
Chapter 169 Lang Ruoxian’s Secret

Chapter 169 Lang Ruoxian’s Secret

When Qiang Di enters into the private room of the restaurant, Lang Ruoxian has already been there. She says sorry first.

“I can’t get a taxi. I didn’t expect that it was so hard to get a taxi.”

Lang Ruoxian pulls the chair for her, “I’ll buy a car for you.”

“No. I can pick it myself. Maybe I will not like the car that you buy for me.” Qiang Di refuses. She touches the patterns of plum blossom on the table and says. “The environment here is good. What kind food it has?”

“Its food has been inherited privately for more than 100 years. Yan Hua recommends it for me.” Lang Ruoxian gives her menu. “Please order what you like.”

Qiang Di stretches her hand to take the menu. But when she hears his words, her hand pauses for a while in the air. Then she opens the menu with anger. She asks, “Don’t you fear that I become angry?”

“She is my wife. I hope that you and she can be good friends.” Lang Ruoxian gives her a cup of tea and continues to say, “Of course, I will not force you.”

Qiang Di orders a few dishes on the Ipad. She also says, “I can’t promise you.”

When they are eating, Qiang Di gives Lang Ruoxian a chopstick of sweet and sour fish. Then she reacts that she is wrong. She apologizes, “Sorry, I made a mistake again. You are not him. You don’t like to eat sweet food.”

“It’s okay...” Lang Ruoxian eats the fish. “Do you have anything that you want to do when you come back?”

The expression of Qiang Di slowly becomes cold. She says, “Yes. I want to see their ends.”

“Do you know that Lang Li has investigated you?” Lang Ruoxian reminds her, “You should not come back.”

“Don’t worry about that. I won’t be a drag on you. He can’t find anything.” Qiang Di bites her teeth. “Like you, I have waited for this day for too long.”

Lang Ruoxian looks at her. His eyes are full of guilty and helpless emotions at that time. The private room suddenly becomes quite. A long time later, he slowly says, “You can’t always live in memories. Do you remember what he said to you in the end?”

“He asked me to forget him, to be happy, to have a good life.” Qiang Di smiles and her eyes become blurred. “He wanted me to find a man who treated me well and who I loved to get married and to have children. He said the next life...”

The woman’s voice trembles. She says, “He said that he would marry me in the next life and would give me a home. But I don’t want to wait to the next life... Ah, ah, ah.”

The sorrow sound is from the throat of Qiang Di. And she buries her face bitterly. “I don’t want to wait to marry him in the next life. I just want to be with him in this life. But he left me. He left me...”

“Qiang Di.” Lang Ruoxian grabs her hands. “You know, he is not afraid of death. If he could choose, he would not go first. We have promised him to live well. We have to replace him to live.”

Qiang Di suddenly shakes off his hand and says, “Hah... Of course you will live. He sacrificed his life to make you live. Without him, you are already dead! Without him, you can’t return to Lang Family, you can’t be a president, and you can’t have a beloved woman!”

“If... If he is not for you...” Qiang Di shakes her head with tears. She cries, “He won’t leave me so early...”

Lang Ruoxian looks at her quietly. Qiang Di can’t stop crying. Gradually, she becomes silent.

“Are you comfortable now?” He hands the wet tissue to her.

Qiang Di takes it over with a blank face. She is stunned for a few seconds. Then she says, “Sorry, I was out of control just now.”

“It’s okay. You will be a lot more comfortable to cry out.” Lang Ruoxian reaches out to touch her head. “You can cry if you want to cry. After crying, we still have to continue our lives.”

Qiang Di smiles through tears, “You’d better shut up if you don’t know how to comfort others!”

“Since you choose to come back, you must face it bravely.” Lang Ruoxian looks at his watch and says. “Let’s go. I will send you back.”

Early the next morning, Yan Hua is woken up by Fei Ying’s phone.

“Why are you still sleeping? Didn’t you read the online report?”

Yan Hua takes the phone far away from her ear, “What happened?”

“Someone took photos of Lang Ruoxian and Qiang Di. The photos show that they ate dinner together and Lang Ruoxian sent her home.” Fei Ying shouts on the phone. “What did I say before? I told you the woman came back to grab you man, but you didn’t care about her. Besides, how could Lang Ruoxian...”

“I know that.” Yan Hua interrupts her. “I know that he went to dinner with Qiang Di yesterday.”

Fei Ying becomes dumb immediately, “Have you already known that?”

“Yes.” Yan Hua walks into the bathroom. “Qiang Di and Lang Ruoxian won’t fall in love with each other. Don’t worry.”

There is a quiet moment over there, and Fei Ying says again, “Even if they are innocent, they can’t stop the gossip on the Internet. You should see what other people say online.”

“Well, I will see it later. Good bye.” Yan Hua hangs up the phone. Then she brushes her teeth as she opens the micro blog. Just after seeing a few vague photos, she receives a message from Lang Ruoxian.

“Do you wake up? I am coming up.”

Lang Ruoxian has the key here. As soon as Yan Hua wears the clothes, the bedroom door opens.

“What’s wrong?” Seeing him staring at herself, Yan Hua smiles, “It’s early morning...”

“Did you read the online report?” Lang Ruoxian hugs her. “I am wrong. I did not find the reporter.”

Yan Hua embraces his waist and says, “It’s not your mistake. I am fine.”

