
Chapter 961 - Destruction

He didn't even touch the body of the being that had charged toward him, and merely looked at them with a cold glint in his eyes.

Yet, it was just a moment later that the entire surrounding seemed to have been deprived of the powerful winds that had been pounding on the Cultivators.

The winds had just disappeared as if they had never existed, to begin with.

This caused everyone to up their guard, only for their attention to be drawn to the Sacred Elvyr, whose entire body seemed to be overflowing with energy.

It was merely a fraction of a second after he thrust his hand forward that vibrated a bit that something else occurred.

The face of the five beings that had attempted to use the chaos in order to approach and kill Jason, paled.

It turned into an azure color as if they knew what was going to happen.

However, instead of moving away, their speed increased while the green liquid was compressed, and strengthened their defenses.

"DIEEE!!" They shouted in unison, ready to mercilessly kill whoever would dare cross their path.

But contrary to their deepest hopes, the five Cultivators' movements stopped in their entirety.

It was at this moment that they realized that a more formidable foe had appeared right in front of them.

Unable to move even a muscle, they could only feel how the pressure weighing on their body increased.

First, it was as if their weight had doubled, but it kept increasing to several times their former weight.

Only after seconds had passed did they notice that their senses had been disrupted too.

Neither could they hear something, and what their touch told them was utterly dumbfounding.

Everything around them had sealed, and even the liquid wall was pressed into their body causing them to suffocate.

Yet, the worst was that the Sacred Elvyr didn't even seem to move after he had shot his hand out in the air in a seemingly nonchalant manner.

Despite perceiving this, the reality was different.

After all, the Sacred Elvyr had used the surrounding winds in order to seal off the movements of the five beings that had attempted to move away and rendered them as statues.

Afterward, he used his wind affinity to narrow the remaining space around the blue skinned beings.

In the end, the Sacred Elvyr didn't even know what race the beings in front of him belonged to.

But that didn't matter, to begin with as they were bound to die at any moment.

Gathering the surrounding winds within his body, the Sacred Elvyr's cold emerald eyes gazed at the beings before the corner of his lips curled upward just a little to form a smirk.

It was nearly impossible to detect, but the five beings in front of the Sacred Elvyr could clearly perceive it.

His eyes were devoid of any emotion save contempt, making their eyes widened in shock as they tried to plead for mercy.

But mercy was not something they were ought to receive.

To be precise, the Sacred Elvyr was quite annoyed right now.

He had been dragged out of his well-deserved cultivation just to rescue the halfling of Celestia Yaldra, who was unable to show up himself as he would attract too much attention.

The Sacred Elvyr was not even sure if Manyr would be able to cope with the concealed energy fluctuations of the Celestia, but that was not something he should be worried about.

Rather, his focus was on ensuring that, Jason left Manyr unscathed.

And the faster this happened the better it was for the Sacred Elvyr too.

Thus, instead of wasting more time with the peasants right in front of him, the Sacred Elvyr manifested a fifty-meter-long spear with the use of his wind affinity.

The spear was right next to him, while the Sacred Elvyr had yet to move once again.

Thrumming with seemingly endless energy, the wind spear caused every single being to frown as they began to realize what kind of being had appeared in front of them; a true monster!

Even the others that had eyed other with contempt and had been a second away to fight with their life on the line could only swallow their saliva as they sensed the might of the wind spear.

After all, the spear was strong enough to annihilate each of them the moment they were hit.

This also included the young Apostel of the Shakiya race, who visibly paled as one apparent thought manifested in his mind.

'If I flee now, I might be punished for intentionally ignoring an order, but I should be able to stay alive…'

The Apostel of the Shakiya race was not the only one thinking like him.

Rather, everyone seemed to have a similar, if not the exact same thought flashing through their minds.

Nobody was unaffected by the demonstration of the seemingly simple manifestation of the wind spear.

It looked like the time in their surrounding had frozen as the movements of the other beings ceased, only for one particular move to attract everyone's attention.

The Sacred Elvyr barely retracted his hand by a few centimeters, only to thrust forward once again.

However, this time, nobody was shackled by the surroundings' winds.

Instead, the five beings that had been sealed in a small space had been released.

Under normal circumstances, this would have made them happy, but not right now as they perceived something that shook them to the core.

A quarter of a second after the Sacred Elvyr had shot out his hand for a second time, the wind spear that had just been manifested disappeared from their sight, only for a shockwave to push every single being in the radius of a kilometer several meters away.

But, in the end, this was not what shocked everyone to the core.

It was the speed of the wind spear that had been released that shot through the air, breaking through the sound barrier the moment it had been released.

Never in their life had anyone perceived such a terrifying speed, and certainly not fired by someone at the same cultivation base as their own.

As such, even before anyone knew, the five beings that had charged towards Jason, followed by three more beings that had been in the trajectory of the wind spear, simply vanished.

Somehow, it felt as if they had never existed.

The only sign of their existence was the smell of iron in the air.

Yet, before everybody could recover from their shock, a thunderous explosion shook the area around them.

Never stopping to advance, the wind spear hadn't vanished the moment it had pierced through some of the Sacred Elvyr's target.

Instead, the wind spear had shot in the ground, which it had reached the instant it had been released.

It was only the sound of it swishing through the air that reached everyone half a second later, causing the Mecynar stage Cultivators, whether they were old or young, to take a look at the impact site.

Out of nowhere, a huge crater, the size of several dozen kilometers appeared on the ground, revealing the massive and thick roots of the Dimitra Helios tree.

The tree's roots seemed to have been severely damaged, but that was not something anyone could give a damn about.

After all, everyone's minds was finding it hard to process and accept the difference between their own strength and the being that seemed to try protecting their designated target, Jason.

Once the first Mecynar stage Cultivator had recovered from his shock, he began to retreat instinctively.

Knowing that he was unable to face this terrifying monster, the Apostle of the Shakiya prepared to leave in an instant as well.

He was ready to use his entire strength at once in order to exceed the speed that the Sacred Elvyr was likely to be able to reach.

After all, the Apostle had been praised for his high speed that rivaled newly advanced Demi-Gods!

Unfortunately, luck was not on his side today, as he sensed how his entire body, including his wings, turned stoic as tremendously strong wind currents were bombarded him from all sides.

"Where do you think you are going, brat??"

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