
Chapter 122

The chapter title ‘Demon’ for refers to a person being demonic/evil

Pandora’s Box [3]

A1 sat across from Chen Liguo.

Clutched in Chen Liguo’s hand was a thick pile of materials, all of which pertained to A1.

A1 was wearing special test subject clothes and his hands and feet were shackled. He smiled at Chen Liguo, the expression in his eyes as soft as water. It was as if he and Chen Liguo were not an experiment and experimenter but lovers who were head over heels for each other.

With a cold attitude, Chen Liguo began the conversation. He said, "Hello."

A1 replied with a smile, saying, "Hello."

Chen Liguo pushed up his glasses and said, "The two of us will work together in the future. I hope that we can have a good cooperation." To be able to speak of researching and experimenting on the human body in such a right and self-confident way, perhaps there was only He Chenyou. In fact, he really did feel that researching was a sacred thing and it was the experimental subject’s honor to be able to participate in it——Though, most of the experimental subjects didn’t want this honor at all.

A1’s reaction was outside of Chen Liguo’s expectations. He smiled and said, "Okay."

Chen Liguo said, "My name is He Chenyou. May I ask, what is your name?"

A1 blinked his eyes then slowly answered Chen Liguo’s question. He said, "My name is Bai Yanlou."

Bai Yanlou, this name was quite interesting.

Chen Liguo said, "Do you remember how you fell unconscious?"

Bai Yanlou propped his chin on his palm and after thinking for a little while, he mumbled, "Was too tired, fell asleep."

Hearing this answer that was not an answer Chen Liguo frowned slightly.

Bai Yanlou asked, "How long have I slept?"

"You have slept here for thirteen years already." Chen Liguo said. "As for how long you’ve slept, I do not know. This year is 2234 A.D."

Bai Yanlou was not surprised by the surroundings after he woke up, so he should not be an ancient being who had not seen anything. It was likely that he had only slept for a dozen years.

Bai Yanlou looked at Chen Liguo, his chin propped on his hand. He said, "Oh, I slept for 32 years...... Give me a cigarette?"

Chen Liguo lightly said, "Smoking is not good for the health." Smoking was not allowed in the laboratory.

Bai Yanlou sighed and showed a somewhat bored expression.

Chen Liguo said, "Bai Yanlou."

He had only finished half of his sentence when Bai Yanlou interrupted him. He looked at Chen Liguo then suddenly asked, "Professor He, have you been fucked by a man before?"

Everything Chen Liguo wanted to say got stuck in his throat.

Bai Yanlou was satisfied with his reaction. He laughed, "It seems like you haven’t."

Chen Liguo said, "I don’t discriminate against homosexuals but suddenly asking such a question, isn’t it inappropriate?"

Hearing this Bai Yanlou laughed even harder. He said, "What’s wrong with it——Or is it, you feel shy?"

Chen Liguo pursed his lips and stopped speaking.

However, after Bai Yanlou opened up with this, he became more and more excessive. Chen Liguo could not proceed with the questioning at all.

Bai Yanlou even began to ask him how long it was since he did blah blah, which hand did he like to use, who was he thinking about when he was doing blah blah.......

Chen Liguo was a little annoyed. He said, "Bai Yanlou, don’t go too far." This man before him was called such a pure and fresh name yet what he asked were these kinds of questions.

Bai Yanlou said, "How about this, let’s make a deal. You ask me a question, I ask you a question and both sides must answer honestly."

Chen Liguo thought for a moment and said, "Regarding questions about research I might not necessarily be able to answer."

Bai Yanlou said, "That’s fine, I only care about your personal questions."

He spoke so bluntly that it was impossible for Chen Liguo to not understand. However, he would definitely agree to this deal. To use his own privacy in exchange for experimental material, for He Chenyou, this deal was very cost-effective.

So the two began to trade.

