
Chapter Epilogue — Effort's Never Betray You [3]

In the small, sunlit courtyard of the orphanage, laughter filled the air as a young woman, with her short tousled brown hair, engaged in a lively game with the children.

"Don\'t get too far, Ricky. Come back here!"

The weather was perfect, with a gentle breeze swaying the colourful flowers in the garden and the sound of birds chirping, adding to the joyful ambience.

Emma crouched down, her eyes sparkling with warmth and kindness, as a group of children eagerly surrounded her. Their faces were painted with wide smiles, their eyes alive with anticipation.

She held a worn-out skipping rope; one end gripped firmly in her hand while the other dangled freely.

"Okay, who\'s up for a skipping challenge?"

Emma called out, her voice filled with playful enthusiasm.

"Me! Me! I want, I want!"

The children responded with an excited chorus of cheers and raised hands, vying for their turn to join in the fun. Emma\'s eyes crinkled at the corners as she carefully selected the first participant.

"Okay, let\'s go with Jane."


A little girl dressed in faded overalls and pigtails stepped forward, her eyes shining with excitement.

"Make sure you hold the rope on both ends. Don\'t swing your arms too much but flick your wrists."

Emma handed her the skipping rope, showing her how to hold it and offering words of encouragement.

"Hmm... okay."

"Yes, that\'s good!"

As Jane hesitantly began to jump, Emma clapped her hands rhythmically, chanting a catchy rhyme to accompany the skipping. The other children gathered in a semi-circle, clapping and cheering for their friend, creating an atmosphere of unity and support.

Soon, other children took their turns; each one cheered on by their fellow playmates.

"Make sure to jump in rhythm! So long as you follow the rhythm, it\'ll become easier for everyone!"

Emma effortlessly morphed into a mentor, showing patience and understanding and guiding them through the simple but delightful game.

Some children jumped gracefully, their feet barely touching the ground, while others struggled with coordination, resulting in giggles and laughter. It didn\'t matter—Emma celebrated every attempt, creating an environment where mistakes were seen as stepping stones to improvement.

As the game progressed, the children grew more comfortable, their inhibitions melting away under Emma\'s reassuring presence.

They skipped with increased confidence, their smiles widening as they discovered their hidden abilities. Emma, ever watchful, offered encouragement, praising their efforts and reminding them that their joy was the ultimate goal.

"Yes, that\'s very good."

"That\'s an improvement from your previous attempt. Good job Jason!"

Time seemed to pass like that, and before she knew it, the sun cast long shadows across the courtyard as the game neared its end. The children, now breathless and rosy-cheeked, gathered around Emma, their eyes shining with gratitude.

\'It\'s all worth it.\'

Staring at their smiles, Emma felt herself choke up with emotion even though she didn\'t show it.

She wasn\'t doing all of this for them. She was doing it for herself as well. She felt as much gratitude towards them as they felt towards her.

"Have you all had fun?"

Emma asked, staring at the children with a simple smile on her face.


They all replied in unison, their breath a little heavy. Emma\'s smile grew softer when she saw this and turned to face the orphanage behind her.

It bore no resemblance to its state a year prior when she had arrived. Instead of the chapel that once occupied that spot and had crumbled, a spacious, contemporary white structure now took its place.

In it were state-of-the-art facilities that she had spent a lot of money on. From cinemas to dedicated rooms for each individual child, the facility had everything necessary to bring joy to the children.

\'While it won\'t make up for what my father did... At the very least, it\'s a start.\'

Indeed, this very chapel was something that she had come to learn from Ren. Even after a year had elapsed since the war, she still found it difficult to comprehend the true nature of her father.

It still hadn\'t dawned on her that he wasn\'t the same person she perceived him to be.

To this day, she struggled to sleep properly, and only in the company of the children could she discover solace. It was solely thanks to them that she maintained her sanity.

This was why she was thankful to them.

"Do you guys want to eat? Dinner should be about ready, so how about we go back and get you all cleaned up before eating?"

Pushing the children back toward the orphanage, Emma watched as they dragged their tired bodies back into the establishment. Staring at their happy backs, her otherwise empty heart filled a little.

\'I really did make the right decision.\'

The more she stared at them, the more she felt at peace with her decision. This world... it was lonely to her.

She had friends, but everyone she truly cared for had already left her. Her world was a lonely one, but at the very least, it wasn\'t as lonely as it could\'ve been.



An audible sigh escaped me as I fixed my gaze on the figure before me.

His eyes remained locked on the orphanage in the distance, his lips slightly pursed, while an array of emotions played out on his face. His unwavering gaze lingered on the structure as he seemed to have fallen in deep thought.

\'For fuck\'s sake...\'

I experienced a mild sense of annoyance intertwined with a peculiar amusement as I stared at him.

"Are you really that scared of her?"

My words seemed to have evoked a certain emotion in him as he shuddered. Slowly turning his head, his eyes fixed on me.

"I\'m n..not scared."

His voice, which tremored midway, betrayed his true feelings and I almost laughed. Of course, I suppressed that very laugh and nodded my head seriously.

"Well, you should be."

