
Chapter 512 Transparent Mirror

Chapter 512 Transparent Mirror

The sparkling nebula permeated the Sacred City, and each sparkle represented a person's aether wave.

The huge enchantment now seemed to become an enormous transparent mirror, revealing every detail of itself in front of Ye Qingxuan. A huge amount of information that was too much for an average person's brain to store had been categorized by the way of deciphering.

About four-fifths of the information was useless and had been deleted, and most of the redundant information among the last one-fifth had also been deleted. At last, via the music theory, the information was transformed into some simple music notes, which Ye Qingxuan bore in mind.

He only needed to turn the music notes into different intervals and put them in a fixed place. Then, the music theory of the way of deciphering would help him find the variate he needed within this big formula.

Where on earth was the variate that represented Ye Lanzhou?

If he looked at the world through this big formula, he sometimes felt puzzled. But once he figured out what the variates and complex music theory really stood for, the world would instantly make sense to him.

Especially when the huge enchantment was constantly sending information to Ye Qingxuan, he indeed felt puzzled.

His ears and eyes could no longer observe the immediate surroundings, and his brain could not function at the same time.

Ye Qingxuan realized that it was necessary for him to change the way he was attempting to do things.

Albert had spent his whole life observing this world via the way of deciphering and grasping how this world functioned. He hoped to make a breakthrough by deciphering the music theory, but he failed to read people's minds.

Still, he created a very good tool for Ye Qingxuan, so Ye Qingxuan could find what he needed from this chaotic and complicated world.

Sadly, Ye Qingxuan failed to find the Silver Cellar where his teacher was imprisoned after searching the whole Sacred City.

Even people at the top of the church group did not know where the Silver Cellar was. If it was not in the Sacred City, then there was little chance Ye Qingxuan could find it, since outside the city, there were too many places where this Silver Cellar could be.

Ye Qingxuan was silent for a while, then he stopped thinking and began to play the keys.

The transparent mirror delicately changed its angle.

The structure of the formula started to change.

There were too many secrets in this city. If one wanted to look into every one of them, his whole lifetime would be spent on finding out the secrets hidden deeply in this city.

So, Ye Qingxuan decided not to focus too much on the details, but to explore this city in a more macroscopic way.

In just a few seconds, Ye Qingxuan's spiritual sensing covered the whole city. In his mind, countless formulas and variates changed and combined with each other and formed a vague model.

This model started to zoom in, following the order given by Ye Qingxuan's mind, and most of the model blurred—the equation was balanced. Which meant that in this part, there was no variate.

Soon, Ye Qingxuan was stunned. In the blurred part, there was a place that was not supposed to be.

The place was the habitation of the Holy Spirit, a place where the King of all generations and the Holy Spirit were sleeping!

Every Holy Spirit that was going to disperse from this world would come to this place to get its own stone coffin, and bury itself in advance. In this way, it could stay longer in this world.

Until now, more than ten Holy Spirits had dispersed in their coffins. Among them was the oldest Holy Spirit, the King of Romulus, who was respectfully addressed as "Aeneid," the Spirit of Thunder.

Normally, there should be hundreds of scepters kept in this place. If the enchantment was the shield of the Sacred City, then these holy spirits were the spear of the Sacred City.

After observing this place through the transparent mirror, Ye Qingxuan found the situation in the habitation to be much worse than he thought.

When the enchantment of the Sacred City was occupied by the demogorgons from the abyss, they knew once this habitation was destroyed, the whole Sacred City would fall into pieces.

At that time, layers of layers of seals and single enchantments were all activated. The soldiers stood outside to guard the palace. A large group of musicians were killed by the demogorgons.

The whole plaza was soaked with blood and covered with dead bodies, looking like hell.

However, these soldiers and musicians never knew that inside the palace, there was nothing.

Ye Qingxuan adjusted the transparent mirror. His spiritual sensing extended into the coffin, then he fell into silence.

It was empty!

Every coffin was empty.

The sleeping holy spirits had all disappeared.

Ye Qingxuan was shocked, then he looked in the direction of the Pope palace and smiled, as if he had understood something.

I do not know who did this. Although he managed to transfer all the holy spirits, he has not been of any help in defending this city. Countless civilians were killed…

At last, the exploring model was completed, and the Instrument of harmonious melody that was set outside the city received many signals.

Ye Qingxuan had already known what was going on in this world.

Apart from the Sacred City, more than sixteen cities in this world sent an SOS to Ye Qingxuan. More than seven catastrophes came to the human world from the Dark World, killing people and destroying cities.

All the countries had been fighting with them by using their unique tricks, but were still at a disadvantage. However, if they would be willing to use the artifacts they had been kept for so long, they could definitely defeat the catastrophes.

