
Chapter 421 Witness

Chapter 421 Witness

In the silence, Bastian chose a picture from the stack and showed it to Ye Qingxuan. The picture showed a barren village. Haphazardly piled stones and rotten wood managed to form things like homes on the cracked earth. Sallow-faced farmers clad in rags smoked some type of curled plants and showed their toothless gums.

"Ye Qingxuan, do you remember where this is?"

"Oz," Ye Qingxuan answered. "It's the village closest to Auschwitz and the last supply stop before entering Auschwitz. I was there before. I remember it. Sam…before he died, he had wanted to dig a well for them. He even wanted to borrow money from me."

"Did you agree?" Bastian asked.

Ye Qingxuan nodded.

"Congratulations, you can keep the money," Bastian said nonchalantly. "They do not need it anymore." He took out a second and third picture for Ye Qingxuan. It was devastation. The village did not exist anymore. The buildings had collapsed and the earth was in ruins. There was only a tanned kid searching through the rubble.

"Because of your fallacy, the battle reached the surroundings," Bastian said. "Including Oz, six villages are uninhabitable now. They had lost their last bit of land and now wander the world. This kid here is the last inhabitant. His mother abandoned him and fled. His father was buried by the ruins and died. If Heaven's Gate opened half an hour earlier, they would be alive."

Ye Qingxuan was silent.

"And look at this." A broken ship was pictured. "One month ago, the ship Mick was attacked. It is our first known attack on Colt." Bastian's voice was coldly monotonous as if he was reading the news. "Sixteen suffered light injuries while one sailor was gravely injured. One pregnant woman had a miscarriage and lost her child. Her family fell apart and the doctor said she will never be able to become pregnant again.

"The ship's company fell into debt due to this and was bought by another company. Two directors went bankrupt. The son of one had just been accepted by the First National University of Burgundy but decided to drop out. He could have become an actuary."

"Objection!" Aldrich roared. "This has nothing to do with the case!"

"Objection invalid." Borja pounded the gavel. "Continue."

Thus, Bastian continued.

"The third one." Bastian picked out another picture. "There was a mysterious disaster at the Bades chain motel. Six hundred workers became unemployed due to this. Most of them come from the slums and have nowhere else to go.

"The fourth, the Burgundy Rail Company…

"The fifth, the precious metal exchange of the Asgardian National Bank…"

Ye Qingxuan stared at the picture in silence. Veins bulged on the back of his hand.

"And this one…" Bastian displayed the picture in his hand. "Half a month ago, sixteen members of the Witch Hammer died in your attack before the Sacred City gates, as well as six musicians who had great futures.

"These are their bodies… Their families could not even recognize their fathers or husbands from the melted iron and ashes. A total of ninety-one innocent people lost a family member due to this.

"Some of them are sitting behind you right now. You can look back at them." Bastian pointed behind Ye Qingxuan. "Tell them that you are innocent."

Ye Qingxuan hung his head for a long while before looking back stiffly. In the back of the room, an old woman in a black veil curled in the corner with her head lowered. Beside her, a fourteen-year-old girl hugged her mother and glared at Ye Qingxuan. Her eyes were red but she definitely kept her tears from falling. Those eyes were familiar. It was as if he was looking at himself from seven years ago.

Ye Qingxuan stared before finally lowering his eyes.

Seeing his paling face, Bastian didn't show any animosity or scorn. His expression was still calm as if waiting for a reply.

After a long while, Ye Qingxuan said, "C-can I look at it again?"

"Yes." Slightly arching an eyebrow, Bastian handed all the pictures to Ye Qingxuan. Watching him look through the pictures carefully, the coldness and disdain in Bastian's heart grew.

Everyone had weaknesses.


Pathos—this was the strategy that the sixteen examiners had concluded after a month of case studies. These sixteen examiners had sent countless villains, perverts, and psychotic killers into jail over the years and this was the weakness they found.

It was also Ye Qingxuan's biggest weakness.

According to his personality profile created by Mind musicians, this d*mn criminal seemed to be normal most of the time but from certain aspects, he was an extremely paranoid psycho. From the way he acted, he also had a strong feeling of moral cleanliness and sense of mission. He sympathized with those who had suffered similar experiences, even more than he valued his own life.

This type of person only cared for his own ideals and thoughts. One could not use threats for these people. Temptation was ineffective as well because nothing could tempt them. Pain and suffering were only food for the mind that could strengthen him. Bastian had to admit that Ye Qingxuan truly was strong. He was very strong…almost to the point of being a saint.