Chen Liguo asked him where he was from. Bai Yanlou asked whether Chen Liguo had a relationship with people before. Chen Liguo asked what the last thing he did was before he fell unconscious. Bai Yanlou asked Chen Liguo what kind of position he liked. Chen Liguo asked him what his ability was. Bai Yanlou asked Chen Liguo what color that part was.

Seeing that Bai Yanlou’s questions were becoming increasingly yellow, Chen Liguo’s brows became tighter and tigher.

Chen Liguo who was doubting his life from being asked such question was beginning to wonder, what complicated mood did the brothers in the monitoring room have upon seeing such a trade......

When all the questions were answered, Chen Liguo began to pack his things and prepared to leave.

Bai Yanlou’s eyes were glued to Chen Liguo’s body. He said, "Can I ask how old you are?"

Chen Liguo lightly said, "You don’t need to know."

A smile appeared in Bai Yanlou’s eyes. "That is true, except from not knowing your age, it seems that I know everything else."

Chen Liguo pushed up his glasses and turned and left without responding.

Experimental subject A1 Bai Yanlou. At first glance he was not an easy character to deal with. Pertaining to this point Chen Liguo had a deep experience.

The leader of the institute’s wish was for him to try and win over A1’s cooperation if possible and not make the relationship too strained. When Chen Liguo heard this, he laughed grimly in his heard. On one hand they wanted him to research the other but on the other they wanted him to have a good relationship with him. This was simply a fool’s talk. Yet there were people who took this fool’s talk seriously.

Bai Yanlou said that he was a person from City B and had no profession. The last thing he did before falling unconscious was going to the moon. As for why he went to the moon and how he fell unconscious, none of it was answered at all——Chen Liguo could probably only believe 1/3 of what he said but after getting the information he confirmed that there really was a Bai Yanlou in City B.

"Why was this not found before?" Chen Liguo looked at the information from the computer and asked with knit brows.

"He is an orphan and likes to run around everywhere. He disappeared and no one realized." The other person answered. "Even now no one is reporting it to the police."

Indeed, it was too difficult to find someone without the police department’s records.

Chen Liguo nodded, which could be seen as him accepting this answer.

Throughout their long dialogue, Chen Liguo sensed that he wasn’t a character that was easy to deal with. However, the next day he gained a whole new understanding about just how difficult Bai Yanlou could be.

As soon as Chen Liguo entered Bai Yanlou’s quarters he could perceive the smell of cigarettes.

He froze, then immediately asked furiously, "Bai Yanlou, where did you get the cigarette from."

Bai Yanlou turned his head over, a half burnt cigarette still in his mouth. He languidly said, "Someone gave it."

Chen Liguo walked over and snatched the cigarette from his mouth. He interrogated, "Someone gave it!? Who gave it to you?"

Bai Yanlou’s eyes narrowed slightly. Then he slowly rose to his feet. His stature was much taller than Chen Liguo’s. Towering above Chen Liguo and looking at him like so made said person feel a lot of pressure.

However, Chen Liguo did not show a single sign of retreat and coldly looked back at Bai Yanlou, not intending on yielding at all.

Bai Yanlou smiled. He said, "Interesting."

Chen Liguo directly threw Bai Yanlou’s cigarette into the trash then turned and went out.

The one who gave Bai Yanlou the cigarettes was a researcher in the project with Chen Liguo. His ability was not outstanding but he had a background, which was why he could participate in this project.

Presumably he wanted to have a good relationship with the experimental subject by giving him cigarettes.

Chen Liguo directly sent a message to that man and asked him to come over.

When that man came in he was completely unconcerned as he asked Chen Liguo what was wrong.

Chen Liguo coldly said, "You gave him a cigarette?"

That man said, "Yes, it’s just a cigarette." He disliked Chen Liguo a little bit, so his attitude was not very good.

Chen Liguo said, "You don’t have to come in the future."

The man’s eyes suddenly widened as they showed a bewildered expression. He knew that Chen Liguo would definitely be angry because of this matter but did not expect that he would be directly driven away.

