
Chapter 614 Dawn

Chapter 614 Dawn

Before Mountain of Nomadism was killed by Ye Qingxuan, it was one of the most powerful vile spawns of the sea. It was a monster that had directly inherited the bloodline of Leviathan and other than its incredible vitality, it also possessed a massive body to complement that immense power. It measured at an unbelievable 1,170 meters in length and was equivalent to more than five times of the biggest combat vessels of each country. For the sole purpose of dismantling it, the musicians of the Religious Court of Inquiry already had to transform an entire refuge into a dissection platform. Through the dismantling, not only did Ye Qingxuan manage to get his hands on the scales, which provided resilient defense, the heart and skull, he also managed to obtain the organ that was responsible for supporting this massive body. Without a doubt, it was the spine.

On hindsight, the massive size of the Mountain of Nomadism was the reason why the combat vessels were able to be recast into a length of 400 meters long, which was unheard of. The most important component, which was the dragon bone, was pieced together from the most resilient components of the spine. After a couple of developments and modifications, hundreds of vertebrae merged into one. Throughout the entire journey, it demonstrated incredible power and functionality, and this was accomplished with the limitations of manpower and resources. It has not even been modified with alchemy array yet. In other words, it still had the potential to become even more powerful.

Other than that, most of the remaining vertebrae were put through a complicated and detailed process of modification and were transformed into the combat vessel's main cannon, 'Petitioner'. Only 24 sections of vertebrae were left. These vertebrae were not necessarily materials that could not be used. In fact, they contained the essence of the Mountain of Nomadism. They were the important organs that were responsible for the circulation of aether in the Mountain of Nomadism.

With the power of aether in its blood circulation, the Mountain of Nomadism was able to unleash its power, withstand storms and waves, summon terrible tornadoes and call upon storms that were powerful enough to swallow an entire fleet. They were born musical instruments and were alchemy arrays borne from the musical theory of the catastrophes. Under the suggestion of Chief Engineer Carroll, 18 sections were infused into the alchemy arrays of the ship to combine with aether pond so as to retain its original ability to levitate and its power to summon waves and storms. The remaining six sections were eventually turned into weapons.

Weapons designed specifically to take down catastrophes.

After a long period of refining from the alchemists, only three sections have been successfully crafted. They had been transformed from crude-looking bones into glittering crystals. All the alchemy arrays were compressed and rearranged so that every component that was unrelated to its offensive abilities was shrunk to one-tenth of its original size. Conversely, its destructive power was raised by more than a hundred times!

The Ninth Drive, overload in motion. Ye Qingxuan gave his command amidst the roars of collapse and the Petitioner aimed its cannon directly at Avalon, which was covered in destruction. There was a terrible light and a strong gust of wind was whipped up before being shredded very quickly. The gloomy clouds in the sky have already stopped moving. It was as if the Gods have decided to send down a Sword of Punishment from the vault of heaven. The crystal spine, that has been crafted into the shape of the holy emblem, descended from the sky. There was friction between the surface of black gold and the air and it reached ignition point in an instant, unleashing flaming red light.

After penetrating through the fractions set up by Ye Qingxuan, its exterior of black gold began to be stripped off and the crystal holy emblem released a terrifying light. Electricity gathered together at one point and unleashed incredible wind and thunder.

Falling Star!

The burning light of the holy emblem lit up the contorted skull of the dragon of catastrophe and its stunned expression. In the next instant, its face was mercilessly torn into shreds as the holy emblem penetrated all the way through its head and neck until its abdomen.

The sounds of the holy emblem's destruction might have seemed silent compared to the surrounding loud noises but its effects were far more terrible than any physical impact. The dragon of catastrophe was still capable of shrieking in pain despite losing its entire skull. Its body suddenly expanded multiple times its original size. The flaming red light was like molten lava as it sprinted underneath its skin and the burning temperature could still be felt from a distance away. But this was only the beginning.

