
Chapter 122: Deciding the route and Yan Mo’s experiments

Chapter 122: Deciding the route and Yan Mo\'s experiments

Yan Mo and Yuan Zhan talked about the various possible things with Yuan Ji Tribe before reaching the valley.

Yan Mo has a small appetite. He only wants some slaves to increase Jiu Yuan population, but Yuan Zhan wants to take the opportunity to swallow the entire tribe.

At the beginning, Yan Mo was also scared by Yuan Zhan\'s appetite. He felt that this guy was a bit unrealistic, but after hearing all the other person\'s thoughts, he didn\'t say anything, but he had to admit that people thoughts and way of solving things are really different. Even if Yuan Zhan received little education and received some knowledge, he did not have much different in terms of thinking.

It seems that the origins of many founding emperors in ancient and modern Chinese and foreign history were not very good, and there are many big presidents in modern times who have no culture but are mixed up. Some people always seem to be able to look and think farther than others, go faster than others, pay attention to things that others have not noticed, and think about what others have not thought of.

Yan Mo recognizes that Yuan Zhan\'s ideas were working, and that both Jiu Yuan and he are in good hands if they face a problem.

If the people of Yuan Ji Tribe are willing to go with them, how can they bring so many people back to Jiu Yuan?

Tiangui Mountain is located in the southwest of Yuan Ji Tribe. If they walk all the way to the southwest, they will reach the foot of Tiangui Mountain safely, but how can they climb the cliff of nearly two kilometers height?

Yan Mo thought of Article 3 of The Guide, the Article of geography and hydrology

Long before Article 3 of The Guide was activated, he was eager to have a map of the world.

However, The Guide told him that the map can be opened not only by adding SCUM VALUE, but also by that he needs to meet some necessary conditions, and the conditions for different parts of the map are different. For example, he wants to know the overall terrain of his continent, etc., he must lose 100,000 SCUM VALUE points

However, he is not unable to use Article 3 at present, in which a non-biological guide such as minerals part can be used. In addition, he can exchange a simple map of one million square kilometers within his own center for the cost of +50 SCUM VALUE.

Although the five minor punishments were painful, but he could exchange a simple map of one million square kilometers, Yan Mo still felt it was very cost-effective.

Moreover, the map scale can be zoomed in and out, which is convenient to use.

After Yan Mo got the map, he took about five seconds, then he turned to see Yuan Zhan.

After five seconds, Yan Mo decided to leave more room for himself. Without a map, he can be mad and walk to the end of the world. With the map, the guy is still not on the land!

At the beginning, he said the route of travel. Others didn\'t know. Yuan Zhan first asked him with a playful look: Is this the teaching of the ancestors\' dreams?

Yan Mo nodded calmly. Anything unsolvable is pushed to the ancestors.

“We have to enter the Black Forest." After a moment of silence, Zheng cautiously spoke.

“People who have entered the Black Forest on the grasslands mostly end up dead. Few people know what is in the Black Forest.” Zhang continued: “When the various ethnic groups get to trade, there will be news of the black forests brought by some tourists and savages. However, they don\'t talk much, and they have never entered the depths of the Black Forest. They only go to the edge of the Black Forest to find food and firewood when they have nothing to eat in winter."

“It’s just less dangerous at the edge. Because of age and identity, Zhang is probably the one who knows the most about the Black Forest. "Those who want to find food and cut trees in the Black Forest in the winter have nine out of ten said that there is a creature in the Black Forest. A dwarf person-like monster, gray-green skin, teeth are sharp..."

Zhang has not finished, Yuan Zhan and Yan Mo exchanged a look, and Zhang noticed, changed the topic and asked: "You have seen that monster."

“We have seen it." Yuan Zhan nodded. "Not only have we seen it, we have also fought with them, they are very fierce, and very clever, they use weapons much better than Yuan Ji Tribe\'s stone tools."

“They can speak our language?"

"No. Those little monsters seem to regard humans as one of their foods, and their language is completely different from ours."

