
Chapter 363 363 Live At Nine

Nothing had been found, and the Scourge hadn\'t made it close enough to them for anything to breach security, but it was still best to be absolutely sure before returning to a populated world.

[Welcome Back Terminus, you have become quite popular it seems. Please be advised that quarantine procedures are in place for all vessels arriving with unknown species.] The communication officer of the Rae 5 Moon Base informed them.

[Understood Moon Base. We won\'t be making a landing today, only escorting a Reaver Vessel home after a Scourge attack. Arrangements for the assistance have been made with their home terminal already.] Nico informed the base staff.

Max directed the First Battalion\'s ship to return to their dock, while he watched the location update broadcast to all of the incoming vessels who had reservations to dock with Terminus.

That should be an amusing wake-up call for the Reavers since they had never seen a vessel like most of these before, and they were all coming to visit Terminus.

[Hey Max, did you know that you\'re famous? I\'ve got a link to the Innu Social Media sites active now, and the live stream of you in combat with the Mobile Suit is a real hit. "Malevolent AI meets AI-enhanced soldiers." is the headline over the entire Innu-dominated section of their network.

You know how they are about technology, and they have never faced an enemy like the Scourge before, so it\'s all new to them.

I don\'t think it will help the tourist numbers into this galaxy, but the Innu news media loves us for today.]

Max sighed at Nico\'s description of what she had been doing while they were gone, then decided that it was likely for the best. They could only take so many passengers, and the journey wasn\'t guaranteed to be safe, so they didn\'t need to push for mainstream status.

Once they were settled into the bay, Max tuned into the ship\'s intercom and listened to a recorded voice giving a glowing recommendation of the planet\'s natural beauty, and status as an open port among the human populations, though the passengers were warned that sadly a quarantine protocol was in effect, so they wouldn\'t be able to go to the surface today.

[Commander, we have a request for the Reavers from the Imperial Inquisition. They have detected possible Rebel activities on the border near Cygnus, and they are requesting a vessel with good trade relations with the Cygnus Empire be sent to check it out.

There is a generous payment for accurate data, and we are the perfect vessel to go.] General Ming sent to Max while the recorded voice finished its spiel about Rae 5.

[That sounds like a good time. We could invite some dignitaries aboard to come to visit our tourists. If they meet the best of humans, they might get a better impression of us than if they keep seeing us battling something.

Just give me a day to arrange cargo for the area and we can head out.] Max replied, then sent the trip plan to the Admiral and the Cargo request to Mary Tarith, who should have something going to the region, thanks to her extensive connections.

[For my favorite Son in Law? I am sure that we can find something of value going to the Cygnus border.] Mary Tarith responded only a few minutes later, followed moments later by a collection of orders that were going to the region and hadn\'t been claimed yet.

Nico walked in while Max was staring at the list of orders, stopping to massage his shoulders before heading to the showers.

"Nico, you need to talk to your mom more often. She\'s getting grandchild fever again." Max called as she walked away, making the Cyborg laugh at him.

"Try it yourself. None of my System Functions are compatible with the task of changing my mother\'s mind." Nico replied, then turned on the water, drowning out Max\'s response.

Like that was possible. Every time he talked to her, Max found himself caught up in her pace, dragged along to whatever the woman had already decided to do. It was an incredible personality trait for a Reaver leader to have, but it was more than a little annoying when he was trying to redirect her.

Max picked a shipment that was coming from the Moon Base, a cargo hold full of refined polymers that were going to the very same system where the Cygnus Representative was supposedly meeting with the rebels.

​ That was suspiciously convenient like they wanted a Reaver ship present for some reason, likely to hire as assistance for whatever plan they had cooked up. But, if he was taking the offer from the Imperial Inquisition, it was the best possible bit of luck, even if it was clearly suspicious, and likely a trap.

[We also have a code Vermillion shipment from the base itself directly to you, Commander. Two crates marked highly volatile.] The communication officers on the bridge informed Max as he placed the order and got ready to receive the barge from the Moon Base, since they were under quarantine, due to the unknown species aboard.

[Have them arrive directly in the empty cargo hold next to the First Battalion. All sensor equipment and cameras in that bay will be disabled effective immediately.] Max ordered.

"Nico, you heard that, right? Be a dear and take care of it for me would you." Max yelled to his second-in-command, who was still in the shower.

"Got it. The bay is secure, only you, me, and Inquisitor General Ming will have access to the bay." Nico yelled back, then turned off the water and came strutting back out to grab fresh clothes.

"Damn Nico, you really are putting in work to get that body modified." Max whistled as she walked by with an extra sway in her hips and a smile on her face.

"Of course. Just wait and see, it\'s going to be amazing once I\'m finished."

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