
Chapter 109

“Otherwise?” Yan Jie was now more open about his love life, especially when discussing with Le Yao, than he had been at the beginning. He smiled as he ate the homemade snacks that had been prepared by Le Yao.

“My character might be a bit strange sometimes, but I still know what I really want in my heart. In fact, he asked me once before, the time when you sent me to the Yang family’s house, but I thought it was too sudden, so I told him that I would think about it at that time.”

“You didn’t expect him to come back so soon, did you?” Le Yao asked with a smile. “I also heard this from your Brother Xu, that you will hold the wedding in a few months?”

“Well, it’s still three months away. By that time, everything here will have stabilized, so I intend to take a long vacation,” Yan Jie replied.

In fact, Xu Yao had already approved his marriage application that very day, after Yang Hengtian had successfully proposed to him, but it was just that he and Yang Hengtian had yet to complete the registration.

Regardless of who the individuals undergoing the marriage registration procedure were, they would need to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to submit the form, which was in Tarot. It would take them six or seven days by spaceship just to arrive. Furthermore, the actual procedures and then also returning back to Huaxia meant that the whole thing would take quite a lot of time.

Ever since the proposal, Yan Jie would have a ’private meeting’ with Yang Hengtian at night, from time to time. It was rather convenient as he could simply ask Xu Yao or Le Yao to provide their teleportation services each time they missed each other too much, and no one would notice.

But this wouldn’t be a viable method if they wanted to apply for the registration of their marriage. It was easy to be doubted if they appeared at such a place after only having spent such a short amount of time together, so they decided to wait until the majority of the work required for the Flying Wolf Division’s Second Station and their reconstruction project was completed.

He had been single for more than 20 years. How could he be so anxious from waiting when it was only a few months away?

So pitiful!

At first, he hadn’t been thinking about marriage at all, but after the matter was mentioned and settled, he was yearning to welcome a married life faster. Just the thought of leaving his own special mark on the person he liked legally and openly was too satisfying to ignore.

With Yang Hengtian’s display of courtship that night and Yan Jie’s reaction to it, it was no surprise that all the Flying Wolf soldiers knew about the relationship between them.

Sometimes, when they walked together on the grounds, someone would ask, “Officer Yan, is this your boyfriend?”

Upon hearing that question, Yan Jie would always feel a strange bubbling sensation rise in his heart, and then he would smile and hum in affirmation. When he smiled, Yang Hengtian would laugh with him. This kind of happiness seemed to be contagious. Unconsciously, he felt that this sort of life was very happy and wonderful.

“Hello! Brother Yan?” Le Yao waved a hand in front of Yan Jie’s eyes. “What are you thinking about ah? You’re showing a face full of spring!”

“Cough! It’s nothing.” Yan Jie readjusted his sitting position. “What did you say just now?”

“I asked, where do you plan to go for the honeymoon?”

“I haven’t really thought about it yet. Perhaps, we’ll stay in Tarot for a while after the wedding and then come back here. Did you have any good suggestions in mind?”

“Not really. I don’t know many suitable places, and there are not many interesting places to visit in Xingdu either.”

Le Yao pondered for a moment and then said, “But if there’s time in the future, it would be nice to visit various scenic spots to admire the view and taste the food specialties of each place. You know that I like to eat, hehe. By that time, these three small ones should also be a little bigger and they should also be able to adapt to different environments more easily.”

Yan Jie looked at the buns struggling to turn over on the bed.

They were only two months old, but they were already obviously bigger and stronger than ordinary children. Compared to other babies who needed three months to turn over, these children had already accomplished it.

They were smart and their growth was really a little deceptive. If he hadn’t been with so much, he might even have thought that they were already five or six months old.

The eldest brother was a little bit stronger than the other two and he steadily turned over from lying on his back to lying on his stomach. He looked up at Le Yao and giggled, showing two small baby teeth inside. His teeth were the size of rice grains, only showing a little white edge—it looked very cute, it was as if he deliberately showed it to them for praise.

