
Volume 5, 6 - The end of the feast

Volume 5, Chapter 6 - The end of the feast

Part 1

"Aaaaaaaaaa, by the way!! ", shouted Ren suddenly remembering something important.

"Wh- What's going on? "

At the sudden voice, Ayano looked at him in shock.

But without caring about that, Ren talked on and on in excitement.

"Nee-sama, since when are you able to use Shinen? "

"-------ha? "

"You used it just now, didn't you? The crimson flame with the same aura as Nee-sama! "

"-----I did? "

Really not conscious about it, Ayano continuously fired rapid questions with an off the point face.

That unreliable attitude made Ren lose his confidence, instinctively asking his brother for help.

"Nii-sama, you saw it.......right? "


Kazuma clearly agreed.

Ayano stared at Kazuma in a daze. Gradually the meaning of those words permeated in her brain, her complexion rapidly changing.

"Eeh? Really? Did I --- the god flame.......No way!? "

"It's true! Congratulations! "

Smiling with all his face, Ren blessed Ayano.

But, immediately after, noticing Kazuma's face was extremely calm, he asked suspicious.

"Nii-sama, you don't seem very surprised"

"Yeah. Because I saw it before? "

'"Eeeeeeeeeh!? "'

Ren and Ayano shouted in chorus their surprise.

Ayano grabbed Kazuma by the collar and cross-questioned him.

"S- since when? Where? "

"Last year. When you fought with Ryoya in Kyoto."

Answering straightforward, Kazuma sighted.

"It seems like you didn't tell the Suzerain - but, no way - You really didn't notice? "

"Why - why, didn't you tell me before!? "


Taking time to tease Ayano, Kazuma stared at her with an exceedingly cold gaze.

Faced with that blatant feeling of contempt not even reptiles gave, Ayano's face became stiff.

"............Do you want to know the answer? "

"N- no, it's fine!"

She shook her head as much as possible. At the same time, she plugged her ears not to hear that severe cynicism.

"W- well, I'm sure it's because you were that much focused on the battle. "

Ren forced his way through in the space between the two and sternly scowled at Kazuma.

Of course, Kazuma won't feel sorry just because of that.

"But even so, to have three divine flame users in the same period of time is amazing, right? "

Although trying to soothe Ayano, Ren was making merry innocently.

It was easy to understand he was genuinely happy by Ayano's growth.

For Ayano, who worried nowadays if she wasn't surpassed by Ren since her little brother's growth had been remarkable, that innocence gave her mixed feelings.

But even so, she contain her happiness at being able to yield a divine flame.

Her face broke into a smile.

"Waah, what do I do, I'm so happy"

"No, I think being happy it's normal. What will you name it? "

"Hmm, that's right, 'Red Divine Flame' is not really cool"

"I think it's meaningless thinking about it"

At the two who were in high spirits, a thoroughly indifferent voice poured water on them. Of course, it was Kazuma.

"You just used something that by chance looks like a divine flame and not only you weren't controlling it, you weren't even self-aware, right?

That kind of person can't be called a divine flame user. There's also the possibility it was just a miracle that only happens twice in your life. "

Ayano and Ren gazed at Kazuma with a purely spiteful look.

"Why does this guy has to say such sensible things? "

"That's right, we have just gotten excited! "

"Look at reality - would it be better to say that? Besides, now it's not the time to frolic, right? "

Kazuma's gaze pointed at Pandemonium. At the same time -


Raising a war cry, a human like thing came running. With an expression like he was prepared for death, he headed for Pandemonium in a straight line.

"----Ah? "

While the trio was looking over him blankly, the man belonging to the > reached the entrance.

With both hands raised overhead, the man shouted loudly.

"Yes, I did it! I did it! I'm first! The ultimate power is mine! "

The man was ecstatic. A soft light was suddenly lit at his feet. As if blessing the man, it illuminated on his figure -

"O.....Oo....Oooooooooo!? "

His body was slowly eroded.

Inside the light, the man's body melted as if falling apart during cooking. His skin burst open, his flesh was torn off, his internal organs melted, and even his bones -

Nothing remained. As if his existence wasn't there from the beginning, the man disappeared without trace.

"Wh- what happened? "

"Well, he died, right? "

Contrastive with Ren who screamed openly shaken, Kazuma answered really not carrying from the bottom of his heart.

"........that man, wasn't he the first? "

"No, he was the first."

"Then, what about that ultimate power? "

"Something like that didn't exist from the beginning, obviously"

"........you're very blunt, huh? "

"Because that's how the world is"

"Aah, another one"

Ayano pointed ahead where another > was aiming for Pandemonium. This time there was a slight deviation from the human form.

But, the result was the same. Wrapped up in the light, they melted and disappeared without leaving any trace.

It continued with the third and the fourth.

"How to say this, it's that, right?"

While looking at the > practically blindly pushing their way to destruction, Kazuma murmured.

"It's a spectacle like the suicide of lemmings"


Hearing his brother's casual thoughts who really didn't care, Ren revealed a sorrowful groan.

But, Kazuma advanced the conversation without paying attention to him.

"Well, it's convenient if the other party kills them for us. Forget about them and thing about what comes after."


Ayano too, heartlessly agreed, shifting her attention to Pandemonium's entrance.

