
Chapter 309 - Activating The Defensive System [1]

Chapter 309 - Activating The Defensive System [1]

—Clang! —Clang!

Following Ghorlorz, soon the sound of metal being pounded sounded. The air became hotter, and the pungent smell lingering in the atmosphere became even more pervasive. My face twisted slightly as a result.

"That is t—Clang!"

The heavy sound of the metal being pounded became louder as we neared the location. As a result, I had a hard time understanding what Ghorlorz was trying to say.

"What did you say!"

I raised my voice.

"What I\'m trying to—Clang!"

Once again, his voice was drowned out by the sound of metal being pounded. Finally, fed up, Ghorlorz grabbed my shoulder and pointed towards the distance where an enormous building stood.

"Is that the place?"

I slowly mouthed with my mouth, to which he nodded his head.

Raising my hand and giving him an \'OK\' sign, I saluted Ghorloz and separated from him. The only reason why he was accompanying me was because he wanted to apologize for his earlier actions.

He didn\'t actually need his weapon repaired, so once he brought me to the location, we separated.

Arriving before the large building, I put my hand on the handle of the glass door and pushed it open.

Ci— Clank—!

Entering the building, the heat intensified, and droplets of sweat started to fall from the side of my face.

The interior of the building followed a minimalistic style. There were no signs of any other decorations besides a reception and a couple of sofas. Behind the reception was a young dwarven girl who greeted me with a smile.

"Welcome, what would you—"

"It\'s you human."

Just as she was about to greet me, she was cut off by another dwarf. Instantly her eyes opened wide, and she bowed her head.

"S-sir Malvil!"


Hearing a familiar voice, I turned my head and spotted Malvil, the blacksmith I had met before.

Wiping his forehead with a white towel, he dropped it by the reception counter and asked.

"What be ye doing here?"

Tapping on my bracelet, I flashed my worn down sword.

"Trying to get this fixed."

To be honest, the sword was not very good, and the only reason I was using that was because I did not know that we were about to face a war.

I would\'ve bought a new one if I had known.

Taking the sword, Malvin scowled as he examined it. Slashing it around, the scowl on his face grew. Turning his head, he asked.

"You want ta get this trash fixed?"


Though true, his words were a bit harsh.

"Hmm, it\'s pretty heavily damaged."

"Fought quite a bit."

Killed seventeen demons and a baron ranked one with it. This was only natural.

—Clank! —Clank!

Tossing the sword to the side as though it was garbage, Malvin\'s face became serious. Turning to face me, he suddenly asked.

"Do ye really want ta improve your swordsmanship?"

Seeing how serious he was, my back straightened.

"Yes! "

No ounce of hesitation was in my voice when I answered.

What kind of question was that?

Of course, I wanted to. Recalling what I had been through for the pasts few months, my mind became even firmer.

Never again did I want to feel so helpless!

Malvil and I locked eyes for the next couple of seconds before he sighed and turned around.

"Alright, wait for me here."

"Hm? Where are you going?"

Unfortunately, before I could even ask, he had already disappeared to the back. Looking at the similarly clueless receptionist, I gave up.

Fortunately, the wait did not last for long; within five minutes of leaving, he soon came back with an object covered by a white cloth. The outline looked like that of a sword.

My eyes instantly lit up.

\'Is he planning on giving me a sword?\'

My heart started to beat with excitement.

Arriving before me, Malvil directly handed me the \'sword\'.

"Take it."

"Is this…"

"Yes, it\'s a sword."

My eyes lit up.

Taking the object and feeling it in my hand, I soon unwrapped the white cloth covering it. Once I unwrapped it, just as Malvil had said, a sword appeared in my hand.

At the sight of the sword, my mouth opened slightly.

Alternating my gaze between the sword and Malvil, I asked.

"…Am I supposed to use this?"


Malvil nodded with an amused smirk on his face.

\'Is this a joke?\'

Staring at the sword in my hand, I didn\'t know what to say.

Although I did not have high expectations when he brought out the sword, I didn\'t think he would bring me an old blunt sword that looked like it could crumble at the slightest touch.


Taking a deep breath, I calmed myself down. There had to be a good reason for this.

"May I ask why you gave me the sword?"

With his arms crossed, Malvil bluntly replied.

"I asked you if you wanted to improve your swordsmanship, is that correct?"


That was exactly what I asked for.

How was this crappy sword going to help?

"If ye want ta get stronger, tha sword be tha answer."

Pointing at the sword, Malvil explained.

"By using this sword, ye will learn how ta properly control your power. From how broken your previous sword was, I can tell that yer nae efficiently using it. A good swordsman treats their sword as though it be their treasure."

Picking up my old worn-out sword, he placed it on the table and pointed towards the right side of it, where a large crack appeared.

"Just look at this. This was most likely a result o\' ye parrying incorrectly. Ye shou\'\'ve cushioned a bit o\' tha damage by either moving tha sword back or redirecting tha attack, an\' this…"

Listening to Malvil\'s words attentively, unbeknownst to me, my head subconsciously nodded every time he spoke.

Every word he said, though harsh, was correct. What shocked me the most was that he was able to point out the flaws with my sword style just by looking at the sword.

Before long, I came to a sudden understanding.

"I understand."

Tracing my finger on the sword he had given me, I realized what his intention was when he gave it to me.

By trying my best not to crack the sword, he was trying to get me to improve the way I used the sword.

Less wasted movements and more efficient ones. As well as more efficient parries.

As long as I did those, my sword should never break. Once I achieved that, it meant that I had mastered the basics.

"Thank you."

