
Chapter 141: Enemy, or a friend?

Chapter 141: Enemy, or a friend?

Five days later, Yan Mo saw Jiu Yuan City, which was already in sight.

It was two months since he left Jiu Yuan. Jiu Yuan was in the midsummer season, and he didn’t feel too hot in the Black Forest. When he came out, it was shining with the sinister sunlight, and the fur could not be worn. Yan Mo leather jacket was taken off four days ago, and a grass skirt was woven with the weeds on the island.

There are many good things on the small islands in Qingyuan Lake. Unfortunately, there is not enough time. He has no time to carry out a carpet-like search. He can only take some plants that he can recognize and put them in the herbal bag. In the vagueness, on the third day of the evening, the island near the island he saw a bamboo-like plant, but he was not sure. He wanted the Mer-people to take him to the island to see it, but by The Mer-people refused directly.

The Mer-people warriors told him that many islands in the lake couldn’t be visited, some were Old Priest’s orders, some had dangerous creatures, and the island that was suspected of growing bamboo by Yan Mo was designated by their Priest long ago. As one of the designated forbidden areas, without the permission of Old Priest and Leader, even The Mer-people could not easily approach those forbidden places.

In this regard, Yan Mo can only express regret.

Having said that, when he saw the city, people wouldn\'t be too far away, but Yan Mo didn\'t expect him to see Jiu Yuan\'s warriors at the mouth of the moat and Qingyuan Lake.

Just at this point, the Mer-man who was pushing the raft surfaced his upper body, said: "Our warriors and your agreement to jointly guard Jiu Yuan City moat inside and outside the entrance, was also agreed with our Leader."

“Oh." When he looked at the entrance to the city with The Mer-people, Yan Mo had no objection. They are still too weak. They are better off guarding each other than they are at offending. They are better in being friendly with each other, if The Mer-people are really here in order to invade and attack Jiu Yuan City through the moat, the current Jiu Yuan has no good way to deal with that attack. If so, they are not as generous.

There is a tour of The Mer-people, probably one of the warriors who patrolled or guarded the estuary nearby.

The Mer-people warrior first exposed himself from the water and took a gift to Yan Mo, then once again fell into the water and communicated with his companions.

Although it was only a moment, Yan Mo saw the curiosity of the Mer-people warrior on the raft.

Jiu Yuan warriors who entered the estuary, also saw Yan Mo on the raft.

“Mo Da Ren! You are back!" The warriors shouted happily, and if they weren\'t separated by the lake, they seemed to want to jump directly into the water to pick up their Priest Da Ren.

Yan Mo also waved at them from far away.

The speed of the raft slowed down and slowly drifted to the port of the river. The Mer-people warriors who were pushing behind were sitting on the raft, and their fishy tail was placed in the water, but this time they had full view experience and in a sitting position. At first, they were scattered, but this time it was not like the first time, because all gathered at one end, causing the raft to turn over.

Jiu Yuan warrior is also very interested in the rafts that Priest is standing on, but they have more important things to report.

“Mo Da Ren, you are coming back, great, you don\'t know..." A warrior rushed to report the situation with Yan Mo, stepping on the raft and slamming, Yan Mo had not had time to call him for caution, just listen to "噗”, and the warrior fell in the river.

The warriors who guarded the estuary, maybe it was because of humanity or something else they immediately yelled together and were more loyal. They wanted to go fishing the man out, but The Mer-people were faster than they were. When the warrior fell into the water, a Mer-people warrior sitting near him had slipped into the water.

“Cough!" The warrior was pushed ashore from the volley of water by The Mer-people and coughed the drunk water.

Yan Mo held back and laughed. He recognized the warrior as the young man who last sneaked a touch at The Mer-people Nuo Ma tail. "You should learn how to swim in the future. There are two moats in the house, and Qingyuan Lake. It won\'t be a problem swimming in the water

“Swimming?" The warriors were curious.

“It’s like swimming in the water like a fish.”

“Like fish swimming in the water?” The warriors were amazed.

The Mer-people warriors looked at each other, and if humans could live in the water like fish...