This time there were no more >. But -

"In this situation, it seems dangerous trying to enter from the front"

"You want to enter? "

Seeing Ayano murmuring so, including of a sense of crisis, Kazuma asked in return unexpectedly.

"It will be done quicker if you were to burn all of it from the outside, right? This is not really a game, there's no need to go to the dungeons and pick a fight with the big boss, you know?"

"You're such a....."

As Kazuma was thinking nothing else but killing the enemy, Ayano groaned as if she endured a headache.

"It's possible that Nanase and Yukari are inside, you know!? we can't take such a violent action. "

"Nanase and Yukari?"

"If you ask Who are they? I'll kill you"

Warned in an ominous tone, very prudently Kazuma swallowed his words.

"They were abducted because of you, so take responsibility! "


Leaving Nanase aside , it was unreasonable to make him take the blame for Yukari but, wisely Kazuma refrained from objecting.

"Then, let's get in already"

"But we can't use that entrance, right? "

Ayano was fearful of sharing the fate of the > if she were to use the front entrance.

But Kazuma declared in the usual disposition.

"Just by looking, the entrance doesn't seem to have any kind of trick but even if it had, it must have been inserted in the >'s bodies. "

"But, if by any chance......"

"Then, how about this? "

The moment Kazuma said so, a sphere was gouged out in the Pandemonium wall and it collapsed inside.

The new entrance had a diameter of two meters, enough for them to easily enter made to the right next to the entrance.

"Let's go"

"------huh? Will you go first? ", asked Ayano looking quizzically at Kazuma.

"Is there a problem? "

"No, this is you we're talking about so won't make me go in front to confirm the security or something? "

"..........you, do you think of me as a cruel and heartless brute of a man? "

"Oh, did you hear that Ren?"

Unnaturally Ayano talked to Ren only. But clear enough for Kazuma to hear.

"It seems this man would want to so that's not it as if he doesn't know his social position"


Worried about the reply, Ren mumbled.

On the other hand, without minding those two, Kazuma started to trespass on Pandemonium by himself.

"Hey, come already"

"Aah, yes!"

"Don't order me around! "

While both showed typical responses both followed after Kazuma. Of course, he wasn't suddenly disintegrated.

While looking around inside Pandemonium, who also remained the same, Ayano asked.

"So, what are you going to do? "

"What, you say. There's nothing else to do except search around, right? Because we don't know if the interior is the same as before."

"Aah, not about that. What I want to know is the way to deal with Lapis. "

"------------What are you trying to say? ", asked Kazuma without turning back.

"Well, Lapis is your former lover right? Will you fight - "


Pushing out his arm just before Ayano's face, he hit the wall hard.

"I don't know from who and what you heard but - "

With a tone that clearly endured something, Kazuma talked.

"Tsoi Rin died. In front of me. "


"Tsoi Rin died. She will never again revive. I know that is a certainty, more that anything else. Because the outward appearance is the same, because her mental core was made by using Tsoi Rin's residual thought, what of it? That's nothing but the proof she's a fake."

What was called the residual thought was nothing but the copy of the awareness that was etched in the space. It's true that was an accurate representation of the person's consciousness at that time but, after all it's nothing but an imitation - nothing but a one-sided > accurately reproduced.

Naturally, what was there wasn't the heart - nor its soul.

Even if the recorded information is numerous, it can't react any other way than the person when it was alive.

But, of course that couldn't be called a thought but a mechanical feedback that was already imprinted - it cannot work any other way.

"If there's something she wanted to say I'll hear it as long as it doesn't get in the way of accomplishing our goal. If she does, I'll kill her - Do you have something else you want to know? "


Ayano silently shook her head.

She understood she just made the greatest blunder possible.

Surely, Kazuma's words are correct.

Even if it's the way to deal with Lapis, is he really thinking like that?

But, there was no need to make him put it into words?

Kazuma was silently starring at Ayano, hanging her head in shame, succumbing to feelings of remorse.

But, several seconds after, with a playful smile he poked her forehead, forcibly pointing it upwards.

"Hyan!? Ka- Kazuma------?"

Holding up her forehead and peering into Ayano's face, looking up with tears in her eyes, Kazuma said.

"If you like, should I leave her to you? "

"Eeh? Wh- what? "

"Lapis' opponent. You lost big last time so you're probably not satisfied, right? "

Ayano's face flushed red and she shouted at the utterance that wounded her great pride.

"Wh- who lost big time? I was just about to win but didn't you get in the way? "

"Is that so? Well, you can say whatever you like in a what-if story - "

"Waah, this man is really pissing me off"

"Nii-sama....Nee-sama too, could you please stop your lover's quarrel in this situation? "

"W -H - O' is having a lover's quarrel? "

"I - I apologize! "

While talking so casually while walking, a solid door appeared before the group.

Part 2

"Hey, is this ----"

In front of the door she remembered, Ayano looked at Kazuma carrying a faint anxiety.

Kazuma made a small nod.

"Aah. We met Bernhardt here before."

If this were the same Pandemonium, there would a huge hall beyond this door, and Bernhardt would be sitting down on a chair in the middle of it.

"I don't know about now. For the time being, let's open it"

Without any kind of strong feelings, Kazuma seized the door's knob and pushed in. Raising a thick sound, the door slowly opened.


The moment he stepped in the room, the lightnings turned on simultaneously.

The same large hall as before was illuminated. Inside there was just one luxurious chair.

