
169 Chapter 169

“Why don’t we all check out the climbing walls tomorrow? I hear they’re incredibly complex and should be a proper challenge even for you two with incredibly strong systems.” Breckenridge suggested as they finished their afternoon snack.

“There is a cavern system with an entrance at the top that contains its own ecosystem, with life forms that are only found here on planet Comor. This planet was originally habitable with its own flora base, so the native plant life is completely unique, unlike the plants on so many of the terraformed worlds.” Nico added, more interested in the exploration aspect.

“Then from the caves to the waterfall for lunch? I saw on the brochure that the main kitchen will deliver a picnic lunch there for you on request.” Catan agreed.

It was at the end of the cave, so not at all out of their way, and a few hours of exercise would do them all a world of good after slacking all week. Max had gotten so used to his workout routine that even a few days off was starting to make him feel like he was being lazy and abandoning his obligations.

“It’s a plan then. Should we come to get you two at say seven in the morning so we can get breakfast and enjoy the sunrise?” Max asked, and Catan nodded..

“That would be good. The sun here is a very interesting color, and the sunrises are supposed to be the most vivid shade of blue. I’ve been looking forward to it for a while. We will likely stay out and watch it set as well.” The infantry Captain told Max with a wink.

Their balconies both had great skyline views, but the one that Max and Nico were in faced the morning light, while the one Captain Catan was in faced the sunset. Both were incredible views in their own right, but given the option, Sunset was usually preferable on vacation, just so you didn’t have the morning sun in your eyes when you woke up.

Max and Nico had just retired to their room when Nico sighed and closed the curtains, before turning to the bathroom and doing the same, then hanging a bathrobe over the inside of the curtain.

“What’s up with that? Adaptation migraines form the light?” Max asked. It was a common side effect of ocular implants, and hers were still relatively new after all.

“No, my thermal indicator found what looked like a person with a camera in the woods, trying to evade the security sweep. It’s most likely Paparazzi again, the same as when we were out with Lu, and at the Orbital Resort. They’re vultures hanging around anywhere they think they might find someone famous in a scandal.”

It sounded a bit harsh, but she wasn’t really wrong. The sorts of people who wanted to be “Celebrity Reporters” as they called themselves were usually highly narcissistic failed influencers and not anything resembling decent journalists.

“Hopefully they get it sorted. All ten winners plus their guests will be here today, so it is sort of prime time for the paparazzi.” Max agreed, stripping down to take a shower before changing clothes.

It was hot here, and something more relaxing was the obvious choice. Fortunately, he had a collection of beach wear to choose from that was all light cloth, breathable, and minimally covering.

“There’s an infinity pool next to the hotel that overlooks the woods if you want to relax there. The water is not too warm, and there are beverages waiting there.” Nico suggested.

They still had a few hours to dinner, so that would be just the thing to kill some time. Nico changed into a bikini under a pink yukata with sandals, while Max went for a more normal set of long swim shorts with one of the black floral shirts the Game Company had provided them.

The amenities list said that there were towels at the pool, as well as lounge chairs, a fire pit, and some other amenities, so they didn’t bother to bring anything with them, only stopping to make sure that the door was properly encoded to their fingerprint. It was unlikely that such a luxurious place would make such a simple mistake, but it was better to be safe than end up locked out of your room.

When they arrived at the pool, the gamer known as Lord PockyPock was already there, with a nearly nude lady hanging off of him that Max assumed was the fan he had chosen to accompany him on the trip. They had set up their camera and lighting already, it seemed, and were doing a short spot for his stream.

The camera was off to the side with a great view overlooking the pool and the forest, but it did not belong to the streamer. It was also an amenity of the hotel, for their social media famous guests, so that the best view in the area was never taken. They just needed to wait until it was free.

There was a subtle lineup, other famous folk lounging on the chairs to get a turn to film for their next day’s broadcasts, or their social media stream, but Max and Nico avoided that end of the area and headed for the end of the pool where the staff was waiting on other guests, who were alternating between the water and the lounge chairs.

The evaporating water helped keep everyone cool in the afternoon heat, while advanced sunscreens prevented skin damage. Max had totally forgotten about that, having spent so much time inside his mecha that the outdoor elements were a foreign thing to him these days. Nico forgot because she was made of metal, and it simply didn’t matter to her.

Once she saw the wealthy vacationers applying it, she caught on fast, and commandeered a bottle from one of the nearby staff members, along with a pair of towels for the lounge chairs.

“I got the oily shine version. You do my back and I will do yours?” Nico asked, making Max smile.

She was up to something, mostly attracting attention for her own amusement, but she was avoiding thinking about whatever it was she was really planning, so Max couldn’t tell her not to do it.

Max took the first turn and watched as the guys nearby stealthily snuck peeks at him applying the suntan oil. But when it was Nico’s turn, it was obvious she was posing as she applied the oil to him. She didn’t even stop at his back, and did all of his front as well, as the distracted social media starlets gawked in envy.

The civilian men might spend some time at the Gym, but most of them had low-ranked systems, so their bodies were no match for Max’s technology-enhanced physique. He wasn’t overly bulky, but even his muscles seemed to have muscles these days, and the System deemed almost all fat storage as redundant and unnecessary.

“I know what you’re thinking. It’s all about that pretty face you’ve got.” Nico whispered while Max sighed at all the attention he was getting.

He was definitely going to be in a lot of Keplergram feeds tomorrow.

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