
Chapter 421: Dissolving the Enslavement Bone

Chapter 421: Dissolving the Enslavement Bone

There were a lot of people who were looking for trouble, but they were both turned back to where they came from by Yuan Zhan and the guard of the main shrine. Later, Fei Shan came out again, and no one showed up at night.

Yan Mo didn\'t know about that. When he came back, he began to prepare to dismiss The Enslavement Bone. During the period, Yuan Zhan must not let anyone and things disturb him.

Yuan Zhan was not at ease. Grand Witch Xiang is curious about what Yan Mo is going to do. He was half persuaded to arrange for twelve guardians to protect him.

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu, as Shifu, took up a seat.

Grand Witch Xiang used an excuse of guarding him and trying to make him safer and led Yan Mo into his bedroom.

After Yan Mo was taken in by Yuan Zhan, he realized that it was the place where Grand Witch Xiang slept.

Luo Jue also came, along with his guardian and that guardian warrior\'s brother. The reason for Luo Jue Da-Ren is that the mess left by Yuan Zhan is terrible. Many people want him to preside over justice. He is too annoyed to listen to them so he came to hide here. By the way, he came and asked Yan Mo if he can do a buy one get one free.

"This is Da-Zhuang! He is a descendants of The Giants and humans, look, he is very strong, the women in the city throw themselves at him, his ability is endless, he is a 8th rank peak warrior, he volunteered to want to follow you, but I hope you can help his big brother break through to 10th rank." Luo Jue said that the request with the same stiff expression.

Yan Mo\'s eyes slid in the two brothers. The two brothers were very strong and very tall. They all were like two meters and five or six. They were called small giants, and their muscles were like puffed up balls.

Hey, Giants and humans, they have worked hard for their mothers. I don’t know how they matched...

Yuan Zhan has always been very satisfied with his body muscles, but after seeing the brothers, he suddenly felt that he was not strong enough.

Yan Mo felt the eyes of Yuan Zhan "envy?" Amazed, he quickly said: "You are so good, power is not necessarily included in the muscles."

Yuan Zhan thinks that even if he is not so majestic, he is still the most powerful earth warrior!

Yan Mo looked at Luo Jue again: "His big brother is your guardian?"


"I help a warrior who can\'t be loyal to me I will be punished."

"A soil elemental 9th rank yuan-crystal."

Yuan Zhan: "Mucheng-Forest City has changed three warriors, two a 9th rank warrior plus an 8th rank peak."

Luo Jue covering his face, "Two."

Yuan Zhan: "Mucheng-Forest City has changed three."

Luo Jue: "..."

Da-Zhuang smiled and said: "I can raise the War Beasts. One third of The War Beasts of the Giant Tribe are raised by me. My woman, my son can also do this, they will go with me."

Professionals, this is what he was looking for! Still a family! It is exactly what the Jiu Yuan needs urgently, and Yan Mo quickly sighed: "God will punish me for this!"

He cleaned himself and Grand Witch Xiang, and Fei Shan, who had just walked out of Grand Witch Xiang room, raised their eyebrows. "Little guy, since you don\'t care about God punishment, then let\'s talk." Grand Witch Xiang can no longer use prophecy ability, only one of his 10th rank warrior may not be able to ensure his survival of the ambition of other priest.

Yan Mo smiled, "Okay." He had already watched the high-ranking warriors of the main shrine, and they wasted a lot of them. The warriors of the 8th rank peak could only keep guard at the gate!

After some bargaining, Yan Mo gave Fei Shan and Grand Witch Xiang the biggest discount, in exchange for a 10th rank upgrade for four 8th rank, in exchange for eight voluntary 8th rank warriors.

The transaction was well negotiated, but Fei Shan and Luo Jue and others refused to leave.

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu nodded to Yan Mo and signaled that Luo Jue was trustworthy.

Yan Mo doesn\'t want to drag anymore, and he has to do something to Grand Witch Xiang afterwards. It\'s better to let them see it more persuasively.

"In order to avoid accidental injury, people below the 8th rank all move away." Although he is sure, but after all, it is the first time he is trying something like this. If something really happens, it is not going to end up beautiful.

