
Chapter 167: Immorra [4]

Chapter 167: Immorra [4]

As I quietly moved around the perimeter of the battlefield, I made sure to hide my presence as much as possible. By hiding behind rocks and trees, I slowly crept my way towards the battlefield.

Explosions rang everywhere and pained and enraged screams echoed around the battlefield.

Both sides continuously fought against each other with the orcs swinging their massive weapons down and the demons diving down from the sky-piercing through the gap of the orc\'s bulky armor.

Black and green blood sprayed everywhere as both sides relentlessly tried to kill one another.

Turning my head to the side, I stared towards the distance where the battle between the two leaders was happening. Standing with his back straight, Silug, the legion commander, Swung his axe downwards.

As his axe touched the ground, the air split apart and a humongous red light quickly approached the count-ranked demon in the air.

Raising his hand and in a slapping motion, the count-ranked demon\'s hand made contact with the energy beam.

As soon as the count-ranked demon\'s hand touched the red beam, everything turned deathly quiet.

Everything stood at a standstill as be it orcs or demons all looked towards the distance.

…soon a bright red light enveloped the surroundings and a massive explosion rang out.

A massive shockwave swept the surroundings as both orcs and demons in the vicinity were flung away.

Not long after, as the light died down and the aftershocks of the explosion settled down, I soon saw the count-ranked demon diving towards Silug with unprecedented speed.

His blood-red eyes now were tinged in black as his left hand hung by a few threads. However if one looked closely, one could see the fiber of his muscles slowly regenerating reattaching his arm in place.

Stoically staring at the demon heading in his direction, Silug raised his axe in the air and screamed out loud.


Soon the demon and the orc once again came into collision and another massive shockwave swept the place.


Observing the fight from the distance, I couldn\'t but silently curse to myself.

\'How long will it take me to reach their level…?\'

Staring at the two leaders fighting in the distance, caused my blood to boil.

…such power.

Such overwhelming might that caused the surroundings to shake with every single one of their moves…I too wanted to become that strong too. Strong enough to not worry about carefully thinking about every single one of my actions.

…I knew I was being greedy.

Yet, I couldn\'t stop myself from wanting that sort of power.

…and although I knew that the speed of my strength increases could be described as nothing short of a miracle. That didn\'t stop me from longing to be that powerful.

Still, I knew that some things couldn\'t be rushed.

Staring at the two leaders fighting in the distance, I knew.

I knew that…

It was only a matter of time before I surpassed them.

As I was deep into my own thoughts, suddenly out of nowhere, an enormous frame crashed against the trees that were next to me tearing everything apart creating a cloud of dirt.

Startled, I immediately crouched down and looked towards the direction of where the crash happened. Unfortunately, because of the dirt shrouding the area, I wasn\'t able to get a proper look at what it was.

Turning my head to look behind me to make sure no one else was coming, I slowly approached the area where the crash happened.


As the dust settled down, an orc appeared laying down on the area next to me. With each breath he took, white air escaped from his mouth.

…soon our eyes met.

"Luten garen moven human!"

As his eyes and my eyes interlocked, after a short pause, the orc lifted his head and shouted out loud.

Noticing this, placing my hand on the sheat of my sword, I quickly channeled the mana inside of my body and apologetically said.

"Sorry, I don\'t speak orchen language or whatever it\'s called"


The first movement of the [Keiki style] : Quick flash

Thereafter, before the orc could defend himself, a bright light illuminated the surroundings, and a streak of light pierced straight through the small gap of the armor the orc was wearing. Green blood sprayed everywhere.


Exhaling, I removed my sword from the orc\'s body as its body lifelessly slumped on the ground.

Staring at the orc on the ground, I forcefully tried to calm my beating heart as I wiped the green blood that had splattered on my face.

…If I said I wasn\'t nervous right now that would\'ve been a lie.

Although I wasn\'t sure about my opponent\'s true strength, I was at least able to infer that he was at least around my level.

Fortunately, he was injured, or else the situation might\'ve turned troublesome.

Regardless, although nervous I was able to retain my composure which proved to me that I was growing.

Had this happened to me five months back, I would\'ve blanked out and lost some valuable time.

…It was fine to be nervous, everyone feels nervous. However, if that nervousness affected your judgment, that\'s when you knew you had a problem…and right now, I no longer blanked out whenever I was nervous.

"Alright, enough time-wasting"

Walking towards the now dead orc, I immediately stripped him of all of his armor.

"…fucking hell, this crap weights a crap ton"

Throwing the armor to the side, I couldn\'t help but curse to myself as I felt the weight of the armor.

…It felt as though it was a car.


\'Beggars can\'t be choosers\'

Sighing inwardly, looking at the corpse of the orc beside me. Taking out some oil from my dimensional space I threw it at the orc and snapped my fingers that were coated in flame psyons.

Not long after, a raging fire appeared in the area I was in. As this was a common sight on the battlefield it attracted no attention.

Crouching down and carrying the armor away from the fire, I found a somewhat secluded area and put on the armor.

…to say it was easy, would\'ve been a lie.

