
Chapter 567 567 Much Fanfare

The meetings hadn\'t even started yet the next day when Max began to get a headache. The emissaries from the incoming group demanded full fanfare, a parade, and a celebratory holiday announcing the honor of having been graced with their presence.

"I will give them a parade. Right back out the airlock." Nico muttered as she read through the list of demands they had presented.

"They are testing you to see how much of a pushover the humans are likely to be. The more amenable you are to demands, the easier it is to fold you into the Alliance\'s rigid set of internal rules." The Illithid explained.

"In that case, send back this message. Holidays are specific to a ship\'s crew and require a great victory or an equally devastating loss of life. This day does not yet meet our standards. Parades are not part of our culture, but we are willing to organize a feast in your honor with the finest variety of human cuisine." Max informed Nico, who chuckled as she sent the message back.

​ "Now they want to know the details of the security escort that will ensure their safety on the way to the meeting area."

"You know what, send the Fourth and Fifth Battalions, plus all infantry. Fully armed, including Light Mecha. The heavy Mecha Pilots can switch to augmentic armor and personally escort the group to the meeting room. Just have them form a double line for the whole fifty meters from the hangar to the secure room. Oh, and have the female Pilots at both doors since it will make the Hunters happy."

"They seem to be under the assumption that we will be holding the event on the planet. Should I clarify for them that Reavers are a ship-based segment of human culture, or should I tell them that our planets are off limits to outsiders until an agreement is made?" Nico asked.

"Are you trying to pick a fight with them?"

"Not all of them. We really should have found some entertainment in advance. This is going to be such a boring day." She sighed.

"Brave of you to assume that this will only take one day."

Both Max and Nico groaned at the Illithid\'s reminder, but they sent the most diplomatic version of the message that they could and prepared for the arrival of their visitors.

At the very least, the group was punctual. They arrived only an hour after the arrangements were confirmed, giving them just enough time to get the escort in place and ready.

"Everyone outside of a Mecha, move your weapons to the flat space storage. You are an honor guard today, and we will not likely be in any danger. They\'re just feeling important and wanted a show." Max reminded his unit as they formed a double line down the walls of the twenty-meter-wide corridor.

The envoys landed in a suitably pompous-looking shuttle, not overly large but covered in gold and delicately etched writing that made the whole thing look more like a decoration than a working vessel.

The assorted envoys strolled out, looking incredibly proud of themselves, each accompanied by a pair of bodyguards.

Some looked quite capable and dangerous, like the pair of young Huntresses accompanying their envoy, but most of them seemed to be more in the nature of maids. None of them were carrying visible weapons, but with their level of technology, that didn\'t mean much, but most of them were in some sort of uniform dress, which was completely unsuited to combat.

Max was no fool, he knew that peace and no interstellar wars were two very different things, but the image that the envoys were trying to put forth was one of unconcerned nobility.

[Prepare for some bloated introductions, and then we can get started.] Max reminded his companions.

[Allow me to do our side, I have experience in these matters.] His Illithid advisor suggested, sending the mental equivalent of a smirk along with it.

"Human supplicants, you have the honor of standing before High Lord Immanuel of the Volga, kneel, and we will offer you privileges beyond your imagination." The small man covered in gold and jewels announced before anyone else could speak.

"I think we prefer the Hunter tradition. Send forth the greatest female warrior of your species, and we shall duel for your vessel and the lives of its crew instead." The Illithid announced.

The Alliance envoys stopped dead in their tracks and stared at the Illithid for a moment, trying to understand what just happened, while the Volga representative glared at them with clear disdain and hatred.

[Please, please, please. . .] Nico was repeating in her head while the envoys gathered their wits.

"I didn\'t expect to see an Illithid here with such a primitive species. Was the Alliance perhaps trying to get ahead of us and sent a representative in advance?" The Volga envoy asked.

"On the contrary, your presence simply escaped our notice, so when we began expanding our staff to include other species, we found Innu, Illithid, Hunters, Shin, and Valkia, but we didn\'t learn of the existence of the Volga until the Alliance informed us you would be present today," Max informed him.

"I see. It seems that your species is a rather militant culture." The Volga High Lord stated though he looked more confused than anything else.

"This Galaxy is home to many violent creatures, both sentient and semi-sentient. Violence is an essential part of human existence, but not quite as strong as it is for the Hunters. Humans enjoy a challenge, but the pure joy they had shown when we introduced Huntress Khan to the Klem infestations was beyond anything they were accustomed to.

It was really quite a wholesome experience all around. We do love to see others enjoying themselves, which is why we have opened a cruise ship and multi-species Academy here aboard Terminus." The Illithid explained.

The Huntress and her companions looked overjoyed at the words while the envoys from the Alliance were frantically recalculating how they expected this meeting to go. The Volga envoy was quietly wishing he had ignored the message about the meeting and had come here individually when he might have been able to properly pressure the humans without the Alliance and Hunters present to rebut him.

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