
Volume 5, 4 - Determination and hesitation and...

Volume 5, Chapter 4 - Determination and hesitation and...

Part 1

Lying upside-down on the bed in her room, Ayano let out a profound breath, emptying her lungs.

Burying her face in the pillow, she let out all her power. After several seconds -

"........Stopping Kazuma, huh........"

Those isolated grumbled words, naturally, reached no one\'s ears but her own.

A second sigh.

Sluggishly turning around, she looked upwards. She held her hand out in front of her eyes, blocking the fluorescent light.

"What are you telling me to do........"

That complaint without ambition vanished inside her chest without a voice.

No matter how she thought about it, there wasn\'t even a particle of a chance of success.

Just who on earth will try and stop that man who snapped and lost even his discrimination ability.

Recalling the conversation during the evening, Ayano let out a third sigh.

"Do you understand what you\'re saying - Ren? "

"Let\'s stop Nii-sama"

Entering the room, Ren declared so without even the returning home greeting.

At the abrupt thing, Ayano stared at Ren in wonder. And then, she scowled.

She perceived in the boy\'s eyes the same light of determination just like that time.

"Ren? What happened, so suddenly? "

Close to the bewildered Ayano, Kirika pointed a sharp gaze at Ren. She asked to verify.

"You met him? "

Ren nodded in silence.

"in Shinjuku. He was tormenting a group of five > as he tried to find information about Pandemonium. "

"......Isn\'t that usual? "

Not understanding why Ren\'s expression was so stiff, Ayano replied in a light tone.

But, without showing her even the shadow of a smile, he declared with serious look.

"It\'s different. "

He had no hesitation and yet those eyes were carrying so much concern it was heartbreaking.

"That was different."

"........Ren? "

"........I see"

Contrastive to the bewildered Ayano, without showing her disturbance despite disappointment, Kirika accepted Ren\'s words as the truth.

Changing the cross-examination partner, Ayano pressed Kirika for an answer.

"Hey, detective Tachibana? "

"What? "

Kirika received it calmly, sipping from the tea that got cold.

"There\'s nothing really to be surprised about. The likelihood of the conjecture made only changed to a verified truth. "

"Verified, you say......."

"Rather than Kazuma changing, it\'s more like he returned to the way he was before. Not listening to Ren-kun trying to restrain him, on the contrary, not forgiving even him if he were to become an obstacle - or something like that. "

Fleetingly looking at Ren, Kirika searched for confirmation. Ren made a tiny, but clear nod.

"Did Kazuma..........Ren? "

Faced with the impossible situation, Ayano\'s consciousness froze.

She couldn\'t imagine that.

Ayano knew best just how much Kazuma was doting on Ren.

More important than anyone and anything, almost like a beloved child.

"That.......cannot be..."

"It\'s the truth. Accept it. "

But, the reality was even more unfeeling. Kirika\'s words woke up Ayano without asking whether she wants to or not.


Trying to comfort a wounded boy or else trying to cling on someone she wants to deny this nightmare-like reality - not sure which was it herself, she sought Ren.

He was right in front of her eyes.

It seemed he drew near while she was in a daze. He went down on his knees on the tatami mat so that their eyes were at the same level and looked hard at Ayano with an earnest gaze.

"We\'re stopping Nii-sama", declared Ren without doubt in a tone loaded with determination.

"The fact that Nii-sama is angry, that he wants revenge is maybe to be expected. But, even if he would do so, no one would become happy. No one will be pleased. The number of sad people would only go up. "

"Aah, yes......that\'s right"

"I want Nii-sama to smile, I want him to be happy! That\'s why, that\'s why this is - "

Visibly overawed by Ren drawing near, Ayano shrunk away little by little.

She understood those feelings very well. Extremely well, but -

"But, how?"

If he were to say he had a plan, she wanted to know it by all means. The plan to stop that man.

If the objective was to kill it may be possible.

If she, Ren and then Genma were to form a group and attack him, a Contractor as he may be, she didn\'t believe he could go against them.

