
Chapter 544 There’s Only You (2)

By the time Xiao Rufeng's conversation with her father was over, he requested to have a private talk with Yan Xiuchen. Xiao Rufeng wasn't sure if that was a good idea, but she had no other choice but to let Yan Xiuchen inside her father's room and wait downstairs.

She opened the glass sliding door of their sitting room and stepped out onto the cobblestone pathway that led to the gardens where she used to hide when she was younger. Her head occupied with her father's words earlier, she turned back to stare at the starless sky heavenward.

Xiao Rufeng had grown up and spent a lot of her childhood years in this place, yet she didn't feel at home compared to when she was at Yan Xiuchen's mansion. It was surprising to think that if proven right, Xiao Yunyao would be kicked out of their home and would be stripped of her family name. She had never seen her father that angry for as long as she could remember.

However, now that things had happened and Xiao Yunyao was out of the picture, Xiao Rufeng realized that her father needed her, now more than ever. Although she loved being close with Yan Xiuchen, she couldn't pretend that she wasn't concerned about her father and leave the responsibility of looking after him to other people.

Suddenly, she felt a pair of big, warm hands cupping her shoulders and Xiao Rufeng smelled Yan Xiuchen's familiar scent before he drew her against his chest and kissed her temple.

"It's cold out here." He said softly.

"I hadn't noticed." She whispered in response. "But I feel better now that you are here."

She saw his lips curled up into one of his rare smiles and sighed in relief.

"Dad didn't try to interrogate you, did he?"

"Something like that. But I'm sure he only asked me such questions because he's concerned about you, which he obviously hasn't done for a very long time. He also thanked me for keeping you safe and sound that night." Yan Xiuchen said.

"Isn't it a bit too late to pretend that he cares about me now?" She frowned.

"It's better to be late than never, Rufeng." He answered her, pressing a kiss on her shoulder, making her body feel warmer than usual.

Yan Xiuchen omitted the part where Xiao Rufeng's father asked him if he intended to marry her or if she was just one of the fly night affairs he had. Of course he shamelessly said that he was willing to put a ring on her finger if he was given a chance, much to Xiao Rufeng's father's amusement.

However, Yan Xiuchen was aware that it was too early for him to ask for her hand in marriage. It was obvious that she still had a lot of things she wanted to do in her life and marriage was the last thing on her list. He also didn't want Xiao Rufeng to argue with her father just when things were starting to get better between them.

Xiao Rufeng pressed her back against him, molding her body to his and gasped when his arm wound around her. She shivered at the proximity she had with him and a wave of heat pulsed though her, desiring his touch all over her body.

However, her earlier thoughts came back, reminding her of the conundrum she was in. Her relationship with Yan Xiuchen was still new and she was aware that she needed to tread carefully with him so as to avoid any misunderstandings.

"Xiuchen, now that Xiao Yunyao and her mother are sent away, Dad needs me."

She felt Yan Xiuchen stiffen behind her before he released a sigh after a long silence.

"If that's what you want to do, then I will support you. Just know that I'm here whenever you need or want me." He reminded her.

Xiao Rufeng turned to face him, cupping the side of his face.

Yan Xiuchen flinched at her touch. Although he allowed her to touch his scars, he still couldn't help but feel uncomfortable by it. He wanted to smack away her hand, but he also wanted her to touch him, to remind him that she wasn't repulsed by his appearance.

"I am confident that I want you and want to be with you for a very long time. If I need to say 'I love you' every single day just to remind you, I will do that. Just because I'm moving back with my father, it doesn't mean that I'm breaking up with you."

"I know that." Yan Xiuchen gave her a wry smile. "But I also can't be selfish and keep you all to myself. Just like you said, your father needs you."

Before Xiao Rufeng could respond, he added. "Let's go home. We surely had an eventful night."

They left her family estate once Xiao Rufeng was assured that her father had already fallen asleep and resting. She told the butler to inform her father that she would be back the next day to discuss things with him.

As soon as they were in the limo that awaited them outside, Xiao Rufeng rested her head on Yan Xiuchen's shoulder, feeling sleepy and tired at the same time. She sighed softly when he pulled her close, his hand around her waist.

"I'm going to miss you." He admitted in a soft voice, his mouth a breath away from her ear.

Xiao Rufeng glanced up at him and smiled.

"I'll miss you too, but I'll make sure to give you a call and message you every single day. There wouldn't be anyone else and there hasn't been for some time. There's only you in my life right now." She leaned forward and waited for Yan Xiuchen to kiss her.

He was startled for a moment, but he eventually lowered his head and allowed himself to taste the sweetness of her lips once more and kissed her softly. However, just that small taste was enough spark for both of them to combust into a wild flame together.

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