needed to. It went really well.” I smiled at Reece to show him how proud that I was of him.

“Wow, Reece, I am impressed.” Noah clapped him on the back. “And congrats.” He was smiling now. No one, thankfully, was blaming any of us for the prank that we played on them about the emergency that was supposed to be taking place.

Mom, the first to notice the baby, asked if she could hold her newest grandbaby. Having no reason to say no, aside from wanting to feel her comforting weight in my arms a little longer, I handed over the small, swaddled little bundle.

“Oh, look at her.” Mom cooed as she sat next to me. Dad took the seat next to her, and Olivia knelt on the floor in front of her.

“She is so pretty.” My little sister cooed as well while Ivy sat next to her on the floor and stroked her cheek softly.

“Do you know who she looks like to me?” Dad said while the others who hadn’t seen her face closely took their seats around the room.

“Who?” Carter asked, having only glanced at her a few times so far.


“My sister, Lily. She makes me think of her so much. She had a reddish tint to her brown hair as well.”

“Yes, but there was nothing golden about her hair. She was a reddish brown from birth.” Grandfather said as he stepped up behind the sofa. He was looking down into the little baby’s face and I could see the tears in his eyes. “I think she gets the golden from you, sweetheart.” He looked up at Lila. “That is the element to your hair that we all adore so much.”

“So, she is a mixture of both of our mothers?” Reece asked as he pulled me closer to his side.

“She seems to be.” Grandfather almost sobbed as he spoke. “Eve, can I hold her?”

“Of course.” She agreed and let my grandfather hold his great granddaughter without hesitation.

Grandfather moved to sit in a chair that was to the side of the couch that I was sitting on. He hadn’t taken his eyes off of the baby since Mom had handed her to him. He was smiling and there were tears slowly streaming down his face.

“She looks so much like Lily did the day that she was born. The same nose, the same little cheeks, the same shape to her lips. I will never forget that day. I can’t believe how closely she resembles your mother, Trinity. It’s so uncanny, but also wonderful. She is a beautiful baby.”

“I know she is, Grandfather.” I smiled at him and walked over to hug him. I knew that he had missed my mother for many years now, and this must be an exceptionally hard moment for him to deal with.

The rest of the family took their turns with the baby, even Ivy and Oliva. They all wanted to see her face and look at how much she resembled her biological grandmother. They all seemed to be thoroughly captured by the little girl immediately. And soon enough, when the kids came down for the day, we were all together as a family.

Reece and I had a lot to do in the morning and afternoon, but we were going to eat breakfast with everyone before we left. Then, when it was time for the meeting to start, Mom and Lila were going to watch the baby while we went to one of the larger conference rooms. My office was just not big enough for all the people that we were going to be having with us today. This was a major talk that we needed to have, so I was inviting everyone to join us.

Of course, this meant that I was going to need to make a few more doors. And in my already exhausted state, that might be a little difficult. Oh well, I would manage. There was a lot that a Queen like me needed to do, and simply being tired wasn’t an excuse for us to not do what I needed to. Doors were easy, and there weren’t going to be too many more doors. Just a couple.

At least I would have the delicious food from the breakfast that Abigail made for me to give me some energy. She had made a special meal that was filled with lots of protein to give me strength and keep my body running. I loved her for that, she was always taking care of me and the others.

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