The man angrily said, "What authority do you have to tell me to leave——"

Chen Liguo gave a few cold laughs and said, "On the basis of this project being under my name!" This was why Chen Liguo did not hesitate on using the drug to get this project signed under him. As the person in charge of this project he had the right to make anyone who hindered him withdraw from the project.

That man angrily exclaimed, "He Chenyou, do you really think that you’re something?!"

Chen Liguo said, "Scram!"

The man snarled angrily, "You are so proud of yourself, sooner or later you will have to pay for your actions!"

Chen Liguo sneered as he watched him walk away and did not mind this man’s threat——If threats worked then he would have died hundreds of thousands of times over!

Bai Yanlou had no cigarette to smoke and the person who gave it to him also fell on hard times.

According to reason Chen Liguo should be in a better mood but he really couldn’t muster up a good mood. Each and every day this bastard, Bai Yanlou only thought about how to flirt with Chen Liguo and resorted to every conceivable mean. Even Chen Liguo, this old driver, had the phantom feeling of wanting to flip this car over.

Chen Liguo told the system that if he was not twenty centimeters then this friendship would have ended long ago.

Hearing this the system asked, "Then what if he was thirty?"

Chen Liguo was silent for two seconds then used his hands to compare it to his abdomen. Afterwards, he said, "Thirty is out of the question. If it’s thirty it’ll be deadly." Before, they would joke where to put that thing when he rode the car but if it really was thirty....... He reckoned that he would probably need to wind it around his waist.

The system really had nothing to say to Chen Liguo. It felt that, to be able to have the mind to calculate the length in this situation, it really should admire the strength of Chen Liguo’s nerves......

Bai Yanlou’s appearance gave the other ability users a slight chance at catching a breath.

Because everyone’s attention was trained on this precious material.

Bai Yanlou said that his ability was ice——And he indeed made ice. Yet, Chen Liguo felt that something was wrong. He consulted with the system and asked, could an ice ability really destroy the earth?

The system said it could.

Chen Liguo asked how it would destroy it.

The system said, "If you freeze half the planet isn’t it destroyed?"

Unable to refute the system’s theory, Chen Liguo felt that it made a lot of sense.

He carefully reviewed the memory that the system gave him and found that this Bai Yanlou really was mysterious. At least, in the original world’s trajectory, from the daughter of fate’s point of view, she did not know what Bai Yanlou’s real power was even until she died.

However, there were rumors that Bai Yanlou had more than one abilities. Some people had seen him control water. Some had seen him control fire. Others had said that his ability was lightning. In all, even when the daughter of fate died there was no unified answer to this question.

No one could tell whether these tidings were real or not.

Because the target of research became Bai Yanlou several of the ability users under Chen Liguo’s name lived a relatively relaxed life.

The daughter of fate, Wang Yangzi, was one of them.

After finding out that she didn’t need to get electrocuted and injected with things every day she finally felt that her life was looking up.

Bai Yanlou was very calm compared to the other experimental ability users.

He had not been subjected to electrocution yet——After all, everyone was afraid of something going wrong with him, so the research was conducted in the gentlest ways.

Chen Liguo collected a large number of samples from his body.

When he studied the samples he found that the activity of his cell had undergone qualitative changes. The Bai Yanlou who was dormant and the current Bai Yanlou were like two completely different species.

Chen Liguo was absorbed with research and could not extricate himself——As if.

The system opened up a golden finger for him. In truth, Chen Liguo who was studying the drug in other’s eyes was actually in the middle of watching horror films.

The system asked Chen Liguo why horror films and Chen Liguo answered that he needed to train his guts.

The system asked, "Your guts aren’t big enough?"

Chen Liguo choked for a moment, then said, "This one is faking strength."

The system said, okay, you watch. Then it found several horror films for Chen Liguo.

As a result Chen Liguo, this bastard, asked for the bullet screen function to be opened.