When Le Yao saw this scene, he clapped his hands happily and praised, “Hanghang is amazing!”

Xu Hang was satisfied with the praise and turned over again to show his round belly. Seeing this, his younger brother and sister hurried to put in more practice. They turned over to look at the ceiling and grabbed at the quilts. Just doing these actions amused them and they easily had a lot of fun.

“I really admire you. You haven’t asked for any helpers all this time. How do you manage taking care of them alone? If they didn’t turn over like this, you could take them with you anywhere in the incubator. Now that they can turn over, it’s not as easy to just keep them in the incubator, and they have to be watched all the time, right?”

“Who said I watch over them alone?” Le Yao smiled, “You’re looking too highly upon me. In fact, during the day, all of the guards help me watch over them. At night, after work, your brother also helps me. Then their grandparents are also there, along with Uncle Ming, who help out, otherwise I really wouldn’t be able to do it alone. The three of them crying together is enough to make me suffer. Anyway, you’re always busy either in the Systems Room or your office recently. If you’re free, why don’t you go on a date with President Yang in the evening. Also, you might not know but, there isn’t anyone in a one kilometer radius who hasn’t held them.”


“How about it?” Le Yao asked with a smile. “Do you want to try raising one?”

“It’s probably impossible for me, right?” Yan Jie’s expression saddened. He didn’t hate children, but his fertility compatibility with Yang Hengtian was close to zero, so he didn’t have much hope for children. He had also made it clear to Yang Hengtian that he shouldn’t be too surprised if he wasn’t able to conceive.

“Impossible? Such a kind of thing is not certain.” Le Yao smiled, “What’s more, the Yang Family has profound blessings. You are not likely to be childless.”

Yan Jie: “...”

Hearing this, Yan Jie decided to enjoy his life, and work hard.

In the next few days, Yang Hengtian was also busy, so he didn’t visit Yan Jie in Huaxia. Yan Jie was basically in the Systems Room all day. Sometimes he would be debugging some devices, and at other times designing some small practical programs with his assistants. In any case, when there were no urgent situations which required his presence outside, Yan Jie would hardly leave the room. Even his meals were brought to him by a drone.

The drone was very fast. From the cafeteria to the Systems Room, it used a fully-controlled temperature box to deliver the food, so it would still taste good when it arrived at hand.

But for the past few days, Yan Jie hadn’t felt too good after eating.

At first, he doubted whether he was bored with the taste of the food. But after thinking about it again, the standard of food in their division’s cafeteria had always been ranked the highest in the army.

There would always be meat and vegetables in every meal. The dishes were never the same, and there were also a variety of fruits included. Even after eating the cafeteria food for several years, he had yet to tire of it. So it was strange to say that it suddenly no longer satisfied his palate.

Perhaps it was because he had been alone in the Systems Room recently and had only had assistants to accompany him, so he was not really in the mood to eat?

Didn’t they say that the more people that ate together, the livelier they were, and the less happy they were when eating alone?

So for his next lunchtime meal, Yan Jie left the Systems Room and walked to the cafeteria.

The menu for this day was very rich. There were 12 kinds of dishes to choose from, ranging from crispy lamb chops to sautéed celery with nuts, fried mushrooms with cabbage to dried fish balls, broccoli with shrimp and so forth.

Yan Jie chose to take the set meal that he usually ate, which included the crispy lamb chops with cold bean curd, fried mushrooms with cabbage, ants climbing the tree, and a bowl of corn soup.

On normal occasions, he would easily be able to finish a large set meal, but today when he opened the lid after sitting down, he found that he no longer had the appetite. Even though he had obviously been very hungry before arriving at the cafeteria.

“Yan Jie, why aren’t you eating your lunch?” Tang Ye happened to be sitting beside Yan Jie. He saw that the lid of his meal box had been opened a long time ago but the other still had yet to move his chopsticks.

“I don’t seem to be very hungry.” Yan Jie said, “Does anyone want more?”

