
Chapter 1699

Zhen Xining raised her eyelids and took a lazy look at Yan ruoya, "weasel, pay a new year's visit to the chicken, say it, what's the matter."

Yin ruoya stood up from the chair and put the water in the cup on Zhen Xining's bedside table.

There is a medicine box on the bed cabinet, beside which is a cup of boiled water.

She took a look at the woman with her eyes closed on the bed. She quickly took out an object from her pocket and poured it into Zhen Xining's boiled water.

"Xi Ning, I don't have much time Cough, cough, cough. " With that, Yin ruoya coughed and stopped coughing for a long time.

Zhen Xining did not have a reaction, "you come here to say this to me?"

"Of course not." Yin ruoya took up the flower tea cup and sipped a sip of water.

Zhen Xining sees her drinking water and remembers that she hasn't taken her medicine yet. In order to survive, she struggled to get up from the bed, took her medicine box, poured the medicine which Duffing had prepared for her into the mouth, and took the boiled water.

Looking at her drinking the cup of boiled water, Yan ruoya's lips raised a vicious smile, "do you know who was forced to do it?"

Zhen Xining glared at her fiercely, "bitch, which pot does not open, which pot to mention!" Of course she knows who it is! Need her to remind you?

"Ha ha, ha ha, Zhen Xining, do you know? After that, sixiaoyi and I will send you to the hotel directly Looking at Zhen Xining's gradually widened eyes, she said the truth, "it's me. I gave you the medicine for Si Xiaobao to eat, and I let Si Xiaobao's bodyguard sleep you again! Ha ha ha ha ha

Zhen Xi Ning Qi's lips were crooked, and then his face turned purple, "you You damned woman

Yan ruoya stopped laughing and said slowly, "I am damned! I'm going to die, but you're going to die too... "

Geng Chengjun is in prison. She can't move him or get revenge. But Zhen Xining, who let her die badly, was bailed out of prison by Dufen

Half an hour later, Yin ruoya tidied up and opened the door, just met Dufen who came out of the room diagonally opposite. She closed the door of Zhen Xining's room, "Auntie, Xi ning and I talked for so long, tired, and said that she wanted to have a rest and not let anyone go in to disturb her."

Duffing nodded. "OK, are you going? Slow down on your way then

"Well, goodbye, Auntie!"

Out of the gate of the Zhen family, Yan ruoya looked up at the sky. It's sunny today. It seems like the wedding of the second son of gujia.

It's great to be able to wear a wedding dress and marry your beloved!

A cold wind came out and Yan ruoya coughed violently.

Just now, in Zhen Xining's room, she had already taken a medicine to suppress her cough. Now she took another medicine from her pocket, took it to her mouth and swallowed it directly.

After half a day, she reacted and rushed to the hospital.

Si Xiaobao thought about it and thought that he still needed to call Ji Meizhen.

When I called Gu Jia, she was answered by her servant. When she heard that she was looking for Ji Meizhen, she asked her to wait for a moment, so she went upstairs to call Ji Meizhen.

Two or three minutes later, Ji Meizhen's soft voice came from there, "hello."

"Well Second sister-in-law, it's me, Xiaobao! "

"Xiaobao! It's you! How are you doing? " Si Xiaobao called Ji Meizhen to surprise her.

"Well, well, I'm fine, and you? How about the baby? "

"We're all right, Xiaobao. Can I help you?"

Si Xiaobao hesitated for a moment, or stammered, "that, second sister-in-law, yesterday's video, someone intentionally, my second brother-in-law and I are really nothing. The first scene is that I quarreled with Gu Yi and just stayed in his hotel. After the meeting, he went to my room and asked the manager to take care of me. In the second scene, I quarreled with Gu Yi I rushed to the Yin family in the middle of the night, and I just met my second brother at the door. Gu Yi didn't follow me, so

She can only explain in this way. I hope Ji Meizhen doesn't think much about it.

There was silence for a moment, "Xiaobao, I know that you and the third brother are in love, and I know who did it. You don't have to think about it, really." In the place that Si Xiaobao could not see, Ji Meizhen's eyes flashed a touch of bitterness.

Gu Jian has never explained to her. Maybe he never cares about her thoughts

"Oh, you can believe me. Well, who did it? What a nuisance! You tell me, I'll teach her a lesson If you play this kind of video on someone else's wedding ceremony, you should beat it up hundreds of times if you catch it!

Ji Meizhen chuckled, "it's OK, Xiaobao, the third brother has solved it, don't you know?"

It's her stepmother and stepsister! I don't know the sky is high and the earth is thick, even Si Xiaobao dares to offend! Also dare to provoke the ancient wing, kicked the iron plate, died very miserably! It was quickly found out by Gu Yi. Now he is still in prison waiting for a lawsuit!This afternoon, my stepmother also called and asked her to ask for Gu Yi and Gu Jian. She didn't agree to let her sister go.

"Ah! ok That's OK. If it's OK, I won't disturb you and have a rest early! " The matter squeezed in his heart was solved, and Si Xiaobao was in a good mood.

"Well, you'll have an early rest, too."

"Well, goodbye!"

It was the hot summer and the sun was shining on the earth. After lunch, the sleepy Si Xiaobao heard an amazing news, "Zhen Xining is dead."

"Well?" She was stunned by the eyes of the ancient wing serious eyes.

Gu Yi nodded, "it's Yin ruoya." Later, he did not tell Si Xiaobao again because Yan ruoya's method was cruel.

After stung Zhen Xining, he cut more than ten knives Zhen Xining's hands are gone. They are beyond recognition Anyway, it's cruel.

It was Du Fen who found Zhen Xining's body. She fainted in a moment. When she woke up, she was basically crazy.

However, because of this, Yin ruoya is now in the rescue room. She is transferred directly from the rescue room to the intensive care unit. She is unable to arrest her. The matter is now in a deadlock.

"Yan ruoya gives Zhen Xining to..." When Si Xiaobao thought of this possibility, his heart beat faster and he was surrounded by fear.

Yin ruoya, the goddess of Guzheng in people's eyes, actually kills people

"Well." After Zhen Xining was released on the grounds of mental illness, he and ye Xifeng sued Zhen Xining together.

He had planned to sue Zhen Xining to life imprisonment, but before she could receive the summons from the court, she was no longer there.

This matter, in Jiuzhou city has been a sensation, it is estimated that the meeting will be uploaded on the Internet soon.

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