Yan Mo was thinking about whether the little monsters appearing on the Tiangui Mountain plateau are from the Black Forest. If so, are they simply diverting because of too many people, or are there more powerful things in the Black Forest, forcing the little monsters to come out of the Black Forest?

These cannot be known without entering the Black Forest. Yan Mo temporarily put this problem aside and looked up: "Let\'s assume that there are such small monsters in the Black Forest, and their number is huge. If we want to go through the Black Forest we have to take great risks."

“Even without those monsters. So many of us walking in the forest. After walking around you will find that, there are fewer people behind. As the grass on the prairie goes higher, countless beasts and greedy people will follow us."

“Lie is right. If we have fewer people, it may be possible to cross the Black Forest. But with so many people, entering the Black Forest is just like giving meat to the inhabitants." Zhang smiled.

Zhang also said: "The last time the warrior crossing the mountain in the Black Forest is probably also a 4th Rank warrior. The other four people who are the same as him died when they passed through the forest. Only he lived enough to come down."

1]..... The story told by Missing Teeth about the Gaoshan warrior who rode The Sun Worshippers horse.

“So we can\'t take the Black Forest road," concludes Yan Mo.

The warriors were silent and approved.

“There is only one road left. We will walk extending from the Black Forest. We will follow this stream to the northwest. We will bypass many roads, but we don\'t have to go through the forest. The place to walk is the edge of the grassland and the forest." Yan Mo simply use his foot to erase the map across the Black Forest and draw the second picture in more detail.

“The advantage of this road is that it is wide, bright, has a good view, and is close to the water source. There is a stream of water, and we are not afraid to get lost. The disadvantage is that because of the proximity to the water source, there will be many savage people on this road, no matter humans.... They are still non-human, and we don\'t know if they are friendly, whether the lethality is bigger, and because we are bypassing, we have many people, and it may take a long time to reach our destination."

“Now it is early summer, Mo Da Ren, As long as we can get to the Jiu Yuan territory before the winter season, we have no fears.” Zheng took a shot on his thick chest.

“It shouldn’t take so long.” Yan Mo’s original idea of ??spending a few months on the primitive countryside has been unreasonable. After actually coming to this primitive society, he discovered that it’s not a long time to travel in a few months.

In particular, the overall migration of a large tribe, not to mention the huge price to be paid on the road, this is just a shift from one location to another new residence suitable for residence and hunting and it will probably take a year or two.

Yan Mo learned from Lan Dier that when the tribes merged near The Stone Mountain a hundred years ago, their ancestors walked two winters on the road.

“Just take the second road!" Zheng looked at the warriors for a while and made a decision.

No one was against it.

The road was decided.

Before the map invention, all the roads need human life to test, whether you are hunting or migrating, from the unfamiliarity of the terrain to knowing it well, this has to be filled with countless blood and even life loss.

Yuan Ji Tribe has the long-sighted ability from The Old Priest. It is a bit easier than other tribes who can\'t see the front when traveling. Yan Mo intends to use his ability to pray for his ancestors.

At this time, the ability of the old man is too useful.

Jiu Feng can help him to scout, but Jiu Feng is too unreliable in terms of what he sees and how to interpret them. He spends half of his time flying without a bird\'s eye. Even if he helps him to inquire, it is not very detailed. Sometimes, the east is confused as the west when you listen to it. If you are only going to and up confused, you might as well not listen.

But if you add the Gazing Eye from The Old Priest, the two reconnaissance contents will be put together to get a more detailed information on the front, which will save them the trouble for the Chief and greatly improve the scouts sent out for reconnaissance and ensure survival possibility.

Yan Mo and the warrior Leader decided to go, and immediately there was someone to ask The Old Priest for a long time.

Yan Mo also doesn\'t want him to look too far, as long as he can see a day away, that is, between 20 and 30 kilometers.

“Hey——!” Jiu Feng and its Iron Back Dragon rushed around the station. Jiu Feng’s wings blew a gust of wind from time to time, and the Iron Back Dragon slammed the ground.