However, saints had weaknesses too. Great weaknesses…

Bastian sneered subtly. If you think you're right, then let me show you the evils you created and the sins of pursuing your ideals! Look at the disaster that resulted from the thing you gave everything to protect! When saints realize their original sin, they fall. What about you?

"Ye Qingxuan?" Bastian gazed at him. "Are you truly okay with this?"

"Objection!" Aldrich roared. "The prosecutor's words are inducing! Bastian, stop your despicable traps! Do not taint the law—"

"It's okay, Mr. Aldrich," Ye Qingxuan uttered with his head lowered.

Aldrich froze and looked back at his side profile. Ye Qingxuan was looking at the pictures. He studied them one by one, not letting any details go. Staring at those crying faces, his expression darkened.

His eyes were sad.

Aldrich felt a chill. He yanked the pictures away and tore them up furiously before throwing the pieces into the trash. Rather than stopping him, Bastian looked mockingly.

"My party is mentally unstable. He cannot continue," Aldrich said. "Your Honor, I request to end this session!"

"I'm very clearheaded." Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and said something that Aldrich could not believe. "I feel fortunate for being able to see these pictures."

Bastian smiled. "Then what are your thoughts?"

After a pause, Ye Qingxuan uttered, "I feel…sorry."

Bastian stepped forward and studied the young man. He saw the dark gloominess and tears in those eyes. He was overjoyed as if seeing the last straw break the camel's back!

He had finally made a breakthrough!

It was just as predicted. Ye Qingxuan's heart had caved in from the evil feeling! No matter how Anglo got in the way, Bastian would just need to guide him a little and no one would stop him from walking to the gallows! But before Bastian could utter the words he had prepared carefully, his expression stiffened.

"—Because I wasn't the one who made sacrifices and suffered."

Wait! Bastian started feeling that something…was not right! Ye Qingxuan's voice continued. It was filled with sadness but devoid of any regret.

"These days, I've been thinking how great it would be if I could suffer all these pains. Sadly, that is impossible." The voice was so sad like a shark looking at the carcass of its prey and shedding fake tears. What the f*ck was he saying?!

Bastian froze. He wanted to yank Ye Qingxuan's collar and yell, that's not what I want to hear!

Ye Qingxuan looked at him and smiled as if he had received salvation. "Fortunately, they can still hate me, right?"


Bastian's pupils contracted. Cold sweat seeped out as he finally saw the true nature of the man before him. It was…a psycho! His heart twitched. He studied the young man but he did not dare to look at the grateful eyes. He could not breathe.

His guess was wrong. They had guessed incorrectly since the beginning.

This lunatic would never feel guilt for what he had done nor think that he had done anything wrong. Instead, he thought that he was completely right. The fatal attack that Bastian and the others had prepared were just medicine to heal the sadness in his heart! Now, Ye Qingxuan had swallowed the medicine and thanked him instead!

Now, he seemed to open his mouth wide, saying, it tastes so good. I want more! Thank you, Bastian. You've saved a freak…

Bastian regretted his arrogance. Ye Qingxuan was a freak but he had treated him like a regular person with regular thoughts. He thought the other was just a young man and became careless.

After all, musicians were oddities that went against morals and common sense. A genius praised by countless powerful men—the genius of geniuses—was also the oddity of all oddities.

Bastian should throw away all the so-called restraint and dignity. He would drag this freak onto the gallows and completely bury him!

In that moment, Bastian finally made his decision. He wiped the sweat on his nose and stepped back carefully. Looking away from Ye Qingxuan's eyes, he said with a wavering voice, "Your Honor…I-I request to call the witness."

"Objection!" Aldrich raised his hand. "There are no witnesses on the list!"

"This is a special circumstance. There is a vast amount of evidence and it is understandable." Borja pounded the gavel. "Objection invalid."

Bastian finally recovered his calmness. If he did not have enough weight, he could add more!

Let me see your limits, Ye Qingxuan… he thought.

Footsteps approached down the hall and the door opened. Accompanied by guards, a young man dressed in a white musician robe walked in. He stood at the witness podium and looked up at Ye Qingxuan. His features were gaunt and he had not shaved in a long time. As if he had not slept well, his eyes were bloodshot.

Ye Qingxuan froze. "Miller?"

