
Chapter 438 – Someone named Song

Selling those movies were illegal, and Wind and Rain brand were still printed on the covers. Feng Yu could not tolerate this!

But Feng Yu knew that it was useless to just attack these small workshops and factories. Even if these factories close down, there will still be countless small workshops popping up. He must attack these pirates from the source. He must find the source of their master copies.

Feng Yu went to look for Hu Ge. This moron had owned a company making pirated game cartridges. After Feng Yu invested in his company, he quits making pirated games and switches to develop his own original games. But Feng Yu had thought too highly of Hu Ge’s staffs. The games they made were far from the games Feng Yu played in his previous life. The graphics and designs were horrible. If this game were introduced into the market, their reputation would be gone!

Games development was not as easy as Feng Yu thinks.

Hu Ge knew a lot of pirated businessmen. He asked around and found out that there was a syndicate behind all these. Not only they were making pirated VCDs, but there were also pirated CDs, pirated video cassette tapes, cassettes, video game cartridges, etc.

A rough estimation, the sales of the pirated goods were several times more than the originals.

Not only the VCDs had Wind and Rain brand printed on it, the other pirated video, and audio cassette tapes and games were also under Wind and Rain brand. Feng Yu’s companies do not even manufacture these products!

Damn, this was a conspiracy that was targeting him or his company.

Once the consumers think that these were really Wind and Rain products, then Wind and Rain will be a pirated goods company. All the efforts of building the brand will be wasted!

When Fu Guangzheng heard the news, he was very shocked. He knew there were many pirated goods in the market and there were also pirated VCD players. But he had ignored them.

He wanted to make use of these to build up the VCD market and challenge the traditional video cassette player. He had never expected this would create problems for himself.

“Brother Feng, should we make some formal complaints, give some money for the higher-ups to start cracking down on piracy?” The Chinese market was too big, and it was not like Hong Kong. They could not settle this by themselves. They need the government’s help.

Feng Yu shook his head: “These people are able to do this on such scale, that means they have some sort of protection. What we can do not is to find the source. If not, their factories will still be appearing after we shut them down.”

“I thought you had asked Hu Ge to investigate the source for you?”

Feng Yu sighed: “Don’t mention him. That Hu Ge cannot resist the temptations and went back to make pirated games. I had already withdrawn my investment from his company, and Master Lu had got some people to teach him a lesson. Currently, he is hiding in some Southeast Asia country.”

Master Lu thought Feng Yu had invested in Hu Ge’s company because of him. Now, Hu Ge started making pirated games again, and he still tried to cheat Feng Yu. Master Lu felt that this was a slap to his face.

If it weren’t for the Hu family, Master Lu would have broken one of Hu Ge’s leg! Master Lu also let him off because of the information he got.

The source of the pirated discs was in Guancheng district of Guangdong province!

Fu Guangzheng felt embarrassed. There was a Wind and Rain electronics factory in Guancheng, and he did not even notice the pirated VCDs were from that area.

There were other factories all over China, but the master copies were said to be from Guangcheng. Those master copies were sent to Guangcheng from Hong Kong.

Feng Yu told Fu Guangzheng about this, and his face turned red: “Brother Feng, leave this to me. I will think of a way to kill the source!”

“Brother Fu, stopping piracy is only one of our aims. We must also find the mastermind behind this. We must know why they are using our Wind and Rain brand for their pirated goods!”

“Are you suspecting that someone is targeting us? We manufacture VCDs, and we are the biggest company making original VCDs. Those pirates like to make imitations from the number one company’s products.”

“But do they still need to use our brand for those adult movies? Anyway, Brother Fu, I hope the mastermind hiding in the dark will be arrested.”

Fu Guangzheng arrived at Guancheng and asked the local government to close down the pirated VCDs base. The government raided that place and recovered a huge amount of pirated cassette tapes, videotapes, and discs. But they did not find out who the mastermind was. Every week, there will be someone coming to the factory with boxes to collect the money. The factory’s in-charge had never met the boss behind the scenes.

But he had provided a crucial clue. The big boss behind the scenes was from Hong Kong.

Fu Guangzheng was furious. Someone dares to mess with the Fu family in Hong Kong? Those people that were powerful enough to compete with the Fu family will not do such business. Those that dealt with such activities were not from any reputable big families.

Fu Guangzheng told his uncles about this and asked them to help investigate the person behind this syndicate.

The Fu family was very unhappy. They had shares in Hong Kong’s electronics sales company. This had encroached into their profits. A full investigation must be conducted!

The Fu family made use of all their connections and all their tricks, but they could not find out who was behind this. They managed to crush a few pirated factories in Hong Kong along the way, but the head of the syndicate was nowhere to be found.

The Fu family was embarrassed. They had told Feng Yu that they would be able to get the head of the syndicate and put him behind bars in a few days.

But now, more than 10 days had passed. There were no clues at all. The Fu family had used their connections in both the underworld and law enforcement units, but there were no clues at all.

In the end, Fu Rongqi put up a reward of 1 million HKD for any clues about the head of this syndicate. Even if you are only able to provide the name of this person, you can also get this sum of money. If you are able to capture this person, then you will get 1 million USD!

Someone will always step forward if there were high rewards.

Finally, the Fu family received information about this syndicate boss. Although no one had ever met him, someone had overheard his henchman speaking to this person over the phone. This person was addressed as Mr. Song!

Feng Yu frowned. Mr. Song? Did he ever offend any businessman with this surname? Why was this Mr. Song targeting him? This Mr. Song must have strong grudges against him!

Feng Yu thought for a long time, and it seems that there was only one person who hated him to the core and this person have the money to set up factories. But this person had gone missing a long time ago.

Feng Yu had asked the Fu family to search for this person for quite some time. But the Fu family could not find him. There were rumors that this person had only stopped in Hong Kong for a while before going to the US.

Could this person come back to revenge for his uncle?

Feng Yu had already experienced the craziness of this guy. If Feng Yu had the chance, he would not want this person to take another breath.

“Brother Fu, I will offer 10 million. Help me find this person!”

Fu Guangzheng was shocked. Who was this guy that’s worth 10 million?

“I will hire people to look for him. If we are able to find him, then we can talk about the money! With the crackdowns on piracy recently, those pirates will not be so arrogant for some time. We can develop the market in peace.”

Feng Yu sighed. That man is still alive, how can he be at ease?

Translator’s notes: The author had not mentioned the currency of the 10 million rewards.

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