
Chapter 1885 - A Strategy to Stall!

Chapter 1885: A Strategy to Stall!

Heaven’s Secret’s meeting lasted for over three hours.

Second Liege’s main goal of holding the meeting was to get everyone to participate in the war.

After all, everyone was selfish. Some organizations might be located further away from the main warzones. They would possibly want to stay away from the trouble and be unwilling to participate in the war. Perhaps some organizations only wanted to participate by putting up a front before taking advantage of the chaos.

Heaven’s Secret speculated that it would happen, which was why they collaborated with so many organizations to open their treasuries to the public as an incentive.

As soon as the incentive was revealed, it would encourage organizations to participate in the hunt. The more Abyssal creatures they killed, the more rewards they would obtain.

Those organizations that initially wanted to stay away from trouble would naturally not be able to sit still.

Those who wanted to take advantage of the chaos would naturally become enthusiastic.

Although this initiative would result in a great loss to their treasuries, Heaven’s Secret and the organizations that participated in the opening of the treasuries understood that they would lose everything if they lost the war.

After some encouragement, Heaven’s Secret’s Second Liege very soon briefed them regarding the overall plan for this round of the war.

Facing the enemies below dao-level, Heaven’s Secret suggested not sending powerhouses on and above dao-level as well. They did so to prevent the war from progressing too quickly. On the other hand, they also wanted to prevent the Abyss from probing the number of powerhouses on the infinite universe’s side.

In reality, only Lin Huang knew the real reason for the plan.

The reason being wasthat he informed the Great Chaotic Heavenly Dao, getting it to stall as much as it could.

To Lin Huang, each day he was able to cultivate would result in the number of chaotic cosmoses he integrated with skyrocketing.

Everyone had no objections to the plan Second Liege suggested.

In reality, everyone was not ready for this war, and most of the powerhouses needed time to prepare.

For instance, the equipment, elixirs, Odyl crystals and other resources that would be exhausted during the war had yet to be prepared. Some even wanted to seize the available time to break through.

After the meeting ended, everyone turned off the video and returned to their positions.

A small number of organizations that did not send their members to participate in the war earlier began to send members below dao-level to the closest warzone instantly.

Meanwhile, many of those that had already sent their members sent even more.

Many organizations sent almost all of their members that were below dao-level.

Even Lin Huang hesitated about whether he should send all of the remaining gods in his Kingdom to participate in the war. However, after some careful thinking, he gave up on the idea. If too many of them died, it would be terrible in the sense that it would result in a discontinuity in quantity among dao-level powerhouses for a period of time. The number of dominator-level powerhouses would be affected as well.

He had also considered whether to send the Bug Tribe, but he denied that idea instantly.

After all, the Bug Tribe was still an unpopular third party to other tribes at the moment. Moreover, judging by the current situation, it was unnecessary. The Bug Tribe could totally appear at a crucial moment as a special force.

After giving the Sword Alliance’s current battle strategy some thought, Lin Huang got Bloody and Sword 1 to take over entirely.

Meanwhile, he focused mainly on integrating chaotic cosmoses.

War had begun in the infinite universe.

Within a day, almost 50% of the entire infinite universe was engulfed in flames of war.

At that moment, all of the mystic territories became teleportation portals for the soldiers the Abyss sent.

Time flew by, and half a month soon passed.

At that moment, war had broken out in over 80% of the entire infinite universe.

The major organizations aside, even some of the minor organizations that did not have dominator-level and heavenly dao-level powerhouses participated in the war as well.

Although some of them did that completely to earn war contributions to access Heaven’s Secret’s treasury, many of them were very much aware that everyone would be doomed if they were defeated in the war!

Throughout the half a month period, although the infinite universe had the upper hand, the mystic territories continued to send more and more Abyssal creatures to join the war everyday.

They seemed to be endless.

At first, all of the powerhouses were quite happy.

After all, the more monsters they killed, the more bronze medal points they would obtain, and the more treasures could be traded from the treasuries.

However, as time passed by, everyone suffered differing levels of exhaustion.

The chaotic scene of them fighting to kill monsters at the beginning had slowly turned organized now. Many areas even operated in shifts. While one team was fighting, the other team would be resting. Two other teams would replace them on the second day, and they would take over the shift once again on the third day…

Lin Huang thought that it was quite funny when he saw that.

As the rotation system began to spread, everyone became more and more familiar with handling the Abyssal invaders.

However, this situation only lasted for a few days.

On the 18th day after the war began, the Abyss finally released dao-level monsters.

At that moment, Lin Huang had integrated over 20 octillion chaotic cosmoses.

Minor dao-level and major dao-level Abyssal monsters joined the war one after the other.

When the organizations saw that, they got their god-level armies to retreat from the frontlines instantly and sent minor dao-level and major dao-level powerhouses to join the war effort.

As the dao-level powerhouses had been sitting on the bench for 18 days, they had been observing the war this entire time, and were excited that it was finally their turn. They participated in the war enthusiastically.

Naturally, the Sword Alliance sent over many dao-level powerhouses as well.

However, the Abyss remained the same.

The number of dao-level powerhouses that were sent into the war was growing everyday. There would be dao-level powerhouses rushing out of all the mystic territories everyday. Although the number was less than one-hundredth of the god-level powerhouses that were sent before, throughout the half a month period, the number had surpassed the total number of dao-level powerhouses the infinite universe had.

Just as the organizations were hesitating about whether to send heavenly dao-level powerhouses to the war, Lin Huang sent one-third of the dao-level powerhouses he had in his Kingdom.

It almost doubled the number of the dao-level powerhouses the infinite universe had.

This batch of dao-level powerhouses relieved the pressure on the situation significantly.

Many dao-level powerhouses were curious about the origins of the dao-level powerhouses coming from Lin Huang’s Kingdom. All of them said that they were from the Sword Alliance.

Since then, almost all of the dao-level powerhouses found out about the Sword Alliance.

Almost half a month after Lin Huang had released the dao-level powerhouses from his Kingdom, the infinite universe’s dao-level combatants had fallen into a state of exhaustion.

Noticing that, Lin Huang released yet another one-third of dao-level powerhouses in his Kingdom. This relieved the pressure on the situation once again.

Three days after that, the Abyss finally could not hold back and released heavenly dao-level powerhouses into the war.

All of the organizations in the infinite universe reacted instantly. They got the minor dao-level and major dao-level powerhouses to retreat from the frontlines and began to send the heavenly dao-level powerhouses, who had been prepared since the beginning, into the war!

Up to this point, Lin Huang had integrated 260 octillion chaotic cosmoses.

Compared to over a month ago, he was undoubtedly countless times more powerful now.

However, he did not slack off at all. He seized every minute and second before Aza personally came to continue elevating his ability.

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