However - when it comes to take him alive...

Is that not something impossible for humans? Ayano thought so, very seriously.

At the very least, it wasn\'t something Enraiha, specialized in offensive ability, could accomplish.

" ------hey, Ayano-chan"

While thinking so, Kirika meddled in with an amazed face.

"You, can you think of nothing but feat of strength since the beginning? "

"What else is there? "

Feeling she was made fun off, Ayano pouted.

"Ren\'s persuasion didn\'t work, right? If that\'s the case, it won\'t matter what I say"

".....No, you see, I want Ayano-chan to open Kazuma\'s eyes with her \'love\'"

"Sorry. That\'s outside my area of expertise. ", declared Ayano right away.

"Ayano-chan, don\'t you want Kazuma to return to normal? "

"I want it, of course I want it but do you want me to be all teary-eyed and say: Forget about Tsoi Rin and look at me♥!?"


"Not even if I die!!"

A seemingly sad gaze pierced Ayano, who replied immediately.

"Nee-sama......why are you saying such things? Do you hate Nii-sama? "

"This is not a problem of likes and dislikes! If I were to tell such chilly words, even the usual Kazuma will laugh scornfully! That\'s obviously useless! "

"It\'s not the usual Kazuma so it will be effective! "

"That\'s not true. "

Ayano blocked it all.

"That guy, doesn\'t see me as a woman."

".................well, anyway"

Trying to avoid a direct answer, Kirika said to both Ayano and Ren.

"I leave Kazuma to you. It doesn\'t matter by what means - just do something"



Throwing a side-long glance to Ren replaying vigorously, Ayano scowled at Kirika with a sullen face.

But, without minding that attitude, Kirika bowed her head grandly absolutely satisfied and Ren\'s eyes gleamed as he gripped Ayano\'s hands.

"Nee-sama, let\'s do our best! "


Watching intently in silence the boy awfully full of fighting spirit, inside her heart, Ayano let out a deep, deep sigh.


On her bed, Ayano tossed and turned, thinking about what she should do and what she can do.

No matter how she thought about it, it doesn\'t appear likely she can stop Kazuma. But -

- We\'re stopping Nii-sama -

She remembered Ren\'s words full of determination.

Because it\'s Ren, he must know about the fact that the difference in power between her and Kazuma is like that between heaven and earth, that it\'s close to impossible to stop Kazuma.

But even so, Ren declared Kazuma must be stopped no matter what.

That means, Ren judged Kazuma to be so much more dangerous right now. For his surroundings and, for Kazuma himself.

"What is he doing....?"

She recalled Kazuma\'s face from the time Tokyo Government office collapsed.

Anger, hatred and grief - a mix of many emotions and a disturbed, dangerous countenance unbelievable from the normal Kazuma.

She thought it was something transient.

She believed he already got back on his feet.

Kazuma - because it\'s Kazuma, he will be fine -

She believed so without question.

But, thinking about it calmly, Kazuma is just twenty two. Nothing else but what the society would call a youngster.

The unreasonable one is the one asking absolute power and immutability from him.

Thinking about it, Kazuma lost control of himself before.

For example at the time the man manipulating the running widely Ogami Misao gave his name, Michael Harley.

Or like when Ayano was about to finish off Lapis -


Digging up an unpleasant memory, Ayano sunk into the bed once more.

She buried her head in the pillow and groaned feebly.

Tsoi Rin - the enemy Ayano must fight. The young lady idolized because of her death.

With such an opponent, how is she supposed to take Kazuma back.

"Besides, why do I have to - "

Saying she understood Kazuma\'s feelings was prideful maybe but she understood his feelings got hurt.

But even so, it doesn\'t mean he\'ll be forgiven no matter what.

Because of Kazuma, Nanase was abducted.

An ordinary girl who shouldn\'t have been involved in this world was swallowed up by the battle.

No matter what his reason is, she won\'t tolerate that.

"I decided. As I thought, I\'ll beat him down"

Screwing with both hands the innocent pillow, Ayano decided so.