And then, sitting down on that chair, a man in a black robe.

"Welcome to Pandemonium"

Bathing in the trio's gaze, the man spoke in comfortable words of friendly reception.

Behind him, like his servants, two quiet girls deeply bowed.

"Nanase! Yukari! ", shouted Ayano when seeing them.

One was dressed in an inflammatory bondage garment, the girl with sharp features.

The other one in a contrastive gentle image was a maid - but the shirt the girl wore was very close to a micro-mini.

There's no need to say it, they were Ayano's kidnapped friends, Kudou Nanase and Shinomiya Yukari.

" - which means, you're Utsumi? "

"Call me >"

Responding in a voice full of composure, Utsumi took down the the hood that was covering him.

From the shadow of the hood that provoking but unforgettable frog face peeked.

"Because, I already reached a higher existence than the lot of you. "

"That nonsense is inconsequential. I'm taking them back - Nanase! Yukari! "

Ignoring Utsumi's self-important speech, Ayano called her friends. But, there was no response.

"It's useless", declared Utsumi, still self-important.

"About those two, nothing reaches them except for my voice. They are submissive only to me, they are my slaves"

"..........!! You......."

"Wait a little"

Kazuma got the better of Ayano enraged when her friends were branded as slaves.

While seizing Ayano's right hand, he asked Utsumi.

"It's your choice to have a make-believe game with the maids but tell me this. Where is Bernhardt? "


As Utsumi figuratively scratched his head, Kazuma corrected himself.

"Does he still call himself Vesalius? He's wearing masks in spite of his age and dodgy costumes, the Lord of Pandemonium"

"The Lord of Pandemonium? That's me"

".............Where is Vesalius?"

"He's nowhere anymore"


Even though he was patiently repeating his question only to receive out of focus answers, this time receiving a Zen answer, Kazuma breathed a bitter sigh.

"In short you are using your right to remain silent until we play the let's break the finger bones game, right? "

".....You're way of talking is unpleasant. No way, do you think we are equals? "

"Don't say such idiotic things. I don't remember falling so low that I have to deal with bugs like you. Come again after you reach the vertebrate, fool"

Verbally knocking Utsumi down with continuous vilifying remarks, Kazuma asked again.

"Where is Vesalius? "

"-------He's dead. I killed him."

This time Utsumi answered clearly so that there would be no misunderstanding.

"We're finished here, right? You have no more questions, right? Besides Vesalius was only born and lived until now only for my sake. "


Kazuma negligently made a non-committal answer but without minding, Utsumi continued his fervent speech.

"That's right. All those foolish > that don't know anything, Vesalius, Pandemonium were born to make the existence of the excellent me complete. For example, do you know, Kannagi-san? "


Confused for abruptly having been brought up, Ayano replied.

As if having just waited for the opportunity, Utsumi talked on and on.

"The origin if the >'s power, the Youma turned to digital data and possessing them through the Internet, those Youma were all the copy of the same existence"

"Well - I knew of it"

Fleetingly looking at Kazuma, the source of that information, Ayano answered.

Doing so, Utsumi asked again.

"Then, have you thought about investigating this further? If that's so, did you asked yourself where is the >? "


Surprised, Ayano opened her eyes wide. Since for her the > had a low priority, she didn't thought about them to that extent.

Examining Kazuma's expression for a second time, he seemed not to give a damn.

Even now when that question was presented, he ignored it with zero interest.

But, without waiting for their reaction, Utsumi triumphantly pointed to his own chest.

"That is inside me! I am the only true > that fused with the original Youma. The others were nothing else but lab rats to help me become complete! "

"Lab rats? "

"That's right, those guys fed to copy parasites unconsciously changing their bodies reported to Pandemonium. And deriving the optimal fusion process from that accumulated data manufactured the superman exceeding all humanity. That was Pandemonium's purpose! "

"I see"

Ayano nodded with a serious look. If one were to remove the empty superhuman slogan, she could understand everything else.

"Then, what about the ultimate power? "

"There is no such thing! ", Utsumi promptly declared.

"Why would the likes of lab rats should obtain such a thing? That was just garbage collecting! For the sake of managing with the used trash, they were lured here with a sweet bait and retrieved, only that! Hahahahahahahahaha!"


While looking at Utsumi laughing loudly with an indifferent expression, Kazuma asked.

"Do we still have to be around this thing? "

"Yeah, it's enough. I pretty much heard all I wanted to. Aah, but, Nanase and Yukari's rescue has maximum priority. You know right? "


With a short nod, Kazuma lightly changed his posture. Guessing that intention, Utsumi's body suddenly shivered - and then, he showed a studied sneer.

"Do you intend to challenge me? A human? Kannagi-san, I heard you - your family has a reasonable amount of power for people. But that is after all only a human lev - "

Before he finished his sentence, Utsumi's head was half beheaded. The severe wound reaching his oral cavity made him scream disgracefully.

"Hi, hiiiiiiiiiii!? No way, no way......"

As the barrier he thought sacred was cut through like paper, Utsumi's composure disappeared without a trace.

Hiding himself behind the chair he stood on until now, he screamed in a loud voice.

"Na- Nanase! Yukari! Defend me! "

The order was launched from behind a chair but even so, those two faithfully followed.

Nanase and Yukari, as if trying to protect him with their bodies, stood in front of him. But -

At the time a gust of wind blew through and lifted the curse from both their bodies and souls without a trace.

