
Chapter 965 - Attacking The Checkpoint Turtle

Without any hesitation, they turned their boats around and left the place, intending to search for another Checkpoint Turtle.

Situated inside the Checkpoint Turtle\'s shell, floating amidst the water within was the octopus. Its head peeked out of the water as it was able to sense the incoming pirate ship, muttering, "Interesting. My lord would definitely love this development."

It didn\'t do anything and simply vanished from the spot, similar to the people that ripped their tickets.

It reappeared in a faraway place and watched the Checkpoint Turtle with a curious expression. As for the Checkpoint Turtle it had been inside all along, it was still oblivious of its disappearance.

It then felt something as its head coiled around, gazing at the massive pirate ship that was approaching. Upon seeing the shell of its brethren used in the making of the ship, it felt anger.

"Let\'s greet it first, shall we?" Gajor laughed as he transmitted his voice using his passive ability, informing the people, "Send two torpedoes first and see what happens."

Two small entrances were manually opened by a group of fish. It was the place the Checkpoint Turtle\'s head was supposed to be if it had been alive. From each hole exited a long tube, possessing a sharp tip. It was the one Gajor called a Torpedo.

It seemed to have been created using the bones of a Sonic Radar, judging by its toughness and the sharpness of its tip. The front was a cone, while the rear was just a hollow cylinder. The walls of the cylinder sported numerous gaps through which water flowed.

Situated within, biting a protrusion for support, was a Motor Fish, accelerating the construct through the water. Moreover, it wasn\'t alone. There were two hatchling Motor Fishes that had been affixed within the cylinder perpendicularly to the Motor Fish.

When they moved forward, they caused the Torpedo to rotate. And, as the two hatchling Motor Fishes moved with all their might, the Torpedo rotated with a tremendous speed. It swiftly moved through the water, making a wide arc as it headed straight towards the Checkpoint Turtle.

The two torpedoes moved separately, aiming from different angles. Upon seeing their approach, the Checkpoint Turtle expressed fury as it unleashed its tremendous presence, for a moment causing everyone in the place, humans and fishes included, to shudder in fear, choking as they seemed to be on the verge of fainting.

As for the Motor Fishes in the two torpedoes, they weren\'t that different either. Though, even after they had fainted, their bodies continued to affect the water and generate currents. In the pirate ship, Gehen was kneeling on the floor as he directed the Motor Fishes in the torpedoes.

This was the reason they continued to move. Unlike everyone who only tamed them, Gehen was controlling them using his passive ability. Thus, he was able to do something like that.

Upon seeing the two Torpedoes continue to head towards it, the Checkpoint Turtle grunted as its tail peeked out of the water, rapidly sucking in air. It then opened its mouth and unleashed a sphere of air that headed towards the two torpedoes.

The torpedoes swiftly changed directions, making a wider arc to escape the air bubble. But even though it missed, the air bubble exploded, causing a wave in the water that slammed into the torpedoes, killing the Motor Fishes within.

\'That is tremendously powerful!\' Gehen inhaled a sharp breath of air, shouting towards Gajor, "Quick, begin the plan!"

"Alright!" Gajor replied as he transmitted his voice, "Send out all the torpedoes and breath blockers. Commence full-scale attack!"

The moment he transmitted his voice, Gajor looked at Gehen. Gehen nodded as he patted his brother\'s shoulder, saying, "I\'ll leave it to you, brother."

"Haha, leave it to me." Gajor laughed as he grunted and quickly moved through the floors. Even though they had been affected by the Checkpoint Turtle\'s suffocating pressure, having consumed a Water Essence each, they were able to move.

As for the pirates, they had also done the same. Even the Motor Fishes had been fed a quarter Water Essence each. All of it were those they had plundered from the people throughout the two years. And now, they were spending them all for this one mission.