The chances of success were exceedingly low, she didn\'t know the method but it was still better than the alternative and above all, she felt refreshed.

Feeling like she settled one more problem, Ayano\'s thoughts changed.

What she was most anxious of was the body of her friend kidnapped by Utsumi.

"Is Nanase all right........"

Part 2

A heavy silence was ruling the space.

The basement of a desolated, abandoned building.

That space, primary ruled by nothing but emptiness, was now full of a different kind of silence.

The number of humans reaching a hundred gathered in the great hall were giving birth to this silence.

A hundred human beings, the silence of a hundred.

That was clearly different from the silence born out of emptiness, it was a silence that made one feel a packed reaction.

But even if it was silence, it wasn\'t tidy by any means.

The air, the atmosphere were were only coercing to silence the group that was gathered here by no ordinary means.

Rather, you could say it was the antipode of it. There were rare groups of people but most of them were lone wolves that seemed to have forgotten the spirit of cooperation inside their mothers\' wombs.

The > rampaging on the stage called Shinjuku - all of them were gathered here. Not one was missing.

Properly speaking, it wasn\'t a likely event.

All those people who regarded others like nothing but more XP were gathered in this place.

It\'s impossible that conflict wouldn\'t arise.

But, they were waiting in absolute silence.

Although not being forced they canceled everything else, although they weren\'t ordered they refrained from fights, only waiting.

Without holding even the slightest doubt about the unnatural occurrence.

Then, at this place were everyone was gathered, just one regular person was mixed up.

- No, calling her normal was too much maybe, but at the very least she wasn\'t a >.

Without putting on air, she just observed the surroundings in a casual manner.

Men and women with bad disposition were filling up the hall. Of course, there wasn\'t any running electricity but the bonfires placed here and there illuminated the gloomy interior.

The atmosphere was so strained that if one were to throw a firecracker in, a great brawl would start on the spot.

Wrapped around by the atmosphere of that critical situation, the girl thought.

"I wonder, is there enough ventilation to build a fire inside such a small basement? "

The usually peculiar train of thought. The proprietor of a mental structure indifferent to the sense of urgency even this late in the game was obviously no one else but Ayano\'s close friend, Yukari Shinomiya.

The insides were the same as usual but on the outside, she had a fairly drastic image change.

She wore a black leather jacket and a tight miniskirt. Stiletto short boots. She daringly exposed her legs without any stockings, producing an obscene contrast between her all black outfit and her white skin.

What\'s more, her features were sharpened by the make-up and that image wearing thin sunglasses changed her to a completely different person from the usually gentle girl.

That appearance wafting with aggressive sex-appeal even made those muscled men want to call her Nee-san.

Such being the case, Yukari melted in the middle of the > without feeling out of place and without scruple she started gathering information.

- Right now no one was talking so that means she couldn\'t get obtain anything.

But - suddenly, the silence was broken.


Feeling doubtful but without showing any of those emotions on the outside, Yukari observed the state of the surroundings.

The > - all of them, strengthened the alertness and looked around with impregnable glances.

It seems they could feel something that escaped the regular human.



The > all looking in different directions, without exchanging words or signals, collected their gazes in the same direction as if they previously agreed on.

The wall.

For Yukari it looked just like a usual wall. A bleak, bare, gray wall. There was nothing there to look at or to talk about -

"Eeh? Hey, is that - "

Drawing that conclusion, Yukari remembered a strangely uncomfortable feeling. She looked closely once more at the wall that was the focal point and then at those surroundings.

" - aah"

She suddenly noticed.

There wasn\'t anyone in front of that wall.

Those gazes didn\'t gathered there to look at it. From the beginning, that space gaping wide in front of that wall was becoming less crowded.

In spite of the fact that there were enough people inside the room to make one feel oppressed.

Especially carefully the bonfires were concentrated in front of the wall delimitating the space.

Once you realized it, it was obvious. That was a stage. The curtain bells were heard, the spectators focused on the stage, it was only that.

