
Chapter 384 Brother and Grandson

Chapter 384 Brother and Grandson

Hua Zhong is stunned, “Have you met her?”

Tang Duo tells him about meeting Hua Yating in the beauty salon, “She used to be pretty pissed at me before. What happened to her today?”

“She’s been smarter lately.” Hua Zhong smiles, “Sister Duo, you don’t have to pay attention to her.”

“Have you sent her back to my uncle’s house?” Tang Duo hears that Hua Yating lives in Tang Family’s house alone with her child. Bai Susu also says that Hua Family member are too cruel to her.

Hua Zhong is somewhat helpless, “She wanted to go back herself. Our family will not sell the daughter no matter how much we want Tang Consortium’s shares.”

“I think so...” Tang Duo also thinks Hua Family can’t act so.

Having hung up the phone, Tang Duo returns to her seat and Hua Yating disappears. The hairdresser asks her to sit over.

Tang Duo looks around, “Miss Hua comes first. Where is she?”

“She went to the restroom and specifically told me to let you be served first!”

Tang Duo thinks of the conspiracy theory and feels whether Hua Yating has a lousy idea. She waits for a few minutes to see that Hua Yating is still not coming out, and the hairdresser urges her again. Then she sits over. When she is still having her hair cut, Hua Yating comes back.

“I went to the second floor for a manicure.” She reaches out her hands to show to Tang Duo.

Red nail polish, with sparkling rhinestones.

“... Very pretty.” Tang Duo is also telling the truth.

Hua Yating smiles and sits back to read the magazine. When Tang Duo finishes haircut and is about to leave, Hua Yating follows her to the door.

“Tang Duo.” She lets out a cry.

Tang Duo turns to look at her.

Hua Yating smiles again, “I didn’t get along well with you before because I was jealous of you. Wasn’t it normal? Which woman in Yanjing was not jealous of you? Later, I hated you because of my eldest brother and afterwards because Tang Rui hated you. I loved him so much that I naturally wanted to follow suit.”

“... What do you want to say?” Tang Duo raises her eyebrows.

“I want to say that it won’t happen again.” Hua Yating looks up, “After the death of Tang Rui, I’ve thought a lot, and suddenly feel it very boring. Why should I always pay attention to others? I want to live my own life.”

Tang Duo ponders for a few seconds and says, “Anyway, you can’t be better than me no matter what you want to compare with me. There is no need...”

“You are really...” Hua Yating twitches the corner of her mouth, “You have changed nothing for so many years!”

“Usually only those people who have experienced life’s hardships will change their personalities greatly.” Tang Duo points out, “Like you.”

Hua Yating shakes her head, “Forget it. I’ll take back what I just said. I’ve decided to continue to hate you, for you are such a nuisance!”

“Oh!” Tang Duo puts on her coat, “Have you finished speaking yet? I have to go.”

Hua Yating glares at her and turns to walk away on high heels. Tang Duo doesn’t take her words to heart. The relationship between them was originally normal. However, it is still good to have one less troublemaker in the future.

On the way back, she suddenly remembers Bai Jingzhu. She doesn’t remember the fire, but she knows what stupid things Bai Jingzhu did from Lang Ruoxian and her family. Bai Jingzhu seems to be getting out of prison soon?

“She can’t get out.” In the evening, she asks Lang Ruoxian, but he says, “She did not behave well in prison and was given an extra sentence.”

“... What did she do?”

In fact, Bai Jingzhu didn’t have guts and was an unruly and willful darling daughter before she was put into the jail. But where is the prison? It is a place where is darker than the underworld.

Bai Jingzhu often loses her temper. Curses and beatings are common. Anyway, Bai Family sent someone to protect her. Everyone is like this. Because she didn’t have to be responsible and couldn’t be punished, she doubled her fault time and time again and finally made a big trouble.

“It was unknown how a female prisoner who just entered the jail offended her. Bai Jingzhu had her beaten. The female prisoner was beaten to be unconscious and nobody cared, and then she was tortured to half death by a group of homosexuals at night.

Tang Duo is shocked, “My God!”

“Only afterwards did they know that the woman was the daughter of a high-ranking official in the North, who ran away from home and hid her identity.” Lang Ruoxian sneers, “Bai Jingzhu was sentenced to an additional three years, and everyone else involved in the incident disappeared from the prison.”

Tang Duo also has a cold face, “This is no longer a matter of her caprice. Life-and-death matter is so precious that three years in prison is too cheap for her.”

“It’s not that easy.” Lang Ruoxian pinches her face, “I hear that the high-ranking official has said that as long as Bai Jingzhu comes out, she will have to be treated as the same as what she did to his daughter.”

“What does Bai Family say?” Tang Duo is surprised.

Lang Ruoxian hisses, “Since ancient times, people have not fought with officials. If Bai Family wants to protect Bai Jingzhu, I’m afraid they can only wait until the official steps down.”

No wonder...

Tang Duo recognizes that Bai Family has been very quiet in the second half of the year, and there is no big movement in the market. It turns out that they have offended the official and have to keep a low profile.

One week before the Spring Festival, Tang Consortium’s official website posts a micro blog, congratulating their boss on having another son. Various onlookers who are unaware of the facts leave messages underneath, which attracts public attention. Some people ask who this child will look like.

Actually, there are also many people who suggest Tang Ming have a paternity test so as not to find out later that he raises a son for another man. They blabber a lot. In a word, they suspect that the child is not Tang Ming’s.

“Woo woo...” Bao Yi cries at the Confinement Center, holding her son to show Tang Ming, “Go and have a paternity test! Prove us to be innocent.”

