
Chapter 269 - A Perfect New World (XXXIII)

Taking this opportunity, Chi Xiaochi, who is not yet officially identified, visited the entire system, in the manner of the new Lord GOD.

At first, the system was a bit overwhelming.

Some of those who love to kiss the old Lord GOD’s ass and work for the tigers, are afraid that the “new Lord GOD” will take action against them for their past behaviour.

Most of the systems, on the other hand, have shut themselves down for a while because they can’t even imagine that they have inadvertently killed so many people.

The entire slag attack recovery system is plunged into a wan atmosphere of self-loathing.

This is where Chi Xiaochi’s bargaining with the General Manager came in handy.

He went around, assuring those systems caught up in blaming themselves that he could restore the damaged world line, and that if they really felt guilty, all they had to do was take the new host and do the task all over again.

Chi Xiaochi also said that in order not to squeeze them, those interested in the system could voluntarily submit a petition to continue to serve the system and make up for all the mistakes they had made in the past; while those who were in a hurry to go home could simply do enough tasks at hand to end the mission themselves and go back to the original world.

Both options are free and never forced.

At this point, the frustrated system was gradually revitalised and pledges and petitions were handed in in large numbers.

By the time the General Manager realises that the climate of opinion throughout the system is not right, it is too late.

– Chi Xiaochi has invariably become the new leader of the system.

Now it is impossible for the main system, which is riding a tiger, not to give Chi Xiaochi Lord GOD’s power.

One day, while Chi Xiaochi, who was officially the new Lord GOD, was having a fruit chat with Wen Case Officer 009 in his room, he received a formal request from 089 to leave the new Lord GOD.

…… He’s finally on his way out.

Chi Xiaochi was about to get up and leave when he looked across at the baby-faced teenager: “You could have thought about it again.”

”What? Being human.” 009 blinked, “No, no, no, I don’t need to. Here, I can go to either world and eat either cuisine.”

After having access to Lord GOD, Chi Xiaochi went through his predecessor 127.

127 is a child who was abandoned by his family as a child, born with a love of food and dreams of eating all over the world, and who insisted on going back after his unexplained horizontal death in the first place because he was afraid that his adoptive parents would be sad.

Then, after completing 200 missions, he walked into the “Between the Hours” and came out as Innate System 009.

Chi Xiaochi made a special trip to investigate and his adoptive parents have adopted a new child after coming out of their traumatic haze.

Chi Xiaochi is unable to give him back the memories and expectations of 009, so he can only respect his personal choices as much as possible from his current point of view.

Chi Xiaochi sighs slightly as he walks out of room 009.

Lou Ying, who was with him, stroked his hair.

Almost all of the Innate Systems have lost their motivation and purpose to return to their own worlds, and over the course of time, the people who once made them want to go back to their own worlds have gradually scattered to their own lives.

…… They are never going to go back.

However, Chi Xiaochi did not dwell on his personal emotions for long, he had business to attend to.

089 Standing within a “moment”.

Without the gigantic mastermind, the “In Between” is much fresher, with jellyfish-like world lines floating around them, trailing long tails of light, as if they were in an underwater paradise.

Chi Xiaochi smiles, “I wish you could stay and help us out.”

089 waved his hand daintily, “I have already discussed this matter with him. You just have to give him and me back our freedom for ten years, and when the time comes, both he and I will return.”

Chi Xiaochi was quick to say, “Yes, how will I be paid?”

089 smiled, “He has bad eyes, so when the time comes, please give him a pair of eyes. As for me, I’ll be the one who comes with it for free.”

It’s time to teleport.

089 Choose to return to your own world.

Chi Xiaochi was somewhat moved by the sight of the portal of light unfolding.

Fortunately, his last world progressed quickly enough, otherwise the door would have dismantled 089 into a pile of blank data, and Lord GOD space would have been filled with a “new innate system” mechanically responsible for shaking the sign.

But 089 was in no hurry to leave.

He turned around and walked to the closed door of the “In Between”, knocked on it and greeted, “23, I’m leaving.”

Since the old Lord GOD stepped down, “In a Moment” is no longer a closed and silent can.

But no sound came from outside, as if the person he was talking to didn’t exist.

089 unconcerned, pressed his forehead gently against the door, and with a smile whispered to the man who didn’t know if he existed: “Don’t feel bad. I like you.”

It was still quiet outside, but a soft sound of sniffling could be faintly heard.

089 said, “I’m leaving. I’ll wait for you back in our new home.”

As 089 was about to turn around, 023 suddenly knocked vigorously on the door outside.

Knock, knock, knock, knock.

089 smiled, however, and did not open the door, but went straight to the light door.

