
Chapter 1736

The fact that Eternal Heaven had fallen into the hands of Shrek Academy and the Tang Sect had changed the political landscape of the entire continent.

The Dove Faction was enjoying a resurgence in the federal parliament and was beginning to match its Eagle Faction counterpart. Mo Lan had already officially become the leader of the Dove Faction, and due to Chen Xinjie\'s sudden resignation, an internal power struggle took place within the Eagle Faction, resulting in a series of clashes before the next leader of the Sea God Legion was decided.

As a result, the war that the Eagle Faction was planning to wage against the other two continents was put on ice.

As for punishing the Tang Sect or Shrek Academy, that was entirely out of the question.

Just the threat of Eternal Heaven alone had completely suppressed the Spirit Pagoda, and that wasn\'t even taking into account how many Limit Douluos the two superpower organizations had. Eternal Heaven was a weapon that could easily destroy a city, and it was a trump card that everyone had to be wary of.

Furthermore, with the reconstruction of Shrek City, Shrek Academy and the Tang Sect were officially connected, and the new Shrek City had become one of the most hyped-up places on the entire continent.

Every plot of land in the new Shrek City had been bid up to astronomical prices, and a strict screening process had to be passed before one could move in to the city.

With the meteoric resurgence of Shrek Academy, Spirit Academy was being dealt a series of heavy blows. Shrek Academy had reclaimed its title as the number one academy on the continent, and as a result, Spirit Academy\'s influence was naturally diminished to the point that it was virtually negligible.

Perhaps as a result of these recent events, the Spirit Pagoda had gone completely silent. Business was still booming at the Myriad Beast Plane, but aside from that, the Spirit Pagoda wasn\'t making its presence felt at all, and none of its representatives in parliament even spoke up about the Eternal Heaven incident.The incident was also kept strictly confidential by the federation, but all those who were in the know were aware that Shrek Academy\'s resurgence was unavoidable, and that no one would be able to touch the Tang Sect or Shrek Academy again.

It seemed that Shrek Academy had returned to its former glory overnight. The foundation of the current Shrek Academy still couldn\'t compare with that of the former Shrek Academy, which had many Titled Douluo level teachers among its ranks, but with the inclusion of the Yuanen Family and the Qilin Douluo, as well as the sweeper in the form of Old Man Chen, Shrek Academy\'s current overall power was superior to even that of the Atlas Douluo\'s generation.

The persistence and growth of Tang Wulin\'s generation naturally contributed to Shrek Academy\'s rise from the ashes in such a short time, but a more significant factor was the foundation that Shrek Academy had built up over countless years.

There were countless Shrek Academy alumni such as Guan Yue spread across the entire continent, and all of them were assisting the Shrek Academy rebuild in any way that they could.A foundation laid over the course of 20,000 years certainly couldn\'t be wiped out in a single night.

At this moment, the entire Douluo Continent had become extremely peaceful and harmonious. There was only one piece of news that sent a massive stir running through the entire Soul Master world, which was that Tang Wulin had been confirmed to be a Divine Blacksmith.

Many parties, including the blacksmith association, had already verified this, making Tang Wulin the second Divine Blacksmith on the continent after Zhen Hua.

Released in conjunction with this announcement was a statement declaring Zhen Hua\'s retirement due to health reasons. In the future, he was going to focus his attention mainly on mentoring the next generation of blacksmiths.

This meant that Tang Wulin was the only person on the continent capable of heavenly refinement and forging four-word battle armor, making him an extremely important figure in the entire Soul Master world.

Even at its absolute peak, Shrek Academy had never had a Divine Blacksmith among its ranks.

"Now that the situation has stabilized and we have your support, my life has been made a lot easier. The neutral faction has completely sided with us now, and I think you should consider obtaining a few seats in the federal parliament for Shrek Academy," Mo Lan suggested as she took a sip of her tea.

She had paid a visit to Shrek Academy to see Tang Wulin and tell him about the latest developments in the federal parliament.

Tang Wulin replied, "I won\'t do that. Shrek Academy wasn\'t involved in the parliament in the past, and things will stay that way. Shrek Academy has always maintained absolute neutrality; I can\'t just break that rule on a whim!"

Mo Lan sighed, "Sometimes, it\'s important to hold power in your hands. There are many good people in this world, but just as many rotten apples. The Shrek Academy bombing took place in large part due to the fact that the academy didn\'t hold enough power."

Tang Wulin replied, "That may be true, but at the end of the day, Shrek Academy is only an academy. If we\'re going to be actively exerting influence upon the political sphere, then the academy will no longer be pure. The bombing was a major disaster for Shrek Academy, but it also served as a reminder that we must become more powerful to ensure that nothing similar will happen again. We\'ll always be supporting the neutral faction and Dove Faction; isn\'t that enough?"

"Are you going to exact revenge then?" This was the main question that Mo Lan had for Tang Wulin.

It was clear to everyone that the Spirit Pagoda had to have been involved in the Shrek City bombing. The Holy Spirit Cult was still lurking in the shadows, yet the Spirit Pagoda was a clear target that was out in the open. 

Of course, Mo Lan wanted nothing more than to maintain the current peace on the continent, but could she really expect Shrek Academy to refrain from exacting revenge? If Shrek Academy were to make a move against the Spirit Pagoda, then a horrific conflict would surely follow.

The Spirit Pagoda had amassed enormous wealth and gained the support of countless powerful Soul Masters. If a conflict were to arise between the two superpower organizations, then the peace would be broken again, and that was not something that Mo Lan wanted to see.

Tang Wulin looked into Mo Lan\'s eyes with a serious expression, and asked, "Do you think we should seek revenge?"

Mo Lan faltered slightly upon hearing this. She didn\'t think that Tang Wulin would turn the question back onto her, and she didn\'t know how to reply.

Tang Wulin smiled, and said, "There\'s no need for you to worry about this; some things simply must be done. Shrek Academy and the Tang Sect have been passive for so long as we were biding our time in search for an opportunity to exact our revenge."

How could they not seek revenge? Atlas Douluo Yun Ming, Silver Moon Douluo Cai Yue\'er, Scarlet Dragon Douluo Zhuo Shi, Blazing Dragon Douluo Feng Wuyu; one familiar name after another had appeared in Tang Wulin\'s mind on countless occasions. They had all been pillars of Shrek Academy at one point, yet they had all given up their lives to protect the students during that disaster.

If it weren\'t for their sacrifices, the younger generation of Shrek Academy would\'ve been entirely wiped out, and there would\'ve been no chance for a resurgence.

Would any of the current teachers of Shrek Academy simply agree to let the Spirit Pagoda off the hook?

Similarly, many familiar names in the Tang Sect, including the past hall masters and the brothers of the Battle Hall, had also been destroyed alongside the Tang Sect headquarters. Who was the perpetrator of all this? The Holy Spirit Cult? How could they possibly have accomplished this alone? How did they manage to obtain those two godslayer missiles?

 It was clear that the Spirit Pagoda was just as at fault as the Holy Spirit Cult.

The Spirit Pagoda had tried to thwart Shrek Academy\'s revival every step of the way, and now that Shrek Academy had finally truly risen up again, it was time for revenge!

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