Yan Mo’s eyes swept past the faces of The Mer-people and smiled: “Not really like how fish can live in the water, but if you fall into the water you don\'t have to drown immediately. People with good physical strength and good swimming skills can swim back and forth in the moat without drowning."

“Oh oh! Yeah!” The warriors asked their Priest Da Ren to teach them how to learn to swim in the water.

“I will teach you later. Tell me first, I was not here and so wasn\'t the Leader, what happened in the tribe? You, come up and tell me." Yan Mo pointed to the fallen warrior and told him to come up to the raft.

Although the warrior had fallen into the water once, he did not have any fear at all. Seeing that Priest Da Ren would also allow him go up the row of wood that was tied together, he immediately rushed to jump up.

“Stop!" Yan Mo had to stop him and give him instruction in how to get on the raft. According to the warrior\'s jump and land method, Yan Mo was afraid that not only will he once again fall into the water, but also it is also possible that the raft will be overturned by his landing.

“I will grab your hand, you slowly step on it, don\'t stomp your feet, relax your body, sit down after you come up, wait for my signal to stand again." Yan Mo reached out and guided the warrior step by step on the raft.

The other warriors all looked at the young man enviously, they also wanted to go to the raft, and they also want to be touched by Priest Da Ren... Hello!

The Mer-people warriors didn\'t have to go on the road. They all sat leisurely on the edge of the raft, sliding only the long fish tails hangings in the river, and the power of these fishtails was enough for the raft to move forward. When Priest Da Ren went to sleep on the island in the evening, this raft was their toy to play with. No one is more proficient than these Mer-people warriors about how to ride this raft.

The warriors who guarded the estuary originally wanted to send people back to report, after seeing the rafts can directly enter the inner moat, the speed may be faster than them running on the road, there is no more than one move, but one of them still took down horn at the waist and the agreed signal.

Yan Mo heard the horn sound and looked back. He thought that there would be more notifications, the sound of the horn was limited to the city there, the beacon tower should also blow one, and the warriors who guarded a certain place would afterwards moved to a place where they can rest, and there are a lot of members of Xi Rang Clan. Even if none of these people are not ability warriors, it is not difficult to make a soil bunker with soil and mud and stone.

Taking back his mind, Yan Mo asked the warrior who was sitting on the raft and trying to stand up. "You sit down and tell me, what is your name?"

“Yes! Mo Da Ren, I am Zhu Neng, my brother is Zhu Li, and his name was given by you." Zhu Neng held his breath and didn\'t move, he was sitting calmly on the water - no way, he wasn\'t wet, and the raft is made rougher wood logs. Although it will not sink, the river water will inevitably flood in from the cracks onto the raft.

Yan Mo smiled. He remembered Zhu Li, a child who acted like a little old man. Every time he saw him, he would salute him like a warrior. His face can blush red easily, so he gave him the name Zhu Li. He didn\'t expect this young man who touched the Mer-people Nuo Ma tail was actually that child\'s brother. These brother\'s behaviors were really different.

“Zhu Neng, is there something big happening in the tribe?”

“Yes, Mo Da Ren, there are a lot of dwarves in the tribe, so many!” Zhu Neng was still quite awkward, he didn’t know how to say many words, Yan Mo After listening to it for a long time, and I knew what was going on.

According to Zhu Neng garbled words, shortly after they left, there was a group of dwarves who came in the tribe, many more than the dwarfs who came for the first time. These dwarves came to occupy places everywhere, and they were still digging in the ground, not listening to Meng Da. Ren\'s order.

Zhu Neng complained that the dwarves wanted to steal their city. Later, Meng Da Ren and Luo Meng Da Ren, together with the original dwarfs, beat them and finally drove them out of Jiu Yuan City. However, the dwarves refused to leave, they occupied a piece of land on the open space between the inner and outer moats, and learned from Jiu Yuan how to build a house.

Yan Mo grabbed the main point. "You said that the original dwarf and you started to beat the later dwarves out of the city?"

Zhu Neng nodded hard. "They know them, but they are not the same tribe."