As he walked past Chi Xiaochi, Chi Xiaochi asked him, “Aren’t you going to open the door?”

”He’ll shout if he really wants to open the door.” 089 said, “This frequency is our code word. His office was too big and there were times when he was too lazy to get up and walk around, so we used the tapping to communicate what we had to say.”

He gestured behind him, his expression a gentleness rarely seen in debauched normality: “…… three knocks on a group means I’ll be here soon.”

At the knock of 023, 089 steps through the door of light and his form is hidden, never to be seen again.

And the trial of Lord GOD by the General System is drawing to a close.

He was convicted of all the offences with which he was charged and was originally to be taken back to the main system for destruction.

But Chi Xiaochi sent a letter to the main system and heard back the next day, giving him full authority over the Lord GOD.

So, the next day, Chi Xiaochi took the old Lord GOD and went to the entropy pool located inside the system.

The Entropy Pool is a forbidden place not open to any system below Lord GOD.

Not even Lord GOD 713 has set foot here since the first day it was formed.

Standing at the edge of the pool, Lord GOD, who has long since taken human form and lost his powers, has dishevelled hair, his face is pale as a ghost and his eyes are red around the periphery.

Chi Xiaochi ignored the look on his face as he hated to kill himself and said, “Has anyone ever told you that? I’m going to use this pool of entropy to make up for the mistakes you’ve made earlier.”

Lord GOD sneered, not believing Chi Xiaochi’s words.

He did not believe that Chi Xiaochi would be willing to use the entropy pool, which was about to be filled, for something as useless as that.

Chi Xiaochi did not deny him, but simply gazed at him in silence.

As the hours passed, Lord God’s already pale face turned paper-thin.

He was both shocked and appalled, “Are you crazy?! It’s my entropy, mine!”

Chi Xiaochi said, “Correction, it’s mine now. I can use it however I want.”

For the miserly miser, it is more painful to take away a little of his treasures, which he has treasured for years, and use them for a cause he considers to be of little value, than to cut and bleed.

Ignoring Lord GOD’s near-frenzied curses and insults, Chi Xiaochi took a few steps around the pool.

The infinite pool of entropy is four-fifths filled, and the leaden grey soft substance within is tumbling like a cloud of water, as if it were a giant pot of boiling water.

Between the invisible clouds, the outline of a struggling and angry human face faintly emerges.

Chi Xiaochi test the water temperature by dipping his index finger into the pool.

A shrill growl instantly rang in his ears, loud enough to stab a normal person’s ears and seep blood.

Fortunately, Chi Xiaochi is patient enough.

With his eyes slightly closed, he whispered something to the force that had wrapped itself around his arm and climbed up, hating to pull him into the pool and drown him.

Miraculously, the shrill crying spirits quieted down a little, and the python like clouds of mist gradually loosened from Chi Xiaochi’s arms.

Shaking off the little grey cloud that still lingered in his fingertips, Chi Xiaochi stood up and gave orders to the few systems that were escorting the old Lord GOD.

”Lock up 713 and dip it inside the entropy pool.”

”Don’t you dare!” Lord GOD’s eyes widened, but he could only show a haggard bluster, “Who are you to?!”

”By virtue of my need.” Chi Xiaochi came around behind him, “Until this pool is empty, you will be the only source of entropy.”

The heavily shackled old Lord GOD didn’t even have time to say a word before Chi Xiaochi kicked him out of the entropy pool from behind.

Surrounded by human negativity, the old Lord GOD, as soon as he entered the entropy pool, felt as if his limbs were being burned with acid, but only had time to let out an ear-splitting scream before he was pushed down into the tumbling entropy by a humanoid cloud hand.

No one can imagine what this pool of despair-filled injustice will do to this culprit.

Several Master Systems who had long ago received orders from their superiors to pull the chains on the old Lord GOD, burned and cast them to the edge of the pool, locking him firmly in place.

Chi Xiaochi looked at the heads floating and screaming in the sea of clouds and said, “You better hope that I finish the mess you left behind quickly. Otherwise, one more injustice and you’ll be tormented a little more.”

As he wipes his hands and walks out of the entropy pool, Chi Xiaochi finds a man standing outside the door.

Chi Xiaochi recognises him.

He was the exclusive ai of the old Lord GOD 713, a tall, lean, slightly nerdy looking young man.

He was created and promoted by the hands of the old Lord GOD.

For some reason, Lord GOD, when interrogated, said that the ai had only followed his instructions and had done nothing wrong per se, so the General System, after some debate, decided not to hold the system responsible.

