
Chapter 472 The Blessing of God

Chapter 472 The Blessing of God

"Huh?" Wolf Flute didn't understand.

"After I couldn't find any evidence, I thought the spy was just our misconception," Ye Qingxuan said quietly. "But now, I think that…the spy probably exists but we haven't found him yet."

"The possibility isn't high." Wolf Flute shook his head. "After your suggestion, Mr. Handel personally investigated every critical member in the Sacred City."

"And?" Ye Qingxuan asked. "Everyone is as clear as water?"

"They found a lot of corrupted guys and there were some who were bought out by the Church and other departments but there weren't any spies of the Revolutionaries. In addition, the Silent Authority has high requirements for members. Those who can't pass the investigations cannot enter the core."

Ye Qingxuan asked, "What if they became a spy after entering the core?"

Wolf Flute was silent.

"If a spy really exists," Ye Qingxuan studied the mass of people, "Gaius probably knows everything about the Silent Authority's plans and solutions."

Wolf Flute chuckled wryly. "But we still can't confirm if there is a spy or not."

"If there is one, then that man is very powerful," Ye Qingxuan replied. "Because even when you are defeated, you won't know how it happened. You won't even be sure of your own people while you're suspecting everyone. This must be why you came to find me, right? You have no clue who you can still trust."

"Is it good that you're so confident?" Wolf Flute sighed. "That's basically it so work hard and help me watch carefully."

"You think I'm an all-powerful god?" Ye Qingxuan pointed at the crowd outside. "I have a good solution. Arrest all of them and one month later, I'll tell you if Gaius is there."

"Are you dreaming?" Wolf Flute replied, annoyed. "Do you know how many people there are? If I really arrest them all, do you know how many parties are involved? How much pressure I'd have to bear? I'll be thrown into the Mithril Cellar before you find Gaius!"

"Then no can do." Ye Qingxuan stepped back. "At least give me the authority of the Bell Tower. Otherwise, you think a Disturbance level musician like me can get Gaius?"

"And you wait for me here?" Wolf Flute grew helpless. "Fine, I'll lower myself for you..."

Ye Qingxuan watched from afar. Wolf Flute seemed to be communicating with someone. His expressions changed dramatically and it was clear that he was getting screamed at. But in the end, Ye Qingxuan heard a low bell. It rang from the holy city in the aether world, crossed through the aether sea, and fell in the material world, bolstering Ye Qingxuan's body. It instantly melded into his sound of heart score and created a large structure.

In a blink, the new sound of heart score evolved into something similar to a symphony of predestination. It had grown at least five times. Ye Qingxuan probably would be unable to control his power if the majority was not still sleeping. However, Ye Qingxuan's heart jumped. He could use this immense power at any time.

The Bell Tower Blessing!

It really was the Bell Tower Blessing!

The countless towers of the Sacred City were all paired with a sacred projection in the aether world. They could bless a musician, allowing him to temporarily become a grandmaster. Its core power came from the support in the aether world's holy city. It was the power that only the King of Red could wield—the Fifth Symphony!

It was the Emperor!

Only the music score known as Emperor could pull someone up and give him unimaginable power. If this score was played fully, it could even open up an empty territory in the aether world with upper-level elements for the musician, allowing him to advance toward the Scepter without obstacles. It was that powerful.

Because it could create a grandmaster at any time, every tower was an extremely precious strategic resource. The various departments guarded them. They also had different levels and the one blessing Ye Qingxuan now was undoubtedly the most powerful.

Wolf Flute's weak voice quickly sounded in his ears. "I really put down my dignity. Please work and don't slack off."

"Thanks!" Ye Qingxuan waved and started walking toward the square.

It was crowded even outside the square. It felt slow to push through them. Ye Qingxuan walked among them and felt the countless people brush past him. He looked carefully but after a few minutes, he was dazed. He couldn't tell who's who at all.

Helpless, Ye Qingxuan sighed. He pulled out his key and dug the sharp end into his finger. Clenching his jaw, he made a cut.

Who hadn't bled for the Sacred City, right?

The key sliced his finger and scarlet blood flowed out. However, the blood had a weird feeling. It was like mist or a hallucination and seemed to float. After his heart of sound had combined with the Philosopher's Stone, it started adjusting Ye Qingxuan's body. Even the Deva's blood changed subtly.