Miller looked at him coldly as if looking at a criminal. After a long while, he looked away as if he had not heard anything.

It was Miller…


"Mike J. Miller," Bastian said quietly beside him. "Tell everyone your identity."

"I am…a musician from the Trinity College, the Francois branch of the School of Choir. I was a participant of the trial months ago and a survivor of the Auschwitz event." He paused. Looking at Ye Qingxuan, his eyes were calm. "Today, I am here to reveal the criminal's true nature."

"Oh?" Bastian looked up at Ye Qingxuan in shock. "You have interacted with the suspect before?"

"We were in the same team in Auschwitz. I was the medic. My friend Sam invited him into the team and I did not oppose." Miller lowered his head. "That is my biggest regret."

"Is that so?" Bastian asked, "What do you think of the suspect?"

"Ye Qingxuan never fulfilled his responsibility as a musician. He was always outside the team and used unorthodox tricks. He was not keen on the trial and even purposely slowed down people's progress. No one knew what he was thinking. Therefore, no one believed him. More people chose to follow Colt."

He paused. Starting again, his voice was low, "…His relationship with the Romulusians was strange since the beginning."

"Do you have evidence, Mr. Miller?" Bastian said lightly, "We must have evidence in the court. We cannot base things with just your words."

"Every musician who was at Auschwitz can prove it," Miller insisted. "I once saw him leave the tent of the Romulusian elder and have close interaction with the daughter. He even delayed the military because of the girl later. He…he…" Gritting his teeth, he said, "He seems to have a perverted affection toward the girl. Otherwise—"

"Miller!" a hoarse voice rang out. Ye Qingxuan suddenly spoke out. His voice was sharp. Like a lion's roar, it hurt everyone's eardrums. Miller suddenly stopped and his body tensed.

"A warning to the suspect to keep silent." Borja pounded the gavel. "Do not threaten the court's order."

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head. He grasped the railing tightly. His knuckles turned white and veins bulged.

"Elsa is already dead, Miller." He stared at Miller's figure and said hoarsely, "Do not offend the dead!"

Miller had his back to Ye Qingxuan and did not reply. Bastian's eyes lit up, practically overjoyed. He had found the breakthrough! He was not in a hurry though. An outstanding hunter was patient. He would slowly tighten the snare bit by bit until the prey had nowhere to hide! If he forced it too strongly now, it might backfire. He had to be slow and steady…

Pushing down his impulses, he asked another question. "From what I know, you also included that Ye Qingxuan is suspected to have something to do with dark musicians. Is that correct? As someone who was attacked by dark musicians, did you witness it with your own eyes?"

"Yes," Miller said. "I didn't think of it then but thinking back, I discovered it. At that time, there were grandmasters from every country and elites from every school. However, we were still unable to fight back. There must have been a spy… I personally saw that he received special treatment from the dark musicians.

"The dark musicians thought highly of him, even more than everyone else… He even led the dark musicians right to where the survivors were grouped. He lured them to attack so more people would be tempted to escape with him.

"Later, I realized that he had a personal relationship with a dark musician named Naberius. They called each other friends. I saw these with my own eyes and heard with my own ears. It is completely true."

The court was deathly silent.

"Naberius?" Everyone exchanged glances as the name felt familiar.

"Not many people know the name 'Naberius.' Perhaps his other names are more well-known." Bastian sneered and handed a stack of documents to the judge and jury. "He is a dark musician who rose up like a legend decades ago, known as the White Pupil or Six-footed Beast. He was known as a once-in-a-century genius.

"No one knows why he suddenly disappeared later but many terrorist attacks and deaths of more than sixteen Sacred City musicians are related to him. This also includes three detectives of the Silent Authority.

"The last time he appeared in high profile was in Auschwitz for the matter with the Romulusians. He escaped when the situation worsened and we have not been able to find his body. However, according to investigation, he holds a high position in the 'perishing praise' and may even be one of the planners of this event!"

Ye Qingxuan did not want to keep listening. What Miller said was mostly the truth or was the misinterpretation of the truth. So what if he did not personally see most of these things? Even a shred could affect him negatively. The main reason behind making Miller stand here was probably not to target the judge or juror either. Ye Qingxuan understood that this was aimed at him…

This was a warning. Miller was just the beginning. Those who wanted to kill him and bring him to the gallows were telling him: your former friends will stand up here one by one and accuse you, destroying your reputation!

Ye Qingxuan closed his eyes.

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