The ai, ……, is arguably the only glimmer of goodness left in the infinite sea of evil thoughts of the old Lord GOD.

As soon as Chi Xiaochi came out, he automatically followed Chi Xiaochi.

Lou Ying frowned slightly and intentionally defended Chi Xiaochi.

Chi Xiaochi, however, was not afraid of him: “Did you come here looking for me or for him?”

ai replied, “Looking for you, and for him.”

In the course of a back and forth, Chi Xiaochi has understood his intentions: “The general system is no longer holding you responsible. It’s your choice where you want to go. Are you sure you want to enter here?”

”I don’t know where to go except here master.” Lord GOD’s ai looked over to where the pool of entropy was, his gaze clearing, “…… Then this is the place.”

Chi Xiaochi didn’t say anything, but a system from the main system spoke up and advised him, “Why bother?”

ai said, “I am the master’s rib. Ribs do not betray their master.”

Chi Xiaochi gazed at him, “Okay, go ahead then.”

The door that had just closed reopened and a figure slowly paced in, blending into the mist and the muffled screams of the old Lord GOD.

The reign of the old Lord GOD was thus brought to a complete and utter end.

What followed was a long and tedious year and five months.

Chi Xiaochi has compiled a list of all the world lines that need to be recovered, and instructed the system on how to assist the host in completing the task. If there is a difficult world line that cannot be handled, you can report it back to “In Between” and ask how to handle it.

At the same time, he issued a new decree opening up the system’s self-awareness system and the limited intimate ability to send, and any system with the relevant needs can come to him in pairs for the opening of the ability, but the number of openings is limited to two, and the applicant is urged to be discreet.

Despite this, Chi Xiaochi is still too busy to have sex.

Only in the evenings, when the busy schedule stops, does Chi Xiaochi have the time to linger in Lou Ying’s arms for a while, to recharge his batteries or to hold his hand and talk.

After more than a year, the new order operating in the Lord GOD space is finally on track.

As a result, Chi Xiaochi took leave of absence.

In accordance with Chi Xiaochi’s original agreement with the Master System, it was time for Chi Xiaochi to take a leave of absence, return to the present world and retrieve his real body.

As the spirit slowly fell back into the hospital bed, into the frail body that had been asleep for more than four years, Chi Xiaochi was only able to move his fingers with all his strength.

Good thing he was patient enough.

The first thing that came back was the hearing, which was somewhat hazy, like the sound of the outside world heard through the swaying water of a closed person submerged in water.

The television in the ward was on and it appeared that an awards ceremony was taking place.

”Next up is the most exciting moment of all. Who exactly will the best male lead go to. Will xx Huang please open the envelope ……”

Chi Xiaochi furrows his brow.

He couldn’t hear very well on the TV and wondered who would be watching it in his ward.

Before he could clear his mind, the sound of a happy announcement came on the television.

”Congratulations to Chi Song!”

”Congratulations also to the cast and crew of Postponed Graduation, who have won three laurels this evening, winning Best Screenplay, Best Film and Best Actor!”

”Chi Song’s delicate and moving portrayal of a rural teacher in Postponed Graduation has moved countless viewers ……”

Slowly, the sound became clear, and a soul submerged in water gradually surfaced and took its first breath of air so fresh that it screamed dizziness.

Light flooded in and so did shadows, and the figure sitting at the edge of the hospital bed emerged with a concrete appearance.


Lucas was dressed as usual, with his hair a little longer and dyed granny grey, which, combined with the bright lights in the single ward, added to the glow of his white face.

He leaned against the armrest of the hospital bed, peeling a small slice from the pear and bringing it to his mouth as he watched the awards ceremony on television.

”See.” luca chewed on a pear and spoke vaguely to the person on the bed, “New people grow up like leeks overnight, you’re a front wave that’s dying on the beach.”

The man on the bed, as he had been every time he visited, was motionless and silent, and would not react to anything he said.

Lucas was a bit discouraged and slapped him on the edge of the blanket, despite the pear juice still on his hands: “Chi, do you hear me? If you hear me, then fight for your life and hurry up ……”

As he spoke, lucas turned his head.

What caught his eye was Chi Xiaochi’s narrowed eyes and the gentle light that shone under them.

Chi Xiaochi opened his mouth, his throat was dry and his vocal cords felt like rusty clockwork.

By all rights, he should not be able to say a word.

However, the power of Lord GOD was still enough for him to make this little unconventional adjustment.

Faced with a lucas who opened and closed his mouth, Chi Xiaochi, with a smile on his face, opened his mouth with difficulty, “When did I …… not give you a fighting chance?”

The pear in lucas’s hand rolled bonelessly to the ground.

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