
Chapter 358: Avril’s Decision

Chapter 358: Avril’s Decision

Xia Fei was an independent person who did not like walking the paths that others had walked, did not like living the same way others did. Right after entering the Heaven Execution Training Camp, Xia Fei surprisingly decided to be a lowly librarian. Just when he had obtained the recognition of the Union and was about to rise in the ranks of the upper echelons slowly, Xia Fei refused this opportunity that so many could only dream about, instead choosing to set up his faction in the mostly uninhabited Terminus Star Region.

Most people thought Xia Fei to be a fool who did not understand how to go with the flow, but in reality, most people were unable to progress as quickly as Xia Fei did. Many people were very confused over this. Xia Fei had clearly chosen the more idiotic choices, but he had nevertheless managed to kill out a path of his own in the wilderness. No matter where this path went, there was no denying that no one had ever walked it before and that it belonged to Xia Fei alone.

Those who did not understand never would, and it was fine to let them remain confused and sullen. In any case, Xia Fei only cared about himself and those he cherished. The others? They could go rot in hell for all he cared.

It was precisely this independent personality that made Avril believe Xia Fei had abandoned her.

In truth, there was no need for her to worry. Xia Fei had not been avoiding Avril because he did not like her. On the contrary, Xia Fei loved her far more than everyone else.

Xia Fei was just speaking in his own way—the most sincere and selfless method.

Making Avril first in the line of succession for Quantum Holdings should have been a secret that she should not have known about, but that talkative lawyer had blabbed to Avril only a few days after Xia Fei left.

Avril’s jewel-like eyes were suddenly filled with tears. She understood now that Xia Fei had intentionally been avoiding her because he was about to go on a perilous journey where survival was not guaranteed. Xia Fei did not want her to worry, so he intentionally acted cold and distant, hoping that Avril would not be overly concerned about her.

If there was a mistake here, it was Xia Fei drafting a will which made Avril his sole heir. In doing so, he had made all his previous efforts for naught. On the contrary, he only deepened Avril’s resolve to be together with him.

No romance was smooth-sailing. After so many storms, Avril was no longer her past self. Xia Fei had saved her life, had accompanied her when she was alone, and had even thought of her first when his life was in danger

Avril clenched her teeth, wiped away her tears with a handkerchief, and stood up straight, putting a faint smile back on her face. She decided that if Xia Fei was doing so much for her, she needed to do something for him, too.

“Butler Pang, come with me to see father,” Avril softly said.

Pang Xing was taken aback, but he opened the door for Avril and followed her down the corridor to the living room.

No one noticed that the eyes of the grim Pang Xing were moist. After a long period of bitterly cursing at Xia Fei, Pang Xing had, together with Avril, suddenly felt Xia Fei’s simplest and most selfless affection. This was not a will! It was clearly a declaration of love!

In the living room, Avril’s father Newman and her grandfather Ernst were softly whispering about something. Ernst had recently ended his seclusion in the mountains and returned to the capital, but Newman was still running the business, with Ernst simply providing support. At their side was Pang Xing’s father, Pang Hai, the older generation butler of Half Moon Hill Villa.

“Father, grandfather, grandpa Pang,” Avril politely said.

Ernst smiled upon seeing his granddaughter. “Come, come; sit next to your grandfather.”

Avril quietly sat next to her father and grandfather, the Pang father and son taking up positions behind them.

“It’s so late. Why haven’t you gone to bed yet?” Newman asked out of concern.

Avril replied, “I wanted to speak with father and grandfather about something before going to bed.”

“About what?”

Avril smiled as she stroked her golden hair. “I plan to marry Xia Fei.”

Ernst and Newman almost instantly leaped up from the sofa. Avril was someone they doted on immensely, and her marriage was linked to the rise or fall of their clan. Ernst and Newman had always taken this matter seriously, and they had never imagined that the ever-obedient Avril would say something like this!

The Pang father and son and the surrounding servants and maids had all heard it, and their eyes showed confusion. However, the presence of the master and his father prevented them from immediately beginning to chat about it.

Ernst forced himself to calm down. Waving a hand, he commanded all the servants to withdraw, though the Pang butlers were allowed to remain. After all, in the eyes of Ernst, they were second only to his relatives.

Newman’s mind was in turmoil. He would never be willing to let Avril marry Xia Fei. Putting aside the difference in status, Xia Fei had killed his younger brother! How could he accept this marriage?

It was one thing for Avril to spurn Li Mo; it was another that rumors of Xia Fei going to the insectoid territory as a trade representative for the Alliance was circulating around. Newman had been planning to use this chance when Xia Fei was gone to persuade Avril to find someone else. In fact, this was exactly what he had been talking about with his father. They both found this to be a chance granted by the heavens.

