
Chapter 912

I'm afraid I'm in a hurry, so I'll call her.

Han Muzi brewed a moment of emotion before answering the phone.

"Muzi, what time is it? Didn't Mo Shen say to pick you up from the hospital? Where are you now? "

Han Muzi looked around, some helplessly said: "we are now in the hospital."

“…… No, what's wrong with you? How to deal with a discharge procedure is still so slow, how long has it taken to leave the hospital? Are there more special people today? "

"Aunt..." Han Muzi called her and explained, "the discharge procedures have been completed, but We're back. "

Aunt song:

Listen to the end of the mobile phone no voice, Han Muzi pursed her lips, and then turned to take a look at Xiaomi Dou, who was not far from her side, and then turned back.

"And here comes millet beans."


when song an arrived at the hospital, the doctor arranged yemoshen.

The doctor said that the night Mo Shen just fainted, and there was no problem with her body. Han Muzi couldn't help but frown and asked, "no problem? Then why did he suddenly faint? When he came, I saw that he was in a cold sweat, and his face was not right

The doctor nodded and asked about the situation.

After all, the examination result is that the body does not have too big a problem, as for why suddenly fainted, we should consider the situation at that time.

When asked about the situation, Han Muzi and Xiaoyan Xiaosu all stay in the room.

With the night is not deep outside the house, only millet beans.

Han Muzi looked at Xiaomi Dou and waved to him, "Xiaomi Dou."

Xiaomi Dou has been waiting for a long time, but his mother didn't come to hold him. When he arrived at the hospital, he was anxiously waiting at the door of the emergency room. It seemed that his arrival was not a surprise.

Originally, there was only a little grievance, but now I think of him after listening to the doctor's words. Xiaomi Dou is even more aggrieved.

"Come here." Han Muzi squatted down and motioned for Xiaomi Dou to walk over.

Xiaomi Dou thinks about it carefully, and thinks it's better not to compete with mummy in this public place. It's mummy and himself who will lose face in the process. So he cleverly went to Han Muzi's side. Han Muzi held him with one hand and pinched his cheek. His voice was soft when he spoke.

"Xiaomi Dou, when I was outside the house, what happened to your father? Not good when you go out? Why did you suddenly faint? "

Xiaomi Dou blinked and recalled the scene at that time.

At that time, yemoshen suddenly hugged him, and he was still talking to his father.

"Hum, don't think that if you hold me, I will easily forgive you!"

After that, Dad seemed to have nothing wrong with him. He held him for a while, pulled him out, and then gently stroked his cheek with a big hand. His eyes were warm.

Xiaomi Dou snorted and patted off his hand.

Then, daddy's expression changed, and her eyebrows were frowning, as if she were in pain. At first, Xiaomi Dou thought he was pretending, but later, after Yemo fell to the ground, Xiaomi Dou realized that he had fainted.

So Xiaomi Dou expressed the scene exactly.

The doctor was confused. "What's the situation? Is it a sudden headache that causes fainting? "


Hearing the two words of headache, Han Muzi's brain flashed, as if he had grasped something.

saw the as like as two peas, who had a headache. This reaction did not mean that his memory was stimulated by millet beans.

Besides this, Han Muzi couldn't think of anything else.

Thinking of this, Han Muzi suddenly said, "doctor, I forgot to tell you that my husband has suffered a heavy brain injury and lost his memory."

Hearing this, the doctor's expression was a little surprised, "brain has been severely damaged, lost memory? Then he... " The doctor took a look at Xiaomi Dou.

Han Muzi explained: "today is the first time to see him."

The doctor suddenly realized.

"That's no wonder. We can't find out the cause of his body. Although he was injured before, he recovered very well. If you said so, I guess it stimulated the memory of the patient. Stimulating the brain will cause severe pain in the head, and excessive pain will lead to syncope."

Han Muzi said So his memory Will it recover? "

If so, isn't it a blessing in disguise?

But the doctor shook his head: "well, we don't know. Although there are examples of the loss of memory, there is no exact treatment. Whether he can restore his previous memory or not will not be known until he wakes upAfter listening to the doctor, Han Muzi was a little disappointed.

If the stimulation of a direct recovery even if, no recovery, then he will not be troubled by memory, if again headache faint how to do?

Xiao Yan pulled Han Muzi's sleeve and whispered: "don't think too much, as long as people will wake up when they are OK. Memory is stimulated today, and will surely recover slowly. Maybe one day and night, everything will suddenly come to mind."

So far, she can only accept, and nodded.

Song an finally found them and ran from the corridor to see Xiaoyan Xiaosu and Xiaomi Dou here. She was stunned for a moment and then came forward.

"Auntie." Han Muzi called out to him.

Xiao Yan and Xiao Su have nothing to do with her and they can only nod to her.

Song an asked, "what's wrong with Mo Shen? What did the doctor say

Han Muzi passed on the doctor's words to song an.

Song'an nodded after listening: "it's OK."

Then she saw the little guy next to her and squatted down, "millet bean, why don't you call me grandma?"

Xiaomi Dou blinks his moist eyes.

At last someone noticed him.

"Little aunt ~" Xiaomi Dou called her pitifully.

This sentence, almost called to song an's heart, she said, and then stretched out her hand to pick up Xiaomi Dou. "This child is really good, oh, it makes my heart melt."

"Auntie granny ~" Xiaomi Dou saw that she liked it, so she called out with face.

Song an's eyes are full of laughter and doting, pinching his soft cheek: "the winter is not good to stay at home, to go abroad to do what?"

as like as two peas in the night, he looked almost the same as he did at night.

My heart is in a mess.

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