He still hadn’t touched the food, so he offered it frankly. And even if he had, he knew the others would not mind as they had already been together for so long as brothers. This sort of situation happened from time to time, so it wasn’t odd for him to share.

Tang Ye said nothing and took the lamb chops into his own lunch box, then he couldn’t help but ask, “You really don’t want to eat them?”

Yan Jie couldn’t resist the feeling of nausea. “If you can, just take all of it. Leave me some rice and vegetables.”

Tang Ye wasn’t polite, and Zhang Xuwei, who was on Yan Jie’s other side, had already stretched his chopsticks forward to take some.

In fact, they each already had enough to eat from their own lunch box. Of course, it was still fine to eat more. In general, they would try their best to avoid leftovers, because although the basic food was supplied by their own division, its cost was not low.

In the end, only rice and vegetables were left in Yan Jie’s lunch box. He barely managed to finish eating, and then quickly took a big bite of the apple.

“Is he alright?” Zhang Xuwei asked, noticing Yan Jie’s bad complexion as he walked away from their table.

“Maybe it’s because President Yang has not been here recently. When passionately in love, if you don’t see each other for just one day, it’s like a separation for three autumns or something like that. I think we’ll get some good news soon though,” Tang Ye replied in an experienced tone.

“Really? Could this matter be so simple?”

“Oh, stop it. Do you remember how many meal boxes Mr Xiao Le could eat when he was carrying his children? Even we couldn’t surpass him. If Yan Jie was the same, would he be eating so little like that?”

“That seems reasonable.”

The group of unmarried soldiers got together and concluded that it had something to do with Yang Hengtian leaving.

If Le Yao or Xu Yao were there, they might tell this group that: it may be related, but you all can’t think of it like that...

But neither Le Yao nor Xu Yao was there. It was not convenient to bring the little buns who had now learned to turn over to the cafeteria, so recently, they would have all their meals at home.

Generally, Xu Yao would watch the children, but when he was busy, Uncle Ming would help out. If the three little ones happened to be busy playing, Le Yao could then take that time to make a meal.

Yan Jie really wanted to head over to Le Yao’s place to have another simple meal, but at the last moment, he changed his direction and went back to the Systems Room. After that, he ended up not even drinking a mouthful of water all day. He would vomit whatever he drank or ate.

The intelligent assistant said, “Officer Yan, why don’t you go to the hospital? It’s getting colder outside and it is most probably not heatstroke.”

Yan Jie said, “Is there any sign of abnormality in my vitals?”

“No,” came the answer from the smart assistant.

Yan Jie said, “Let’s wait until tomorrow. If I’m still like this by tomorrow, I’ll go to the hospital.”

An assistant was in a subordinate position after all. If its persuading was rejected again, it wouldn’t ask any more. But in the end, Yan Jie failed to check in at the hospital the next day.

Two outposts not far away from the station experienced a blizzard, and their communication equipment broke down. The on-duty technicians failed to solve the problem, so they contacted Yan Jie.

Yan Jie woke up in the middle of the night, picked up his pants and clothes, then rushed to the location of the accident without even washing his face. Upon arrival, he knew that there was something wrong with the equipment. So he quickly changed and debugged the equipment according to the emergency procedures.

It was already afternoon by the time he returned. He was too sleepy to even eat a bowl of porridge.

When he woke up, he saw Yang Hengtian at his bedside. His mind was still in a state of confusion.

Yang Hengtian saw Yan Jie’s bad complexion and kissed him gently. He asked, “I heard from General Xu, you were busy from midnight to noon today?”

Yan Jie sat up halfway and massaged his head. “Well, it’s been snowing heavily at our outpost. The equipment is buried in the ground, so it takes some time to repair. When did you arrive here?”

“It’s almost been an hour. You were sleeping well, so I couldn’t bring myself to wake you up. Would you like something to eat? I haven’t eaten yet either. I brought some crab dumplings made by my mother so we can eat it together.”