"\'This is.......kind of clumsy? "

The straightforward stage setting, the ostentatious gap - what will happen there from now on, Yukari was more uneasy about that rather than the fact that she would definitely be spotted since she couldn\'t recognize such an overt abnormality.

It would still be alright if her cognizant ability was disturbed because she used some hallucinogen but the magic stuff couldn\'t be helped.

But, there\'s no point in trying to run from here. First of all she should confirm the escape route and then wait for further development.

Suddenly, something abnormal happened.

Everyone was gazing steadily the ashen wall. The texture of the cold, hard concrete undulated as if embarrassed by those ardent eyes, flickered and started twisting.

The irregular wave gradually changed to concentric ripples with a diameter of a little over two meters.

And then -

The entrance went through the undulating concrete and he - appeared.

A magician. He was looking exactly like a magician from the fairy tales.

His whole body was wrapped in a black robe. Because the robe was covering most of him, his face wasn\'t visible. Particularly thorough, he was even holding a curved staff made of wood in his hand.

That appearance was seen by everyone in this place. Even the person most separated from the stage could see without interruption as the robed figure\'s entire body was filling the field of vision.

Because, the > was floating in midair. As if there was an invisible foothold, it was very safe and firm.

A wordless commotion leaked out from the mouth of the seeds.

In contrast to them, frequently manipulating unusual powers, that exceedingly simple power seemed easy enough to handle. But they didn\'t have the power to levitate or spring through the wall.

The existence who could easily exercise the mysterious power they don\'t have but even if they did they couldn\'t possibly use - the awe and fear regarding that man of absolute strength, and then becoming self conscious of it and gazing at him with secondhand hostility, the > were scowling at the >

The black robe calmly caught that gaze. The swelling thirst for blood was electrifying the space.

But, in contrast with that -

"Waah - waah - waah - "

Absolutely dumbfounded Yukari was looking at the girl standing still behind the >.

In an inflammatory bondage look, she was even carrying a huge halberd. Her outward appearance was standing out but because she lacked vitality just like a doll, she didn\'t receive attention.

Yukari knew well that girl just like her folding herself back from the >\'s overwhelming presence scattering around.

As the close friend of both Yukari and Ayano, the girl whose whereabouts were completely unknown after being kidnapped by Utsumi.

"Na- Nanase-chan......"

It was Kudou Nanase.

But she couldn\'t be filled with happiness for finding her. Nanase clearly lost her consciousness.

The brilliance of will and life that made her who she was couldn\'t be felt.

Although she was before her eyes, it resembled the empty shell of Kudou Nanase. Her body trembling with resentment for having her friend looked down upon, Yukari glared at the magician in black robes.

"That means - he must be Utsumi-kun?"

Adding the fact that Nanase was accompanying him, the possibility was extremely high.

When she tried to peek inside, looking closely at the center of the robe, as expected, she cannot see his face.

The moment she thought she should approach a little more, bravely defying the danger, the > lightly pushed out his staff. Only by doing that, the room full of commotion suddenly fell silent.

Looking at reality, an extremely powerful clout was controlling this space.

"Chosen ones"

The >\'s voice tore the silence. That voice that was by no means grand, resounded clearly to the nooks and corners of the room.

"You did good responding to the call. I thank you in place of Bernhard, the lord of Pandemonium. "

Naturally, those words stated he was Pandemonium\'s proxy. The > let out a murmur of surprise.

"My name is >. I am a gifted person just like you. But - I am >"


Here and there, shouts of shock erupted. That was understandable. Whose gathered at that place - meaning the > confirmed until now, were > and >. The > was the stuff of rumors. The > was similar to a wild idea.

No, it had been similar. Until now.

"Im- impossible!"

From somewhere a shout of objection was raised.

"We haven\'t even heard rumors about the existence of someone like you! Without anyone knowing, it\'s impossible to save enough XP for the > itself - "


The >\'s small shoulder shook.

Hidden by the hood, his face couldn\'t be seen. But, it was obvious for everyone looking. That the > was sneering.