Yuan Ji Tribe everyone dare not say anything, they didn\'t even dare not catch the few big weapons to put up defense, can only use the wall to block the fire, not let the Mars fly out, otherwise they will not be able to escape once the fire is ignited in the prairie. At the same time, it is necessary to raise the stone pot and wooden frame that has been shaken, pick up the barbecue that fell on the ground, and so on.

Jiu Feng hates flying into the woods. Iron Back Dragon doesn\'t like too dense woods because of their huge body, but they prefer to use their bodies to collide with the trees, knock them down, and then eat the core of the tree center, sometimes the tree is broken, it will still flow with the good water.

Iron Back Dragon and Jiu Feng wandered around the crowd, flying low and stepping on the master.

“Ang An!" This piece is relatively tender!

“Hey!" These are Mo Mo, Mo Mo is mine, and this one is not for you!

“Angang!" So much you can\'t finish them all, we will drag two of them at night, those two!

Bing straightened his back, and from the beginning, he had a cold feeling on his back, as if he had been stared at by a terrible monster. This feeling only happened when Da Zhan stood behind him.

Fei Quan The Fat Dog, who was next to him, scratched his belly with a big axe and licked his lips: "Bing, we are being watched."

Who? Bing sneaked at the crowd around him with a gaze.

“Be careful with Da Zhan." Fei Quan The Fat Dog looked away and his lips twitched.

Bing\'s eyes condensed, he didn\'t turn his head, only whispered: "Don\'t talk nonsense!"

“You still don\'t understand? Qiu Shi Da Ren said, Da Zhan wants the whole tribe. Once we reach Jiu Yuan with them, Hei Yuan Clan will become the lowest level servants in the tribe even if we will not become a slave." Fei Quan The Fat Dog continues to lick his cracked lips, his lips are like this, no matter how much water he drinks, they will often split.

“Mo Da Ren won\'t allow..."

“Oh, I don\'t believe that Priest. That little kid! He doesn\'t look like Qiu Ning. I was awed by his white hair. How many people know that when he said that his ability has disappeared, he can no longer save people? As for Jiu Yuan who he said that he has no slaves and will not eat people, do you really believe it? Anyway, I don\'t believe it!" Fei Quan The Fat Dog is different from others, others. When there is nothing to eat but human meat other might frown atit but he really likes it, he usually also get some slaves\' meat after killing them.

Bing got up and his face was the same as before. He said: "I am going to replace Bué so he can rest. You changed the meat on the fire I think Bué prefers fresh meat."

Fei Quan The Fat Dog muttered, “This is it. There is nothing new, I have this much left, this time is strange, after so long, not even a single person is dead, he he!"

Bing turned his body and suddenly turned back, asked: "Yes. Qiu Shi Da Ren was looking for you a few time last night. Is there something to tell?”

Yan Mo saw that he had nothing to do with him, and immediately tickles to find a place where no one is going to enter the second laboratory.

Before leaving, he sent Boer\'s body to the second space laboratory. After several nights with Yuan Zhan, he drilled into the laboratory several times on the grounds of the call of the ancestors.

He was very interested in the bone-like spikes on Boer\'s back and the thickening changes in the bone joints.

1].... Like That guy Kimimaro who fought Lee in naruto, he grew bones out of his body.... I love the combination of all my anime in this novel...

If you let him study their abilities here, a few more, maybe he can not only find the best mode of upgrading the warriors, but also develop a more powerful ability in himself.

He is really eager and eager to have the ability to protect himself and be able to attack, rather than relying on The Cannibal Bees and Jiu Feng... even Yuan Zhan.

After several careful dissections and analysis of those instruments, he felt that he had touched something, which made him want to prove his ideas as soon as possible.

Yes, he wants to experiment on himself.

This way, he can\'t experiment on other because The Guide is staring at him, if he wants to experiment with others, he should also consider the terrible punishment. Besides, anyway, he can\'t die, can the two sides multiply, and can there be a better experimental body than his own body?

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