
Chapter 927: Alicia & Zeke Side Story 3

Chapter 927: Alicia & Zeke Side Story 3


"Who are you?!" a man, no, a demon male stretched forth his weapon and pointed it menacingly at Alicia. He was so tall and bulky and intimidating. If this man was present on earth, he would definitely be considered as a giant.      

But Alicia did not even flinch. Though she could feel the demonic magic and raw power emanating from him, his level of danger was still not enough for her to feel fear.      

The male demon frowned at her as if he was shocked at Alicia's unflinching response. Looking her over, he had taken note of how slender and graceful she was - with her long wavy silver hair and loose robes. The impression she left others was that she was a female who could not withstand it if rough treatment was given to her. Plus with her beautiful and fair face, it only added to the air of helplessness around her. Thus, that was the reason why this male demon had tried to intimidate her with his power and weapon. However, her reaction had only shocked him greatly.     

"Archer!" another male voice echoed out. Alicia did not turn to look around to find the owner of the voice. She was still trying to adjust herself to this new world she had ended up being pulled into.     

A beautiful but very tall blond male, dressed in regal clothes landed next to the bulky demon. And as soon as his gaze fell on Alicia, his eyes widened.      

"This woman's not a demon!" he exclaimed. No, wait… she's human?!      

"Seriously? Then how is she even here, alive and breathing if she's not a demon?" The bulky male commented, scratching his head in curiosity.     

Alicia only wanted to ask these two demons just one burning question that was the only thing that's revolving in her mind. Ezekiel… She badly wanted to ask them if they knew her husband.      

"Where did you come from, beautiful lady? Wait… you're a witch!!!" the beautiful male's face looked overwhelmed at his realization when he recognized that she was one.     

The bulky male also looked shocked. "So, this is the creature who can summon us demons, out of the Underworld?!"      


"That's… unbelievable. Just look at her! She doesn't even look the part! She looks like she would shatter into pieces even if I just poke her a little!" The larger of the two looked totally disbelieving, as though not able to accept that such a seemingly frail and petite creature was powerful enough to summon demonic creatures straight from hell.     

"Don't underestimate her, Archer." The beautiful male commented in a knowing tone.     

"Hah… then what do you want me to do, dukeass, Ruka? Praise her?" The male demon named Archer snapped sarcastically at the beautiful one named Ruka.      

"Shut up, you big idiot!" Ruka hissed at Archer. "Can't you sense that there is something strange about her? I can weirdly pick up a familiar scent from her… similar to… His Liege."      

The two looked at each other with meaningful gazes.     

"His Liege…" Alicia, who was listening in the entire time to the two male demons talking to each other, now finally spoke, echoing Ruka's last two words. Those words were like beacons burning brightly in the dark for her - obvious hints on news of Zeke that she was searching for. "Are you talking about… Prince Ezekiel?"      

Their eyes widened and sparkled with anticipation. That one look on their faces gave Alicia all the answers she needed and her heart thumped hard and fast within her ribcage.      

"Who are you?" Ruka asked a little skeptically, his beautiful face now turning serious and masculine. It was as though he wanted to protect any unnecessary information from being released.     

"I'm Alicia. Ezekiel is my husband."      

Again, the expression on Ruka's face told Alicia that he knew about her or had heard of her name before. However, his companion, Archer, was still distrustful.     

When Alicia asked the duo to bring her to where Ezekiel was, Archer insisted on shackling her. Knowing that the two demons were just trying to be careful, Alicia willingly offered her own hands to be shackled. Putting herself in their shoes, if a sudden stranger appeared and claimed to be the spouse of her master and wanted her to bring her to him, she would also be wary and take precautions just in case something goes wrong.     

Apart from the fact that she was dying to see her husband, she was also afraid of what was going to happen to her next in this world. She had no idea if it was even okay for someone like her to be here. Could she survive long in the Underworld? And even if she could survive, would there be any consequence since she was not a demon? There were so many questions and doubts swirling in her mind, but all these took a back seat to finding her husband, first and foremost.     

She needed to find a way to get back to her son as soon as possible. Though she was sure that Azy should be fine right now, she still needed to return to him. To her beloved child. She could never bear leaving him alone. But before that, she must see Ezekiel, even for a moment. Even for a second if that was all that was possible. She would take anything, no matter how brief it could be. She just wanted to see how he was doing. To see if he was doing alright down here. That would be more than enough for her. The memory and knowledge of him still alive and well, just in another realm, would allow her to live out her days with Azy back on earth.     

Ezekiel… dear Lord… she felt like she was going to hyperventilate when the demons informed her that they were close to where he was.         

She felt like she was in a dream. But even if this was only a dream, she still would not care. She just wanted to see him again, even if it was just a quick glimpse.      

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