
Chapter 676 The Beginning Of The End [4]

[Day 2]

Within the human domain, there were a total of one hundred and fifteen diamond-graded guilds.

One must have at least one member of the <S> rank or higher in their guild in order to be eligible for the Diamond rank in the guild rankings.

It was difficult to start a guild, and most of the time, it was much easier and more worthwhile to join an existing guild rather than attempt to start your own.

The explanation for this was very straightforward.

Because resources had to be divided up within a guild, and because one needed a significant number of resources in order to advance to the next rank, the higher they were ranked, forming a guild was really not worth the effort that it took.

The fact that there were only one hundred and fifteen diamond-graded guilds despite there being over a thousand different S rankers alive was sufficient evidence to demonstrate how challenging it was to establish a guild.

Having said that, those individuals who were successful in establishing a guild had an undeniable influence within the human domain. It was an unquestionable fact.

If one were to have control of all of the diamond graded guilds within the human domain, then it wasn\'t far off to say that they pretty much had total control of the entire human domain.

...and it was precisely this point that elevated the position of the Alliance head to a high level of significance.

Whoever held that position would become the overlord of the human domain.

Within the grand auditorium of the Union Tower.

People dressed in suits gathered together and quietly took their seats on one of the seats that faced the center stage, which was illuminated in a bright manner by the lights that were coming from the four corners of the room.

As I walked into the auditorium with Amanda by my side, I looked around the room until I spotted a couple of people I recognized, and then I headed in their direction.

"It looks like you guys have come early."

​ I initiated the conversation as I sat down next to Melissa, who was scrolling through her phone. Beside her were Jin and Emma.

"Oh, you guys are here too."

Melissa acknowledged my presence for a short moment before shifting her attention to her phone.

Beside her, Emma was waving at Amanda in a happy manner. I was slightly taken aback by her happy appearance.

\'Did something happen to her?\'

Last I recalled, during our time in Immorra, there was always this gloomy atmosphere revolving around her.

I wasn\'t exactly sure about her situation, but I knew that it probably had something to do with Kevin.

It was surprising to see that she had somehow recovered.

"What are you doing here?"

Jin inquired with his head cocked slightly forward as Melissa\'s body partially obstructed his view.

"From what I\'ve heard, you\'re not planning on joining the alliance. I\'m surprised they even let you in here."

"I\'m just accompanying her."

I pointed at Amanda, who was sitting next to me.

Indeed, this meeting wasn\'t something that I was supposed to attend. Since I didn\'t have any plans to join this alliance, I was naturally not invited to attend the meeting, which was supposed to be for \'members only.\'

\'Good thing my girlfriend is part of one of the biggest guilds, and she\'s also part of this.\'

Had it not been for Amanda, I most probably would\'ve been unable to attend today\'s meeting.

To be honest, the alliance was an extremely beneficial thing for all of the major guilds as well as the smaller ones.

When fully established, the Union will throw open its doors to anyone and everyone that was part of the alliance, distributing all of the resources available.

In addition, given the current state of the world, it was unavoidable that everyone would decide to work together rather than on their own.

In all likelihood, I would have joined this alliance if it weren\'t for the fact that I had other things planned for my mercenary group.

\'A bit of a pity, but things are more comfortable this way, plus...\'

My eyes squinted as I looked at the center stage of the auditorium, all sorts of complicated thoughts racing through my mind.

The reporters had already taken their positions along the sides of the auditorium, with their cameras aimed in the direction of the podium that was located in the middle of the stage.

The location was already packed with people, and a large number of reporters were huddled around some of the more well-known guild masters, conducting interviews with them.

I shifted my attention away from them and looked at Melissa. There was something that I was curious about.

"Did you manage to find the right herb?"


Melissa looked at me, her brows locked in a subtle frown. At first, I assumed that she was angry; however, upon further thought, I realized that she naturally looked annoyed.

"You talking about the herb for the mana poisoning problem?"


"Oh, that..."

Amanda lowered her head and focused her attention back on her phone. With her finger darting all over the screen and pressing the screen in several places, she passed me her phone.

"I\'ve pretty much almost finished with it. I still need to run a few tests before handing it to the central government to get it approved."


I nodded, looking at the phone and trying my best to understand what was written on it. My interest didn\'t last for very long, and I handed the phone back.

"Good job."

I understood nothing if I had to be honest.

It looked like just a bunch of data that was stuck together and compiled for the sake of it.