Tang Ming coaxes her, “Nonsense! Don’t pay any attention to those who talk nonsense on the internet. I know whether I am capable myself.”

“Oh! What are you talking about?” Bao Yi charmingly smiles, “Nasty!”

Tang Yu and his brother come in just to see this scene. Tang Ming lowers his wrinkled face to kiss Bao Yi. They feel so disgusted that they almost spit out breakfast.

“Dad, Bao Yi!” But they show happy to say hello.

Tang Ming also feels embarrassed, coughs several times and says uneasily, “Here you come. Come and see Ammon!”

“Dad has even chosen a name for the baby?” Tang Jie feels bad about it in his heart.

Tang Ming doesn’t notice it for he has put all his heart into his newly born son, “I’ve found a very capable person to choose this name for him. His formal personal name is Tang Ze and his nickname is Ammon.”. com

“It is a good name.” Tang Yu stabs Tang Jie quietly. Tang Jie hurriedly says, “Yes, he must have good prospects in the future.”

“Of course!” Tang Ming is proud, “Of course my son must have good prospects.”

Having said that, he may feel it inappropriate and looks at the brothers to say, “You are very capable. I will be glad that Ammon can be like you two in the future.”

“Dad, you may rest assured!” Tang Yu smiles, “We are so much older than Ammon that we will teach him well.”

Bao Yi looks at them with a smile all the time. The family seem to be polite and amiable. As for what they are thinking, it is unknown...

“Brother, have you seen it?” As they are out of the hospital, Tang Jie can’t help saying, “Dad avows this baby as his son too early. Didn’t he see what the netizens said? It is difficult to say it to be his son.”

Tang Yu glances at him, “Haven’t you known him yet? You see, he must go for a paternity test. And other people don’t know, but we know best that the child must be dad’s son.”

How stupid would Bao Yi be to cheat Tang Ming with other people’s son? She is now Tang Ming’s legal wife. She would only cheat Tang Ming when she was mad. Even if she wants to cheat, she will wait until Tang Ming is dead.

“Besides, you should pay attention. Your hostility to the child is too obvious.” Tang Yu glances at his brother, “Dad is too happy to notice your attitude today. You won’t be so lucky next time.”

Tang Jie says with a straight face, “I can’t smile at that little brat.”

“Do you think you are stupid?” Tang Yu scoffs, “How old is he? When he grows up, we are not sure whether his father can live or not. What’s the rush?”

Tang Jie is stunned and gets what he means.

“Do you understand?” Tang Yu pats him, “It’s best for you to understand. That’s our younger brother. We should take more care of him in the future, OK?”

Tang Duo and her family are also discussing Tang Ming’s son.

“Hua Yating is ready to deal with this at the house of Tang family.” Tang Cao eats porridge with purring sound, and says, “Several people of our circle have good relationship with Hua Yating. They all say that she is like a different person.”

Bai Susu also hears, but what she hears is no matter what Tang Ming bought for Bao Yi. Hua Yating wanted exactly the same. Tang Ming was keen on face-saving and he would definitely gave Hua Yating what she wanted since his daughter-in-law opened mouth.

“Mrs. Liu, who studied flower arrangement with me together, said that Tang Ming had spent nearly 10 million yuan in jewelry stores in recent months and bought double copies of everything.”

Tang Duo happily says, “Then my uncle must buy double children’s articles, too! One for his son and the other for his grandson.”

“Think about it. His grandson is two years older than his son. Gee...” Tang Yao smacks his lips, “It’s a pity that our grandpa and other elders died early, and otherwise they will jump out to kill Tang Ming the bastard!”

“How many days has Ruoxian been away?” Bai Susu asks, “Will he be able to come back before the Spring Festival?”

Lang Ruoxian went abroad on business last week. Bai Susu has always been worried that he will not be able to come back for the New Year.

“Yes, he says that he will be back the day after tomorrow.” Tang Duo glances and hears Bai Susu and Chang Pei’e whisper.

“I don’t know what kind of business he has had in the Eastern Europe. He’s always been there.”

Chang Pei’e says, “Since the company is handed over to Ruoxian, you should worry less. He knows well in his heart.”

“I didn’t mean that.” Bai Susu says, “I just wonder what kind of business there is. Do you know about it, Hua?”

Tang Duo shakes her head immediately and Tang Cao sneers, “Mom, you are so funny! Ask my sister about the business of the company. She doesn’t know anything except toward which side the company’s door opens.”

“Speak as if you know!” Tang Duo rolls her eyes toward him.

Tang Yao adds, “I also know toward which side the company door opens!”

Bai Susu puts her hand on her forehead and once again feels that her daughter is lucky, and their family is also lucky. Because they have Lang Ruoxian as their good son-in-law, who is so capable and kind to her daughter.

Their good son-in-law Lang Ruoxian is taking part in an auction in R Country. He buys a set of blue and white porcelain plates at a high price. When he first arrived a few days ago, he gambled with a wealthy businessman whom he knew on the plane and lost 20 million yuan. Today’s auction he again gambles at high stakes, which soon attracts the attention of R Country’s business circle.

“Young Master, many people have been checking on you these days.” Shu Sheng reports to him.

Lang Ruoxian takes off his tie, “Who haven’t checked my identity?”

“At present, three families have not investigated. They also participated in the auction before, and two people also bid for the set of blue and white porcelain plates.” When Shu Sheng rummages for the names, Lang Ruoxian raises his hand to ask, “Which family did not bid?”

“Anselm Family.”

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