
Chapter 26 Midnight Horror

Chapter 26 Midnight Horror

Just before Lang Ruoxian sets off from their old house, he knows that Yan Hua doesn’t plan to go.

In the hallway Yan Hua meets Lang Ruoxian who comes back and looks at her with his faint eyes.

“What’s up?” Thinking of his previous attitude, Yan Hua gives him a sly look.

Lang Ruoxian takes a cup of coffee and looks at her then at a painting on the wall: “Do you think the bird is good-looking?”

“...” Yan Hua wants to say something but stops, having no idea of what he is doing. But his voice and expression are different. “Yes. It’s so fatty that it must be delicious if grilled.”

On the oil painting, there depict a few fat pigeons flying over high buildings.

“Then do you know that your name can be written on the pedigree of Lang Family only after you worship the ancestors in our memorial temple?”

Yan Hua is shocked because she doesn’t know that...

“Even the stupidest one should gain some wit after he or she is cheated once or twice.” Lang Ruoxian says that in a low voice and then goes on the car quickly.

Lang Hongyue sees that and comes to ask her: “What did Ruoxian say to you?”

“Nothing, he just comforted me.” Yan Hua smiles and says, “He probably thought that Grandpa doesn’t want me to go back.”

Lang Hongyue’s eyes change. She pats Yan Hua on the shoulder: “Hehe, let me talk to him later.”

“Auntie, please greet Grandpa for me and tell him that I will visit him next time.” Says Yan Hua seriously.


Lang Hongyue gets on the car and feels a little funny. This girl really thought of herself as a member of Lang Family. If she gives birth to a girl, no one can assure that she can stay in our family...

Therefore... This time, like what Deng Jingjing thinks, she will never let Yan Hua enter the genealogy. Otherwise, it would be very troublesome to drive her away.

“Auntie, is Yan Hua all right?”

As Tian Bocheng is on a business trip, Lang Hongyue takes the car of Lang Ruoxian. They sit face to face. And Lang Ruoxian cares about Yan Hua.

“She can’t worship ancestors, which can’t be explained to Grandpa.”

Lang Hongyue feels funny in her inner heart. She can’t go, but isn’t that what you want?

“She catches a cold. And we are afraid that it will be more serious, so we let her rest at home.” Lang Hongyue smiles and says, “It will just be fine to take her back next year.”

Then she says: “Grandpa likes you the most. You tell it to him later!”

“OK.” Lang Ruoxian smiles. “I don’t think Grandpa will blame her.”

Lang Hongyue smiles: “That’s right. The one she is going to give birth to is treasure!”

After knowing the thoughts of Deng Jingjing and Lang Hongyue, Yan Hua doesn’t think too much for a long time, because that won’t help change the current situation.

As for her baby...

“I hope you are a girl.” She says to herself. She can leave Lang Family if it is a girl.

Yan Hua paints a circle on the calendar, and for another half a month, the fetus is about to be five months old. The doctor said it might be a girl, but it can’t be seen clearly.

“It should be sure next time.” Yan Hua touches her abdomen and begins to think that if it is a girl, they will leave Lang Family and live in a small town...

“So, it is a good thing not to worship the ancestors!” Yan Hua suddenly has a spirit. If her name was wrote on the pedigree of Lang Family, she would have to get the inheritance. So many people would be angry for that...

However, Yan Hua’s good mood only lasts for one afternoon. In the evening, she finds that there is no one in Lang’s mansion.

“...If I didn’t know Deng Jingjing did that, I would think it’s impossible.” She walks around again, and she even goes to the place where the house maids live. But there is indeed no one.

Yan Hua sits in the living room. Firmly believes that Deng Jingjing did that. But what is her purpose?

To scare and starve her?

“I want duck soup and...” Yan Hua first calmly orders a takeaway. After its delivery, she carefully checks the door lock and the window. She is sure that there is no problem and then goes upstairs to sleep.

In the middle of the night, Yan Hua’s abdomen suddenly shivers a few times, and she is awakened.

“Baby, are you hungry again?” She touches her abdomen. “Now we only have leftovers!”

Yan Hua specially ordered two takeaways in the evening because she was afraid that she would be hungry at midnight. As she goes downstairs, she thinks that she’d better learn how to cook in case that she would always be starved.

Slap! When she almost reaches the first floor, there is a sudden sound of something falling to the ground in the living room. Yan Hua suddenly feels scared and stops her footsteps, listening carefully.

“Cough...” This time it turns out to be a cough of someone.

She is panicked for a moment, and she doesn’t know whether to go upstairs or downstairs to find out what happened.

“Don’t worry, let’s take something with us first, or we will just come in vain!” Says a man in a rough voice.

“Then why don’t you do that quickly? Oh my god! These are all antiques.”

The man with rough voice complains: “That’s crap. Just look where it is. Be fucking careful. This painting may be worth millions of yuan...”

“Fine, hurry up to pack them!”

Covering her mouth tightly, Yan Hua slowly returns to the second floor, runs back to her room and locks the door. Then she picks up the phone to call the police.

“Hello? Hello?” She hides in the bathroom and calls the police.

But the phone always gives out the sound of a beep, and it can’t get through at all.

