
Chapter 467

Li qianluo looked at the hole. Under the light of the moon, the ice gave off a faint blue light.

She nodded, no! "I hide, then you fight the enemy?" She was always well protected by Si Jinheng.

Of course, Si Jinheng thought, "what's wrong?" He looked at the woman as if he didn't want to be obedient.

"Of course not! Let me face the enemy with you. " Si Jinheng's identity is too heavy and thick. Since she intends to follow him all her life, she has to learn to protect herself. The premise of protecting yourself is to strengthen yourself.

Looking at her stubborn little face, sijinheng pinched her smooth little face, "don't make trouble, this is not a small matter. If you really want to face the enemy with me, when I go back, I will take you to play the real CS." Is this game OK? Two people can face the enemy together!

CS? Li qianluo curled her mouth. She was not interested in that. Before and Lu Zixi together to play once, not fun!

However, she didn't immediately refute srinheng, but she kept all kinds of ideas in her mind.

Hope to criticize the wolf in the evening, oh! No, a wolf! Let her see. She didn't want to see people, so no one would come.

Two people chatting quietly, occasionally a woman will twist a man's arm, big palm. Men look at women with a smile in their eyes.

Looking at the time, it was nearly ten o'clock. Si Jinheng urged Li qianluo to go to bed.

Li qianluo knew that he could not be refused, and slowly went to the tent.

At more than 12 o'clock in the evening, Li qianluo was unable to hold on and was going to sleep.

Si Jinheng was beside the fire, walking back and forth, looking around with vigilance.

At this time, not far from the front of the snow mountain, several pairs of green eyes swayed to and fro.

Thinking of Li qianluo's insistence, he opened the tent, and the little woman was lying on the carpet in her military coat.

"Here comes the wolf He called softly, and he was going to shout it. When she wakes up, take her to see it. If she doesn't wake up, let her continue to sleep.

Who knows, Li qianluo sat up, instantly sober up, "where? Take me to see it It's a rare Antarctic wolf according to sriheng! How could she miss it.

Si Jinheng put on her military coat and came out with her little hand.

He picked up the flashlight next to him and looked at it not far away.

Li qianluo picked up the telescope, several wolves in the flashlight under the irradiation, near in front of us.

"Ouch..." A wolf suddenly looked up to the sky and screamed. The rest of them also called. I don't know what they are doing.

However, when Li qianluo looked seriously, suddenly the bodyguard called out, "who!" Then a man lay beside him in a pool of blood.

Something's wrong! Li Youhan climbed out of the tent with the fastest speed.

Si Jinheng put the flashlight to Li qianluo at the first time, then touched the gun in the pocket of her army coat and pushed her to the direction of the ice cave.

Li qianluo didn't want to. Si Jinheng immediately pulled down his face and said, "go quickly!" Li qianluo was extremely aggrieved by his cold command.

In the man's serious eyes, trot to the ice cave.

The other party used a silencing gun, but when he saw that he had been exposed, he directly replaced it with a machine gun and began to fire on this side.

Another man was shot and killed on the spot!

"Hide first!" Sijinheng calmly ordered everyone, and then put out the warm fire.

This side suddenly fell into quiet and dark, machine guns continue to fire. We kept changing positions, hiding on the side of the car and behind the glacier.

As someone approached, Li Youhan aimed at the visitor and fired a shot directly at his head.

The machine gun fell to the ground, and the shooter immediately stopped his heartbeat.

In such a situation, there is no need to keep alive. Those who come are not good will not come.

After the shooter died, there was no more movement in the back. Now it is the situation in which the enemy is hiding and we are clear, and a group of people in sijinheng have not taken any rash actions.

And Li qianluo, who was jumping in the ice cave, raised his whole heart. Why is there no sound after a fierce gunshot?

What's going on out there? She's really worried. But first, I found a huge crack and hid myself in it.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Li qianluo's patience was exhausted, and there was a burst of fierce gunfire outside.

It was more intense than just now. She was frightened. God bless, our people are OK, big brother is OK, Si Jinheng is OK

This time the gunshot, as if for a longer time, Li qianluo finally did not hold back, gently to the hole.At the mouth of the cave, she tried to hide herself, and then stretched out her head to look outside. The situation outside seemed very bad, and there seemed to be many people lying on the ground.

However, she could not see where srinheng and his elder brother were, and her body went out again. In the moonlight, some people have already started to fight and howl.

However, she suddenly felt something was wrong behind her.

Li qianluo quietly turned back and found that several wolves were running towards her!

…… She wanted to see the wolf, but she didn't want to watch it up close!

Li qianluo, with a loud voice, ran out of the cave.

All the way, he screamed and went to the forest of guns and bullets. When the wolf behind him heard the gunfire, he did not dare to move forward at the door.

Li qianluo looked at a group of people who were fighting fiercely not far away. How could he rush here?

However, there are wolves over there and bad people here. Li qianluo is stupid.

However, very strange, that gang of bad guys, saw Li qianluo did not want to shoot at her at all.

Just a few people gradually close to her, she knew! They must have known that the old pocket watch was on her and wanted to take her away.

Li qianluo took out the gun from the pocket of the army coat and shot the ice at the mouth of the cave. Several wolves turned around and ran away instantly.

She was relieved and ran into the cave.

But Li qianluo underestimated the cunning of the wolf. When she got into the cave, she was bitten by the biggest wolf at the first time.

Another wolf was biting her army coat tightly, and the other two or three were looking at her with fierce eyes.

Li qianluo was scared to move. She was so glad that the wolves did not come up and bit her.

Si Jinheng was fighting outside with the two big men who wanted to get close to Li qianluo. He could not see what was going on inside the cave.

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