Yan Jie nodded after listening to the words ’crab dumplings’ and said, “Alright.”

But as soon as he put one in his mouth, he felt as if he was about to die!

What’s so good?! The taste is strange!

However, Yang Hengtian was eating them with relish, which showed that there shouldn’t be any problems with the crab dumplings. Yang Hengtian had no problems, the crab dumplings had no problems, which meant... it was him.

What’s wrong with me?

Yan Jie got a physical examination every year. Although he couldn’t be compared with that group of strong Alphas in the military, he was still healthier than the average Beta.

“What’s the matter? Is it not to your taste?” Yang Hengtian asked.

“No.” Yan Jie shook his head.

“Ah, that’s right!” said the assistant abruptly. “Mr Yang, Officer Yan has eaten very little these days. It seems that he has been feeling uncomfortable, but he still has yet to go to the hospital. He wanted to go this morning, but couldn’t do so.”

“I can go there tomorrow. What are you babbling for?” Yan Jie tapped the communicator.

“How can this kind of thing be delayed? Of course, if you are uncomfortable, you should have it checked as soon as possible.” Yang Hengtian immediately put down his chopsticks and looked up at his communicator.

“What are you doing?” Yan Jie asked.

Yang Hengtian didn’t answer him. He went straight to call Xu Yao and briefly explained the situation. Then he pulled Yan Jie up and said, “Let’s go to President Liu.”

Yan Jie said, “I really don’t need to. I will go tomorrow when I have time. After all, it’s not easy for you to come here. It’s going to be a waste of time for us to go to the hospital to finish an examination and you still need to go back in the morning.”

“A waste of time?” Yang Hengtian turned to face Yan Jie and asked with a smile, “Then what do you think we should do to not waste time?”

Yan Jie choked and was rendered speechless. He felt that Yang Hengtian’s words had another hidden meaning.

But before he could say anything, a hover car arrived. Xu Yao’s voice sounded from Yang Hengtian’s communicator, “I’ve arrived, open the window.”

Yang Hengtian pressed open the intelligent window, and directly pulled Yan Jie onto Xu Yao’s hover car.

The examination room was empty. It took President Liu another six or seven minutes to head over.

President Liu was the only one who came and after he arrived, looked at Yang Hengtian in slight surprise. It seemed that he had some doubts about his presence, but he didn’t ask much. Instead, he directly asked Yan Jie about his symptoms and condition.

Yan Jie thought that all of this was a bit too much of a fuss and said frankly, “I just have no appetite and have been feeling more tired recently. I don’t think there should be anything wrong. Maybe it’s just that I haven’t had a good enough rest.”

“Have you been busy with work recently?” President Liu asked.

“Once in a while,” Yan Jie said.

President Liu motioned for Yan Jie to lie on the examination bed of the clinic and drew some blood, then placed it on the analysing instrument. With the multi-functional light diagnosis machine that had similarly been used on Le Yao before, he swept it from head to toe.

After about ten minutes, a report detailing the results of the inspection was displayed line by line.

“How is it, President Liu?” asked Yang Hengtian.

President Liu looked at the report, took out his glasses and put them on. After a while, he asked Yan Jie, “When was the first time you and President Yang had unprotected sex?”

Yan Jie was so embarrassed that he didn’t want to answer.

Yang Hengtian was calmer. He coughed and said, “About a month and a half ago.”

“Then you are too great,” said President Liu.

Yang Hengtian was confused. “What do you mean by that?”

President Liu said with a smile, “If I’ve read it correctly, Mr Yang, you will be a father in less than a year. Congratulations.”

Yang Hengtian: “!”

Yan Jie: “!!!”

Not mentioning the two people who were immediately stupefied, Xu Yao also stayed silent for a while before responding, “So fast? Aren’t you two too fierce?”

Yan Jie turned his head to the other side to try and escape the embarrassment.

“...” I don’t really want this kind of praise, I don’t know whether I should laugh or cry!