After trying five or six times, Yan Hua gives up. She is nervously shivering. She thinks of what the thieves downstairs said. They are obviously prepared, and the house’s security system may have been destroyed.

“This is not an accident, absolutely not!”

Someone does it deliberately so as to...

Yan Hua looks at her abdomen, and her face turns pale. She is too naive, and underestimates Deng Jingjing who simply disdains arguing with her and has many ways to torment her.

“Hoo... Don’t be nervous and calm down!” Yan Hua makes a few deep breaths.

She has to save herself and to find a way to contact with the outside. The two thieves might not come upstairs for a while. Yan Hua runs to the terrace to estimate the height of the second floor. She ties the coverlet and bed sheet, but finds that it is not long enough.

“Clothes! Yes, clothes!” She repeatedly says that to ease her tension. She ties a few well-knit wool coats with the bed sheets. Now it’s long enough to reach the ground.

Probably because she’s too nervous, her abdomen begins to be painful again. Yan Hua looks at the ground and is glad that she has no fear of heights. She suddenly hears a voice from outside.

The thieves are coming up!

“You can do it...” Yan Hua grabs the bed sheets and lifts her legs out of the terrace.

When her feet are hanging, Yan Hua knows how difficult it is. Her arm strength is not enough to support her weight. Her arms have no strength only after a few seconds.

“Hiss...” Biting her lip, Yan Hua is determined to climb down successfully.

The voice of the thieves comes from the outside of the door again.

“The last but one. Right this room!”

“Lower your voice. Don’t wake up anyone.”

Yan Hua is panicked. Her arms begin shivering due to the physiological reaction from fear.

“Madam Hua?” Suddenly someone calls her from below.

Yan Hua finds that he is the driver who was responsible for picking her up. His surname seems to be Lee...

“Lee!” Yan Hua says and finds herself crying. “There are thieves... There are thieves at home!”

“I will solve it. Do you need any help now?”

Yan Hua actually hasn’t moved any single step, and she goes back by stepping on the handrail, shivering.

The drive sees that she is fine, then he rushes to the villa while he is calling the police. The thieves outside the bedroom have obviously heard the shouting of Yan Hua. After saying a few swear words, they turn around and run downstairs, in the living room coming across the driver who is coming in.

“Oh shit!” The one with rough voice takes out a dagger. “Don’t come over, or I will kill you.”

The other is obviously more scared than him, hiding behind him with hands and feet shivering.

“The police will arrive soon. You can’t escape.” The driver is in his forties, and his eyes are sharp at this time, different from usual time.

Yan Hua doesn’t move on the terrace for a long time regardless of the clod marble floor. She does not dare to look at the situation downstairs, fearing that the driver might not be able to defeat the two thieves.

“Madam Hua!” After a while, she finally determined to help him, but she hears the driver knock the door and say: “It’s okay now. Don’t be afraid.”

Yan Hua quickly opens the door and looks at the driver: “Haven’t you get hurt?”

“No, those two guys are useless. You can have a rest now, and I will go downstairs to wait for the police.”

Yan Hua insists on going down with him and sees that two people tied to the pillars of the living room. One of them shows a wretched expression after seeing her, but immediately stops it. Maybe that’s because he has found he is tied up.

“Who asked you to come here?” Yan Hua stops after walking a few steps, but the distance just allows her to see the two people’s expression.

The one who was obviously afraid shakes his head immediately: “We... We are here to steal things. We have been caught, but we have not stolen anything.”

“Uh-huh...” Yan Hua smiles. “You have been here for a long time, then it’s impossible that you steal nothing.”

The driver throws out a woven bag which is filled with paintings.

“They have pulled down the oil painting on the wall of the other side of the corridor. They have also stolen a tiger skin on the side of the drawing room.”

The thief with rough voice is still swearing: “We just did nothing but stole something. But you tied us up and we’ll accuse you of kidnaping after the police arrive!”

“That’s... that’s right! “The cowardly thief leans back on his neck. “Even if we are thieves, you can never tie us up.”

The driver ignores them and tells Yan Hua in a low voice: “This is not easy. The security system is shut down, and the movable signal is blocked in the villa.”

“I know.” Yan Hua looks at the two thieves. “But I’m afraid that they will be sentenced to burgle by the policemen at most.”

“Don’t worry. That won’t happen.” The driver smiles.

Yan Hua looks at him and almost asks: Are you entrusted by Lang Ruoxian? But her thinking is interrupted by a harsh siren which indicates the police have arrived.

The driver goes to the police station, too. Yan Hua was thrilled the whole night, and now she is lying on the bed, not hungry any more. Her abdomen is still uncomfortable. She believes she has to go to the doctor tomorrow.

“Yan Hua! Yan Hua!” Early in the next morning, Lang Hongyue rushes into her bedroom.

Yan Hua was asleep at dawn, and now is almost unconscious for a long time without opening her eyes after being awakened.

“Oh my god! What happened to you?” Lang Hongyue screams. “Someone take her to the hospital.”

“I’m fine...” Yan Hua was awakened by her voice. She shakes her head and says: “I just didn’t sleep well last night. Why you come back now...”

Lang Hongyue touches her forehead: “Luckily you are just fine. Luckily you are fine!”

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