Meng Er and Lamo Ling and others did not have much to say, immediately exited the Grand Witch Xiang rooms. Miao Xiang wanted to stay, but she is still far from 8th rank.

When Miao Xiang passed the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu, The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu suddenly looked back at her.

The girl bowed her head and quickly followed Meng Er.

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu frowned, he just felt two different soul fluctuations in the girl, but one of the souls is very weak, is the girl already pregnant? That fast? How many days? Or is that kind of other person?

People at this time don\'t care about women\'s chastity - they don\'t have this concept at all, but wishing to raise other men\'s children is another matter.

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu wrote down the story, but did not pay attention to it.

Grand Witch Xiang left a total of twelve people in the hall, and more, Yan Mo said that he was afraid of having a negative impact on what he was going to do next.

Yan Mo didn\'t say what he was going to do later, and the others didn\'t even ask.

Wanting to lift the Enslavement Bone he wants and need to start from two aspects, one is the Enslavement Bone tentacle that dispenses deep into the human nerves, and the other is the use of mental power or soul power to cut or eliminate the manipulation soul force left in The Enslavement Bone.

It is difficult to do both at the same time, otherwise no matter which party he tried to go after first, for example, if he tries to pull the Enslavement Bone tentacle is first, and the soul of the manipulator remaining in the Enslavement Bone will immediately attack and destroy the manipulated person soul sea. Similarly, if the manipulator\'s soul is removed first, the Enslavement Bone, which has no control, will kill the host directly.

What Yan Mo has to do is not only that, he has to eliminate the control of the Enslavement Bone, but also has to make sure the Red-Horn Nita does not notice. That is to say, he wants to use the soul to deceive the soul of the Red-Horn Nita, let him think that the Enslavement Bone on his body has not been lifted.

As for why he wants to scam Nita, he only intuitively thinks that this will have more advantages, at least the other party will not notice, and he will not be so angry that he will do something to him and The Jiu Yuan.

Yan Mo sat on a stone chair with a thick leather pad and operated the intermediate level training method to calm down his mind completely—yes, others thought his soul had reached or exceeded 8th rank, but since he jumped the first true Dance of Ancestral Sacrifice, his soul has changed dramatically, and the hexagonal mark on his cheek has grown seven times.

To this end, he still uses the intermediate level training method. He tried the advanced level training method and the result, he almost caused his Soul Sea to collapse.

This also allowed Yan Mo to re-emphasize and study the training method. The pure military warrior training method was so pondered. As a result, he did not find that the training method had problems, but found that his soul power changed, his Soul Sea has also undergone great changes, and his Soul Sea has not only grown in size to the point where the end can\'t be seen at all, but also turned into a darkness, like a sea without stars and moons!

And most of the ocean has been covered in a thick fog, even if the owner of Yan Mo himself cannot go into the thick fog.

As for why he did not upgrade after 7th rank, the reason is very simple, because his Soul Sea thinks he is not qualified to upgrade.

To make an inappropriate analogy, it is like when an ordinary baby can eat as much as he eats a bottle of milk or in this case the intermediate level training method, he has to eat ten bottles or more.

Ordinary babies can grow up quickly and become children to eat meat and meals or in this case the advanced level training method, but he can only drink milk during his infancy and wait before he can eat meat.

Of course, eating so many bottles of milk is not a useless thing. Even if he is still a baby, the accumulated strength is enough to kill the giant.

To be straightforward, the current soul of Yan Mo is already a species difference compared to the soul of others.

Yan Mo, who has not realized how much the Soul Sea and the soul force will change him himself, only feels that his soul is much thicker than the average soul of 7th rank. For eight, 9th rank, He seems to be able to fight as well, that is, his Shifu the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu wanted to make a small curse to him, and to see if he is willing to let him fight it suing his soul force alone.

With such a strong soul force to back up, he is not afraid to lift The Enslavement Bone, but he originally wanted to wait until the end of the punishment and then lift the Enslavement Bone, the development of the situation has not allowed, and his heart has been with a sense of uneasiness that emerged and it was also urging him to become stronger since he got to Wucheng- City of Witches.

The Red-Horn Nita probably never imagined that he could lift The Enslavement Bone without moving his limbs, and he was robbing this unexpected opportunity!