"For those like you, not blessed with talent, accustoming your bodies through fights may be necessary. But, I am different. "

Unnaturally ignoring the exasperated man, the > talked in a voice full of superiority.

"Besides, XP is nothing else but the work of accommodating power in the bodies of those without accomplishments. The thing called magical power and the assimilation of it for those powerless must be finely tuned in time over and over. "

Casually informed of the mechanism behind the level up that no one knew before, the > were rendered speechless.

That detailed knowledge - by far more profound than that of > - was the best evidence the > was at the center of this series of events, at the center of Pandemonium.

"But, I am different. I, who held the greatest ability since the beginning, could receive a great amount of power without any kind of adjustment and was able to manipulate it.

Do you understand? For those truly great, there\'s no need for great effort. They will obtain what they desire just like that - precisely because that is allowed, they are being called prodigies. "


The faces of the > became stiff at the tremendously prideful words. And then, several quick-tempered people, threw themselves upon the > still levitating in the air.

"Do you think we\'ll listen to this......"

"Don\'t be so cocky........!"

No matter what sort of power they had, they didn\'t understand. Just before touching him, a spherical field sparkled around the > and repelled the attackers.

"There\'s an everlasting barrier around my surroundings. It\'s impossible for the offensive abilities of > to pierce through. "


The > - especially those who wanted to continuously attack the > with bloody faces received the next attack back.

It wasn\'t only that the attack was defended against but that they received an unusual amount of damage. Those sorry states convulsing in fear were close to the agony of death.

"So, I\'ll impart the words of Bernhard, the lord of Pandemonium. "

The > changed the topic as if nothing happened.

Understanding that was the main issue of this meeting, everyone listened closely.

"Three days from now on - "

In the silent hall, the voice of an oracle clearly reverberated.

"Seventy two hours from now on, Pandemonium will descend on the physical world. The location is Shinjuku Central Park."

As if giving the audience time to understand, the > interrupted his words.

He took a large breath, and then continued.

"To celebrate the descent, you will be granted a present. Those who desire power, should head for Pandemonium. The one who arrives first, will receive my ultimate power. One no one will be able to go against. An absolutely unrivaled power. "

When the > shut his mouth, the hall was packed with commotion.

An ultimate power. One no one will be able to go against. An absolutely unrivaled power.

- they wanted it.

At the same time, everyone thought so. They desired it. They desired it no matter what. But, to do so -



Dangerous gazes were exchanged everywhere. The race already started. Remove the obstacles was obviously the fastest way.

But - at the same time, they noticed. The existence of the biggest obstacle.

Everyone\'s eyes flooded with conspiring, made the >\'s body tremble. He laughed.

"That\'s right, I\'m the one who\'ll win"

As if talking about a definite result, he declared.

"By kicking you all to the side, I\'ll reach Pandemonium first. And then, I\'ll receive even more power, and reach the >"


"But there is also a chance for you. If you could defeat me, there\'s no doubt that person will become the strongest. I won\'t stop you if you want to run. "

Finishing with those affected words, he shrugged his shoulders underneath the robe. At the plain provocation, the killing intent voltage rapidly jumped up.

Ignoring the piercing killing intent the > declared.

"Only those sincerely desiring power should come. Of course, you\'re free to do what you want in the meantime. Pandemonium doesn\'t try to restrict you in any way. I\'m looking forward to the time I\'ll fight with you. "


Holding her breath, calmly, extremely calmly, Yukari caught the >\'s words.

Fumbling and confirming the IC recorder she grasped tightly inside her pocket was indeed recording, she took a light breath.

This seemed like the last directive from Pandemonium. Staying here any longer had no purpose.

She was worried about Nanase but she couldn\'t help her by herself. Deciding it was time to go, she looked once more at the >.


Their eyes met directly. Inside the hood, his lips were curving - she didn\'t know why but she clearly knew it.


The moment she sensed she was recognized, Yukari turned around and began to run.

