
Chapter 433 433 Arrival

After Max finished his talk with the Innu Nomads, he returned to his office to get ready for the meetings. This time he wouldn't switch into the flamboyant Reaver Garb or the usual Mobile Suit. Instead, he would remain in the new augmentic bodysuit, which appeared slightly less armored, but was, in fact, much more powerful and durable than the old armors were.

[Commander, we have a message from Klux. They welcome us to their star system and repeat their request for us to dock at the end of the station, stating it is the only location large enough for a vessel our size.] Admiral Drake informed him.

[Excellent timing. Alert the security team that is on duty to meet Nico and me in the cargo bay.] Max informed him and turned to leave his office.

The suit really did look a bit plain, Max thought, so he had the ensuite materials printer make him an oversized coat, a full-length trenchcoat in black leather with gold spikes and buttons, then slipped it over the armor.

That was much better. Very post-apocalyptic warlord when combined with the new pattern of body armor.

Being a Reaver Commander, he had appearances to maintain, so he placed the helmet in the flat space storage of his new watch, then had the replicator make a flask of Rum and a bowl of assorted candies, placing them in the space along with his helmet.

It was strange how things stayed exactly where he placed them, not settling to the bottom or being affected by his own movement, but it was certainly convenient. This way, he could keep the full armor suit with him at all times in case he happened to need it in a hurry.

That gave him another great idea. If they could make dog tags with the flat space technology, every soldier could have backup storage for gear that they never needed to take off. Most Pilots, himself included, hadn't taken them off since they entered the academy. There simply wasn't any reason to.

When Max arrived at the bay, Nico was waiting, and the security team was on their way. They had five minutes until they docked at the Klux station, so he took the time to explain his idea about convenient storage inside dog tags to Nico, who was overseeing new product development.

"I don't see why not. They would need to be half a centimeter thick since that's the best that we can do for miniaturization for now, but that isn't too excessive, and many of the Pilots already put a rubber trim ring on them for decoration." Nico replied after a moment's thought.

That was still fairly heavy and large for a tag, but hanging from a chain around your neck, under your uniform, seemed like the best place to keep a storage device, in Max's opinion.

Terminus shuddered slightly as it came to a stop, the effect only noticeable because they were at the outer edge of the ship next to the bay door, which transmitted the vibration and noise directly to them.

[Docking successful. Atmosphere balanced. Station checks clean of communicable diseases. Preparing to open bay doors.] Admiral Drake reported.

The barrier over the door didn't lower when the doors opened, meaning that there would be no atmospheric mixing between the station and the ship, but the safety precautions were standard procedure, and a rapid change in pressure could cause significant damage to the human body.

"Commander Keres, Lady Tarith. My name is Joseph. First Among Equals here in Klux. It is a pleasure to receive you in our small system." The burly man on the station side of the barrier greeted them.

"The pleasure is all ours, Lord Joseph. Please do enter. The barrier will not stop you." Nico greeted him politely.

The man seemed a bit shocked as he passed through the barrier, leaving behind a wisp of dust and dirt off his clothing as the barrier skimmed the contaminants off him the same as it would any vessel or other object that entered Terminus.

His military uniform was rather plain but with the markings of a General, and the entourage behind him wore nearly identical uniforms but with less impressive hats.

"I am surprised that the Reavers thought of us for a Trade Alliance. As we all know, the Klux system doesn't export much of extreme value. We have been cut off from ship manufacturing for many years, so our access to repair parts for the asteroid mining facilities is limited, and our primary industry is farming." Lord Joseph said once his team was on board and then settled into one of the two luxurious recliners prepared for his team.

It appeared that he didn't bring a second in command at all and simply came himself, as the planetary Governor, to do the negotiations.

"That is part of what makes you perfect for an early entry into the Alliance. You lack the technology that we have, as well as access to open trade that would help your people increase productivity beyond subsistence.

Klux is admittedly not a military power, but you are also not an aggressive force, and the cornerstone of our deal is a non-aggression and mutual defense agreement. The more humans that we can ally with, the more peaceful we can make our portion of space, with the goal to stop interstellar wars between humans." Nico explained.

"So, you want to create one nation?" Lord Joseph asked dubiously.

"Not at all. That never works. We want to make one large trade alliance with thousands of member nations who don't fight each other. The Reavers have no intention of governing anyone. We just want everyone working together, so we can trade in peace and deal with outside threats in a unified manner." Nico informed him.

"So, it's not part of what the Cygnus Empire is up to now that the Kepler Empire has fallen?" He asked.

"They intend to join the alliance once they have settled the situation with their neighbors. Obviously, they aren't qualified quite yet, given the current violence, but they have agreed in principle to join once their more violent neighbors are brought under control."

That made sense to the leader, but he still had a lot more questions. Joining an alliance led by the species' most notorious rogue merchants wasn't a spur-of-the-moment decision that he would make on behalf of his planet.

"Why don't we start by showing you the basic technologies that we intend to trade to every member of the alliance in order to improve their living conditions?" Nico suggested.

Every eye in the Klux team lit up at that suggestion. Being shown the highest level of technology during the very first hour of their meetings was a good sign that the Reavers really meant what they said and that they would not be withdrawing their offer due to the nation's low status or outside pressure.

"That would be a welcome diversion. I have heard that the Reavers are trading a materials printer technology to their proposed members. Do you have a sample here with you?" Lord Joseph asked.

"More than a sample. We have units here to trade, and we may be able to offer you one as a signing bonus should you agree to the terms of the Trade Alliance."

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