Surprisingly, Ye Qingxuan had not received an SOS from Anglo.

The Anglo was in dead silence and shrouded in a mist.

That made Ye Qingxuan feel very worried.

Could it be possible that Anglo was already destroyed by the catastrophe?

Surely that is not possible…

The ringing sound made by Hyakume had woken Leviathan up, and Leviathan could be attacking Anglo now. Still, Anglo had gone into war status in advance of the other countries. Even if Ye Qingxuan was not there, they had both the Stone Sword and the Lance of the Dragon Slayer. Besides, Maxwell could well defend his city without Ye Qingxuan.

In Ye Qingxuan's view, it was impossible that Anglo had been destroyed by the demogorgons.

However, no matter how hard he tried, he still did not receive any signal. Anglo was still shrouded in a mist, as if it had been isolated from the world. Moreover, Bayer, the director of the Association of Musicians, did not make any connection.

The whole country, including the sea around it, was all shrouded in a layer of thick fog. The fog was like a sleeping monster that had just devoured the whole country.

No one had come out of the fog.

The aether channel of the fifth department was in chaos, and apart from many disturbing random electronic waves, Ye Qingxuan could only hear the sound of people who were doing field service.

He kept silent for a while, then he gave an order with his limit of authorization: everyone should stay where they were right now, and once he got the signal, they should all go to Anglo.

In fact, abnormal phenomena were happening in every corner of the world, not just in Anglo. This was due to the disruptions of the basic music theory.

Currently, there was too little distance between the Aether World and the Physical World. In the wild, where there was no church, the rule of the Physical World had been covered by the disruptive music theory.

Luckily, in every city or place where people congregated, there were either churches or bell towers built by the church groups. So these places were still fine.

But in the pioneering manors, the wilds and the abandoned fields, everything was in chaos.

In some areas, the gravitation went unbalanced; in other areas, the gravity grew more than ten times. The components of the air started to change, and in some places, there was nothing but oxygen in the air; if there was a spark, the whole region would turn into a sea of fire. In some places, there were dead bodies of animals everywhere, and in other regions, there were even cracks in the sky, and through the sky, one could see the dark universe.

These abnormal phenomena were moving across the land like storms. The human inhabitants were being stricken by the storms and attacked by the catastrophes at the same time.

The Eagle Wing Mother had destroyed one-third of the cities of the Federation of Caucasus. In the Snowy Highland, the cousin of Asgard became as fierce and courageous as Asgard. They formed a line of bodies to prevent the crows led by Eagle Wing Mother from getting into the country.

Ye Qingxuan continued to observe, and at last, his eyes focused on the area beneath the Pope Palace.

Although this place was shielded by the broken pieces of the Aether World, he could still feel the scary aether wave behind them.

Ye Qingxuan had no idea what was going on there. Still, he was sure that Ludovic had been suffering, and this made him feel a bit relieved, but more worried as well.

Following the disturbance of the music theory, Ye Qingxuan found that something was happening in the Aether World.

In the Aether World, terrifying explosions were constantly happening. With every explosion, the rules in the Physical World and the music theory of the Aether World would change drastically, causing serious consequences.

With the help of the transparent mirror, Ye Qingxuan finally managed to see what was going on: two enormous figures were fighting with each other…

The two figures were in a form that was out of humanity's comprehension and beyond the category of any living creature.

The Aether World had been torn into two parts, and they were fighting with each other.

A gigantic wriggling shadow crawled out of the abyss and fought with ubiquitous light. The shadow looked like an enormous snake that was trying to swallow something big into its stomach. At the same time, its opponent was fighting back.

Compared with this shadow, even J?rmungandr that was kept by the School of Dragon Stone that belonged to the School of Summoning in the Aether Wonderland was just like a tiny mote of dust.

The shadow was Hyakume…

It had become a being that was far superior to the body, the consciousness and the existence. It became something ubiquitous, a poisonous tumor parasitized in the core of the world.

The tumor now wanted to usurp its host!

Led by the Pope, the God that the Holy Ax stood for was fighting back with full strength. This God was made up of countless music theories engraved on the originator.

Compared with their fight in the past, this battle between the two was a milder one. In the past, when the two were fighting against each other in the originator, one-third of the world was destroyed.

If it were not for the Quiet Moon, the human world would have already become a desert.

But now, the two were fighting against each other in the Aether World.

The energy wave caused during the war spread out, changing the sky and the earth. The doomsday was coming.

Watching this, Ye Qingxuan was silent. He was shocked by the scary collision between the shadow and God, something that was out of his comprehension.

Compared with the two of them, everything else on the world was all meaningless, mere ornaments to them.

Ye Qingxuan understood a question that he had never thought to ask before—what on earth was the thing that was addressed as God by humans?

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