The sounds of the outdoors and the surrounding area all disappeared, and Yan Mo entered a very mysterious realm.

More than a dozen powders and liquid medicines in front of him suddenly floated!

The three priests, Grand Witch Xiang, Luo Jue and The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu immediately their faces changed. The other nine warriors’ eyes widened as long as they knew the depth of the soul.

A soul force is released!

This is something that only the soul of the 10th rank can do, although it is not as exaggerated as the soul impression manipulation to make a ghost spirit, but this is also the goal that many priests are desperate to achieve.

Of course, using the soul force to influence the external environment is not only a simple thing such as to let the foreign objects float, if it is only let things float, then the 3rd rank and above can do it.

What Yan Mo is doing now is more than just letting foreign objects float. The powders and liquids are like being guided, and they fall into a canister according to the order and the time needed.

Then, the powders and liquids that fall into the cans are like being stirred by an invisible person with an invisible stir bar. They are rotated and blended together. As the speed of rotation increases, the inside of the can is fast turning into a cream then it became a ball.

The ball suddenly splits into dozens of millimeter-sized rounds.

The round particles roll in the canister and slowly become hard.

Dozens of black small medicine particles slowly floated into the air, Yan Mo opened his mouth, and the medicine particles automatically penetrated into his mouth.

He didn\'t swallow it right away, the following step is the most critical moment!

If it was not the baby apprentice who said that he can’t be disturbed, The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu just wants to jump and yell, his disciples can actually do the soul and manipulate the soul to do things, which is better than using the soul force. It’s too easy to curse or confuse people with a flick of a soul power.

Luo Jue\'s knelt and then stretched his legs and slapped the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu: I think this little priest is really cunning. During the day when they had to make witchcraft hemostasis drug refinery he obviously can manipulate the soul and complete the refining, but let a slave who knows nothing to help him. The back is even faster than a sneaking fast, if you let Quipa know that the little priest has been able to do the soul force manipulation, their expression must be worth collecting.

Grand Witch Xiang is more comprehensive than the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu, his fat fingers moved.

Fei Shan immediately went out to order, so that the warriors of the main shrine guarded the temple more strictly.

In the dark, the shadows near the main shrine had to retreat. The guardians of Grand Witch Xiang guarded his bedroom too tightly. He could not find a gap.

Yuan Zhan sat on Yan Mo\'s leg, staring at Yan Mo without a second deviation, and seeing Yan Mo\'s soul, and his face was not surprised. His Priest Da-Ren is of course powerful, just like he will hide one or two hands, his Priest Da-Ren will only hide more than him.

Yan Mo can\'t talk or feel the outside world at this time, otherwise if they let him know the thoughts of Yuan Zhan and others. He will say: You all think too much, I don\'t need it, just because I use the soul to manipulate foreign things, I still have to do it. It’s so hard, it’s too laborious and it’s too tiring. Since someone is helping, why bother to work for it?

For example, at this time, Yan Mo’s foreheadhas already oozing sweat.

Yuan Zhan tried to move because he wanted to help him wipe his sweat, and he stopped hard. Mo just said: If he happens in any situation, he can\'t be close to him within three feet, and he can\'t touch him.

It\'s now! Yan Mo swallowed the drug quickly, stimulating the drug, allowing the drug to act quickly in the body.

The tentacles that went deep into the cranial nerves began to retract, one after another, and every time one was pulled out, Yan Mo’s body trembled.

Pain! But he can\'t give himself a notice pain, he is now all used to trap the soul of the Red-Horn Nita.

He can\'t let Nita\'s soul know that The Enslavement Bone\'s tentacles are retreating once he is discovered...!

However, he can\'t always trap Nita\'s soul. If Nita\'s soul does not feel the connection of The Enslavement Bone and Yan Mo for a long time, it will also attack!

After all, this is his first operation. There was no actual experience before. It was entirely theoretical. Nita\'s soul seemed to discover that something was wrong.

Yan Mo quickly began to use the soul to create the illusion, which was him using his own soul to confuse Nita\'s soul, let him think that the Enslavement Bone is also linked with him.