“I have asked Shu Sheng to deal with it.” Lang Ruoxian looks down at her. “I promise, this is the last time. And I won’t let them report me casually anymore.”

“You are much better than those second rich generations.” Yan Hua takes the phone over. “Look, this gentleman whose surname is Yue hits the headlines almost every day.”

Lang Ruoxian dislikes him, “How can he compare with me?”

“I mean that you are in this circle and you are destined to attract attention.”

The every move of rich family is got more concern than stars by the public. And some presidents are much more popular than stars.

“Well, how about your talk with Qiang Di?” Yan Hua asks.

Lang Ruoxian kisses her. “She actually understands everything. But it’s unacceptable for her to accept that immediately. She also knows my character. If she really wants to do something to you, I won’t do anything to her but I won’t treat her as my relative anymore.”

“Don’t worry. I will try not to provoke her.” Yan Hua glances at him. “When are you going to tell me the secrets that both of you know?”

Lang Ruoxian stuns. Yan Hua looks at his eyes and curls her lips. “Forget it. Don’t say it if you don’t want to tell me.”

She felt very comfortable for a moment. She thinks that Qiang Di and Lang Ruoxian belong to the same party because she doesn’t know their secrets and past. But everyone has had it. Lang Ruoxian never thinks about whether he can accept her past or not. Yan Hua thinks, why should she always think about it?

“Hua, I...”

“Stop!” Yan Hua pokes his chest. “You should say that later when you really want to tell me.”

Lang Ruoxian feels a little anxious in his heart. When Yan Hua is going to wake Gungun up, she is stopped by Lang Ruoxian.

“I know one thing about you... Do you want to listen?” Lang Ruoxian asks her very carefully. Yan Hua is confused. “Why do you have this kind of expressions?” She asks.

Because I don’t know if you will be angry after listening to it... Lang Ruoxian thinks.

Lang Ruoxian hugs her and says, “From beginning to end, you are my woman. You aren’t others’ woman, including my brother.”

The woman in his arms doesn’t move a little. Lang Ruoxian dares not let her go because he is afraid that she would run away.

He continues to say, “The person in the hotel that night was me. I am not Gungun’s uncle. I am his father.”

Lang Ruoxian carefully looks at Yan Hua in his arms. When he sees that Yan Hua’s expression is not angry or sad, his heart is not so nervous. But does she look too calm?

“Hua?” Lang Ruoxian puts her on the sofa and he half kneels on the floor. “You can beat me and blame me. But you can’t ignore me.”

Yan Hua does not ignore him. She just strings together the things she suspected before quickly in the brain. And soon she comes to a conclusion that shocks her.

“You... are you the one I saw in the hospital?” She asks.

Lang Ruoxian didn’t think she could guess it. He frowns, and then looks at Yan Hua deeply. “Yes.” He admits.

“But you don’t have the teardrop mole on your face. Where is it?”

“I got rid of it.”

“So the next day, you didn’t really want to ask me for the watch. You just wanted to send me to a safe place because you found that I was pregnant. Right?”


Yan Hua’s eyes are getting bigger and bigger. “Lang Hongyue thinks that this child is Lang Zeyu’s son. Well... Lang Zeyu didn’t die?”

“It was Lang Ruoxian who really died.” The man says slowly, “I am Lang Zeyu.”

“I met you at the hotel. Then I met you in the hospital. Later you found me to send me away.” Yan Hua slowly analyzes, “When did the real Lang Ruoxian die? How did he die?”

“At the night you saw me at the hospital, he passed away.”

“So you can play him and go back to Lang Family. Then you set fire to the hospital’s morgue. Right?”

“Yes. I don’t want Lang Hongyue to check the body.”

Yan Hua takes a breath, “You replaced him, but now you want to hurt his dad.”

She realizes that it is more complicated than she thought...

“Don’t be nervous. I will tell you everything.”

More than 20 years ago, Lang Li didn’t in charge of Lang Consortium. Lang Cha wanted his second son, Lang Qi, to be his heir. He is Lang Zeyu’s father. Under a chance, Lang Qi met Lang Zeyu’s mother, You Jiaxin, and liked her at first sight. The two people soon fell in love.

“My mom was an orphan. Grandpa would not agree to let dad marry her. My dad was young at that time. He thought that when they have a kid, grandpa would not oppose them.”

But Lang Li found that Lang Qi was together with You Jiaxin. When Lang Li went to see You Jiaxin, she was already pregnant with Lang Zeyu. Lang Li pretended to tell Lang Qi that he would help them.

“My dad thought that although they usually had contradictions because of the company, they were still brothers. So he still trusted Lang Li. But Lang Li used his trust to sell an important project of the company to the rival company, and he said that You Jiaxin did that.”

After Lang Cha knew that, he shut Lang Qi away and sent people to find You Jiaxin. Lang Li also helped Lang Qi to escape, and Lang Qi ran away with You Jiaxin.

“When my mom gave birth to me, we lived with my dad in the small town next to G City. Lang Li also helped to find the place. He said that it was safer to stay in a dangerous place. Grandpa thought that we went abroad early. Who can think that we just live there?”

When Yan Hua hears that, she cannot help asking, “Well... What about the real Lang Ruoxian? Whose child is he?”

“He...” Lang Ruoxian has a desperate and cold look in his eyes. “He is the child of Lang Li and my mom.”

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