
Chapter 171: Igniting the flames [1]

Chapter 171: Igniting the flames [1]

Opening his eyes wide, Kevin exclaimed in disbelief.

"You're planning on starting a war!?"

Putting my finger on my lips as I gestured for Kevin to quiet down, I shook my head.

"…no, don't misunderstand. The war was always going to happen regardless of past, present, and future"

"All I'm doing is just pushing up the date of when the war will happen"

Frowning, after a bit of thought, Kevin nodded his head.

"…I guess you're right"

Judging from what he saw the past few days, it did indeed seem like a war was inevitable.

From the way that the orcs desperately sought food every day in order to survive, to how they were forced to live in a completely desolate place.

…A war was indeed inevitable.


Staring at Kevin who seemed to have bought what I said, I secretly shook my head.


Actually, what I said was total bullsh*t.

…The war that seemed to be fast approaching will never happen.

In the novel, a couple of years from now, by the time Kevin arrived in Immorra, the war that was supposed to happen never happened.

…in fact, when he arrived, the situation in Immorra was vastly different compared to now as the orcs conquered back forty percent of the land in Immorra.

The reason for how the orcs were able to reclaim the land was mostly due to the fact that the demons were forced to send some of their forces away due to a certain event happening in the near future…which could more or less be linked to Kevin being the source.

That aside, the war that seemed to be looming over this world was never going to happen.

…but Kevin didn't need to know this fact.

Had he known that we were going to start a war that was never going to happen, Kevin would've probably never have agreed to my plans.

I guess it was just against his morals as someone who had a hero complex…but I honestly didn't care.

To me, aside from the people close to me, nothing else mattered.

…If I had to start a war in order to achieve my goals then so be it.

I'll make it happen.

Especially since my goal was to infiltrate, Setin. The city that once used to be the capital of Immorra, and was now under the demon's rule.

Going to Setin was a must as everything that I wanted was there.

Be it mind breaker curse cure, the flute of Artemis, Angelica's item, and a few other things I wanted…everything was located there.

By starting a war I was essentially trying to divert the demon's attention away from that city so that I could sneak in and take everything that I wanted when the stronger demons were out fighting.

…and once I took everything, I didn't need to look for ways to escape as I would have Kevin directly create a portal back to earth in order to escape.

Knowing this, I knew that all I needed to do was sneak into the city.

With me not needing to think about an escape plan, it meant that I could now fully focus on igniting the flames of war.

Turning my attention back to Kevin, I started explaining to him the current plan.

"Listen up Kevin, as you probably already know, in order for me to achieve my goal I need to start a war"

"…and the thing you're about to do next is extremely important"

Nodding his head, Kevin's face turned serious as he perked up his ears.


Pausing and staring at Kevin straight into his eyes, I softly said.

"Your goal is simple, destroy their food storage"

This point was self-explanatory.

With the orcs no longer having food storage, they will be forced to venture outside of the city to look for food…and the only way they could do so at the moment would be through plundering and attacking the demon cities in the northern hemisphere of the world.

…this would obviously enrage the demons and create more conflicts between them.

but hold on, would this really be enough to start an all-out war with the demons?

The answer was no.

Just destroying their food storage wasn't enough. Although this would definitely escalate the conflict between the two parties…this was not the trigger that would start the war.

Destroying the food supply was merely like moving a pawn.

It just moved the game forward…it didn't end the game.

…what would really start the war was up to me.

Fortunately, I had already thought of this before coming here, as all my preparations were ready.

Glancing at the black ring on my finger, a faint smile appeared on my lips.

'You're soon going to come into play'

"Where is their food storage?"

As I was looking at the black ring on my finger, snapping me out of my thoughts was Kevin's voice as he asked about the location of the food storage.

Listening to Kevin's question, my mind stopped working for a second as I responded.

"No idea"

Frowning, Kevin was taken aback as he asked.

"…then how are we supposed to do this?"

What was the point of destroying the food storage if they had no idea of where it was? Moreover, considering how important it was, it was definitely hidden somewhere within the city.

… it's not like they were going to make its location known as that would basically be revealing their weakness for everyone to see.

Although the orcs were stupid, they weren't that stupid.

Looking at the city and seeing how big it was, Kevin estimated it would take a long time for the both of them to even get a clue on where food storage was.

