
Chapter 76 - Apology?

The Fler′s were uncertain what to think about Jason when he told them that he wanted to form another contract while Artemis was evolving.

She would evolve into a higher species with a much higher demand for soul energy than before and now Jason wanted to bind another beast?

Wasn′t he desperately accumulating soul energy in order to maintain a secure soulbond with Artemis?

Nevertheless, Gabriella gave him the Credits.

Seeing Jason′s determined and ambitious expression, right after he came back home from school, looking like he was beaten into a pulp, something must have happened to change his mind.

Jason pondered for a long time if he should just contract a lot of soulbonds in order to receive the shared strength of hundreds of beasts while accumulating soul energy for a single beast with high potential, but it felt wrong.

His soul world would probably able to do that because the information humanity had about soul-awakenings and soul worlds was, that one needed to have a two meters diameter soul world to hold at least an unblemished ranked beast.

Some humans had a smaller soul world and could still hold at least a wild-ranked beast while Jason′s soul world was vast, able to handle a huge quantity of beasts.

But that wasn't what he wanted as he would rather focus on quality instead of quantity.

However, after today′s fight, he finally noticed that his plan was naive.

It was important for him to use all means to reach the strength of his classmates that were stronger than him in a head-on fight, by all means.

Furthermore, Jason wanted to experiment with the Holy white bacuri fruit he obtained in Jiro-City, which was another reason for him to pick another soulbond.

Previously Jason was anxious about picking another soulbond because he was uncertain about Artemis growing speed but even so Jason estimated that she would probably need more than one month to finish her evolution.

In the meantime, Jason was confident to reach at least an innate soul energy of around ten with his rapid soul energy reproduction speed.

Right now his soul energy was already around 6.7 units large, while 4 were used up by Artemis at the moment.

His innate soul energy, after deducting Artemis shared soul energy from his soul world amplification, would be around 5.4 right now.

Today′s fight changed his train of thoughts completely as he wanted to grow his soul energy as soon as possible to avoid getting beaten up.

Since he awakened his eyes and finished the soul-awakening, Jason was never as close to deaths doors as today... If he hadn't used his eyes [Abyss-Effect], he would be either heavily injured or maybe even dead.

He wanted to use the holy white bacuri fruit for a non-potential beast to test out his purity theory.

As such he made an appointment to enter Cyro-city′s Beast Pagoda first floor.

Before Jason thought, he would have to wait at least a few weeks to enter the Beast Pagoda, but somehow the first floor of the beast pagoda had many free dates left which were completely different from the second, third, and following floors, that had a long queue.

Thinking for a moment, Jason realized why this was the case.

In his old hometown, there were all kinds of beasts below the magical beast rank on the same floor, while this wasn′t the case for Cyro- city.

Here, every rank had its own floor and Jason obviously selected the wild beast floor which not many people in Cryo-city used for a soulbond.

In Cyro-city it would be shameful to form a contract with a non-potential wild beast and the Beast Pagoda itself did not have strong wild beasts with a high-potential.

Even if they had, these beasts would be immediately sold to some big families with unfortunate soul-awakenings, where their soul energy was just too week to contract higher-ranked beasts.

Jason decided to select the appointment for tomorrow after school and he immediately notified the others with a short message, that they wouldn't worry about him like today where he came back late.

After that, Jason was still not tired and he opened one of the books he received today, which was about magical herbs and plants.

It was relatively interesting and only after a few hours passed, Jason became tired.

He decided to go to sleep, not without forgetting to become excited about going to school and picking his second soulbond.


Jason woke up a little bit later than normal and it was already 6 am.

The first thing he did were his morning exercises before he washed up and going down to eat breakfast.

Gabriella was placing the last dishes on the table when Jason arrived and it looked like Malia and Greg were either sleeping or washing up.

They talked a little bit with each other but his Aunt didn't ask him, what kind of beast he wanted to pick, which Jason found weird, as she should be curious about it.

This was exactly the case and she wanted to know more about Jason′s sudden decision to pick another soulbond like, `Why now and not later?` or `how` this sudden change happened, but she didn't want to ruin the atmosphere.

Jason wasn't sure what he would answer if she asked about what kind of beast he wanted to bind as he himself was unsure about that.

Minutes passed and the siblings went down almost at the same time, greeting everyone heartily before they began eating breakfast as Mark arrived as the last one.