She should have run and escaped calmly in such a way as to not attract attention but the situation was already developing beyond that.

Thrusting away those who stood in her way and pushing them aside, without caring about the public notice she ran like a startled hare.

Running up the stairs, she left the building. No one seemed to pursue her but she couldn\'t relax just yet.

She must quickly hide herself - whipping her body enough to breath hard, Yukari kicked the asphalt.

- and, a few minutes after.

Yukari took refuge in an inhabited room from another building. Because she was panicking, she neglected tracking her current position and couldn\'t identify even the buildings\' name.

From the start, Yukari\'s strong point was intelligence gathering, but being a spy was outside her area of expertise.

She didn\'t know how to successfully escape while being chased, besides she had no way of fighting a magic user.

She did prepared a weapon for self defense but she had no confidence she could use it.

"Hmmm, it was too rash, huh? "

For the sake of saving Nanase, for the sake of helping Ayano, she tried to sneak in knowing it was dangerous, but, as expected, it was too impertinent.

If she were to get caught, she\'ll also become an encumbrance to Ayano.

".....Whatever. First of all, I must notify Ayano-chan - "

Instantly shaking off the feeling of shame, Yukari took out her phone.

She was only half-convinced before she heard his voice but she finally had definite proof.

The > was Utsumi. She must tell that to Ayano no matter what.

She clapped the key with so much speed it left an after-print. She sent mail after mail.

- That activity continued intermittently for several minutes.

Part 3

Since the morning the case first started in, today too, Kirika got through the Kannagi Gate on her practically daily visit.

Her work finally reached a point where she could pause and only by remembering for how many days she only took naps, the look of fatigue was engraved deeper on Kirika\'s face.

But Ayano\'s complexion,even compared to that, could hardly be called sunny.

" ---------What happened? "

Kirika bluntly asked Ayano, standing near the entrance door next to the two Deva Kings caring thunder clouds.

Normally at such times she would act amiably as if trying to soothe Ayano but she was obviously not that flexible today.


In silence, Ayano pushed out her telephone. If her memory served her correctly in spite of drowsiness and fatigue, it was supposed to be her own.

"---------? "

Ayano frankly informed the puzzled Kirika.


"Is it all right to look? "

Instead of an answer, just a nod. Judging the silence as a positive answer, Kirika opened the email folder with a practiced hand.

"By the way........."

With a dry voice, Ayano asked Kirika fiddling with the telephone.

"Did you know all > were summoned by Pandemonium yesterday? "

"----------!? No."

The hand pressing keys stopped, and Kirika flipped up with a face full of surprise.

Ayano waived her bangs in open despair.

"Why couldn\'t you lot notice something even a mere high school girl could? "

".......I can\'t answer that"

The origin of that information, and the guess of who the mail originator was, it was all in the log.

As feared, mails from Yukari were lining up. She read the first.

\'"Descent of Pandemonium in the Shinjuku Central Park three days from now on. The ultimate power people will finally arrived at. "\'

"........that was rash"

"Isn\'t it because the Police can\'t be relied on? "

Responding at those harsh words with a bitter smile, she read the next.

\'"Utsumi. >. >. The emissary from Pandemonium. "


\'"Nanase-chan is sexy......."\'


Kirika was amazed at the suddenly queer content. As she was already reading it, she wondered if she understood what was so surprising.

Ayano explained in a worn-out voice.

"It means Nanase is close to Utsumi. Dressed in some filth he liked so much. "

"........Aah, I see........."

Not finding any other appropriate comments, she made agreeable comments absentmindedly. The next mail.

The literary style was suddenly different.

\'"Right now I am in one room of some desolated, unknown building. The > Utsumi noticed me. He is definitely chasing me, right? "\'

"..........this is?"

"You\'ll know once you read"

Coldly, Ayano refused any explanation. Rather than sorrow, that face showed a different emotion -

\'"It\'s impossible for the mighty magical power of the > to miss me. It\'s terrifying. My heart is frozen by the sound of a running mouse"\'

"......Hey, just wait.........."