Moreover, since they only had one month here, wasting time looking for the food supply wasn't the most ideal thing.

Understanding Kevin's worries, I reassured him.

"Don't worry, although I may not know where the food storage is…I know someone who does"

Taken aback, Kevin asked.


Smiling mysteriously, I looked towards the large circular pyramid-like structure in the distance.

"You've already met him"

Thinking for a moment and finally realizing something, opening his eyes wide Kevin said.

"…wait, you don't mean"

Nodding my head, I confirmed Kevin's assumption.

"Yeah, our very own commander Silug"

Pausing for a second as I admired the black tower at the center of the city, I slowly continued.

"It's just my guess, but because of the fiasco with the food supply thing, he is probably going get demoted"

"…and considering how influential he is in the army as we had just seen a while back, the orc chief will most probably not allow him to enter the army again to try to decrease his influence in it. meaning that there is only one option left-"

Interrupting me, Kevin said.

"…Guarding the food supply"

Staring at Kevin and seeing that he had understood, I nodded my head.

"Yes, considering his strength and status if he's not going to be part of the army the most logical thing would be for him to guard the food supply…any other role and it would be a waste of his talent"

Pausing for a second, I looked at Kevin and continued.

"…So, if you follow him discretely, you will know the location of the food supply"

Placing his hand on his chin as he closed his eyes and thought for a moment, after a couple of seconds Kevin proceeded to nod his head.

"…that makes sense. Moreover, spying on him shouldn't be too hard considering the fact that the orcs here aren't well versed in detecting mana"


Hearing Kevin's comment I nodded my head.

…fortunately, he was smart enough to understand my train of thought.

Because Kevin and I were human, it was much easier for us to sneak around in Gud khodror.

The reason was because orcs here had zero self-awareness towards humans…more specifically mana.

…that was because mana and humans weren't a thing that was supposed to exist in Immorra. A planet only inhabited by orcs and demons.

Naturally, because humans weren't supposed to exist here, it came as no surprise as to why the orcs couldn't detect mana fluctuations that come from humans.

They just simply weren't aware of it, and even if they were aware of it, they would've been wary of it as humans weren't supposed to exist on this planet.

In short, this made it a lot easier for Kevin and I to sneak around the city without getting caught.

…still, just because it was harder for them to detect us, it didn't mean that they couldn't.

If we came too close to them, we could easily be detected by the sound of our breathing and heartbeat. With orcs mainly focusing on their body, their senses were far more evolved than ours…it wouldn't be strange for them to detect us just through our sense of smell.

…but that was fine.

If we stood far enough, we would easily be able to spy on the orcs. Moreover, as I've said before. Kevin and I were human…our smell wasn't something that the orcs could understand…not unless they saw humans first hand which they shouldn't have.

So…although possible, the chances of them sensing us through smell wasn't very high. This was proven on our way towards the city with the orc army.


The more he thought about it, the more Kevin was convinced with the plan. He shared a similar thought process and instantly understood the crux of the plan.

…it could definitely work. Glancing at me he asked.

"I can do that, but what will you do?"

Pointing towards myself, I asked.


"Yeah, are you coming with me?"

Shaking my head, I immediately refused.

"No, I won't"

"Then what will you be doing?"

"…well, you'll know soon enough"

If I told him now…it'll ruin the whole surprise

…My plan needed Angelica therefore I couldn't disclose too much or things might become complicated. After all, the two had already met.

Just thinking of the conversation we would have once he found out about Angelica gave me headaches.

Let's not have the two meet.

That aside, now that I explained everything to Kevin, it was about time to enact the plan.

Glancing at Kevin, I said

"Let's split up for now, come back to me in two days time once you find something out"

Staring at me in the eyes, Kevin proceeded to nod his head as he turned around and headed towards the center of Gud Khodror.

"Alright, I'll meet you once I find something"


Watching Kevin's figure leaving in the distance, my eyes drifted towards the large tower in the middle of the city. Soon the corner of my lips curled upwards as I softly mumbled.

"…I'm genuinely curious as to how an all-out war between orcs and demons looks like"

Shrugging my shoulder as I turned around, I knew that I wouldn't need to wait for long to get my answer.

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