What followed next was electric light, that had become so coherent that they were almost in liquid form, shooting out from every single pore. It was as if in the blink of an eye, a massive thundercloud that has been squeezed into its body had finally burst and all the streaks of lightning that had been suppressed within the layers of clouds were completely unleashed. Every physical object they touched were turned into ashes. The section of spine was designed to raise storms and waves so the moment it was unleashed, it would affect the surrounding water particles. In a split second, this would create a thundercloud that was gigantic enough to cover an entire city, thereby triggering a devastating thunderbolt.

Amidst the chaos, Arthur's body turned stiff before he was burnt to ashes by the thunderbolt that was streaking out of his body. The vitality of the catastrophe would revive him, only to be destroyed by the storm once again. This was no different from the torture from burning on a stake, or a never-ending death by a thousand cuts.

In just a short amount of time, how many times has he already been killed?

The catastrophe that had been evaporated into dust began to scream with rage as the power of Leviathan forcefully extinguished the thunderbolt. The body of the dragon of catastrophe appeared once again, but it was full of holes. On the black and charred ground, the sticky masses of flesh and blood began to wriggle and struggle as if they were alive. They were all desperately trying to make their way towards the skeleton in the middle. The broken skeleton trembled as its cracks were healing rapidly. New mounds of flesh were growing on the skeleton. Its chest cavity was sealed up with membrane and underneath it was a brand-new gigantic heart that was pumping rapidly. Its eyes opened once again. This time round, other than rage and berserk, there was… a sense of panic that could not be disguised.

Wait. Something was wrong…

After becoming a catastrophe, he had gained power and immortality. It was only a matter of time before the world was his. His Firebird would cover the entire seven seas and he would become the overlord and the only Emperor of the entire Physical World. But what was happening now was the complete opposite of how things should have played out. Not only has he lost all the bodies that he had prepared, leaving him with no other choice other than to reside in a mediocre body, he has also been forced to reincarnate before he could complete the path of godly ascension. He has never been humiliated like this before, as well as having to fight with such difficulty and enduring such severe injuries. At this point in time, he has already given up hope on this world that was becoming increasingly foreign to him.

"The old gods are dying, Your Majesty… What happened to me will happen to you too." Merlin's snigger rang in his ears. This made him infuriated. He looked around furiously. Bare skeletal claws slapped at the hardened ground and he screamed while battling the golden Firebird. In a moment of frenzy, he broke through layers upon layers of defense. His only thought was to break through this siege. But when he finally broke through that wall of shield, what he saw was not freedom. It was a silent Emperor.

The exquisite and majestic long sword was held up high by the Emperor. It was only a memory of nothingness, a mere counterfeit made from Firebird but there was a definitive and cool beauty about it.

"It's over, Arthur." The Emperor bade his farewell. The illusory stone sword was swung, piercing through its remaining eye. The dragon of catastrophe howled in pain. Soon after, amidst the roar of the army and the screams of the undead, the army that was transformed from Firebird pounced at Arthur with all their weapons. They would slash with their swords, hack with their axes, and they were determined to cause as much hurt as they could to Arthur, with whatever weapons they could get their hands on. If their weapons broke, they would resort to pulling with their hands; if their nails broke, they would resort to grabbing him with their bones; if their arms were broken, they would resort to biting him with their teeth…

This was no longer a fight but a torture. It was as if hell has come. Centuries of hatred and pain were finally unleashed after such a long time. It was as if countless ants were dismantling the giant dragon bit by bit and the catastrophe could only groan in pain.

Behind the army was the Emperor, who stood silently with the long sword. His eyes were calm as he watched the berserk undead souls and the giant dragon that was convulsing and rolling around in pain. His fingers tried to maintain their grip on the hilt of the sword even as they trembled. He bit his lips so hard that he could taste blood.

"It is time, Arthur. It is time to finish this."

"It's useless! All of this is useless!" Having to put up an endless torture, the broken dragon of catastrophe laughed maniacally at those ants, "All of you can't kill me! No one can kill me! No one! I'm already a catastrophe, I have already grasped eternity! Even if I die here, I will be able to reincarnate a hundred years later… I cannot be killed! I built this country and my story is spread across the entire seven seas. Countless people praise my name! Anglo and I are inseparable, as long as this country remains, I will eventually return!"