Thanking Malvil, I reached to grab my old sword. However, before I could do that, I was stopped by Malvil, who grabbed my wrist.

"What are you doing?"


I tilted my head.

Slapping my hand, Malvil coldly said.

"Put that down."


Pointing at the blunt sword in my hand, he said.

"You\'re only allowed to use that sword. Nothing else."

"…But what if it breaks due to my mistake?"

Since this was the first time I was trying this method, I\'d be in trouble if the sword broke, even more so if many demons surrounded me.

Unfortunately for me, Malvil did not seem to care, as he indifferently replied.

"Tough luck, I\'ll see you again once I die of old age."


Once again, I was left speechless.

Was he really trying to send me on the battlefield with just one sword?


Taking my sword, Malvil put it in his dimensional space.

"The best way ta fight be ta fight wi\'out reassurance, if ye do it that way, ye\'ll be forced ta improve since your life be on tha line."

"…ugh, alright, fine."

Eventually, I gave up and agreed.

What he was doing was for my benefit. If what he said really worked, then I might as well just follow it.

"Thank you for today, I—"

Before I could finish speaking, Malvil once again cut me off.

"Wait, what be ye doing?"

"I\'m leaving."

I gave Malvil an odd look.

What else would I be doing? Since I had already gotten the sword, it was now time for me to leave.

Raising his hand, Malvil opened his palm and pinched his fingers.

"That would be 80 achievements points for the sword, please."


At that moment, for a moment, just a moment, I envisioned a future where Malvin didn\'t exist.


Perhaps because the world\'s plot armour protected Malvil, the sirens started to ring at the exact moment I envisioned a world without him.

Unaware of what I was thinking, Malvin\'s face darkened. Putting both of his hands on my back, he pushed me out of the building.

"Go, pay me back once you come back from this fight."

Before he could push me out of the building, I screamed.

"Wait, wait, I need something else."

"What is it?"

He shouted in annoyance.

Not minding his attitude, I asked.

"Ehmm, can you perhaps give me…"


Dosha! Dosha! Dosha!

The rain continued to plummet down from the sky, obstructing everyone\'s vision.

"How is the situation?"

Two dwarves were looking at the situation from a small operating room in an unknown location in the city. One of them had both of his hands pressing on the table, looking through the video images of the walls. He had fiery red hair and wore a brown apron.

The other dwarf stood behind the red-haired dwarf with folded arms. He appeared to be in his middle ages. His long back hair was braided behind his back, and his white beard also had a couple of braids by the side of it. Unlike the other dwarf, he had a serious disposition, as his brows always locked into a frown.

The dwarf with a serious disposition opened his mouth.

"The situation be nae good, tha weather be too erratic. Fighting now wou\' put us at a disadvantage."

The red-haired dwarf nodded his head in agreement.

"You\'re right. Fighting in these conditions wou\' put us at a severe loss."

Both dwarves agreed on the fact that fighting with this weather was simply impossible.

It would lead to too many losses.

The red-haired dwarf walked towards the middle of the room where a large yellow beacon stood.

"Seems like we have nae choice but ta activate tha defensive system."

"Go ahead, I\'ve already reported it ta tha others"

"Good, I\'ll start."

Di—! Ding—!

Pressing his hand on the beacon, a defiant yellow hue discharged from the beacon. A glaring red [100%] appeared in the middle of the beacon, and a homing sound soon sounded.


Before long, a bright yellow light shot towards the sky from the beacon.


Rushing towards the northern tower, Orimdus, the dwarf responsible for the northern tower, shouted loudly towards his communication device.

"What!? yer planning on activating tha defensive system this early into tha war!?"


Suddenly a bright light shot towards the sky. Once the light reached a certain point, each of the towers on the walls shook and multiple yellow lights soon shot out as well, converging with the light coming from the beacon, forming a bright yellow ball in the middle of the sky.

Once the lights converged, a thin transparent yellow film started extending from the yellow ball, enveloping the entire mountain.


Lowering the hand that held the communication device, Ordimus cursed.


\'Looks like they activated the defensive system.\'

Running up the stair of the tower and arriving at the top of the walls, I gazed towards the distance, through the gap of the battlements.

Though the heavy rain was obstructing most of my vision, it did not cover the yellow film that was slowly enveloping the mountain.

"Ren, you\'re finally here."

A familiar voice sounded from behind me.

"Leopold, you rested enough?"


Leaning on the gap in between the battlements, Leopold\'s hair slowly started to get wet from the rain.

"Looks like we\'re going to be fighting again."

He tiredly muttered.

Similarly leaning on the gap of the battlement, I wordlessly stared at the barrier that was enveloping the mountain.

"Tell me about it."

Perhaps only eight hours passed since the last fight? I didn\'t count, but it was not too long. Most people were tired, and the terrible weather was not helping.

Neither of us spoke for the next couple of minutes.

That was until I recalled something.

"Before I forget, take this."

Tapping on my bracelet, I handed Leopold an object. At the moment it was covered with the cloth that Malvil used to cover the sword.

This was a little something I bought back at the utility center. Thought that it would be a perfect fit for Leopold.

Tilting his head, Leopold asked.

"Hmm?…What is this?"

"Have a look."

Nudging my head, I mysteriously smiled.


Taking the object, Leopold slowly removed the cloth, revealing a slick black artifact that resembled a one handed shotgun.

Leopold\'s eyes opened widely.


He then proceeded to whistle as a small smile appeared on his face.

Caressing the artifact, he couldn\'t help but complement it.

"Hot damn this is beautiful."

Lowering my hand and staring at the artifact in his hand, a smile crept on my face.

"I knew you\'d like it."

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