If one looked carefully, his blood was now comparable to precious alchemy material. The unique nature could make an alchemist go crazy.

Apparently, there was an Eastern ascetic monk long ago that was extremely knowledgeable in music theory. After creating the symphony of predestination, even his flesh began to change and attracted demons.

His blood could be made into precious pills to give someone longevity. That was why rumors started that eating him would make someone immortal.

Thinking of this, Ye Qingxuan could not help but laugh dryly. Would he turn into food in the future?

Soon, his thoughts turned and the blood at his fingertip evaporated. What replaced it was a very faint moonlight perception thread.


This time, Ye Qingxuan threw all the pressure to the Bell Tower without worry. He pushed into Bolero's ninth measure. Under the hallucinatory boom in his ears, thousands upon thousands of perception threads cast from his fingertip. They were shapeless and colorless. Thinner than spider webs, they floated with the wind and covered more than half of the city.

Countless information stormed into Ye Qingxuan's mind, almost bursting his head. Panicking, he quickly recalled most of the perceptions and focused on the square. Thousands of threads snaked out of the sky, the ground, and the cracks of the walls. They wove into a huge net.

Many of the clergy felt the waves on Ye Qingxuan's body and looked over. Seeing the emblem on his collar, they looked away, thinking he was just a guard. However, Ye Qingxuan did not find Gaius from the mess of information… He did find Charles though.

In the very center of the crowd, the place with highest density of fervent believers, under the somber atmosphere, there was someone messing everything up. Charles pushed forward without caring about all the people. Like a wild pig, he left destruction in his wake.

"Sorry! Excuse me! Old man, let me pass. Hey friend, can you move your leg? Bro, can you pick your kid up? Hey, friend, excuse me, excuse me…whose kid is this? He doesn't have any manners. Can his parents deal with him?" Like a salesman selling low-quality food on a train, he struggled and made his way to the Tablet of Fate in the center of the square.

Anyone with common sense knew not to go to any popular tourist attractions during holidays. You'd be looking for misery. However, Charles just wanted to make life hard for himself. Ye Qingxuan could only applaud his courage and pray that he would not be beaten by the furious believers.

But while advancing, Charles suddenly toppled over and fell onto a frail figure. The seemingly old man was wrapped in a long robe. His hat hid his features but flattened under Charles, his eyes turned cold.

"Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I didn't notice you." Charles quickly climbed up and pulled up the old man who tried to leave. "Hey, don't leave. Wait, let me take you to the doctor. You're so old now, what if something happens? Don't think nothing's wrong now. Last year, I heard that an old man fell down the stairs and guess what happened that night? He had a stroke!"

The old man shook him off angrily. "Let go!"

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Charles awkwardly let go and helpfully dusted his shoulders. But he hit something and there was a soft clink.

Clunk! A weird metal thing the size of an arm fell from the man's sleeves.

"Ah, I'm sorry." Charles quickly picked it up and played with it curiously. "What is this? The newest foldable cane? The quality looks nice but it's easy for people to misunderstand. It looks just like an alchemist's assassination crossbow. Thankfully there's no trigger. Otherwise, I'd be so scared, ha!"

As he laughed, he patted the tube. Under the old man's uncomfortable expression, there was a crack. Something like a trigger popped out.

"Uh…" Charles froze. His smile stiffened. "This…"

"Catch him!" Wolf Flute yelled. "Don't let him get away!"

Before he finished, the old man started running. His speed was incredible. Snaking through the crowd, he put dozens of meters between them instantly. The musicians hiding in the crowd rushed over but they could not get to him. People constantly helped cover for him or even block the pursuers. The old man quickly melted back into the crowd.

"F*ck! Useless!" Wolf Flute yelled angrily.

The man wore a Vatican-style robe. Once hidden in the crowd, he would be impossible to find. But in the chaos, Ye Qingxuan suddenly jumped out. He grabbed an average-looking man at the edge of the crowd. It was a young man who looked nothing like the old man. Even the clothes were different.

"Don't move!" Steeling himself, Ye Qingxuan shattered the joints of his limbs and sealed him with an Abstinence score. While struggling, the man's mask fell off, revealing the hawkish old face.