"Your dream will end now, Arthur," said a hoarse voice. Amidst the roars and shouts of millions, that voice rang beside Arthur's ears, bringing with it an indifference that has never been seen before. The dragon of catastrophe became stiff as waves of fear began to drown him.

It was Ye Qingxuan.

Just beyond the battlefield, that young man with white hair bowed his head. He raised his hands and took out a broken paper box. After shaking it for some time, he drew a cigarette that was still intact and lit it with the flame on his fingertips. After taking in a deep breath, he extinguished the flame on his fingers and exhaled a puff of smoke. His eyes were clearly shut but when he tilted his head in the direction of Arthur, everyone could sense the ridicule and cruelty in his eyes.

While Arthur was still stunned, he smiled and asked quietly, "Have you ever heard of something called the 'Holy Grail of Destruction'?"

In that instant, it was as if despair was given shape and form and was descending from the sky. The dragon of catastrophe screamed and flailed as he frantically crawled towards Ye Qingxuan. But Ye Qingxuan raised his palms and the raging currents under Avalon let out an earth-shattering roar.

Within the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, the ancient scroll of 'Genesis' was unveiled once again. With immense power, it descended onto Avalon once again with countless music theories of abstinence unveiled in the sky and beyond-light music theories being set up.

First of all, there must be light. In the chilly beam of light, Arthur was trapped and enclosed in a gigantic zone that isolated him from the outside world. It was like a gigantic wall made of glass that has kept him in another world with its own sky and land. But the song of Genesis only sang of destruction.

Countless machineries were running and the gigantic gear wheel, which was tens of meters tall, began to spin. The alchemy arrays of the homeland defense front were transforming rapidly as massive cables shot out from the ground to join up with the pseudo world that has been created by Genesis. It was as if a gigantic crystal hexagon was falling from the sky with Arthur trapped in it. The broken dragon of catastrophe was struggling as much as he could but there was just now way to break out of this cage. He could only watch as hopelessness devoured him bit by bit. In front of the hexagon, Ye Qingxuan finally opened his eyes. He raised his head and looked at Arthur. There almost seemed to be a look of compassion and sympathy for the fate that awaits him. His voice became gentle and soft, as if he was holding the hands of someone who was about to take his last breath.

"Don't worry. Catastrophes will never die. Even if your consciousness will be completely burnt by the flames, your power will seep into the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth as your last contribution for this country." Ye Qingxuan smiled and waved his hand to bid farewell, "Congratulations, Arthur, you have finally become one with Anglo."

The black dragon of catastrophe cried out in desperation and anger. As the Holy Grail of Destruction was slowly starting up, he would switch between screaming in rage or crying for help. For one moment, he would be cursing Ye Qingxuan with eternal suffering and the next moment, he would suddenly wish Ye Qingxuan with glory and honor, even to the extent of promising to transfer all his powers to him. Yet at the very next moment, he would be screaming of an important secret that he held, before instantly going back on what he had just said. From rage to desperation, from struggling to pleading, until he was just numb to it all in the end. Complete despair.

"Why…" He stared blankly at Ye Qingxuan, "Tell me, why?"

Ye Qingxuan continued to smoke on his cigarette. He frowned and shook his head, "If you really want to know the reason, I do have quite a lot of them, so much so that I can even publish a book of 500 pages to discuss the rationale of your death and failure. But at the end of the day, you never stood a chance from the very beginning…" He raised his hand and took the cigarette from his mouth and calmly continued, "… because, you were my obstacle."

The cigarette was flicked out from his fingers.

The dark red light flew across the air in a beautiful arc and penetrated the crystal hexagon. The weak flame lit up Arthur's eyes and also lit up the flame of destruction. A terrible explosion followed instantly. It was as if the sun was born momentarily. There were streaks of lightning and all the elements of earth, water, fire and wind were all embroiled with each other, as if the universe was coming to an end. A beam of light as powerful as the destruction of a thousand suns shone and it was so bright that one could see the bones of the hands that they were using to shield their eyes.