Almost twenty torpedoes were shot out from the pirate ship. They instantly spread out in all directions and headed towards the Checkpoint Turtle through different paths and at uneven times, preventing it from reacting accordingly.

Despite its tremendous size and powers, at the end of the day, it was a turtle, not famed for its speed. Moreover, when the Checkpoint Turtle unleashed another air bubble, something shot towards it at tremendous speeds, colliding into it.

And upon collision, the impact of the wave only caused a ripple, one that spread vertically in a two-dimensional manner. Unlike before when the shockwaves traveled radially, none were affected this time as they ensured they weren\'t around the singular wave.

It was a piece of cake to predict and dodge such an attack when in comparison, the radial shockwave couldn\'t be dodged.

The one that had caused this was a flat piece of wall that was slightly bigger than the air bubble unleashed by the Checkpoint Turtle. And, despite facing the attack head-on, it wasn\'t even scratched.

That was because it was made using the tablets of the people. The tablets were stuck to one another to create a wall large enough to block an attack. There were three rows of tablets arranged accordingly to create an unbreakable wall.

Upon seeing its effectiveness, Gehen heaved a sigh of relief, muttering, "Thankfully, the adhesive I used to stick them is powerful enough."

He then nodded, recalling a powerful creature that was capable of secreting mucus that caused all fishes to be attracted towards one another. Upon contact, they would stick to one another. The creature used this to create massive baits that attracted even more fishes towards it, creating a beneficial cycle.

And in the end, it would swallow them whole. Just the memory of it caused Gehen to shudder. He hadn\'t personally killed it, but had used the Helper Whistle to summon a lot of predator fishes to kill it.

In the end, he obtained its ability, storing its secretion to later apply on the tablets. It was an incredible ability to rely on and was one of his main weapons. And, now that he noticed its adhesive properties was enough to not fall apart from one of the Checkpoint Turtle\'s attacks, he heaved a sigh in relief.

He hadn\'t used the adhesiveness generated using his passive ability, for that wasn\'t potent enough yet. Rather, he had used the one sourced from the creature itself. Only because of that was it so powerful.

There were four walls in total. Hidden behind each was a team of pirates. They moved through the water, propelling towards an air bubble immediately upon notice. Upon receiving every attack, their bodies shuddered, on the verge of death.

The moment they defended against an attack, they retreated to recover while another team replaced them immediately. Since everyone had swallowed a Water Essence, they were managing somehow.

One of the Torpedoes managed to swerve through the Checkpoint Turtle\'s attacks, arriving before its neck before colliding into it. Even the neck muscles were ridiculously tough as the Torpedo stopped by the time the tip was lodged a couple of centimeters deep.

But soon after, the hatchling Motor Fishes began to proper forth as the torpedo continued to rotate while the Motor Fish continued to press it into the Checkpoint Turtle\'s neck. Moreover, quite a few torpedoes headed towards its back, a place it couldn\'t reach easily under the situation, landing on its tail one after another.

Upon noticing this, the Checkpoint Turtle moved, intending to head deeper into the water and rotate so that it could throw them all off. But, the moment it began to move, the pirate ship arrived from underneath and rammed into its belly.

The shell covering it was tougher than the Checkpoint Turtle\'s as it was sourced from a mature, ancient Checkpoint Turtle, possibly the strongest of them when it was alive. So, the younger Checkpoint Turtle was unable to handle the impact, suffering mild internal injuries as it was pushed up, prevented from escaping into the depths of the ocean.

At this time, Gajor arrived at the center of the pirate ship, out into an open tunnel that traversed from the front to the end of the pirate ship, acting as the channel that all the Motor Fishes in it used to propel the ship forward.

He laughed, saying, "One Helper Whistle can summon a predator fish. On top of that, a Helper Whistle can be used ten times."

Followed by his laughter, he began to blow into each Helper Whistle ten times. Something immediately changed in the waters as numerous dangerous fishes emerged from the depths of darkness, each at least three to four times his size.

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