
Chapter 681 – The man behind the curtain

“But are we too much? No matter what, we are also Chinese. We are making up stories to harm our fellow Chinese company. I don’t feel good about this.”

“Don’t feel good? What’s there to not feel good? When you are working at your former company, how did your leader treat you? How much are you earning that time? Even with the bonuses and subsidies, are you getting more than 500 RMB? You are getting at least 10,000 RMB a month. How much more is this compared to your previous salary?”

“That’s right. We are all doing this for the money. We need to earn more for our families!” Someone tried to justified their actions by using their families as an excuse.

A few men were drinking and discussing together. In the current era, money talks. They do not care about whatever nationality or country. They only serve the one who pays them well!

These men had received instructions from their company to speak to Tai Hua Supermarket. Their companies wanted to bring in their products to Tai Hua Supermarkets. They thought this would be an easy negotiation and they will get good conditions. They wanted to gain some credits in front of their bosses.

But Tai Hua Supermarket did not care about what they said. The Deputy General Manager of Tai Hua Supermarket even told them directly that they were not interested in working with them!

These men had no choice but to report to their higher-ups. In the end, the person-in-charge of Sony’s Asia operations told Old Hu that Norio Ohga wanted them to think of a way to create trouble for Tai Hua Supermarket. It would be good if they could create a big problem for them.

This Tai Hua Supermarket was very profitable. If it got into trouble, Feng Yu, Fu Guangzheng and the rest would inevitably be distracted. Then, they would not have the time to focus their energies on Aiwa Electronics and Wind and Rain Electronics. Feng Yu might even have to use funds from these two companies to help Tai Hua Supermarket Corporation.

This way, their DVD technologies development would be slowed down. Sony, Toshiba, and the other companies will have the chance to overtake Wind and Rain Electronics, and they might even have the opportunity to acquire Wind and Rain Electronics.

So, Old Hu got together with a few others to think of a plan. They came up with an idea. Accuse Tai Hua Supermarket Corporation and blow up their rejection by Tai Hua Supermarket. They escalated this problem to an international dispute to make us of the higher-ups to pressure Tai Hua Supermarket Corporation. The 4 of them were former government officials, and they were well versed with using such methods.

Any incident which was escalated to such levels were not small issues!

But the 4 of them did not know that they had left the government service for many years and China was now a rising country. The Chief Architect was still around, and he was like a flag that prevents other Imperialistic countries from targeting China.

When China negotiated with Japan on cooperations, China stance was firmed. But because China was not familiar with the international laws, there were lots of loopholes in the agreement. These loopholes were taken advantage of by Japanese companies.

But it was a joke to say China was afraid of Japan!

Japanese were the type that yields to the strong. Of course, if they were the stronger ones, they will try to enslave others.

At the end of the 80s, Japan’s economy had reached its peak. They felt they were the world’s strongest economy and tried to buy out the whole of America.

In the end, Japan’s economic bubble burst, and it\'s stock market crash. Their real estate, which was supporting their economy, had crashed. Many of their manufacturing companies went bust, and Japan’s economy went downhill. Because of their arrogance, they paid a heavy price.

All this happened when China was trying to develop its economy and lacks technology. The Soviet Union was in turmoil at that time, and China could not cooperate with them. So, China used its resources to exchange with Japan in a bid to increase China’s technologies and economic power.

Japan also needed a vast market to save their economy. So, both parties disregarded their previous enmities and started to cooperate in many economic areas. At that time, both parties also had a common enemy, which was the US.

This cooperation agreement between both countries was not wrong. The policies set and general direction this agreement was right. But there were problems when the people below start to implement the policies.

Initially, when the Japanese come to China to invest, they were low profile. After all, they were defeated by the US, and due to this defeat, they kept their arrogant nature in their hearts.

But after they arrived in China and were bootlicked by those Chinese Local Officials, they started showing their true colors. They began to despise the Chinese and look down on China. They felt that they could control China through economic means, and Japan would rise up to its peak again.

Thus, many Japanese invested factories appeared in China. These factories were unlike other factories which were invested by the western nations. These factories ignored the damages to the environment as long as they see profits. The Japanese knew that as long as the local officials got their political credits, they will help the factories to cover up.

Even if there were officials that refuse to help them, they would change their minds after the factories gave them some money. All these made the Japanese more arrogant.

But as these Japanese companies were making money in China, Sony suffered a heavy blow. First, it was a hugely profitable Walkman market. This market was taken away from them by Aiwa. If Aiwa was still under them, it’s fine. But Norio Ohga had sold Aiwa shares at a low price to Feng Yu, and this was a problem to Sony.

Sony most essential products in China were the Walkman and CD players. But an anti-Japanese products movement suddenly appeared in China, and Sony’s products became unpopular overnight.

Because of this, Sony moved out of the Chinese market, and many other Japanese companies were also severely affected by this movement. But Sony was affected the most. They had to retreat from the Chinese market. The other companies were still able to survive the storm.

Later, Wind and Rain Electronics invented the VCD player. It beat Japan’s strongest industry, which was the electronics industry, and Wind and Rain issued out patent authorizations to a lot of companies except for Sony!

Wind and Rain Electronics and Sony were also competing for the DVD standards. Both factions had support from various companies and had formed alliances to set the industry standards.

It can be said that if there were one company that hated Feng Yu the most, it would be Sony.

After Old Hu and the other 3 representatives came up with this idea, the first person to agree was Norio Ohga. If it were not because of Feng Yu, he would not be the acting President now. He would have been the actual President!

Sony will be introducing its PlayStation gaming console. If they gave up on the China market, it would be a waste. Nintendo had failed in China before, but that does not mean Sony will fail. This time, all the employees in China’s Sony office were all Chinese!

Norio Ohga listened to Old Hu’s report over the phone and was overjoyed. Feng Yu, ah, Feng Yu……. It’s time you get what you deserve. When you are trying to save yourself, our Sony will re-enter the Chinese market!

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