The Holy Grail of Destruction. The terrible power that was supposed to be used to destroy Anglo was ignited in the hexagonal world and every single corner was filled. The black dragon of catastrophe was instantly devoured. There was complete silence. Across the barrier of Genesis, no more cries or screams could be heard anymore. There was an air of tranquility that was also chilling. How many times has it been reborn in there? A few hundred times? A few thousand times? Or more?

Finally, within the destruction that seemed to never end, every strand of consciousness was completely erased. Everything was destroyed. What was left was the power of Leviathan that had been completely stripped bare and mercilessly discarded by the array of Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. It was impossible for Arthur to revive now.

With the tranquil horizon as a backdrop, the flame continued to burn in the city, that has almost been completely demolished. Light pierced through the gloom of the horizon, chasing away the layers of clouds and smoke, and lighting up the entire ocean. This country that had been buried under darkness for so long was finally seeing light after a long time. They have returned to the Physical World and the flame burned until the very end.

There was a crispness in the breaking of the hexagon before it dissipated. There were no ashes that flew out for even the ashes have been completely burnt into nothingness. There was only the hoarse sigh of the Emperor.

It has finally ended. Centuries of pain and struggle have accompanied the curse of this country and its people. If that fisherman's son had not approached that lake that was as clear as mirror centuries ago, would everything turn out differently?

He peered towards the surface of the sea. "What are your plans now?" Ye Qingxuan held onto his staff as he walked towards the Emperor and stood beside him. He tilted his head towards him, "Are you going to continue to rule this country?"

"Forget it." The Emperor shook his head, "I only tried to rule it once and things already turned out so badly. Do you want to have to clean up the mess I made again? I will leave this country to you and Mary."

"What about you?" Ye Qingxuan looked at him seriously, "Don't tell me some nonsense like you plan to kill yourself now or something?"


The Emperor was so quick that Ye Qingxuan could not react in time. Before he could see anything, he already felt a painful blow to the back of his head. It was so painful that he had to inhale and grit his teeth. When the Emperor saw that, he whistled and smiled happily, "I have wanted to do that for a very long time."


His finger cracked ever so softly. Ye Qingxuan was stunned as his smile was frozen on his face. The Emperor awkwardly hid his hand behind him and after a period of silence, he finally sighed, "You are right about one thing. I will never say any nonsense along the line of farewells."

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head. He did not say a word.

The Emperor held onto the sword and suddenly asked, "Where did Bai Xi go?"

"To the East," Ye Qingxuan replied with a muffled voice.

"Find her back as soon as you can. I want Mary to make her the Princess," The Emperor generously conferred his reward while giving Ye Qingxuan a wink, "She is much more obedient than you and Victor."

Ye Qingxuan lowered his head and rubbed his nose, "She will return."

The Emperor nodded, "So will Abraham and Charles, right? Victor has been away for so long, he must be having such a crazy time. You are the only who can reign him in. Remember to bring him back."

"I will." Ye Qingxuan nodded, "Everything will be back to normal. Don't worry."

"That's good." The Emperor nodded and peered towards the direction of the surface of the sea. He smiled wholeheartedly, "This world is so beautiful. Why didn't I realize this sooner?"

Ye Qingxuan did not speak. He lowered his head and raised his hand to cover his face. But he could not wipe away his tears nor control his choking. He was just like a homeless child. "Can't you stay?"

"Of course not." The Emperor shook his head helplessly, "Arthur and I are one. The fisherman's son and the lunatic that yearned to become a catastrophe are the same person. This was what I deserved, you don't have to feel sad. Actually, Merlin was right. The old era is about to end. Let the name 'Arthur' be forgotten with it."

Ye Qingxuan did not say anything.

The Emperor sighed and stretched out his hand to ruffled his hair, "Bring Bai Xi back as soon as you can."