Let\'s ignore the fact that the armor was too big for me, just the weight alone made me feel sick. It was already hard enough for me to adjust to three times the gravity, now that I was wearing something that weighted like a truck on me, it felt as though my legs were made out of led.

I could barely stand straight.

…Fortunately, I had a solution to this.

Taking out three potions from my dimensional space, opening the lid with my thumb, I tried to down them in one go.

"Here goes no-"

However, just as I was about to drink the potion, the ground shook even more fiercely than before causing me to lose my footing slightly.

Fortunately, I was able to regain my footing. If not I might\'ve lost the potions.

Staring towards the distance, I slowly muttered.

"Reinforcements are here…"

Seeing that I didn\'t have much time left, quickly chugging down the three potions in my hand, I soon found my body expanding rapidly.

In a matter of seconds, I was soon able to fill the armor completely. Moreover, the armor was no longer as heavy as it was before.

The reason why I was able to do this was because of the three potions that I had just consumed.

[Gigantification potion] : Potion that rapidly expands body. Effects last for 1 day.

[Strenght magnification potion] : Potions that increase the strength of the user by a factor of two. Effects last 1 day, and agility decreases as a result of consumption.

[Voice changing potion] : Potion that enables the user to change voice as he/she pleases.

…I didn\'t really need to explain why I needed the first two potions, however, the last potion although it sounded useless, was an extra precaution I took in order to better disguise myself as an orc as the orc\'s voices were loud and powerful.

Although I couldn\'t speak the language, in case they were chanting their war cry, I wouldn\'t be exposed.

"Now I guess it\'s time for me to go"

Taking out the red book for a brief moment, I read through some of the pages. Not long after, closing the book I slowly made my way out of the forest I was in.

As I walked, with every step I took, the ground shook.

Unbothered by this, I soon made my way out of the thin forest…and what I saw next shook me to the core.

Karum! Karum! Karum!

On the expansive grassland before me, waves of orcs could be seen marching towards the distance chanting their war cry and thumping their weapons on the ground. Wherever they went the ground shook.

At the helm of the orcs, standing on top of a large boulder was Silug\'s figure who was menacingly staring towards the sky where the Count ranked demon stood. Next to him, another orc stood.

He had a similar presence to Silug, however, differently from him, his skin was red and his body was bulkier. He looked terrifying.

Staring at the count-ranked demon in the air, the red orc shouted.

"Kualem Toran pluzen Kaar!"

Staring at the red orc below him, still smiling, the count-ranked demon responded.

"veluem tenacie lem"

As the count-ranked demon and the orc leaders were conversing, I slowly walked towards the legion of orcs in the distance.

As I walked, I made sure to not hide my presence as I kept my back straight and fearlessly walked past the grassland towards where the other orcs were.

…the reason I was doing this was because I wasn\'t the only orc that got separated from their legion when fighting against the demons.

Therefore, in order to not look suspicious, I had to approach them head-on…and fortunately, not long after, I was soon standing next to hundreds of other orcs, staring towards the distance where the two orc leaders were.

"Tiralem Valken to mad Gud Khodror!"

Silently staring at the leaders in the distance, closing my eyes slightly I spoke inside of my mind.

\'Hey, Angelica, are you there?\'

Calling for Angelica inside of my mind, after a short pause, her voice entered my mind.


Once again opening my eyes and staring at the leaders of both sides, I asked Angelica inside of my mind.

\'Angelica, can you understand what they\'re saying\'

after another brief pause, Angelica responded.


\'Can you translate for me?\'

[…Yes, but don\'t talk too much with me human. I feel a strong presence near here…if I\'m slightly careless, I might get exposed. So I\'ll explain to you once you leave]

Finally understanding why Angelica was taking so long to respond, I nodded my head in understanding as I looked at the count ranked demon in the distance.

\'…Alright, I\'ll wait once he leaves.\'

Although Angelica was currently hidden, there was no guarantee that she wouldn\'t get caught.

Though the chances were extremely low, that didn\'t mean the chances were not zero…moreover, with the demon ahead being a count-ranked demon, it was never wrong to be extra cautious.

…Thankfully, it didn\'t take long for the count-ranked demon to leave.

"kekek, Kalatalm! Geviet!"

Ten minutes after Angelica stopped speaking to me, with a loud chuckle the count ranked demon flapped his wing in the air and disappeared into the distance as a sonic boom

Next to him, the remaining demons too disappeared in the distance with large smiles on their faces.

…although I wasn\'t able to make out what had happened, I knew that the demons had succeeded in whatever they were planning.

That was because not long after the demons left, an enraged roar swept the surroundings and vegetation.

"Gundem Buuul!"

The source of the shout was Silug whose chest was rising up and down fiercely. Turning his attention towards the red orc next to him and the legion behind him, Silug shouted.


[Quick human, thump your weapon on the ground]

As soon as Sigul\'s voice faded and hearing Angelica\'s warning, using the axe I got from the previous orc, I rhythmically thumped it on the ground and shouted like the other orcs.

Karum! Karum! Karum!

Turning around, Sigul headed towards the distance and the troops followed along. His face was incomparably dark.

…we were finally going to Gud Khodror


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