Yan Mo learned from Zhu Neng\'s mouth that at first everyone did not agree to let these dwarves come in, but among the later coming dwarves, there were the relatives of the first dwarves who came in Jiu Yuan, the later dwarves used those relatives to threaten the first dwarves, the first dwarves clan and their Tribe Chief went to beg Meng, and later Meng was afraid that the first dwarves would also make trouble, so he agreed to let the dwarves come in.

1]… If you remember De De and Ge Ge talk they said that they were attacked and forced to run from their forest and they split up so some could go to the other war mongering dwarfs tribe I think they went they and together they came to Jiu Yuan…. And the war mongering dwarfs are using those MoMo dwarfs as hostage to control the First MoMo…kinda like ransom and kidnaping situation

Yan Mo heard that Meng agreed to let the dwarf enter the city, and could not help but frown. Yuan Zhan is not there. Meng is still not doing enough. At that time, he should be tougher, even if it is risky to drive out the dwarves in the city. He should have taken a tougher stance.

When Yuan Zhan left, for the sake of safety, the dirt road on the moat of the north and south gates has been disconnected, leaving only one on the west side, and the east side of the city gate is an open space directly connected to Qingyuan Lake.

Meng guarded the city. As long as they smash the dirt road on the West Gate Bridge the dwarves can\'t come in, and the people living in the city can live only on the vast expanses of flora and fauna between East City Gate and Qingyuan Lake. For a long time, not to mention the vast Qingyuan Lake behind them can feed then indefinitely.

“Da Ren, look!” Zhu Neng stretched his finger to the northwest, where there was a construction site under construction on the open space between the inner and outer moats.

Yan Mo\'s eyes turned cold, those bastards want to take advantage of Jiu Yuan\'s weakness? Yes, let\'s see how much they can pay.

“Is there a connection between the dwarves in the city and the outside of the city?”

Zhu Neng scratched his head and it seemed that it was not clear.

“When these dwarves were driven out of the city, are there any casualties? I mean our people."

“Some were injured, no one is dead."

Yan Mo nodded, then his means he could be gentle.

After all, Zhu Neng knew that things were limited, but Meng and Hu Hu and others heard the horn sound and had already arrived at the gate South Gate in advance. This is the nearest gate from Qingyuan Lake to Jiu Yuan City.

The raft was on the beach, there is still a distance up from the shore, there is no shore ladder, and people on the shore can only wait for the people on top of the shore to pull them up.

When Meng saw Yan Mo, he spit out a lot of exaggeration words on the spot, but he obviously didn\'t expect Yan Mo to come back from the moat. All the people standing on the shore looked at Priest Da Ren for a while, and then looked at the rafts, one by one. They were very curious.

“Mo, you are finally back!" Meng greeted Yan Mo while scratching his head and trying to get people up.

There is a ladder. Yan Mo turns to look at The Mer-people. The Mer-people smiled and they understand what he means. The Mer-people sliding into the water, and the water on the raft was quickly raised little bit raised until it was near the riverbank.

Zhu Neng was a courageous man. He jumped up the steps from the raft and turned back to reach Yan Mo.

Meng squeezed him, and he thought that Yan Mo still couldn\'t touch any creature.

Yan Mo smiled, thanked the Mer-people warrior, his footsteps turned, and he jumped directly to the shore. He is not a teenager who used to have mind strength and no physical strength. The young seedling of The Soul Return Tree not only made him upgrade, but also gave him a little change in his body, coupled with his self-experiment, he now has a physical strength and blood ability reaching 3rd Rank.

A/N.... Yan Mo blood ability is like a broadcaster.... One he can understand all form of conscious speech and can convert his words into electrical waves, which are interpreted by the receiving brain and translated in a language that that brain can understand..... Think like when Yan Mo speaks he use one language but in that same language...a Chinese an American a Nigerian a Zulu a Portuguese they all understand his words and meaning even if none of these people don\'t share a common vernacular....

Second, his blood ability is that he can touch someone head and hear what that person is trying to say....thus was when he was 1st Rank on 2nd Rank he can hear and understand without the need to touch the head..... I will write a guide on ranks and the ability upgrade....maybe when I reach chapter 300 then it won\'t be as confusing to people... I say this because later in the chapter, there will be a Sound City whose people abilities are sound or tone based.....but more for later and ooh, the Sound City people use the surname Yin.... Which if I remember means sound or tone...