When she raised her face, Ayano turned hers away. An obstinate silence.

\'"I hear a voice. The > is calling my name. He\'s getting closer. Perhaps, he already found me. That devilish man is only doing this to scare me"\'


\'"The sound of footsteps reverberates. Gan, gan, he\'s intentionally loud. He\'s drawing near. He\'s here - In what a terrifying thing I involved myself. Dear god!"\'


\'"Aaah - I\'m already broken. Someone, if you\'re reading this mail, tell my pet, Ball. That I was foolish. I was the one at fault for not accepting his advice. The footsteps stopped. Instead the sound of the revolving knock can be heard. Knock-knock, knock-knock. Aah, he\'s there. He is on the other side of the door. He\'s opening the door. A ghastly creak is raised, slowly. From the gap of the opening door, a pale, bony hand stretches - Aaaah, aaaaaahhhh!!"\'

That was the last.

After looking at the phone screed dumbfounded for a while, Kirika asked the sullen Ayano.

"Errrrr, so - Shinomiya-san? "

".........Didn\'t return to her home"

If that is true - rather than an exaggeration, this mail is true. Exchanged for precious information, it means that one of Ayano\'s friends was captured yet again.

"How to say it, she\'s a terrible child"

In a lot of ways.

Probably reading between those lines, Ayano silently flipped out.

Tearing off the phone from Kirika\'s hands, she threw it into the ground with all her strength.

"Are you the protagonist of some novel from a hundred years ago!? Who the fuck is Ball!? If you have time to write Aaaah, aaaaaahhhh!! hurry and run away!!"

"No, well, wasn\'t it because she didn\'t think she could run away? Besides, she wanted to at least send the information before getting caught, no? "

Kirika tried to somehow cover for her but -

"Even that clumsy mystery novel!? "


As one would expect, she couldn\'t defend that.

"But, being able to confirm Nanase-san\'s survival is a small mercy. That\'s why, I\'m sure even Shinomiya-san - "

"It\'s not only about being alive, right? She\'s a woman, you know!? "

Unable to find peace in Kirika\'s words, Ayano repelled them with unconcealed wrath. Kirika also felt the same.

"........I apologizes"

"It\'s not like I blame you or anything. About Yukari, the responsibility is all hers. She was supposed to know it would be dangerous. "

Finally calming down after all the shouting, this time Ayano covered for Kirika.

"The problem is, what do do next? "

"..........that\'s true"

Even more apologetic, Kirika\'s voice became smaller.

"To say it frankly, the possibility of us finding Pandemonium in the next two days is close to zero. I think we can only try to be perfectly ready for when it descends. "


"I\'m sorry. If at least Kazuma would be here"

They both understood that was a meaningless assumption.

Ayano ignored those words as if she didn\'t even heard them and glared at the wall as if it was her mortal enemy.

"Yukari, Nanase......please be well........"

A frail murmur escaped.

Part 4

Leaping through space, the > Utsumi, made an appearance in Pandemonium\'s lobby. Behind him, Nanase and Yukari, restrained by Nanase, followed.

"Nanase-chan, it hurts - Be a little more gentle - "

Her wrists grasped with enough force to make her bones creak, Yukari cried and begged for mercy. But, Nanase didn\'t have the slightest reaction. Obviously, the force wasn\'t loosened.

"It\'s useless. Nanase only listens to my commands. ", declared Utsumi boastful.

Hearing that, Yukari demanded in a friendly tone.

"Then please order her, Utsumi-kun. "

"I am >. I cast away my ordinary name. "

"Ordinary? Did Utsumi-kun became a priest? "

With a smiling face without the slightest ill-will, Yukari asked innocently.

Utsumi\'s body trembled and after a few seconds, he turned his back on them and walked out without saying anything. Without being ordered, Nanase followed him.

Obviously, since she was caught by Nanase, so did Yukari.

"Where are you going -?"

Without reply Utsumi strutted in the big mansion as if he owned the place.