Simultaneously losing consciousness, their bodies about to collapse, as if scooping them out, the wind carried them behind Kazuma's group close to the wall.

"--------And? "

Kazuma coldly asked Utsumi, who lost the second and his last defense. No matter how much a foolish human he was, the overwhelming difference in power was blatant.

The fear of the closing in death.

"U, uuu......uuuuuuuuu....."

Faced with the intense sense of urgency that he never experienced before, his brittle mind was insufficient and broke.

"Uuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! "

Screaming and brandishing his magic wand like a spoiled child, Utsumi made his power run wild.

Fireballs, lightning, water bullets stormed inside the hall spreading a confused destruction.

Exceedingly calm, Kazuma only warded off the attack headed towards them and took the opportunity to take Utsumi's head.

Like it was a joke, the severed head flew high in the air and tumbled lightly.

From the headless still vertical body, fresh blood spurted out like a water fountain.

"-------Is he dead? "

"What do you mean? ", asked Ayano as Kazuma for some reason murmured so, surprised.

"No, I though he must have at least one more trick"

"You mean to have been remodeled without his knowledge and attack after a big transformation? "

Those words were intended as a joke but Kazuma nodded without laughing.

"Because the memory of him killing Bernhardt was added afterwards, to have the person himself appear before him on the verge of death, drag him to the depths of despair and die because of it"

At the excessively bad taste trick, Ayano grimaced and groaned.

"What sort of guy is Bernhardt? "

"This is not something restricted to Bernhardt but it applies to the majority of Majutsushi from > ", spit out Kazuma abhorred from the bottom of his heart.

"The worst criminal is the one that takes delight in showing off "

"........waah - "

Since Kazuma was the one saying how nasty he was, Ayano couldn't even imagine it.

She earnestly thought she doesn't want to be involved with that man.

Of course, it was obvious that she wasn't able to do so.

"-----As expected, he wasn't able to finish the chat"

The clear resounding woman voice, indicated the beginning of the next development.

The rolling about severed head - before they composed themselves, rolled in front of the girl who stood up unnoticed.

Chestnut-color hair, lapis lazuli blue eyes, her body dressed in a gothic lolita dress, that figure standing there gracefully was dream-like pretty -----

Lapis ---- born from the transient remnants of the broken memories of the girl Kazuma was forever parted with, kicked with her tiptoe the head that came rolling.

She coldly ordered the headless body still standing.

"Pick it up"

The corpse obediently bent over, seized with both hands the returned cranium and placed it on top of its neck. At that moment, Utsumi was rebooted.

"Ri- ridiculous, this is - huh? "

Becoming aware of the gap in his consciousness, with a quizzical gaze Utsumi looked around and stopped when he saw Lapis.

A bewildered voice leaked out.

"La - Lapis!? Just when did you - no, where were you until - "

"Shut up"

At Lapis's command Utsumi was immediately silent.

That was clearly not the product of his own will but something froze it pinning down his mouth.

His eyes opened to the utmost limit.

Disregarding Utsumi who started an unsightly pantomime Lapis turned to Kazuma's group.

And then, she elegantly bowed.

"As a substitute of Master, I welcome all of you. With all due respect, all of you will become our last guests. Please feel at home. "

"Bernhardt? "

"He had already departed. Right now he's up in the sky"

"Is he dead? "

As if blaming him, Lapis motionlessly stared at Kazuma, cracking jokes. But even so, she consciously corrected her answer.

"It means he's in the middle of traveling by plane. I won't tell you his whereabouts. Even so, I have a verbal message. Will you please listen? "

"I will"

"Allow me to leave at this point. I am unable to greet you directly and I truly apologize. But, I believe we'll meet soon enough, he said "

A short period of silence. The pressure of a certain something rose closely to the critical point inside his body.

But, getting it out of his system with a cynical smile, Kazuma spoke in a light tone.

"Fuu, he ran away, huh? Whatever. I was kind of expecting that. "

Facing Lapis, looking slightly doubtful and waiting in silence for a continuation, Kazuma concluded.

"Were you the one to direct this event? "

"Yes", agreed Lapis with a proud smile.

Without feeling ashamed of how many humans were eaten by the Youma, their fates ruined.

"How did you know? "

"The scenario is cliché."

".......cliché, is it....."

Lapis was feeling dejected. The ups and down of a strange emotion were huge.

Or possibly, they could be thought of as unnatural.

"Because Bernhardt would have twisted it a bit more. I thought it was strange. "

"I see......but I did my best"

"You need more training"

"-----That's right. I'll be diligent"

"Hey! "

Those two talked together comfortable for some reason. But, a crushed to death, dangerous voice forced its way between them.

It was Ayano.

"Why are you softening towards your mutual enemy!? Do you understand the situation? "

In a certain way it was a justified rebuke but calmly, Kazuma didn't show any indication of consideration.

But, Lapis was different.

Deeply bowing her head as if she was impressed for some reason, with a look full of determination, she stared at them. And then -

"That's right. If the villain is cheered on by the enemy, he will lose face. I will be strong for the sake of Master who entrusted this to me."

Tightly grasping her small fists, she declared gallantly.

"This is how it is, so can I be more villain-like and proudly explain the diabolic plan? Please, can I? "

"The hell you can! "

Unsheathing Enraiha, Ayano shouts.