Meng was a little surprised, watching if Yuan Zhan was here and since he wasn’t he would hug Mo – he was just doing the action.

Yan Mo didn\'t give him a chance, and he kicked him off.

Hu Hu and other warriors who came over saw it and snickered one by one.

Meng was not angry. He had on a hippie smile and walked back. He was still wondering how he dared to touch him. He just wanted to ask him. When he spoke to his mouth, his eyes suddenly widened. Then he screamed with screams: "Ah- How could this be?”

Yan Mo was shocked by him. Is his foot not so hard enough?

Meng rushed to him, his eyes glaring at his face, and his mouth screamed with sorrow: "You are a 3rd Rank warrior! Why am I still 2nd Rank?"

“...you didn\'t practice The Primary Training method?”

“I practiced! I practiced every day! I tried hard! But why why?!” Meng gnashed his teeth, sat for a moment, and stood up again, while squinting at Yan Mo with a much-grudged looking face.

Yan Mo\'s face was sour. "Give me your wrist?"

“Hey? Can you touch someone now? Ah! Your hair is dark!"

Yan Mo resisted the desire to beat him again. Are your observations used to observe the appearance of others? No one has noticed this before, and you are the one who reacts the most.

Meng reached out and was still thinking about why.

Yan Mo thought that hey stupid you haven\'t seen Yuan Zhan, wait until you see the 5th tattoo mark on that animal\'s face. Then let’s see if you don\'t want to jump directly to the river to commit suicide?

“Quiet!" Yan Mo was overwhelmed by Meng whining and he yelled at him.

Meng immediately shut up.

Yan Mo took Meng\'s two hands and compare the pulses and walked around him.

Everyone saw him moving, and they were busy catching up. Even the wooden rafts in the river wasn\'t looked at anymore, but they couldn\'t look at it. The Mer-peoples already regarded the raft as their belonging, and when Yan Mo came ashore. They pushed the rafts away.

“Mo? Priest Da Ren?!” Meng quickly catch up. “I still hope to become a 3rd Rank warrior? Is there anything wrong with my body? Can it be cured?”

Yan Mo no longer stalled his appetite. While walking the road he told him: "You are about to break through and upgrade."

“... Hey? What? Ah! Are you serious about it?" Meng almost went crazy, he jumped up three feet high, and went to hold Yan Mo, danced around him step by step.

“And," Yan Mo turned back and added a slow sentence: "I think you are likely to awaken the blood ability at the same time as becoming a 3rd Rank warrior."


Meng face was completely sluggish, and the great joy was completely drowning him, now there is no other thought in his mind, only the words that are stymied and he was rolling over and over again.

Blood ability! Blood ability! He is about to awaken his blood! Hey -!

Hu Hu and other warriors heard and were all enviously looking at Meng who was happy. Mo Da Ren said that it must be true. In addition to Leader, Priest, and Wu Chen, the Horde must have a fourth ability warrior. They don\'t know if they will have the ability to awaken their blood?

The primary training method, is this the key to let the warriors upgrade and the possibly wake up the blood ability? Will Mo Da Ren teach them too? Can they be the same as Meng Da Ren as long as they work harder and more loyal?

“Meng, I heard that you had a fight with the new dwarf? Meng!"

“Yes!" Meng who was in spirit, woke up from ecstasy, wiped his face and went to Yan Mo, “I think you heard from Zhu Neng, so this is the case..."

A/N..... I take issue with people saying this story glorify rape and cannibalism it’s actually not... Because the protagonist in the story if you have read the whole things goes on to abolish slavery abolish childhood marriage abolish force marriage he puts on a social care system for the elderly and the orphans, abolish incest and reform an entire continent way of thinking..... Don\'t read one chapter and go omg the sky is falling....

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Have a bitchin Tuesday....and see y\'all in 2 weeks time.....I\'m just saying that to give myself a pause in between..... But actually I translate daily....I\'m phone is littered with BL docs....I kinda think those are the only files I have in my phone.....anyway....tired typing see y\'all with 2 weeks


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