I\'d thought that my acting was fairly good, but apparently, it didn\'t seem like it, as Melissa was quick to notice, and she immediately called me out.

"...You didn\'t understand anything, did you?"

"A bit."

\'Like maybe one percent?\' 

I inwardly muttered. Obviously, I didn\'t say this out loud, and it didn\'t appear that I needed to because Melissa appeared to have read my expression with a single glance.

"One percent isn\'t much."

"What are you?"

"Your expression says it all."

Melissa shifted her attention back to her phone screen. Just subtly, I could make out a slight curl of her lips, and my mouth twitched.

As I was getting ready to say something, all of a sudden, the lights in the auditorium went out, with the exception of the ones that were pointing toward the center stage.

Standing behind the podium was Octavious. He was currently dressed in a black suit that showed off the broadness of his shoulders and his overall great physique.

His presence took up the entirety of the space, and all eyes were drawn to him.

At this precise time, the attention of people all over the world was focused on the screen of their televisions, their mobile devices, or any other medium that was readily available to them.

It was announced that this meeting would have a significant impact on the future of the human domain, and with all of the major guilds in attendance, no one was unaware of this event.

Almost every living human being was paying attention to what was happening today.

"Thank you all for gathering here today."

Octavious started to speak, and his voice could be heard throughout the entire auditorium as he rested his hands on the side of the podium.

His face was as expressionless as it always was, and there was a sense of oppression that surrounded him.

Nonetheless, it was this oppressive air that inexplicably emanated from his body that made those watching keep their eyes glued to the screen.

"In today\'s gathering, we will be announcing a very important piece of news. One that is about the current situation of the human domain, and the changes that will be taking place in the following couple of days."

A gentle hush fell upon the place as the eyes and ears of the people attending were drawn toward Octavious at the center of the stage.

While Octavious was fixating his gaze intently on the cameras that were pointing in his direction, he did not squander a single second and promptly informed the entire world of the calamity that was about to befall the human domain.

"In two days\' time, the human domain will face another unprecedented calamity. The truce between the Monolith and the Union will come to an end, and an all out war will start between the human domain and the Monolith."

As his voice subtly reached the ears of all of the individuals who were watching, the atmosphere within the auditorium became tense.

Regardless of this, nobody uttered a single word within the auditorium. The vast majority of those in attendance were already aware of what was taking place and were, at least to some degree, ready for what was still to come.

\'Without a doubt, a lot of people must already be in a state of panic.\'

I thought to myself while quietly observing the reactions of those in attendance which were surprisingly tame.

The same could not be said for those who were watching the current events, as this was the first time the news had been shared with the rest of the world.

One could easily imagine the level of mayhem that was taking place outside of the building in.

Fortunately, the Union wasn\'t completely unprepared and had already dispatched a lot of its members to keep the situation under control.

Octavious continued with his speech.

"The reason I\'m standing here today is to share with you what the Union and all the major guilds have decided to do in response to the current situation."

Octavious continued to speak regardless of whether or not people were still paying attention to the broadcast.

"The establishment of a new organization within the human domain will be the first significant change to be implemented. This organization will be the pillar upon which the human domain will stand, and it will be a collaboration between the Union and the major guilds of the human domain."

"The Union will no longer be the sole governing entity in the human domain; rather, this newly established organization will assume that role. The organization\'s mission will be to ensure the safety of the populace and halt the Monolith\'s assault on the human domain, and..."

Octavious\'s line of discourse came to an abrupt halt as he looked around the room, taking careful note of the individuals present as well as the cameras that were aimed in his general direction.

His voice suddenly started to deepen.

"Following the completion of a voting process that involved all the major guilds and rankers, a new leader for this recently founded organization has already been elected, and I will now present him to you."

Everyone held their breath at this moment.

It was finally time for the new alliance head to be announced. Would it be Octavius, or would it be someone else entirely?

The answers to their questions were answered soon enough, as Octavious announced.

"I\'d like to introduce the world to the new alliance head. Kevin Voss."

Under the bright lights of the auditorium, a figure with a white coat draped over his shoulders and a large red broadsword in hand ascended the stage as the soft sound of his footsteps reverberated throughout the room.

His gait was neither hurried nor slow, and each step he took seemed to reverberate in the minds of all those present.

After coming to a halt in front of the podium, Kevin slowly brought his broadsword down to the ground and lightly tapped it against the surface of the ground.


His head slowly raised, exposing his crimson red eyes that gleamed under the sharp lights of the stage.

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