It was that old man.

But after studying him again and again, Ye Qingxuan frowned.

"Wolf Flute, it's not Gaius."

"Huh?!" Wolf Flute froze.

The old man was quickly taken away and the unrest was settled. Of course, they took the crossbow in Charles's hands, of course. Thankfully, he was not dragged away for interrogation.

And then, Wolf Flute started cursing.

"F*ck, it wasn't Gaius. We arrested some guy who wanted to assassinate the Asgardian ambassador! Because of blood revenge!" Wolf Flute roared. "Why do they bring their family arguments to the f*cking Sacred City?"

Hearing this, Ye Qingxuan could not help but sigh. No matter what, the prime time to capture Gaius had passed. The sermon was about to end and Constantine would be given the title before everyone's eyes. It would be troublesome then.

"Hey, young man, what you spacing out for?" A teasing voice came from a carriage in the distance. "What, you only had enough money for a standing ticket? I have an empty seat here! VIP seat, you want it?"

Ye Qingxuan looked up and his expression changed. It was Hermes.

The elegant carriage was outside the square. It was covered with a sheepskin rug with two comfortable-looking sofas. There was even a small table with glasses and a bottle of liquor. It looked like a box at an opera house, attracting shocked gazes.

"Come, it's boring to watch by myself. Come watch with me." Hermes patted the seat beside him welcomingly.



"Wow! The Tablet of Fate is truly impressive!" In the crowd, Charles had finally squeezed to the tablet. He plastered himself against it and exclaimed, "This feel, this material, it's amazing. Hey, bros, look at this. It really is the Church, it's amazing!"

The pilgrims in the crowd rolled their eyes. "Another country bumpkin."

Ignoring the disdainful looks, Charles happily squatted before the tablet. Rubbing his hands, he started observing it. But his eyes quickly grew doubtful and he dragged someone over.

"Hey, am I wrong?" he asked. "Is this really the Tablet of Fate?"

"Yeah." The believer frowned in annoyance. "What's wrong?"

"Really?" Charles scratched his head. "Why do I feel that…the music score…is really easy?"

"Ha, you're funny." The believer rolled his eyes and stopped talking. In his mind, he cursed, Keep bragging! Brag as much as you want! You won't get fined.

Charles did not care about the mockery. Instead, he pressed his hand down excitedly and tried to perform the music score.

"This is Fate?" he murmured.

Some sort of anxiety appeared for a moment as if something was about to happen but he was unprepared. Confused, he shook his head. Shaking away the weird feeling, he focused his attention and pressed down.

Cold music rang from his fingertip.

First, there were three world-shaking sounds from his chest like heartbeats. He felt a metallic hammer knocking on his skull. The pain shot into his bones.

It was fate!

It really was fate…

Fate was knocking!

On the podium behind him, the pope seemed to notice. He looked into the square in confusion. Seeing Charles try to play the score, he smiled as if watching a young man who overestimated himself.

The weak music of fate was drowned by the loud cheers. Under the cheers, the pope raised his hand and ended his sermon. However, he did not leave like before. Instead, he remained on the podium and raised his head slightly, showing that he still had something important to announce.

Before the either relieved or confused eyes, the pope raised his hand. He announced, "On this holy day, other than you and I, there is another who was blessed by the lord, a man of justice who had adhered to the beauty of God!

"To commend him for his efforts toward the Sacred City, I will award him with the crown of the cardinals and thank him for his devoutness! And I wish to tell all the devout, those who follow justice and God's decree, if you bring glory to the Lord, He will also bless you!"

There were deafening cheers.

Under the commotion, Constantine, dressed in a red robe, walked up the steps. He walked to the peak, step by step. In the crowd, the Silent Authority was nervous to the max. They all watched their surroundings with hawk eyes.

Wolf Flute wiped at his sweat. Seeming to be nervous, he looked around and breathed heavily.

Time had become so slow and yet so fast.

Constantine soon stepped onto the podium. He bowed to the pope and lowered before the awe-inspiring robe.

Now, he finally saw the heart of the Sacred City, the agent of God, the King of Red, the king in charge of humanity's souls and final resting places.

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