Not good! Nita\'s soul seems to perceive the illusion to start to attack!

The people outside can\'t see the danger of Yan Mo\'s situation. They can only see the teenager sweating like rain, and the body is shaking like a swing.

Yuan Zhan wants to die! He couldn\'t sit still, stood up, and turned around Yan Mo like a beast.

The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu and Grand Witch Xiang are also nervous, and anyone can see that Yan Mo is definitely not in a good situation.

Can he only erase the power of Nita? But he has already worked hard until now, just give up, it is not resolved!

"The greedy little guy..."

Zan-Bu! Yan Mo felt that he even heard the laughter of Zan-Bu.

The Nita soul that is colliding was suddenly quiet, and it felt the connection between The Enslavement Bone and Yan Mo.

Yan Mo immediately speeds up the construction of the illusion, so to be sure to confuse the other party.

At the time of the mental stress of the Priest Temple, many people in other places have difficulty sleeping.

"Tomorrow, I don\'t know if the punishment of the little priest will end. If the little priest joins, and if he borrow the power of God..."

The sneering voice sounded: "Are you afraid? Are you afraid of the little priest, whose hair is not long?"

"I am not afraid of him, but I am afraid of The Jiu Yuan that a 10th rank warrior!"

A few people heaved heavy sighs

"If we join forces, plus the power of priests, it won\'t necessarily be enough to fight the Jiu Yuan Chief."

"We will join forces, will the Jiu Yuan not be there? Fengcheng-Wind City is already standing on the side of the Jiu Yuan, Mucheng-Forest City also has that meaning, and Yincheng-Sound City and Shuicheng-Water City are difficult to measure their actions, Kongcheng- Air City... God knows what they are thinking!"

“Tucheng-Earth City is also over.”

Laughter voice was heard: "What\'s wrong with you? The Fruit of Witchcraft...the Son of Life do you not want it? The Jiu Yuan\'s training method don\'t you want it? The shame of what happened today broke you bad?"

"Of course, you can\'t just count it! But we can\'t see the strength of The Jiu Yuan Chief. What should we do tomorrow? Let\'s talk about it!"

Several people sank again.

“Da-Ren.” The door was knocked on.

A few people frowned, and the one in the room was slightly angry: "What is it, did I not to say that if there is no important thing for you all to not to be near here!"

“Da-Ren,” the person outside was brave, “Tucheng-Earth City Third Priest She-Dan Da-Ren asks to see you.”

"He? What is he doing here?" The similar expressions of several people indicate that they don\'t like the young priest who murdered the High Priest.

Quipa: "Say I am already asleep."

"But Da-Ren...She-Dan Da-Ren said he has a way to deal with the Jiu Yuan people."

For the third time in the house, someone fell into mulling things for a while. After a science for a long time he said, "Bring him over."


In another place, there are very few people in this room, only two.

"When is there, we know that tomorrow we will fight?"


"It seems that he has more people in the Nine Cities than us."

The weird voice whispered, like laughing, after a while, it said something clear: "If it were me, I wouldn’t just arrange one."

The tall and thin figure stood up and went to the window, "Tomorrow."

The other person is speaking a language that others can\'t understand. After a while, he uses the common language to affirm: "Tomorrow!" The voice of this person is obviously more excited than the other person.

"There must be a result."

"This will not be the result, it is the beginning." The dumb and ugly voice sneered a strange smirk, and the voice was as low as if coming from hell: "The great king will bring glory, and the time of my tribe\'s rise has come!"

"Hey!" The tall, thin figure made an unclear sneer, and he turned to the door. As he turned around, the moonlight outside just touched his neck, and a white light flashed.

Grand Witch Xiang was in the hall.

Yan Mo opened his eyes and he was drenched all over.

Yuan Zhan rushed over and hugged him.

"Hey, I have something to tell you, give me some time."

Yan Mo opened his mouth and found out how tired he was, especially his brain was hurting like being entangled in three curses.

"You, I think you all know the Bone Sculpting people?"


This night is very long in some people\'s eyes, no matter how long it feels, the next day is still there, the weather is as good as the previous days, the sun light is so bad that, that you feel like you can peel of a layer of skin.