"Do you think I'll be caught in by your transparent stalling? "

Those violent words came with a thrusting sword. But even so, Lapis wasn't perturbed, and asked back in wonder.

"Stalling, is it? For what purpose? "

"W- what - "

"Master is already high in the sky. No matter if it's a Fuujutsushi - or even a Contractor, you won't find him. Why would I need to stall? "

"Th - then, is it necessary to have this discussion? "

Resisting with a well-reasoned argument, Ayano raised her voice. But -

Lapis' composed manner didn't waver.

"Master said so - the villain proudly disclosing his secret before the climax is a rule"

"Wha - "

Ayano's jaw dropped with a loud sound. Her tension and her knees grew weak in front on the too much stupidity.

As she was about to crumble down she used Enraiha like a cane and glared at the girl smiling softly.

"Y - you.....what's up with that great stupidity? Aren't you totally different from before! Are you an airhead? "

Lapis was totally unable to cope with the shouted criticism.

On the contrary, as if she was praised, she bowed her head in agreement while happily smiling.

"That's right. I did change. -- That is a good thing. "

"-----what? "

"I want a heart", Lapis said to the dumbfounded Ayano.

She included an earnest wish in her supplication.

"I am nothing more that manufactured life but I think by myself and intelligence was given to me so that I judge. But, after all those are nothing more but functions given to me to that I can accurately execute orders.

And thus, I feel attached to Yagami Kazuma. But even that was inserted inside me when I was made, nothing more but a granted emotion.

Real feelings are not given by anyone, but naturally come from inside. I do not feel that."

The puppet desiring a heart. It had been talked about repeatedly in fairy-tales. A deeply moving theme.

But, watching Lapis with half-opened eyes, Ayano asked.

"I understand what you're trying to say but what does that have to do with the present situation? "

"Master told me so. The human - the existence possessing will, must always be flexible. "

"Flexible? "

"Yes. You could also call it the desire to have a good time. Even at the times one has a purpose, not to concentrate in realizing that purpose with all one's might but to have the flexibility of enjoying oneself in the process. "

".........And? "

"That's why, I was thinking of enjoying myself in the process and perform various tricks. Will you bear with me? "

Lapis smiled adorably and innocently.

Unable to bear the gap between that smiling face full of cuteness and these crafty remarks, Ayano shouted.

"Hey you, think of others' troubles before thinking of your own enjoyment! "

"But, Master said, if you think about others troubles you won't benefit from free will."

Feeling a loss for words at the excessive selfish words, Ayano remembered the words Kazuma said about them.

"They're definitely the worst, these guys......."

Even Bernhardt, the maker of that doll, filling her head with worthless ideas, even Lapis faithfully adhering to her master's teachings, both of them were the worst.

"So, should I start my explanation? "

An the good ground of silencing Ayano, Lapis started her explanation matter-of-fact.

"I think Utsumi proudly said so before but there are a few grave errors in his exposition. First, it's about the origin of the copied Youma that infected those people - the existence Utsumi called >.

Actually the summoning of the > has yet to achieved. The one that possessed Utsumi was nothing but a replica, just like the other >. "

"Wh- what!?"

Raising a shout of extreme surprise, unnoticed, Utsumi regained his freedom.

Not showing any sign of surprise, the trio waited for the continuation of the story with apathetic faces.

Dissatisfied, Lapis pursed her lips and said in a reproachful manner.

"----you're not surprised, huh? "

"No, did some unexpected development happened for us to be surprised? "

The fact that Utsumi killed Bernhardt, the bullshit that the result of Bernhardt's creation was something like Utsumi - Kazuma didn't believed it for a second.

For Kazuma, the present development was quite reasonable, or you could call it the natural turn of events.

"Is that so - what a disappointment.", Lapis murmured truly disappointed and then continued.

"The other mistake, the biggest one, was that he recognized himself as Utsumi Kousuke. The character called Utsumi Kousuke was already eaten by the parasitic Youma and disappeared. "

"Wh- what is that? "

Just like the previous time, Utsumi was the only one shouting.

"I am right here! It's impossible for me to have disappeared! "

"Why is that? ", asked Lapis very directly.

"Wh- why, you ask.....? "

"For > if their levels were raised that much, they would be eaten by Youma from the inside. Why would you, the one possessing the most power among > be an exception? "

"That, that's......because I'm special......."

"Special? Does that means that you have something - a certain something where you excel above all humans? "

Lapis' words didn't allow any any deceit, no cheating.

His ostentation scraped off bit by bit, Utsumi's complexion turned ashen.

"There's absolutely nothing special about your attributes. No, you may be called especially inferior. Actually a few days after you became > you were unable to preserve your ego. "

"No way.....no way.....but then, what am I? If I am supposed to be extinct, why am I still here? "

"You were bait to lure Yagami Kazuma inside. ", Lapis replied definitely.

"The existence of Utsumi Kousuke was the main factor that guided Kannagi Ayano inside Pandemonium. And then, when Kannagi Ayano acts we understood there was a high probability Yagami Kazuma would follow. That's why it was imperative that Utsumi's existence had to continue until now.

For that purpose, Master created a virtual personality that would react just like the alive Utsumi. It was pasted on the outer layer of the Youma that usurped Utsumi's body. That is you. "

"No, no......that's ridiculous......."

"The most conclusive evidence are those girls."