Breakfast was the only meal everyone ate together and the mood was relaxing for the mind.

Nobody asked Jason any questions even if they were curious and instead of asking him anything, Jason was curious about Greg′s first day in school.

Apparently, Greg was in class 23 out of 50 and that was solely because of his soul-awakening.

Greg′s ranking was in the middle area within his class, thanks to the high physical amplification he received from his soul world, which frustrated him, but there wasn't anything he could do about it.

He could only train hard in order to increase his ranking over time and Greg knew that his determination was more than enough to allow him that.

His mana core rank was only at the 3rd Adept and almost all of his classmates were at the 7th Adept rank, which shocked even Malia.

In her junior year, she was in class 5 with her 3 ? star soul-awakening while her mana core was 8th Adept and now everyone in class 23 should be almost at the same mana core rank as her? Wasn't that too exaggerated? And if that was true, what about the classes above? Were there already 14-year-old experts?

Malia was shocked about such talent because it would be extremely strenuous for 14-year old students to enter the expert rank as she herself only reached this rank when she was 14 years and three months old which was already considered extremely fast.

She wouldn't brag about her mana gathering and absorbing talent in public but she was extremely confident in it, thus it was much more shocking to her than anyone else.

Jason was more astonished that Greg was ranked in the middle area of his class because mana core rank was the worst in class, even though his combat prowess was exceptional in combination with the physical boost because of the reinforced horned bull.

Normally, Greg shouldn′t have such a high ranking and Jason wondered if either Greg′s talent towards martial arts were superior or if the classmates were just below average in fighting against humans.

After eating breakfast, it was already 7:20 am and Jason changed into his second school uniform as his first set was still smelling awful.

He sent it to a special cleaning company before the shuttle arrived that would bring him to school.

It shuttle arrived at school when Jason finished practicing the Heaven's Hell technique and there were a still few minutes left before school would start when he entered his classroom.

Upon seeing Jason, everyone was silent causing him to hesitant slightly as over 200 pairs of eyes stared at him with question marks in their eyes and doubtful expressions.

When he sat down, he saw Leo Heart walking up to him with a straight back, when Jason noticed that there wasn′t any anger or arrogance in his eyes left, as Leo cleared his throat

"Hey, Jason...I think I have to apologize to you about yesterday...I was too impulsive and It wasn't my intention to seriously injure or kill you. I thought the teacher would stop our fight before something happened but apparently, that wasn′t the case.

I don′t what you did to me yesterday, but after I woke up, I could clearly think about many things while being reminded of the endless darkness I saw.

Sorry again and let′s not hate each other, okay?"

Leo turned around and sat down on his seat when their classmates looked at Leo in shock.

Some of them were in the same middle-school as he was and it was extremely shocking to see him saying sorry. And this to the second last rank with a mana core of the 5th Novice rank??


Wait!! 5th Novice rank… some students released mana treads and scanned Jason′s core because they noticed something different

6th Novice rank!! He broke through?? When?

Unbeknownst to them, Jason broke into the 6th Novice rank before the class ranking battles even began.

But for Jason, it was relatively shocking to see that Leo was completely fine after he activated the [Abyss effect] of his eyes with his highest capabilities.

`Leo was completely fine and he even fixed his bad attitude because of it? Weird...` he thought as it was weird.

Jason asked himself once again, what exactly his eyes were as normal mana eyes couldn't do things as his could do.

But before he could continue the train of thoughts, Mr.Greil walked inside for today′s theoretical lessons were taught.

Theoretical lessons were the most annoying thing for some muscle brains who only wanted to learn martial art techniques as they demonstrated their unwillingness.

But Mr.Greil didn't mind their attitude, as long as they didn′t interrupt the lessons with their noises.

Time passed uncontrollably and it was already 4 pm when school was over.

Jason learned many new things and his mind was like a sponge absorbing all information provided without distinguishing between important and useless information.

On his lunch break, Jason practiced the Heaven's Hell technique.

Somehow he began talking to a few people in his class, about school lessons. as Jason's knowledge was distinct, while even Leo came to them.

He wasn't sure what exactly happened but after being an outcast for a single day, Jason was surrounded by his classmates.

If he knew that his eyes were partially responsible for this scenario as people felt comfortable around him, many more questions would torment his mind.

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