I made sure to emphasize my words. And as expected, seeing how serious I was, he shuddered even more.

\'Ah... how I missed this.\'

I took pleasure in the sight before me. Not that I showed it.

It was important that I didn\'t show it. Only then would I truly be able to entertain myself even more.

"As I\'ve told you before, I\'ve already shown her everything. She knows what you did and of your sacrifice. While I respected your choice of keeping everyone\'s memories of you sealed, how do you think she\'ll react if you suddenly show up to her out of nowhere?"

A whole year had passed since my return to earth, and given my newfound powers I was capable of reviving Kevin. Well, sort of.

"Being a Protector means you have to sacrifice a lot of things. Your entire existence should revolve around keeping the universe balanced so that it remains stable. As things stand, you\'re still a protector. However, the moment you denounce your status, you\'ll become a regular human and you\'ll lose everything that you have. Are you willing to do that?"

It was only after I became the Overseer that I truly understood the complexity of a Protector. The Universe was vast, and while they could blend with any society, they couldn\'t truly assimilate with them.

Their lifespans were infinite, which was both a blessing and a curse. Living longer wasn\'t all too good...

"Isn\'t it possible to make Emma a Protector as well?"

At Kevin\'s sudden question, I pondered for a moment before nodding my head.

"It\'s possible."

My powers made it possible for me to bestow seven people with the title of Protectors. They\'d gain access to unimaginable power and would be able to live for as long as I existed.

"I can, but do you really think Emma would want to?"

Kevin\'s face changed at the question and he lowered his head. At heart, he already knew the answer to my question.

"If... and I mean if I were to leave, what will happen to you? Will you be fine without me? What will happen if Jezebeth returns... or someone like him?"

"I\'ll be fine."

I smiled at his words. In this Universe, Jezebeth was dead. I made sure of that. There wasn\'t going to be another him for so long as I willed it.


As Kevin stood there, pondering over the matter for a long while, his shoulders eventually relaxed as he let out a long sigh.


His expression softened slightly.

"I think I want to rest a little. I\'ve lived for far too long with one goal in mind and I\'ve never been happy once. Will you allow me to be selfish, just this once?"


I raised my brow, suppressing the smile that was creeping up my face. I could tell at a glance what his decision was going to be.

Meeting my gaze, he smiled back at me.

"You already know my answer."


"Come now, brush your teeth and go to bed."

Emma checked her watch, 10 p.m, and sighed. Staring at the children who were still roaming about and full of energy, she let out another sigh.

\'Weren\'t they supposed to be tired from all that playing?\'

The amount of energy they had left her baffled. Back when she was their age, she didn\'t have as much energy as they did.

Looking around her, Emma pursed her lips.

"I think it\'s about time I hire a helper."

She had been at it for over a year now, and only now did it truly dawn on her that she was severely understaffed.

Taking care of a dozen children was not an easy task. In fact, it was quite a hard task. One had to wonder just how she had managed to keep at it for over a year.

To Tok—!

All of a sudden, Emma heard a soft knock coming from the main door of the orphanage and her brows jumped up in surprise.

"Oh, who could it be?"

There were rarely any visitors coming to the orphanage. Occasionally one or two would come to adopt the children, but they were a rare sight. Ever since the war, the financial ability that was once present in Ashton City crumbled, and many were found struggling to settle back into their daily lives again.

Adopting wasn\'t in the minds of very many people.

Still, thinking of possible adoptees, Emma\'s eyes lit up and headed for the door.

"I\'m coming."

She shouted, straightening her dress and putting on a warm smile. There was nothing that brought her more joy than seeing the children finally find a family.

While she did her best to keep them happy, she knew that she couldn\'t replace a warm and complete family. Nothing could.

Reaching out for the door handle she slowly opened the door and smiled brightly.


"Hi there, are you looking to ad—"

Her words stopped halfway through as her entire body froze. Her previously calm mind blanked, and she found herself struggling to comprehend the situation.

Standing before her was a figure she dreamed of every single day. He may have wanted her to forget about him, but she simply couldn\'t.

She wouldn\'t let him disappear from her memories.


His crimson eyes shone like jewels under the starry skies.

He looked exactly as he was in her memories, and she blinked her eyes slowly. Hoping that when she\'d reopen them he\'d still be there.

And he really remained there.

It wasn\'t a dream or a mirage.

He was standing right in front of her.

Pita! Pita!

The silence that surrounded her was broken by the hot streaks that fell down from her cheeks and fell to the ground.

Slowly, her eyes started to blur and she felt a small piece of her slowly filling up.

Right then and there she wanted nothing more than to just jump into his arms and bawl her eyes out in his warm chest.

However, she refrained from doing so. She was getting cold feet.

What if this was all a dream? What if it wasn\'t him, and just someone that looked like him?

Such thoughts were broken by a familiar voice.

"Ehm... so."

His voice sounded the same as in her memories, and when she wiped her eyes, she could see the apparent nervousness in his gaze as he looked down and his eyes wandered everywhere but towards her.

"So, like," he scratched the back of his head nervously as he seemed to struggle to say what he wanted to say. "Ehmm... I had a whole speech prepared, but... I can\'t seem to find my words."

