
Chapter 1399

The capsule was buried in the seabed, so it wasn\'t bearing the full brunt of the water pressure. Even so, it was beginning to creak and groan. These capsules were designed to be shot upward, so they could only withstand the water pressure on the seabed for a short time.

Tang Wulin immediately decided that he couldn\'t continue to stay in the capsule any longer, and this was something that he hadn\'t even mentioned to the submarine captain.

He could still release his spiritual power to sense the water elements outside from within the capsule, but that wasn\'t an optimal arrangement. He opened the release hatch and also took a deep breath to completely fill his lungs.

However, due to the immense pressure weighing down on the capsule from the outside world, it wasn\'t going to be opened that easily.

Golden light flashed through Tang Wulin\'s eyes, and golden scales appeared all over his body as he tore the capsule apart with his bare hands. A huge plume of sand and mud immediately came rushing in and instantly inundated his entire body.

Aside from water elements, there was also a vast amount of earth elements that had come crashing down upon him. Tang Wulin felt as if he had been crushed under a heavy mecha, and he was immediately struck by a sense of asphyxiation.

If a normal human were in his place, they would\'ve instantly been killed on the spot. Thankfully, he had never been a normal person.

His dragon core pulsated vigorously as he activated the Body Sect\'s congenital secret method, and he released his own soul power to propel himself out of the seabed.

After emerging from the sand and mud, the pressure on him only increased, and Tang Wulin felt as if his body had been completely bound.

There was nothing around him aside from complete darkness, and he felt as if he had entered a pitch-black world.

Enormous water pressure compressed his body from all sides, forcing him to release his soul power to keep it at bay. With his powerful Golden Dragon King bloodline, he was still able to move freely even in the face of such tremendous pressure.

A thought suddenly occurred to Tang Wulin: this underwater environment was far more effective than any gravity training chamber!

It wouldn’t be a bad idea for him to cultivate in a place like this.

At this depth, even walking was an arduous task for Tang Wulin, but the incredible abundance of water elements here was also unmatched anywhere else. Furthermore, the greater the pressure, the more his latent potential would be stimulated. If he had some time in the future, he really would like to return here for cultivation.

This thought only flashed through Tang Wulin\'s mind for a brief moment before he began to focus on communicating with the water elements around him with his spiritual power. Water elements were supposed to be gentle, yet in this deepsea environment, they were viscous and authoritative.

The first thing that Tang Wulin had to do was to establish a connection with the water elements around him. Otherwise, with so much pressure weighing down upon him, his spiritual power wouldn\'t be able to travel very far.

Even though he had already reached the Spirit Domain realm, he could still clearly sense that his spiritual power was being oppressed to a very severe extent. This was a result of the natural resistance that the surrounding water elements had toward an outsider like him.

Tang Wulin released his soul rings to illuminate the area around him. Black soul rings gave off no discernible light, so the brightest and most eye-catching of his soul rings were his greenish-golden Son of Nature soul ring, as well as the orange-golden soul rings provided to him by the Beautiful Silk Tulip.

As he released his Son of Nature soul ring, a gentle natural aura proliferated outward, and just as he had expected, the pressure that he felt from the surrounding water elements immediately receded significantly. 

Tang Wulin was naturally very elated by this development, and he immediately released his spiritual power in all directions to scour through the seabed.

However, even though the water elements were no longer all that resistant toward him, he still wasn\'t able to sense much. His spiritual power could only spread for around a kilometer before it reached the limit, and that was a far cry from the area that he could encompass with his spiritual power on land. A sensory range of a kilometer was nothing in the boundless ocean, and he hadn\'t even begun releasing his spiritual sense deeper into the seabed yet. Once he began to do that, his spiritual power would definitely be restricted even further.

Was his status as the Son of Nature failing him here in the depths of the ocean? The elements here clearly weren\'t as fond of him as they were on land.

He had already grown accustomed to being blessed by the plane, but for some reason, that blessing seemed to have disappeared now that he was in the deep sea.

Tang Wulin continued to release his aura as the Son of Nature to try and increase his affinity with the surrounding water elements, and at the same time, he called out to the Beautiful Silk Tulip in his heart. The Beautiful Silk Tulip was a true wealth of knowledge when it came to the power of nature.

The Beautiful Silk Tulip immediately gathered Tang Wulin\'s current situation, and said, "I don\'t have solutions, either, Master."

"It seems like my status as the Son of Nature is failing in this environment," Tang Wulin mused in a perplexed manner.

The Beautiful Silk Tulip replied, "It does indeed seem that way, and I\'m afraid I don\'t know why. You\'ve been blessed by the plane and possess the power of the Son of Nature, so the sea shouldn\'t be rejecting you. Then again, the sea is the most powerful natural entity in this entire plane; it covers over 70% of the planet\'s entire area, so it\'s almost a plane in itself. Your Son of Nature powers have a greater affinity with life force, and there is very little life force here. Even so, as someone who\'s been blessed by the plane, you should be able to communicate with water elements!

"This is the first time I\'ve ever been in a place like this as well, so I\'m also unable to make sense of the situation. Could it be that the water elements in the deep sea do not conform to the ruler of the plane?"

"Is that possible?" Tang Wulin asked.

The Beautiful Silk Tulip replied, "It is. Have you forgotten that the founder of the Tang Sect, Tang San, became the Sea God in the end? I have a feeling that the ocean\'s reluctance to comply with the will of the planar ruler has something to do with this Sea God. After all, even the power of a plane can\'t contend with a true god. Perhaps the Sea God sealed the ocean so that even the planar ruler\'s power wouldn\'t be able to infiltrate it. This is the only explanation that I can think of right now."

An expression that could only be described as spectacular appeared on Tang Wulin\'s face upon hearing this.

Sea God Tang San? Wasn\'t that his birth father?

This meant that he was not just the Son of Nature, but also the son of the Sea God!

His status as the Son of Nature clearly wasn\'t working; what about his status as the son of the Sea God? The issue that he now faced was that he had to somehow draw upon the power left to him by his father to earn the acknowledgment of the ocean.

Having found a new direction to work toward, he reflexively delved deep into his own mind. He could still clearly recall that his father had left something in his mind prior to his departure.

Tang Wulin wasn\'t sure exactly what it was, but he knew that it had to be something that was extremely useful to him.

Tang Wulin searched through his mind, and quickly discovered a ball of light hovering within it.

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