Yang Hengtian was very excited and asked, “Thank you, President Liu. What kind of things do we need to pay attention to later?”

“Yan Jie may be uncomfortable for about one to two months in the early stage because male Betas are not very suitable for pregnancy. Once they have children, their bodies will naturally adapt and start to self-regulate.

“During this time, the amount of hormones secreted will be different from that of normal days. His appetite and mood will more or less be affected, for example, he might become uneasy, feel hot or cold, experience anorexia, or other such circumstances. So, pay attention to maintaining a positive frame of mind and make sure to eat more nutritious and digestible things.

“In a moment, I’ll send you a guide on the nutrients you need to be consuming. You can buy them according to the prescription. And try not to become too tired, and make sure to go to bed on time. Nothing like yesterday’s situation, it’s better to only use your skills and not your physical strength. I saw that there were scratch marks on your hand just now. Were you digging something by yourself yesterday?”

Yan Jie replied, “President Liu, your eyes are too poisonous, aren’t they?”

“Occupational disease. In a word, that’s how it is. There’s nothing wrong with it. Is there anything else needing consultation? If not, I’ll go back to practicing drawing talismans.”

Xu Yao said, “Has it become a habit to draw them?”

As soon as President Liu thought of the magical effect of talismans, he nodded and answered with a smile, “A little bit.”

Xu Yao said, “Then you should go ahead first. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me or Le Yao. Please keep it a secret that Mr Yang was here tonight.”

“No problem,” said President Liu.

The hover car then arrived at the window outside the diagnosis room. Xu Yao brought Yan Jie and Yang Hengtian directly back to Yan Jie’s place.

Yang Hengtian said, “Brother Xu, can Yan Jie take a long vacation?”

Xu Yao was in a bit of a dilemma and replied, “It’s fine to take a rest, but sometimes there are sudden problems that need to be solved, and he may still be needed here. I’ll ask the higher ups to see if I can transfer someone over. Or...”

Xu Yao said with a smile, “Or, how about you come here yourself? Others I might not trust, but I can trust you.”

Yan Jie seemed to want to say something, but swallowed his words back down. He probably knew that although the child had come very quickly, it was still a time to be cautious and he couldn’t have any mishaps.

“I’ll go back and talk it over with my father, then come back in three days,” said Yang Hengtian in reply.

Naturally, he must have a record of a normal flight when he returned later, but as for the fact of whether or not he was in the spaceship, if he didn’t let others know, who would find out? No one!

Xu Yao said, “No problem, then it’s settled. Contact me if you need anything.”

“Thanks,” said Yang Hengtian.

“You’re welcome,” Xu Yao said as he walked to the hover car. “And congratulations.”

Just as the window was about to be closed, Yang Hengtian and Yan Jie overheard someone say into the communicator, “Baby, I’ll tell you a secret. Our sons and daughter will have a little friend in the future!”

The window was now completely shut.

Yan Jie and Yang Hengtian looked at each other and saw warmth in the depth of the other’s eyes.

Yan Jie said with a smile, “Congratulations to President Yang, how do you feel about becoming a father?”

Yang Hengtian didn’t say anything, just embraced Yan Jie even more gently than ever.

Yan Jie pillowed his head on Yang Hengtian’s shoulder. “Hey, I’m still a bit uncomfortable. Can you say something to ease me?”

Yang Hengtian clearly understood Yan Jie’s last sentence, but he still replied, “I dare to think anything without it, but not with it.”

Yan Jie did not understand. “What do you mean?”

Yang Hengtian smiled and said, “It has been achieved, and there are no other requests.”


Qiuxue: A wild bun appeared! So happy for this CP, ah. And, amidst all the sweetness, a small part of me is still thinking about the sad rejected crab dumplings haha...

Noks: A long chapter... but it ended on a happy spot for our side CP’s story. May they live happily ever after!

Frozenmirage: The longest :blobsweats:, our cute buns will have their screen time soon, ahaha...

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