Generally, very few people dared to bother He Chenyou when he was researching. Although he usually showed a mild temperament, in truth, he would directly explode if someone interrupted his research train of thoughts.

Qin Sheng had seen his teacher get angry because of this——It was his first time seeing his teacher get angry.

He stayed in the lab from morning to night.

When everything was done Chen Liguo felt as though his soul had been baptized.

Chen Liguo: "I won’t be afraid even if I transmigrate into a supernatural world!"

System: "......" Are you setting up a flag for yourself because you know you’re going to leave soon?

"Teacher." Seeing Chen Liguo come back to himself from his experiment, Qin Sheng who had been accompanying him said, "I helped you warm up your dinner."

Chen Liguo said a thank you. Qin Sheng was a really good student. If not for Qin Sheng’s warning He Chenyou would have probably starved to death several times over now.

Chen Liguo accepted the meal and slowly ate it.

Qin Sheng asked how his research on A1 was going.

Without any thought, Chen Liguo said, "Not too well."

Qin Sheng asked, "Not too well? What’s the matter?"

Chen Liguo sighed and thought, was it not because Bai Yanlou was too difficult——Every time he researched him this bastard would think of every possible method to verbally take liberties with him but he could do nothing against him. After all, the top brass had already said not to use excessively fierce methods. In all, he was their most precious experimental subject.

Chen Liguo said, "Nothing too big."

Qin Sheng pursed his lips and knew that his teacher probably wouldn’t tell him anything about A1.

Chen Liguo did not notice Qin Sheng’s peculiarity. He packed up his things and went back to rest.

After watching a day’s worth of horror films, Chen Liguo felt as though his soul’s strength had upgraded.

Chen Liguo said, "I am very strong. I’m not afraid of ghosts at all——Ahhhh, why is the curtain moving!"

System: "......"

As it turned out, watching horror movies would not upgrade his courage. Not only would it not do so, it instead led to Chen Liguo making more associations about such things. Thus, the first thing Chen Liguo did when he went back home was to turn on all the lights.

Thus the system watched as Chen Liguo took off his clothes while quivering and then entered the bathroom, quivering even more. His appearance of looking back every three steps made the system speechless.

Chen Liguo did not dare look at the mirror when he took his shower. He smeared shampoo onto his head and quickly rinsed it clean after a few casual rubs. When he closed his eyes his mind was filled with frightening conjectures at whether or not there was a female ghost staring at him.

The system saw him like this and thought to itself that it already knew beforehand that Chen Liguo was a scaredy-cat but it didn’t expect him to actually be terrified to this degree. He was practically the fighter jet of cowards.

Chen Liguo washed his head extremely quickly, but just as he prepared to rush out of the washroom even more quickly everything suddenly became black——There was actually a power outage!

"System? System?" Chen Liguo called twice and found that the system actually didn’t respond. He felt that he was only one female ghost away from peeing himself. He cried, "Don’t scare me Daddy!!! What in the world is going on!!!"

There was still no response. Chen Liguo could not see anything at all, so he could only grope his way out. Thus, when he touched a smooth body, his mind was crumbling apart.

Chen Liguo: "......" Ahhhhh save me there’s a ghosts ahhhhhh.

The person touched by Chen Liguo seemed to perceive Chen Liguo’s fear and actually directly reached out and hugged him.

Both of them were naked and their skin met. Chen Liguo began to fiercely struggle. "Let go of me, who are you?!"

That person simply did not answer and clung to Chen Liguo. It was as if his arms were cast iron and no matter how Chen Liguo struggled, he could not break free.

Then, there was a desire filled kiss. Chen Liguo felt the man’s tongue search out his mouth and suck on his tongue. Chen Liguo’s oxygen was sucked away little by little and his consciousness became somewhat chaotic.

"Wu...... Wu......" Chen Liguo felt like he was going to suffocate. He began to struggle violently, wishing to breathe fresh air.