Going back and forth between Alliance and the insectoid territory would take at least half a year, or even three to five years. Even if they did not strike now, Xia Fei’s company really might become the number one corporation in the Alliance once he returned and they would have no good reason to stop Avril by then. However, Newman would have never imagined that Avril would bring up this matter with him, and she seemed very determined.

“Did Xia Fei put you up to this?” Newman asked.

Avril shook her head. “Xia Fei doesn’t know.”

They were all taken aback. Ernst hurriedly asked, “So this is your own decision?”

“Yes, I want to be together with him.” Avril’s answer was very simple and sincere.

Newman began to panic. “Do you know what Xia Fei is doing this time? He’s a trade representative for the Alliance, heading deep into the insectoid territory to establish trade relations! These are insectoids we’re talking about! Those bugs eat people without blinking an eye! It’s not even known if he can make it back alive!”

As he spoke, Newman realized that he was a little too panicky, so he began to speak in a slower tone. “Avril, listen to your father: Let’s wait a little and then talk about it. What if something happens to Xia Fei?”

Avril’s face turned pale. She paused a moment before saying, “Father, grandfather, I came today only to inform you, not ask for your opinion.”

Everyone was blown away!

No one knew when Avril had become so stubborn and decisive!

It was difficult to imagine these words coming from a seventeen-year-old daughter of a wealthy family. Was this still the same pampered Avril?

Newman was so shocked that he could not speak. Pang Xing, who understood the situation most, was so excited that his hands were shaking, and he mentally remarked, ‘Young miss, you’ve really grown up!’

In the end, it was the older Ernst who was the more shrewd and ruthless character. Rather than growing angry, he happily said, “Avril, your grandfather is very happy that you have such resolve. Your father and I have been informed, and as long as you’re willing, we won’t object, but Xia Fei is not in the capital. Once he’s back, why don’t you let this grandfather of yours personally discuss this matter with him?

In the end, Avril was too inexperienced in the ways of the world, and these words instantly made the color return to her face; she then secretly became rather embarrassed. She was still a young woman, and the matter of her marriage was still hazy and far off in the future.

Pang Xing accompanied Avril back to her room, leaving Newman, Ernst, and old butler Pang Hai in the living room.

Several minutes later, once Pang Xing saw Avril enter her room with his own eyes, he went back and reported what had happened today to Ernst.

Ernst felt enlightened after hearing this, commenting, “A good move by Xia Fei, retreating in order to attack.”

Newman anxiously said, “Father, I don’t think Avril is messing around. What should we do? We can’t let Xia Fei have his way, can we?”

Ernst took a deep breath. “No one is to try and persuade Avril. Let’s try and take care of this matter on the lowkey; let her calm down a little first.”

“And Xia Fei?”

“Xia Fei.” After a few moments of silence, Ernst said, “We can only hope he doesn’t come back from the insectoid territory.”


Xia Fei truly did have ideas, and he truly did have his own opinions, but on the matter of Avril, he had been unjustly accused. Ernst had mistaken this as some scheme of his to make Avril utterly devoted to him. The old aristocrat had no idea that Xia Fei had done everything with utter sincerity. It was purely a fluke that he had selected such a talkative lawyer.

On the screen, General Williams was smiling as he always was. “Xia Fei, you’re probably the boldest hands-off shopkeeper I’ve ever seen. You actually left the logistics arrangements entirely to the military. There’s probably no one else in the entire Alliance who’d dare make the military run errands for them.”

Xia Fei chuckled. “General Williams, it’s not like you don’t know of my capabilities. I don’t have many capable people under me, and without your help, my departure probably will have been delayed. Besides, to be frank, this journey is essentially an errand for the military, so by helping me, you’re really helping yourself.”

Williams replied, “Alright, put away that glib tongue of yours. I’ve already gotten your fleet ready. The ships used have no connection to the military. Every crew member has been selected by the military, but their records have all been wiped. No one will be able to tell that they’re connected to the military.

“The military commander coming with you this time is called Song Qian, an extremely capable top scholar from the Alliance’s number one military academy. I already sent you his file. If you need anything else, contact him directly.”

Xia Fei nodded and said no more. This Song Qian was a commander of equal rank to him on this expedition, and his every action was linked to the survival of the entire fleet. The people had all been assigned by the military, and Xia Fei had no right to object. He could only hope that this man would be cooperative and not make trouble, but if his life was truly put at stake, Xia Fei would listen to no one’s orders, even if those orders came from the military.

“Right, you’ve gotten your hand on all of the scientific data from the military, so when will the Black Bat radar be done?” Williams asked.

Xia Fei smiled. “Very soon.”

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