
Chapter 354 354 Vacation Destination

Max raced down the tunnels after the Innu, who he could hear discussing the technology used to create the gravity slides all the way to their destination.

Despite having technology that was well above what was displayed aboard Terminus, the Innu were having the time of their lives. It seemed that the way humans and Innu thought was a very different process, and they had never considered using basic technology, as they called it, for pure entertainment would be so much fun.

And then they arrived at the more adult of the two sections of the waterpark and were greeted by the smell of freshly baked snacks and servers with drinks for them.

"We should call for more people. It\'s kind of cool, like an exclusive pass, but I think it would be even better if we had more people." One of the Innu suggested.

"That\'s a great idea. Another thousand people would make for a great party. But do you really want to send a message home and let your parents find out what happened?" Another questioned the decision.

"Hmm, you have a point. Oh, there is the Commander. Are there more guests around?" One of the Innu in their matching swimsuits asked, and Max began to wonder just how they told each other apart.

They looked so similar that he couldn\'t tell at a glance and needed to memorize small details until he could pick out a specific one in his memory. They also didn\'t often refer to each other by name in their thoughts, at least not from the parts that Max could understand.

"There aren\'t any other guests, but there will be members of the crew coming by later. This is a fairly popular spot. There will also be a holographic movie playing in the theater at the end of this area, and I am told that a lot of people wanted to watch it from the water." Max replied.

The movie was "The Life and Times of the Cygnus Otter" a documentary about a fluffy aquatic mammal that was known for its intelligence and ability to dive to extreme depths. Animal documentaries had always been popular among the Mecha Pilots for some reason, likely as a break from their day-to-day reality.

[Scans are underway of the Yacht that the Innu arrived on. Keep them entertained and we should be finished within twenty-four hours.] Nico informed Max over his communicator.

[Has anyone been notified?] Max asked.

[The crew of the yacht followed protocol and sent a request for parts to their local warranty dealer, since the vessel is nearly new. They will be arriving in a few days.

We could have repaired the damage to the crystals, but since the vessel is under warranty, the owner insisted that the dealership send their own technicians here to effect the repairs.

We will also be expecting more guests to arrive with the repair team. When they opened the link back to their home world, the pending social media messages that the Innu had prepared all posted, and it seems that their visit here on Terminus is going viral in real time.] Nico informed him.

[How viral are we talking about? They\'re just college students.] Max asked.

[The Gravity Slide has three hundred and seventy million views. I have routed requests for docking to the Admiral, and requests for lodging to the Cruise Staff. So far we are expecting four similar vessels on what they call an "extreme adventure vacation".

Be prepared for them to ask you for footage of the Klem as well, as most of the species don\'t believe that an insect-based species could be that violent.]

Max sighed and read the message again, wondering what he was going to do about random aliens just showing up for cruises. That wasn\'t exactly in the plan, but they came with their own vessels, so it really wasn\'t a big deal to host them and let them leave on their own schedule.

Unlike regular vacationers who needed to be picked up and dropped off at a set location, ones with interstellar yachts could do as they pleased, and only come to see the bits that they were most interested in.

"Oh, my holy bear. Look at that thing. I want one, where can we get one? Are those seriously real?" The screeching voices interrupted Max\'s thoughts, and he realized that the projectors were testing the setup for the Otter movie.

"They are very real. The movie is about their natural habitat, in another portion of this quadrant of the Galaxy." Max informed them with a smile.

"I can\'t wait to get home and tell everyone." One of the guys laughed.

"Oh, there is no need for that. Your crew has communications open so that they can talk to the Yacht yard back home, and your social media posts have been going live in real-time." Max informed them, making all the pink-skinned aliens turn very pale.

"Any word on our parents?" One of them asked nervously.

"Nothing yet. The yard is sending a repair crew in the next day or two, and there is some talk of others from your home coming to visit as well. It seems that you aren\'t the only ones that loved the idea of the gravity slides." Max laughed.

"The crew told us that there are sections that don\'t just transport too. Is it true that there is a loop? Like a tumbling waterfall?" Someone asked.

"There are loops, drops, one section that has a large jump, dropping you into a deep pool after ten meters of flying through the air. The slides are much more than just transport. You can check the maps on the wall once you finish watching the movies. I know that the Innu are pretty good with technology, so following the map shouldn\'t be an issue."

Over the next ten minutes, nearly a hundred crew members with floating toys gathered in the pools to get ready for the movie, earning envious looks from the Innu.

"The toys are over there on the wall to your right, or you can just ask the staff to bring you some," Max whispered, and a few of the girls took off running to get the best toys, returning with a matched pair of inflatable duck pattern inner tubes.

"OTTERS!" the crew cheered as the movie started and Max retreated to let the people who were actually off duty have their fun.

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