Without knocking, he opened three sets of doors and finally Yukari met the master of the mansion.

A tall man cloaked in a red mantle, a simple mask was covering his face.

For Yukari the background of the man impeccably dressed, as if he expected visitors was very clear.

Bowing her head, she smiled sweetly.

"Good evening, you\'re Bernhardt-san I suppose. I apologize for the sudden visit - "

"Don\'t worry about it. Visitors are always welcome. You can think of it as your own house. "

With a composed attitude, the master of Pandemonium bowed his head. The atmosphere friendly on the surface was rotating slowly in the space between the two.

"By the way, my name is Vesalius. It may be a bit difficult to remember by the Japanese but I\'d rather you addressed me correctly. "

"Aah, this cannot be, I\'m sorry for making a mistake"

"No, you\'re not to blame. Please don\'t take offense. "

"I understand. Confusing your name with someone else\'s was very impolite"

Even a normal human would understand this atmosphere packed with tension behind the smiling faces.

But what was there was a doll who lost her will and a thickheaded or rather thick skinned baka pretending to be important.

Irritated by what he perceived as a gentle atmosphere, Utsumi forced his way through those two.

"This is no guest, she\'s my prisoner! This woman became a police spy and tried to get her hands on information about Pandemonium!"

" -----Hou?"

Including light reprimand in his gaze, Bernhardt stared at Yukari. Yukari stuck out her tongue in mischief and lightly knocked her head.

"Ehe he he - I\'m sorry"

"Geez, what a troublesome Ojou-san"

"............only that? "

Seeing Bernhardt who was about to overlook Yukari\'s deed with a wry smile, Utsumi asked in a sharp voice.

Bernhardt answered as a matter of course.

"It doesn\'t matter whether she found out something or not. The fact that the Police will intervene in the ceremony has already been factored in. There is no uncertainty. "

" - What if they find this place before the ceremony? "

"They won\'t"

A definite statement.

"I know the Special Information Storage Room\'s war potential. Even if this woman were to have a transmission instrument and send this specific coordinates, entrance is impossible."

"Hee.....what incredible self-confidence"

"It\'s not self-confidence but the statement of mere facts. Apart from that - did you send the message? "

With an arrogant attitude, Utsumi nodded when asked by Bernhardt about the right and wrongs of being an errand boy.

"Aah, I told them. Almost everyone was gathered. But, why must we be so roundabout about it? Wouldn\'t it have been easier just to send an order? "

"Leading people brings various troubles and uncertainties. It\'s more efficient to let them be independent. "

"Independence! Independence? That\'s rich - "

As if he heard some very funny story, Utsumi abruptly burst in a roar of laughter.

"Ha ha ha! Aha ha ha ha! Bua ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!"

Bernhardt was looking indifferently at Utsumi, rolling about with laughter monstrously rather than lively, like he was one part of the landscape.

"Aah, don\'t worry about it. He sometimes gets like this. "


Yukari vaguely nodded, overcome with surprise.

Not hearing that exchange, Utsumi continued to laugh endlessly.

The line of sight of that expressionless doll looked like that of a researcher observing an experimental animal.

But, immediately following,

"Oh, by the way, is the preparation over?"

As if someone pressed his switch, Utsumi returned to a normal state.

From frenzy to serenity - a bizarre change of attitude without any kind of midway passage.

Bernhardt faced that extremely calmly.

"Yes, it just became so"

"In other words, your duty is already over."

" - Hmm"

From inside the mask, the indication of a thin smile floated.

The words of rebellion impossible to misunderstand, the thirst to kill received by his body made the master of Pandemonium breathe hard.

"Will you challenge me with the power I gave you, boy? "

"The pupil is supposed to overcome his teacher sooner or later. "

Yet again, with an attitude full of self-confidence and composure Utsumi strikes again.

Not one willing to step aside, their glints in the eyes gave off sparks.

"I will obtain everything! No one is able to oppose me!"

Drunken with power, the boy changed his words to shouts.

That was the signal of the starting battle.

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