Lapis pointed at Yukari and Nanase that were still unconscious.

"If you were the genuine Utsumi, why were you satisfied of just keeping them close without raping them? It's because you were an extremely convenient existence that can never disobey. "

"Th- that's......"

"Wait a second! Is that true? "

Ayano cut her way through that conversation. If that was actually true -

"It is. "

Lapis assured her with a gentle smile that was reassuring.

"It's because such instinctive urges like sexual desires are not factored in a virtual personality. Utsumi didn't defile those girls. Don't worry. "

"I see.......I'm glad........"

Retelling the most pressing issue, Ayano was relieved from the bottom of her heart.

But, on the other hand, Utsumi sank in a pit of desperation.

Just like Lapis said, Utsumi finally realized the fact that he hadn't touched Nanase and Yukari and that he hadn't had any sexual desires for the last few days.

Frightened by the truth, Utsumi opened his eyes wide.

"Then....am I really a virtual personality.....?"


"I was made.....nothing more but a program, you say? "

"That's right"

"The real me, is already dead you said..........? "

"Just like that"

The instant the conclusion was clear, Utsumi fell to his knees like a puppet whose strings were cut and became heart-broken.

From his partly opened lips, a meaningless sob escaped.

That instant, Utsumi's self-identity was undermined from the basis and crumbled.

His consciousness wasn't strong enough to bear the helpless reality he was something manufactured. He wasn't created strong.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaa! "

A pathetic scream surged out. For example, if a manufactured human has a heart - no, if a manufactured human were to have a heart, that lament would touch anyone's heart.

And, the same way like humans, Lapis listened attentively to Utsumi's cry and looked at that expression. In her eyes the color of ecstasy was faintly but surely dwelling.

Kazuma asked the ecstatic Lapis staring at Utsumi.

"Are you happy? "

"----Eeh? Yeah, that's right. Because the plan was followed almost perfectly.

Thanks to that, I have the feeling I managed to enjoy myself in the process for the first time. "

".........I see, you're happy, huh? About making others despair. ", Kazuma murmured in an unbelievable bitter voice.

Hearing that, Lapis showed for the first time an expression of understanding. But -

"Nevertheless, Master said so. No matter the shape, what moves a person's heart is an being that has a similar heart. '

But it's really disappointing that sadness is what's moving ones heart so, don't you think this was a big step for me? "

Saying so, she smiled. Full of joy from the bottom of her heart.

"That's enough. "

In a calm voice Kazuma interrupted Lapis' speech.

"Shut the fuck up. With Tsoi Rin's face, with Tsoi Rin's voice, don't speak another word. "

A surging killing intent. Feeling that just like physical coercion, Ayano and Ren backed off.

But even so, Lapis' smile didn't waver.

"Fu fu, your Tsoi Rin wouldn't do something do inhuman - is that what you try to say?

It seems that inside you Tsoi Rin is being idolized like a holy woman, huh? "

"Not really, I don't think she was a holy woman but......at the very least she wasn't the kind of woman who would get happy by tricking people. "

"Is that so? Well, it doesn't matter. Just like you asked, I will shut my mouth. Beside the time came. "

Perceiving a enormously sinister stir at those words, the trio's faces stiffened.

"What do you mean? "

"Just now, the last of > disappeared. The end is about to start. ", declared Lapis solemnly as if she was a shrine maiden speaking like an oracle.

"Just like I said previously, the > has yet to be summoned. Because it's an existence of the highest rank, we haven't able to pay a corresponding compensation to summon it.

But, from the moment Pandemonium was established until now, we offered the souls of a large number of men to the copies of that existence.

Even if you reduced that number somewhat, the total number reached a hundred and thirty - so many souls were sacrificed and offered via the copies.

The compensation was paid. The grand duke of Hell, Belial, will manifest itself in this world. "


In front of all present, catching their breath in shock, Lapis suddenly dispersed the solemn atmosphere and, appropriate for a girl her age, she smiled very lovely.

"I apologize. I lied. Just like Ayano-san said, I was stalling until now. "

Sticking out her tongue in a impish manner, she laughed thoroughly innocently.

"This time, I caught you, huh? "

The angel trained by the devil, laughed -

Part 3

"Is that Bernhard's true objective?", asked Kazuma quickly pulling himself together.

But Lapis clearly denied it.

"No. The purpose of this plan is a simple possession experiment data collection. The fact that such a high rank demon like Belial was chosen to posses bodies, that may have a profound meaning only Master knows -

As a matter of fact, I think it must be meaningless, because of his maniac inclination for using only the best. ", continued Lapis nonchalantly intermingling toward her master.

"Actually, when we met at Tokyo Government Office, the experiment was pretty much completed. We could have gone back home just like that but Master stated that would be boring.

Therefore, it came to carry out the summoning of Belial as a side show. Does it amuse you?"

An elegant speech. But after hearing that, it was not something that could be endured.

With unconcealed agitation, Ayano shook Kazuma, pressing a question.

"W- wait, what are we going to do!? "

"What, you ask - well, if we don't stop it it will be bad, right? "

Belial - that name carried the meaning of 'worthlessness', it was a top rank great demon.

Whether it was a god flame user, whether it was a contractor, a human level existence will never be able to oppose it.

If such a thing were to be released above ground, it's no exaggeration to say it's a crisis that will lead to the world destruction.