"Professor He." Bai Yanlou’s voice rang. He said, "You taste as delicious as I thought."

Chen Liguo directly fainted.

Who knew how long later, Chen Liguo slowly regained consciousness amidst the system’s shouting.

The system’s voice was full of anxiety. It asked, "Are you okay? Chen Liguo? Wake up!"

Chen Liguo groaned and opened his eyes to see an orange light. The shower head in the bathroom was still spraying hot water on him, making his sober up.

The system asked, "How do you wash, wash, then just pass out?!"

Chen Liguo reached out and wiped off the water on his face. He asked, "Pass out? I passed out?!"

The system said, "That’s right. You suddenly fell to the floor, startling me."

Chen Liguo turned off the water, his face unsightly. He said, "I dreamed of Bai Yanlou."

The system was silent two seconds. "About twenty centimeters?"

Chen Liguo: "......"

The system asked, "It really is?"

Chen Liguo was angry now. He said, "Am I that kind of person who would randomly have a wet dream? I’m already like this, can’t you care about my mental state at all?"

The system reflected on itself for a moment then felt that it really was too harsh on Chen Liguo. Thus, it changed its tone to one of concern and asked, "Then what did you dream about?"

Chen Liguo scratched his head. "I dreamed that he kissed me......"

System: "......" F*ck your father.

Chen Liguo said, "Ai, I wasn’t willing ah, hey xi-er? Tong-zi, Tongtong? Why aren’t you speaking?"

The system had nothing more to say to Chen Liguo and threw a twenty centimeter at him.

After wiping the water off his body with a towel Chen Liguo went out of the washroom.

When he came out he was still trembling——He was completely frightened by that Bai Yanlou bastard. But then again, if the female ghosts in horror movies all became eight pack, long legged, nude males, would Chen Liguo still be so afraid of ghosts?

Hmm, this question...... it was worth thinking about.

The next day Chen Liguo went to scold Bai Yanlou for a bout.

Bai Yanlou seemed to be innocent no matter how one looked and asked, Professor He, what have I done to you?

Chen Liguo couldn’t say ’I dreamed you kissed me yesterday, you need to take responsibility for me...... Oh no, why did you come sexually harass me?’ so he could only angrily say, "Don’t think that I don’t know what you did yesterday!"

Bai Yanlou looked at Chen Liguo with a faint smile on his face and said, "Professor, it can’t be that you had a strange dream yesterday but insist on blaming it on me can it?"

Chen Liguo coldly said, "Bai Yanlou, stop before going too far!"

Bai Yanlou smiled and stuck out his tongue and licked his lips. He said, "Professor He, what does ’suitable to stop’ mean?"

Chen Liguo’s entire body trembled in anger.

Bai Yanlou said, "The days are still long."

Chen Liguo sneered and said, "You are asking for trouble."

Bai Yanlou was still unconcerned.

Chen Liguo left and went to revise the research plan——Playing tricks, this was his territory!

Thus in the afternoon Bai Yanlou tasted electrocution for the first time.

However, what made Chen Liguo a little uneasy was that Bai Yanlou was still smiling when he was being electrocuted. That smile made Chen Liguo’s hair stand on end. It was as if he was seeing a twisted psychopath.

The electric output was already at the maximum. When Chen Liguo tried to add more power the other researchers were worried and said that he must not, if he added more then it would kill him.

Chen Liguo coldly said, "If he’s electrocuted to death it would be mine."

Researchers: "......"

Bai Yanlou laughed lowly as he mouthed words to Chen Liguo. At that moment, Chen Liguo did not understand. It wasn’t until the evening that he realized that those words meant: Fuck you to death.

Chen Liguo: Experimental subjects these days, they want to make big news at the drop of a hat.......

The Author Has Something To Say:

Gong: Little goblin, are you not afraid of electrocuting me to death???

Orange: _(:з」∠)_ You can do it, you’re the best

Thank you darlings for the mines, grenades, and rockets.

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