Emma could tell just how nervous she was at a glance, and her heart started to calm down. He was no different than how he was in her memories.


Eventually taking a deep breath, their eyes finally met and he pursed his lips before saying.

"I... I heard that you were looking for helpers."




Bon Iver

0:00 ▶----------------------- 05:36

+ Volume -






▶ [No]

▷ [Yes]




▷ [No]

▶ [Yes]








\'Efforts never betray you.\'

A saying widely respected and repeatedly preached across the world.

Some people regard this quote as a personal mantra to follow throughout their whole life, while others simply scoff at it as if it were a mere joke.

I mean, why put effort when you have a super-rich dad who provides you with all you need?

Big house?

\'Hello, Dad! Can you buy me a house?\'

New car?

\'Daddy~ There\'s this new car that I really love and was wondering if...\'

There are also those that live in luxury simply because they are lucky, like the ones who win the lottery.

I mean, how much effort does it take for someone to win a lottery?

\'Congratulations! You have won 200 million.\'

How does \'efforts never betray you\' apply here?

Of course, setting those examples aside, there were many cases in which the saying proved to be correct.

For example, have you seen the movie- hmm, what was it called?


The \'Pursuit of Happyness\'.

It is your perfect example of \'efforts never betray\'.

It\'s a touching story about a homeless dad living on the streets with his son, who, because of his pure love and dedication for his child, managed to succeed and become a millionaire. Very touching.


What about me?

What have I got to say about \'efforts never betray\'?

It is utter bullshit. Period.

Well... at least, that was what I used to think in the past.

Now? Not so much, I guess.

I held a lot of resentment back then.

Perhaps it was because my memories were altered, and I carried the thoughts of my other self who found himself in this infinite loop with no end in sight in spite of all of his efforts, but in the end...

I no longer think it\'s such bullshit anymore.

The moment the \'other me\' handed me everything and all his experiences and hardships fused with me, I realized that he wasn\'t just another version of me.

In fact, he was never another version of me, or another entity.

From the very beginning, he was me, and I was him.

Be it past, present, or future.

I was Ren.

"This should be the place?"

I stopped for a moment and looked ahead of me where a long flight of stairs greeted my sight. They seemed to stretch endlessly as vegetation surrounded the area, and a nice breeze wafted through.

"Oh, well."

Sighing, I stepped forward and climbed the stairs.

\'She\'ll kill me if I\'m late.\'

I was in fact already late, but so long as I wasn\'t too late, she wouldn\'t really do much to me... or so I hoped.

Anyways, as I was saying...

Efforts never betray you.

Perhaps there was greater truth to those words than I had initially realized. While efforts didn\'t guarantee success, they did guarantee progress and growth.

Be it, Kevin, me, or even Jezebeth.

Efforts didn\'t betray us.

We all achieved what we wanted to achieve. None of us failed in our objective, and it was all due to the effort that we put in that we got where we were.

"It\'s funny how the quote I once used to despise turned out to be the very quote that I couldn\'t agree more with. Could this be character development?"

I laughed at the thought and continued to climb the stairs.

I didn\'t know for how long I continued to climb the endless set of stairs that lay before me, but somehow, I didn\'t mind it. I found a sense of peace climbing the long flight of stairs.

Lost in my own thoughts I continued to climb the stairs.


One step at a time.

Just like the path that I took to get to where I was.

Before I knew it, I reached the top of the staircase, only to be greeted by a breathtaking panorama. From this vantage point, I stood atop the world, beholding the sprawling cityscape beneath me.

My gaze didn\'t linger over the city for very long as my feet halted in their tracks and my gaze settled on a familiar figure, their back turned towards me, and a cascade of black hair which stopped at her shoulders swayed gracefully in the breeze.

Leaning gracefully against the metallic handrail, gazing out at the city below, time seemed to stand still for a fleeting moment.

In that instant, a multitude of thoughts flooded my mind, compelling my hand to instinctively reach for my right pocket, where I could feel the presence of a small box nestled within my grasp.

A lot of thoughts swam through my mind at that moment, and I couldn\'t help but think of the journey that had led me to this pivotal moment.

From the first moment I met her to the times we spent together and all the struggles I\'d been through.

Suddenly, I felt nervous.

\'It\'s really been a long journey...\'

It was a long one, but at the same time, fulfilling. All of it led to this very moment, and I couldn\'t help but feel that it was all worth it.

A softening of my countenance replaced the previous nervousness I had held, and with pursed lips, I took a step forward, withdrawing my hand from my pocket.

As I fiddled with the box in my palm, a smile gradually spread across my face, and I felt a new sense of certainty over my decision.

\'I may not be proud of every step I\'ve taken, but I know they have all led me to this moment. Not all stories end in a happy ending...\'

I thought to myself, my eyes slowly closing.

With renewed conviction, I slowly dropped to one knee, lifting my gaze. I parted my lips, readying myself to speak.

"...but I guess mine does," I muttered, pursing my lips. "My efforts didn\'t betray me."

Drawing a deep breath, I opened my eyes, calling out to her once more.

"Hey... Amanda."

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