It must be stopped no matter what.

"But, how to stop it...?"

While thinking about it, Kazuma took notice of Utsumi. Since his virtual personality was crushed he was squatting without showing any reaction at the present situation.

"Is that the core? "


As if she read Kazuma's thoughts, Lapis declared detached.

"I won't stop you but disposing of it is meaningless. Utsumi's soul was already consecrated to Belial, so his body cannot be the object to summon Belial with."

"Aah, I see, then - "

While looking over his shoulder, Kazuma held his right hand aloft. A mighty power was controlled by that hand.

"Then I should just smash the Jutsushi"

In front of Kazuma's attack, Lapis stood rock still without displaying any attitude of protecting herself.

Looking at Kazuma with lonely eyes, she murmured.

"Will you kill me again, Kazuma?"


The raised hand stiffened without swinging downward. The bundled power idly came apart and scattered.

"You baka! "

Pushing aside the petrified Kazuma, Ayano plunged into Lapis.

But Lapis took out the crystal large sword from air and blocked Enraiha's blow.

"Wha- "

"I made it just like yours. "

In the midst of locking sword to sword, expressing an out-of-place soft smile, Lapis said.

"That's handy. Because my weapon is a bit over-sized, carrying it is inconvenient - "

"Who cares!"

Pressing down the sword and letting anger take its natural course, she fired another blow.

With force enough to slice the crystal edge, the flame sword was swung.

"What on earth are you thinking!? Do you want to destroy the world for your entertainment?"

"Of course we don't want that."

Lapis freely manipulated the crystal sword and sidestepped that slashing attack including tremendous force.

The skill she managed that huge sword like it was one of her limbs seemed to have been polished even more since last time.

"Belial can't be perfectly summoned with only a hundred sacrifices. The time he will move will be a few seconds and his power greatly restricted. The world won't get destroyed - perhaps"

"What the fuck is perhaps!?"

"The world is full of mistakes."

"Don't speak so irresponsibly!"

Although Ayano was resolutely attacking her, Lapis defended, not showing any gaps.

It became obvious crushing Lapis by herself was close to impossible.

"Kazuma, how long will you stand there like an idiot - "

"That's right"

The answer came from an unexpectedly close place, practically from right behind her.

Coincidentally the hand holding Enraiha was seized and Ayano was restrained from behind.

"Wh- wait you, whose ally are you?"

"Just shut up"

Carrying Ayano in his arms like luggage, Kazuma kicked and sent flying Lapis' crystal sword and took his distance.

Unable to escape from Kazuma's binding, Ayano shouted.

"Kazuma! What the heck are you thinking - "

"Calm down. It's coming"


"From below"


Ayano finally realized. From underground - no, from a much deeper and darker place, something was drawing near.

Slowly but steady.

"No way - Why?"

"It means the summoning formula had been set up long ago. It would be automatically invoked if the sacrifice were to be complete. Killing her now would have no effect. "

"Correct answer", laughed Lapis so adorable it was totally inappropriate.

"Before long the summoning of Belial will be achieved. And just like the 'worthlessness' name suggests he will bring nothingness to the surface.

This is just a rough estimate but I believe the entire Tokyo region will, without a doubt, return to nothing."

"For a side show, that's extremely flashy."

"Master told me to put all my effort in this exactly because it's a side show."

"...........I see"

At those very typical words, Kazuma unintentional smiled bitterly.

"This is very serious but do your best. Both master and I hope you will overcome this hardship. - Well then"

Saying everything she wanted, Lapis suddenly disappeared.

Those left behind exchanged puzzled glances.

".........What will we do? "

"If we can escape let's go"

But in the time necessary to Belial's appearance, it's impossible to run from the sphere of impact. Then, there's no choice but to fight.

Kazuma threw the yet unconscious Nanase and Yukari over his shoulders and raised his eyes to the ceiling.

"We're flying"

"------eeh? "

Without waiting for an answer, Kazuma clad himself in wind and soared. Taking Ayano and Ren.

Knocking down the ceiling, higher and higher. He stood still at an attitude of a hundred meters and looked down on the surface.

"This is......"

Underneath, a huge pentagram enclosing the entire park was casting light. That was the magic circle to summon Belial.

"So, do you have some idea? "

"Of course not. "

Kazuma replied heartlessly at Ayano's question, full of hope.

"We can't stop the summons, we cannot escape outside the area. In this situation we can only fight against it head on. "

"..........that's pretty much a kamikaze........"

"If you have some other idea say it"

As it was impossible to have something so convenient, Ayano shrugged her shoulders showing a bitter smile.


Uneasy, Ren clung to Kazuma's arm. With an almost unconscious move Kazuma gently brushed Ren's head and continued the explanation.

"Don't think about it. Strike down in one attack all the power you have. Are there questions? "

"Detective Tachibana? "

After one moment, Kazuma answered Ayano's question.

"She's outside the park. If we're successful it won't have an impact on her. "

He was reluctant to speak about what would happen if they failed.

"Something else? "

Both shook their heads.

"That's good. Get ready then. "

Together with the signal Kazuma threw the burden on both his shoulders. Removing the existence of those girls, drifting inside a wind barrier, from his mind, he boosted his power.

Kazuma's pupils were dyed blue.

Slightly late, Enraiha's flame gripped by Ayano turned crimson.