Wucheng- City of Witches has such a feature, hot in the day, cold in the evening, hot in the city, cold in the sea.

The square that was destroyed by Yuan Zhan yesterday was not only fully restored, but also the stand was stronger and wider than before.

One after another, the forces appeared in their own stands, including the Tucheng-Earth City people who had been changed yesterday. The new Queen was sitting on the Queen\'s seat with her son, and her sorrow was very embarrassing. Her youngest son, the future Tucheng -Earth City\'s Lord has a dull expression, and his nose was runny doesn\'t know how to wipe it. He was not lively and angry yesterday.

Wucheng- City of Witches Priest is coming, Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren and Fei Shan are still the last ones of Wucheng- City of Witches.

But everyone waited until the right, and did not see a Jiu Yuan people.

What is going on?

At first, everyone\'s doubts were not obvious. When the sun gradually rose, finally someone couldn\'t help it.

"What about The Jiu Yuan people? Wasn’t their chief talking about today\'s melee? How come they haven\'t come yet? Are they afraid?"

"They wouldn’t have snuck away?"

“Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren, I heard that The Jiu Yuan people yesterday entered your bedroom, they are now...?"

In Grand Witch Xiang\'s fake stiff face, Fei Shan pulled the chair down next to Grand Witch Xiang and smiled. "You said the Jiu Yuan people? They don\'t seem to be up, let’s wait."

Everyone: "..."

Some people are dissatisfied with the attack, and they are temporarily patience with their eyes. The work of the Jiu Yuan will only reduce the favor of certain forces. They hope that The Jiu Yuan will be even madder and more disrespectful and beat more people!

Wait, wait until the birds have been tweeted twice, and then they can\'t wait any longer. Quipa and others have secretly told people to check if the Jiu Yuan people left Wucheng- City of Witches.

Huocheng- Fire City High Priest An-Bu was very angry and asked: "What the hell is going on? Why are the Jiu Yuan people still not coming out? Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren, are we to send people to remind them!"

Someone asked the Curse-Witch Zhou Wu: "Curse-Witch Zhou Wu Da-Ren, what about your disciple? Don\'t you fear that the fight will run and leave you here to face the issue?"

"Run your ancestors! Don\'t scream your own fears! Don\'t lie on the head of others!" The Curse-Witch Zhou Wu, who was dozing off, was woken up and opened his mouth to cuss. He could only close his eyes until late last night. The words he heard from his disciple made a bunch of messy nightmares, this time his mood was the worse.

Liu Yan is not a good-tempered master. The two immediately sneered at each other and went to the back to break the mouth.

"Luo Jue Da-Ren, The Jiu Yuan is not coming, is this melee still going on? And if the Jiu Yuan really doesn\'t come, then the witchcraft... What about the Son of Life? So important the Son of Life can\'t be handed over to a group of cowardly timid?" This is Quipa\'s loyal dogleg Yu-Jia.

Luo Jue got up and everyone looked at him.

Luo Jue opened his mouth: "It\'s almost noon, or do you want to take a break?"

Everyone:...this is nothing! How did the most just Luo Jue Da-Ren start to cover The Jiu Yuan?

Fei Shan coughed. "The Jiu Yuan people are still not here. We have sent people to look for them. If they don\'t come yet in the afternoon, this melee will be their last."

"Is what you say true?" Quipa immediately fixed.

Fei Shan, "Yeah."

"Over the afternoon... Does the little priest want to wait for the end of the punishment? He knows when the punishment will end? Or does he think that we will wait until the end?" Quipa can reach the Fifth Priest position, his IQ is still no problem.

Others have guessed that The Jiu Yuan people have not come yet, and that it is related to the punishment of the little priest.

But can the god punishment be ending just right today?

There are also some doubts. With the performance of Yuan Zhan yesterday, even if there is no the little priest, he will be afraid of warriors of other forces? Or is he afraid that everyone will join hands against him?

Quipa inhaled deeply, loudly: "Good! We will wait until noon. If it reaches noon, The Jiu Yuan people have not appeared yet. I hope that Grand Witch Xiang Da-Ren and Fei Shan Da-Ren will stop doing things at the Jiu Yuan behest. You have interfered too much with everyone.”

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