"Okay." Ye Qingxuan rubbed his eyes and raised his head.

The Emperor sighed. He could not help himself from acting like an elderly person and began to nag, "Stand tall and strong. Don't let anyone bully you anymore."

"Okay." Ye Qingxuan nodded.

"Don't let down the women that love you. Don't be like me."

"Okay." Ye Qingxuan nodded.

"And…" The Emperor became speechless until he patted his head after some time, "I can't seem to remember the rest of the things that I want to say. I guess that's it. I shan't nag anymore. You better remember the things that you have promised me. I will be watching you!"

Ye Qingxuan nodded silently. The Emperor smiled. His face might be full of cracks now but it was also filled with joy and acceptance as he looked at the young man. It was like their reunion under the heavy snow. The both of them were warmed just by standing together. The world might be cruel but they would never be alone.

"Ye Qingxuan, I am happy to have known you."

"Me too."

"We are good friends, right?"

"Yes, the best of friends." With that, the Emperor nodded his head with contentment. There was nothing more he could ask for. No one knew how long they remained in silence until it was broken by the soft sound of cracking. Gradually, more and more cracks appeared on the Emperor's body until the very end, he was no longer able to remain in his original form.

"Looks like it's time. This was faster than I thought." He sighed deeply and looked at Ye Qingxuan, "Farewell."

"Hmm." Ye Qingxuan nodded, as if he had already accepted his leaving and smiled forcefully, "Farewell."

The Emperor nodded and closed his eyes. He heard the sound of waves, which was reminiscent of the childhood song that he often heard when he was young. There was a voice singing amongst the waves. It was so familiar and gentle, as if it has always been around in the city, silently waiting and guarding. He laughed softly.

"I have made you wait for too long. My apologies, here I come now…"

The gentle sea breeze was like a warm hug. The Emperor smiled and opened his arms. His body was finally broken down into dust and was dissipated into the wind. Into nothingness. The world was silent once more. Only Ye Qingxuan was left standing alone amongst the debris. He stretched out his hand and tried to touch the traces of his passing but it was all in vain.

He lowered his head and tried to force out a smile, "Farewell." There was a smile on his face but his shoulder kept shaking uncontrollably. He bowed his head. Tears streamed down his face and dripped onto the back of his hands.


In the end, he was the only one left in this world. There was no meaning anymore…

Fart! The sound of a fart crept out unceremoniously.

"Ah!!" Ye Qingxuan, who had been drowning in sorrow, suddenly trembled and felt pain travelling from his calves to his stomach. He could not help but scream in pain. The pain came so suddenly yet it was also too familiar. Even though he has been through this countless times, he still could not help himself from falling onto the ground and rolling while grabbing his stomach. As he rolled, he saw that familiar pair of eyes. It was looking down at him from above. The look was arrogant yet helpless, and it spoke of disappointment and despise from an entire family.

Ye Qingxuan was stunned and his jaw dropped. The golden retriever leaned towards him. It seemed to be upset with how weak he was behaving and it wagged its tail at his face so that it seemed like it was slapping him. Haven't they already said their goodbyes?

"I told you I will be watching you! I only just left… what are you crying for!"

Ye Qingxuan stared at him blankly and stretched out his hand to ruffle his golden fur. This touch was familiar and real. The look of despise finally jolted him from his pain and despair and he could not help but laugh uproariously, "Hahahaha."

He ignored the struggles of the hound and pounced, taking it into his arms and rolling on the ground with it. His robe was full of mud and dirt. In such a terrible world, reunions and departures always came so suddenly. But what made it less terrible was that there would always be hope.

The previous Emperor has already passed on, bring with him all the vengeance and hatred. But this was all unrelated to the hound, which had inherited bestiality and Firebird. It has always been existing on the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and has never been separable from this country. Amongst the debris, the young man embraced the hound and laughed while tears of joy streamed down his face.

"Old Phil, welcome back!"

The long night has finally come to an end. The morning sun began to rise across the horizon and a cool breeze blew from a distance. Dawn has finally come.

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