The magic circle on the surface shined conspicuously brighter. And then, from inside, something rose reaching for the sky.

From the skies that shape could be easily perceived.

It was an arm.

As if trying to grasp the heavens, the five crooked fingers were pushed up, that huge arm darker than darkness itself.

Unbelievably huge, unbelievably wicked, like the world could be ruined by those fingers, that arm carried that much power.

Facing that huge palm, without hesitation Kazuma swung his arm down. At the same time so did Ayano and Ren.

The blue wind, the crimson flame and the golden one, those three powers changed from three helixes to one, melting together, and pierced the dark arm.

A moment of equilibrium. And then -

Stretched down on the ground without enough power to stand, Ren leaked a feeble smile.

"Amazing, we're still alive"

Lying down the same way, Ayano replied.

"That's right, what a surprise. Humans can really do something like this"

"From that way of speaking one might mistake that anyone could have this kind of lack-of-common-sense behavior. Isn't that something only you, those from the Kannagi Clan, whose power separates you by far from the limits of humans, can brag about? "

"I wish you wouldn't treat us like such monsters - whose this? "

Hearing a voice clearly different from theirs, Ayano sat upright panicking.

She saw Kazuma quickly switched to a standing in one knee posture, glaring at them.

An indigo blue mantle wrapping his body. Already without the clown mask, his imposing honest face was exposed.

His outfit was totally different but there was no way to mistake him -

Including infinite hatred Kazuma squeezed out his words.

"Bernhardt......didn't you escape outside the country? "

"And not to see this kind of spectacle with my own eyes? Don't say such foolish things. "

Bernhard answered matter-of-fact. Obliquely behind him, Lapis clearly laughed.

"I apologize. I lied. "


Several seconds of silence. And then, as if unable to bear it, Kazuma revealed a bitter smile.

"I said the scenario was cliché - I take that back. You tricked me splendidly. "

"I am much obliged. "

Lapis bowed elegantly.

And then, Bernhardt too showed a nod of satisfaction.

"Humpf, that's good. And yet again I cannot praise you enough. With human bodies, even though it was only a portion of it, you defeated an existence that's called Devil King. I have no way of expressing how terrific Kannagi blood is. "

" - This is bad"

While ignoring Bernhardt's words, Ayano was tormented by he impeding crisis to the point of desperation.

That one blow she pointed to Belial was genuinely all Ayano could master.

She doesn't have enough power to burn a sheet of paper.

Ren too - and probably Kazuma too.

Facing them, Bernhardt and Lapis were not exhausted in the slightest.

This was a very desperate situation.

"This is bad - what can I do? "

"Aaah. Ojousan, there's no need to be this alert. I have no intention of fighting you here. "

"----Eeh? "

Ayano blinked at those unexpected words.

"Certainly, for us Yagami Kazuma is a bitter enemy we cannot allow to live. But, I'm a coward. I don't want to fight but when I'm certain of victory"

"Certain? "

"To say it frankly even in this situation, when you're cornered to this extent, I think you are terrifying. I'm not confident of winning. Especially after seeing such an unreasonable ability. "

Was he serious or was he hiding something - she couldn't read the real intentions behind Bernhardt's words.

But right now she couldn't believe them to be true. She didn't know what the opponent was thinking but Ayano was firmly convinced that she would lose if they fought now.

"That's why I'll escape with the experiment data. Isn't that a result that you too should be pleased with?

The > were annihilated, Pandemonium collapsed, the mastermind escaped outside the country - the incident was peacefully settled, so they all lived happily ever after, huh? ", Bernhardt shamelessly declared.

"Well anyway, I'm happy that I could say my goodbyes directly. Having entrusted a verbal message to my attendant, it would be terrible if she were to forget expressing her gratitude. "

"...........you, no way, did you summoned Belial for that purpose? "

"It was one of the reasons.", declared Bernhardt imposing as expected.

"Well then, it's time to say goodbye. Let's meet again before long - "

"Wait - "

Interrupting Bernhardt's words, although staggering Kazuma stood up. And then, staring at Lapis as if scowling at her, he said.

"Tell me one thing. What was the last thought Tsoi Rin left behind? Did she want to tell me something? "

"-----You don't know? "

"I asking you because I don't know! "

Lapis vaguely moved her gaze, seeking her master's approval. Amused, Bernhardt returned a nod.

Acquiring her master's permission, Lapis smiled sweetly. And then she said.

"I won't tell you "

"-----! You bitch - "

"So, as for a hint I'll tell you what I desire. ", whispered Lapis playing with the words to mock him.

The desire of the girl manufactured from the core of Tsoi Rin's last wish. That is -

"I want to kill you"


This time Lapis said the final goodbye to the frozen Kazuma.

"Well then, farewell"

An impermeable, perfect expression of gratitude. While still in that posture of bowing deeply, Lapis disappeared together with Bernhardt.

In the space those two were until a moment ago, a sound poured in the atmosphere. A small air turbulence was produced there.


As if trying to support Kazuma standing rock still with a stricken appearance, Ayano embraced Kazuma's arm.

Forcefully, Kazuma hugged Ayano's body closely.

So violent as if trying to snatch it away but as frail like a child clinging to his mother's chest.


"........let's go home"

As if trying to shake off those complicated thoughts, Kazuma squeezed out his voice.

Those were the words of demise that brought to a finish those turmoil events called the Pandemonium incident after a while.

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